If you have questions after reading this manual, please call our toll-free Customer Care Hot Line. The trained technicians
on our Customer Care Hot Line will provide immediate assistance.
Customer Care Hot Line: 1-866-603-Jump(5867) Monday—Friday, 8a.m.—5p.m. MountainTime
Read the assembly, installation, care, maintenance, and use instructions in this manual prior to assembling and
using this trampoline. Save this manual for future reference.
High Wind: The trampoline can be blown around by high winds. If you expect high winds, the trampoline
should be moved to a sheltered location, taken apart, or tied down to the ground with ropes and stakes (NOT
INCLUDED). At least four ropes and four stakes should be used. Make sure to attach the ropes to the top of the
frame: DO NOT simply secure the legs or the bases to the ground, as they can seperate from the frame sockets.
The top of the stakes should be at ground level so they will not create a tripping hazard. In addition, the top of
the stakes should be covered, if necessary, so that users will not be injured by falling on the stakes. The manufactures warranty does not cover any type of wind or weather damage.
instructions in this manual before you use the trampoline enclosure. Warnings and instructions for care, maintenance, and use of this
trampoline enclosure are included to promote safe, enjoyable use of this equipment.
It is the responsibility of the owner and supervisors of the
trampoline and enclosure to make sure all users obey the safety
instructions given in this manual. The trampoline should only be
used with mature, knowledgeable supervision.
Secure the trampoline and trampoline enclosure against unauthorized and unsupervised use. If you use a ladder to get on and off
the trampoline, be sure to remove it when the trampoline and
enclosure are not being used.
Be sure there is enough clear space above the trampoline and
enclosure before use. It is best to have at least 24 feet (7.3 meters)
of clear space above the ground. This space must be clear of
wires, tree limbs, and any other possible hazards.
Lateral (sidewise) clearance is very important. Do not place the
trampoline and enclosure near walls, buildings, fences, sidewalks,
and other play areas. Always keep a clear space on all sides of the
trampoline and enclosure.
Remove any objects that could interfere with the performer.
Maintain a clear area around and under the trampoline.
Be sure the trampoline and enclosure are on a level surface before use.6.
Always inspect the trampoline and enclosure before each use.
Make sure that the frame, padding, netting, enclosure tubes, and
foam sleeves are correctly and securely positioned. Replace any
worn, defective, or missing parts. (Jumpers may be hurt if the
trampoline and enclosure are used when they are in poor condition.)
To reduce the risk of serious injury, read and follow all of the warnings, precautions, and
Do not attach anything to the enclosure barrier that is not a
manufacturer-approved accessory or part of the enclosure system.
Please remove any jewelry before jumping begins. Jewelry may
get caught in the enclosure netting.
Wear clothing free of drawstrings, hooks, loops, or anything that
could be caught in while using the trampoline/enclosure and
result in entanglement and strangulation, or both.
DO NOT let more than one person inside the trampoline
enclosure at the same time. Two or more people jumping at the
same time can cause serious injury.
DO NOT jump on the trampoline while you have or are holding
any objects, especially something sharp or breakable.
DO NOT use the trampoline and enclosure if you have been
using alcohol or drugs.
DO NOT attempt or allow summersaults (flips) on trampoline.
Landing on the head or neck can cause serious injury, paralysis,
or death, even when landing in the middle of the jumping bed.
Always climb on to and off of the trampoline. It is a dangerous
practice to jump from the trampoline to the floor or ground when
dismounting, or to jump onto the trampoline when mounting.
DO NOT use the trampoline as a springboard to other objects.
Bounce only when the surface of the mat (bed) is dry. There
should be very little or no wind or air movement. The trampoline
and enclosure must not be used in gusty or severe winds.
The trampoline and enclosure frames are made of metal. They are
not grounded and will conduct electricity. For this reason, an
electrocution hazard exists. No lights, electric heaters, extension
cords, or household electrical appliances are to be permitted in or
on the trampoline or enclosure at any time.
Use the trampoline and enclosure in an area with lots of light. If
the trampoline and enclosure are indoors or in shady areas you
may need to use artificial (electrical) lighting in the area.
During the winter months the trampoline soft materials will need
to be removed and stored in a dry place. If left up in the winter
months it may cause damage to the springs, jump mat, spring pad
and enclosure. The warranty will be void
This trampoline and enclosure is made for users who weigh less
than 275 pounds.
Trampoline over 20 in. (51 cm) tall are not recommended for use
for use by children under 6 years of age.
The trampoline enclosure is to be used only with the size of
trampoline for which the enclosure is designed.
Misuse and abuse of the trampoline enclosure is dangerous and
can cause serious injury.
Enter and exit the enclosure only at the enclosure door or barrier
made for that purpose.
DO NOT attempt to crawl under, jump over, intentionally bounce
off of, hang from, climb on, kick, or cut the barrier netting.
While keeping head erect, focus eyes on the trampoline toward
the perimeter. This will help control bounce.
Stop bouncing by flexing knees as feet come in contact with the
trampoline bed. Learn this skill before attempting others.
Avoid bouncing too high. Stay low until bounce control and
repeated landings in the center of the trampoline can be
accomplished control in more important than height.
Avoid bouncing when tired. Keep turns short.29.
Learn Fundamental bounces and body positions thoroughly
before trying more advanced skills. A variety of trampoline
activities can be carried out performing the basic fundamentals in
various series and combinations, performing one fundamental
after another, with or feet bounces between them.
For additional information concerning the trampoline equipment
contact the manufacturer. For information concerning skill
training, contact a certified trampoline instructor.
The labels shown on this page have been
attached to the trampoline in the
indicated locations. The Safety Instructions placard will need to be attached by
the owner (see step 10). If one of the
labels or the placard is missing or
illegible, call our Customer Care Hot
Line toll-free at 1-866-603-Jump (5867),
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. until 5
p.m. Mountain Time, to order a free
replacement label or placard. Attach the
label or placard in the location shown.
The placard shown at the right was sewn to the
trampoline enclosure netting.
Note: The labels and placard are not shown
actual size.
It is possible for the trampoline and enclosure to be blown about by high winds. If you expect high winds, move the
trampoline and enclosure to a sheltered location. Disassemble (take down) the enclosure netting. Tie the trampoline frame
down to the ground using ropes and stakes (not included).
Thank you for choosing your Skywalker Trampolines brand Trampoline. The Skywalker Trampoline square
Trampolines are designed and crafted to provide many years of fun and fitness. This trampolines comes equipped with
warnings and instructions for the assembly, care, maintenance, and use of the trampoline. This information must beread
by all trampoline supervisors and users before any person is allowed to jump on the trampoline.
If you have questions after reading this manual, please call our toll-free Customer Care Hot Line at 1-866-603Jump (5867), Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. Mountain Time (excluding holidays). To help us assist
you, please mention the model and name of the trampoline when calling. (See the inside cover of this manual.)
In trampoline use, as in all active recreational sports, participants can be injured. However, there are steps that can
be taken to reduce the risk of injury. In this section, primary accident patterns are identified and the responsibilities
of supervisors and jumpers in accident prevention are described.
Somersaults (flips): Landing on your head or neck, even in the middle of the trampoline mat, increases the risk of a
broken back or neck, which can result in paralysis or death. Such events can occur when a jumper makes an error
trying to perform a forward or backward somersault (flip). Do not perform somersaults (flips) on this backyard
Multiple Jumpers: More than one jumper at a time on the trampoline increases the chance of a jumper becoming
injured by losing control of his or her jump. Jumpers may collide with one another, fall off of the trampoline, fall
onto or through the springs, or land incorrectly on the mat. The jumper weighing the least is the jumper most likely
to be injured.
Mounting and Dismounting (Getting On and Off): The trampoline mat is several feet above ground level. Jumping
from the trampoline to the ground or any other surface may result in injury. Jumping onto the trampoline from a
roof, deck, or other objects also presents a risk of injury. Smaller children may need assistance getting onto or down
from the trampoline. Climb carefully onto and off of the trampoline. Do not step onto the springs or the frame pad.
Do not grasp the frame pad to pull yourself onto the trampoline.
Striking the Frame or the Springs: Injury may result from hitting the frame or falling through the springs while
jumping or getting onto or off of the trampoline. Stay in the center of the mat when jumping. Be sure to
keep the frame pad in place to cover the frame. The frame pad is not made or intended to support the weight of the
trampoline user. Do not step or jump directly onto the frame pad.
Loss of Control: Jumpers who lose control of their jumps may land on the mat incorrectly, land on the frame or
springs, or fall off of the trampoline. A controlled jump is one where the landing is in the same spot as the takeoff.
Before learning a more difficult stunt, you should be able to do one before over and over with control .
Attempting a stunt beyond present skill levels increases the chance of loss of control. To regain control and stop
your jump, bend your knees sharply when you land.
Alcohol or Drug Use: The chance of injury increases when a jumper has consumed alcohol or taken drugs. These
substances impair a person’s reaction time, judgment, and physical coordination.
Encountering Objects: Jumping on a trampoline while other people, pets, or objects are underneath it will increase
the chance of getting hurt. Jumping while holding or having an object on the trampoline, particularly one that is
sharp or breakable, will increase the chance of injury. Placing a trampoline too close to overhead electrical wires,
tree limbs, or other objects can increase the chance of injury.
Poor Maintenance of the Trampoline: Jumpers may be injured if a trampoline is used when it is in poor condition. A
torn mat, bent frame, broken spring, or missing frame pad, for example, should be replaced before anyone is
allowed to jump. Inspect the trampoline before each use.
Weather Conditions: A wet trampoline mat is too slippery for safe jumping. Gusty or high winds can cause jumpers
to lose control. To reduce the chance of injury, use the trampoline only when the weather is good.
Access: To prevent access to the trampoline by unsupervised smaller children, the optional access ladder should
always be taken away and stored in a safe place when the trampoline is not in use.
A trampoline enclosure is a recreational product.
The information on this page and on pages identify important safety precautions. The precautions are not all-inclusive,
because an enclosure can be used in ways that this manual cannot cover completely.
To prevent pinches and cuts during enclosure use, a frame pad must be installed on the trampoline (See the trampoline
manufacturer’s instructions). The frame pad must be placed on the trampoline before the enclosure is erected. The frame
pad reduces the chance of injury from accidental contact with the springs and frame.
Adult Supervision of Children
Children using a trampoline with a trampoline enclosure must be supervised by adults. Young children must be
supervised constantly. Adults must pay particular attention to:
• things that children bring into the enclosure.
• children’s activities inside the enclosure.
• conditions inside the enclosure while children are using it.
• the way children enter and exit the enclosure.
Additional details of safety enclosure use are described below.
Electrocution Hazard Associated with the Metal Frame of the Trampoline and Enclosure
The trampoline and enclosure frames are made of galvanized steel. They are not grounded and will conduct electricity.
For this reason, an electrocution hazard exists. No lights, electric heaters, extension cords, or household electrical
appliances are to be permitted in or on the trampoline or enclosure at any time.
Hazards Associated with Entering and Leaving the Trampoline Enclosure
A trampoline enclosure installed on a trampoline is raised off the ground. The height of the enclosure increases the risk of
a fall when a jumper is entering or leaving the enclosure. Young children, especially, may have difficulty entering and
exiting the enclosure. To reduce the risk of falling, always help young children to get into and out of the enclosure.
Enter and exit the trampoline enclosure only through the door of the enclosure (the opening in the netting walls). The
trampoline mat (bed) and the netting walls of the enclosure are separate pieces. No jumper, especially young children,
should ever leave the enclosure by going out between the mat and the netting walls. Trying to get out this way creates a
risk of choking from being caught between the trampoline frame and the netting walls.
Darkness increases the chances of a fall when a jumper is entering or leaving the enclosure. Do not use the trampoline
unless there is plenty of lighting provided.
Hazards Associated with Animals, Sharp or Breakable Objects
To avoid damage to the trampoline enclosure and the trampoline, do not allow pets or other animals inside of the
enclosure. The claws and teeth of animals can damage the netting. Do not jump on the trampoline while holding or
wearing a sharp or breakable object.
The Supervisor's Role in Preventing Accidents
The Jumper's Role in Preventing Accidents
It is the responsibility of the supervisors of trampoline users to provide knowledgeable and mature supervision. They need
to know and enforce all of the rules and warnings printed in this manual to minimize the likelihood of accidents and
injuries. They also need to inform users of these rules. During periods of time when supervision is unavailable or
inadequate, this may require that the trampoline is taken down, placed in a secure area, or otherwise secured against
unauthorized use. Another option that may be considered is covering the trampoline with a heavy tarp that can be secured
with locks and chains. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to make sure that the placard with TRAMPOLINE
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (see step 10 in assembly instructions) is kept posted on the trampoline and that jumpers are
informed about these instructions.
Hazards Associated with High Winds
A trampoline with an enclosure can be moved or blown over by high winds. Anyone in its path, or inside of the enclosure,
may be injured if this happens. If you expect high winds, take down the enclosure netting and stake the trampoline frame
to the ground (see page 21), or move the trampoline and enclosure to a sheltered location.
The only sure method to
protect your trampoline and the surrounding environment during high winds is to completely disassemble the
unit and store indoors.
Damage due to wind or weather is not warranted.
Education on the part of the user is a must for safety. Users must first learn a low, controlled bounce and then learn the
basic landing positions and combinations before proceeding to intermediate skills. Jumpers must understand why they
have to master "control" before they can start thinking about other moves. Understanding the proper progression of skills
in jumping on a trampoline must be the first lesson. Review this manual to learn about the basic techniques for using the
trampoline. Follow the rules on the placard with TRAMPOLINE SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (see step 10 in assembly
instructions). For further information or additional instructional materials, contact a certified trampoline instructor.
For the Supervisor
Read the instructions before using the trampoline. Enforce all of the safety rules. Become familiar with the information in
this manual so you can help new users learn basic jumps and all users follow trampoline safety. All trampoline users must
have mature, knowledgeable supervision, regardless of their skill or age. This trampoline is not recommended for use by
children under 6 years of age. Inspect the trampoline before using it. Do not use the trampoline without the frame pad
securely in place to cover the frame. Do not use the trampoline in wet or windy conditions. A worn or damaged mat,
spring, or frame piece should be replaced immediately.
Learn fundamental jumps and body positions thoroughly before trying more advanced skills. Know your own limits in
performing each of the trampoline jumps. Study this manual to learn how to do basic jumps.
Stop your bounce by flexing your knees as your feet come in contact with the trampoline mat. Learn this skill before
attempting any others.
Storing the Trampoline Enclosure Safely
Specific steps for storing the trampoline enclosure are given later in this manual. There are special safety precautions to
be aware of when storing the enclosure.
Remove the attached arch sections as a unit and place them on the ground. Separate the tubes after they are on the ground.
Avoid pinching your fingers by wearing gloves and keeping your fingers away from pinch points near the bracket
assembly while you are removing the tubes from the frame.
Placing the Trampoline and Enclosure in a Safe Place
There must be at least 24 feet (7.3 meters) of clear, open space above the ground. Do not place or store anything
underneath the trampoline and enclosure. To avoid injury, the trampoline and enclosure must be kept away from objects
and possible hazards including electric power wiring, tree limbs, and fences. Do not place the trampoline and enclosure
near any other recreational devices or structures such as a swimming pool or swing set. The trampoline and enclosure
must be placed on a level surface before use. The area around the trampoline must always have plenty of light.
For the Supervisor
• Be familiar with the information in this manual and enforce all of the safety rules. Help all users to utilize the
trampoline and enclosure safely.
• All trampoline and enclosure users must have someone to supervise them at all times, regardless of the skill or age of
the user.
• Secure the trampoline and enclosure against unauthorized and unsupervised use. Keep the trampoline and enclosure
free of any objects that could interfere with the jumper.
• This trampoline and enclosure is not recommended for use by children under 6 years of age or by anyone weighing
more than 275 pounds.
• Use the trampoline and enclosure only when the trampoline mat (bed) is clean and dry. Inspect the trampoline and
enclosure prior to each use and replace any worn or damaged parts. Use only when the enclosure netting has no holes,
all uprights are tightly bolted into their sockets, and the netting is properly suspended.
• DO NOT attempt or allow somersaults on the trampoline. Landing on the back or neck can cause serious injury,
paralysis, or death, even when landing in the middle of the bed.
For the Jumper
Do not use the trampoline enclosure when under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
• Avoid jumping too high or for too long. Always control your jump.
• Take turns jumping one at a time, and always have someone watch you.
• Do not attempt to jump over the netting. Do not intentionally bounce off of the netting. Do not hang from, kick, cut, or
climb on the netting.
• Wear clothing that does not have drawstrings, hooks, loops or anything else that could get caught while using the
trampoline/enclosure and result in entanglement or strangulation, or both.
• Do not attach anything to the netting that is not a Skywalker Trampolines approved accessory or part of the of the
trampoline enclosure.
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