SkyWalker FPV User Manual

5.Tra ns mitt er direct ion setting
Step 1:Change the flying mode over horizontal mode. Step 2:Adjust joystick to the position of roll direction, pitch and direction to ensure the servo’s respond is right. Otherwise, please set the channel phase of transmitter. Step 3:Adjust rudder mechanically to make it is in good position.
6.Rudder re sp on d reference Tur n the joystick to the low es t position to adjust sensiti vity in order to prevent fr om fault ju dgement because of flight co nt roll er ’s accumulated effect.
FPV Balance apparatus
flight controller
Product manual
V3 6.
Fly ing dir ect ion: ota tes ant icl ockwise , th e rud der de vi ate s tow ard righ t, the aircr aft will t urn b ack orig in al tra ck.
Q1:Why do es it dive violently in the horizontal mod e to thro w aircraf t? A1:The fl ig ht controller det ec ts that the airc ra ft keeps on forward and ove rlay s output vi ol en t dive
ins tr uc ti on . It is late to respond when mov in g the elevator joy st ick at th e moment of throwing air cr af t.
Q2:Why do es it cli mb to fly in the fi xe d height mo de to throw airc ra ft ? A
2:The fligh t controller ne eds some time to enter in to the fixe d hei ght mo de in order to keep stable
air pressure.Recommended that thr ow ing the air cr af ts for ab out 2s before pu sh in g the accel erator.
Q3:What imp act will th e gre ater or low er sensitivity ha ve on aircraft? A3
:The gr eater sensitivity is, the fast er respond and the stronger resis ta nce the aircraft is. It may lead to shock of aircraft if the sensitiv ity is too str ong. Otherwise, the lower respond and the st ronger res is ta nce the air cr af t is. It may lead to weak st abilit y if the sensi tivity is too slow. In general, the tri angl e wings air cr af t flies fas te r, so adjust th e sensitivity sma ll er. Please take ref er en ce to manua l.
Q4:Do you need to rec al ibrate transmitter af ter changing tr an smitter’s offset? A4:Yes . After adju st jo ys tick ’s of fs et , it ne ed s to ensure th e flight co nt ro ll er in neu tral point. Take ref er ence to trans mi tt er calibration
the ai rc raf t r Pitch di re cti on : The ai rcr aft’s h ead m ove s up, th e
Rol l dir ection: Th e air craft move s rig ht, t he le ft si de of ai leron fl ys up , the r igh t sid e of ailer on fl ys do wn , the ai rcr af t wil l tur n bac k hor izont all y.
ele va tor d evi at es do wn, th e air craft wil l tur n bac k hor izo nt all y.
Dimension:40mm 25mm 5mm* *
Weight: Voltage: Current: Working temperature:-15 -65 Gyroscope sensitivity: Appliacable servo: Remote control compatibility:
2000sec s/
1 52ms simulate servo, 1 52ms digital servo . .
Fe atures
Support wings: Normal wing(T tail), V tail, Triangle wings.
Flying mode: Manual mode, Horizontal mode, Fixed height mode.
Unique barometer fixed height mode, easy operation, safe flying, special recommendation for beginner.
Adopted 32 bit processor, high precision barometer, 6 axis sensor.
2 Man ua l mode
The fligh t controller ca n output jo ystick’s am ount of rudder. No control functio n is given.
3 Hor iz ontal mode
The air cr af t can tur nove r freely. The aircraft will fly horiz ontally whe n rocker re tu rn s to midd le.
As sem bli ng help
1.Model setting
The fac to ry default m od el i s tria ng le wing ta il type. The tra nsmi tt er s et s as fix ed w ing mode.
There is no n ee d to set mix c ontr ol. Move the joystick as figure below.
T tail
V tail
Triangle wings
3.Transimitter connection
Prepare for PMW receiver with at leas t 5 channels and corresponding transmitt er. The transmitter should set fixed wing mode.
The connection between transmit ter an d flight controller are as belows.
AIL IN 1_ _ <---> AIL(Aileron)
ELE IN 2 LE_ _ <---> E (Elevator)
THR IN 3_ _ <---> THR(Throttle)
RUD IN 4 UD_ _ <---> R (Rudder)
MODE IN 5 lightMode_ _ <---> F (Three stage switch)
No matter what model you choose, the 5 channels should be connected. Otherwise, the flight controller can not pass test automatically after power on.
2.Servo connection
Any model servo’s s ig na l wi re c onnects “
ch an ne l.
Aileron servo Aileron servo
Rudder servo
Aileron servo
Aileron servo
Rudder servo
2 ELE OUT 2_ _
RUD OUT 4_ _
RUD OUT 4_ _
The V tail an d tr ia ng le w in g fl ig ht c on tr ol le r can operate automatically without setting by transm it ter.
4.Flight controller installation
The flight controller should place into fuselage horizontally.
As figure above, it should right across aircraft’s head.
Fl ying mode
1 Fixed height mod e- --best for beginner an d FPV hob by is t.
The lowest height keep in 35m under this mode.
The aircraft can lift up and climb steeply into the sky under this
Pitching joystick returns to the middle, after 1.5s, it enters into fixed height mode.
Push up throttle joystick to increase its power.
mode.It is beneficial to casting by one hand.
Under this mode, the aircraft maintains a minimum of 45% throttle, the flight controller can semicontrol throttle to decrease possibility of aircraft stall.
AIL OUT 1_ _
AIL OUT 1_ _
ELE OUT 2_ _
_ _
T tail/V tail
Trian gl e wing
Aircraft’s head direction
Transmitte r and servo set ting
1.Power on Take off pro pe ll er if you use at first time.
The air cr af t should st an d still until it finishes the preliminary pr oc ess. It takes 8s that you will hea r motor’s start -up sound .
Die out
Bright fa st
Bright no rm al
2.Tra ns mitt er ca libration Pus h THR(t hr ot tl e) toward the lowest position, the other cha nn el s are in the middle pos it ion. Th en
chang e over FlightMode sw it ch for si x times to ensure its cen tr al point ca li br at io n.
Do not adjus t joystick deviation aft er transmitter ca li br at io n. Th e flight cont ro ller will help it keep bal an ce .
The ailerons will swing twice to remind calibration correct after calibration of transmitter. It needs to calibrate after changing transmitter or joystick deviation.
3.Sensitivity knob There are three fi ne -t un e, resp ectively adjust the sensitivity of AIL, EL E and RUD as well as servo’s
direction. The gre at er sensitiveness is, the stronger res is tanc e is. At sa me ti me, the knob can adj us t the dir ection of se rvo in al l channel s. The kno b is divi ded int o two sid e( A/ B side) tha t taking refere nce to the mid dl e
direction of 12 o’ cl oc k.
2 5.
Forwa rd (Se rvo)
10 5.
4. Se rv o direction set ti ng
Step 1:Change the flying mode over horizontal mode to make sure that the knob has adjust A side to B side. Step 2:Swing the aileron, flap, flying direction to observe rudder’s respond(for reference 6. Rudder respond reference ). Twist to the other side if there is no respond.
Manual mo de
Fixed hei gh t mode
Horizontal mo de
Mode1 Mode2
10 5.
2 5.
Horizontal mode Manual mode Fixed height mode
Rev er se (Se rvo)