SkyRC X150 User Manual

For be st result s clean the b ottom of th e speed con trol and chassis. Peel o ff t he cover on one s ide of the do ubled-s ided tape , and stick t o the bottom of the speed co ntrol. DO NOT pee l off th e other sid e yet.
Use a sm all piece o f double- sided tap e on the ON/O FF switch.
X150 X80
Congratulations and thank you for purchasing TOR O 8 High performance sensorless 1/8 Scale Brushless Motor Electronic Sp ee d Control. The TORO 8,1/8 scale brushless ES C represents a latest technologies, pro vi di ng all the features and robust design qualities.
WARNING: This is an extremely powerful brushless motor system. We strongly
recommend removing your pinion gear for your own safety and the safety of those around you before performing calibration and programming functions with this system. Please keep your hands, hair, cloth, clear from the gear train and wheels of an armed high performance system.
Never allow water, moisture, or other foreign materials to get inside ESC, motor, or on the PC Boards. Water damage will void the warranty!
Reverse battery polarity can damage ESC & void warranty. Disconnect battery immediately if a reverse connection occurs.
Always disconnect the battery pack from the speed control when not in use to avoid short circuits and possible fire hazard.
Never use fewer than 2 or more than 6 LIPO cells in the vehicle's main battery pack. The TORO 8 handles up to 6S LIPO input (25.2 Volts MAX).
Turn on the transmitter first THEN turn on the speed control.
Always insulate exposed wiring with heat shrink tubing or electrical tape to prevent short circuits, which can damage ESC.
The TORO 8 is intended for 1/8 scale vehicles.
1)Plan Speed Control Placement Choose a location for the speed control that is protected from debris. To prevent radio
interference place the speed control as far away from the radio receiver as possible and keep the power wires as short as possible.
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Dete rmine how y ou would pr efer to con nect the mo tor and bat tery pack to th e speed cont rol. For th e motor, usi ng Hi-Pow er connec tor pairs . Connectors are prefe rable for most a pplicat ions as it al lows you to e asily cha nge motor s.
2)Soldering TIPS & T RICKS: Pl ace the spe ed contro l upright a nd use serv o tape to sec ure it to the b ench. Doi ng so provi des a stab le work are a and allow s easy acce ss to the sol der post s.
Atta ching Wires t o the Speed C ontrol: Red wi res are usu ally used t o connect t he speed cont rol to the po sitive ba ttery ter minal and the posi tive moto r termina l. Black wi re is typic ally used f or the batt ery negat ive termi nal. Insp ect the ho using on th e speed con trol next t o each post o r refer to th e diagram s to determ ine whic h color wir e to attach t o each post .
Stri p back the in sulatio n of the wire b y about 2.4 mm to 3.2mm (3/ 32" to 1/8" ) and "pre -tin" the w ire by heat ing the end a nd applyi ng solder u ntil it is th oroughl y covered. CAUT ION: Be ver y careful n ot to splas h yoursel f with hot solder.
Plac e the tip of th e iron in the n otch on top o f the post and apply a small a mount of sold er to the pos t. When the s older has f lowed, re move the soldering iron, wipe the t ip clea n and apply a s mall amou nt of fresh s older to it .
Pre- Heat both t he wire and t he post.
Hold the wire so the tinned end is in contact with the notch of the post. Now touch the iron tip to the wire and the post. Wait about 4 seconds for the solder to flow, and then remove the iron while still holding the wire. You may let go of the wire after a second or two when the solder sets.
Same t echniqu es descri bed in the pr eceding s ection ma y be used to so lder the wi res to the b attery or t o battery c onnectors.
IMPORTANT: Take precaution s if removing fac tory battery connec tors. Connecting th e
battery bac kwards will cause damage, and will void warranty. When solderin g connectors to a battery pack , cut only one wire of the batte ry pack at a ti me to ensure that the exposed wires canno t short together.
HINT: If you are using connectors for both the battery and the motor, make sure that they are not the same or that you have a male and a fe male attached to the speed control wir es. That wa y, you cannot accidentally connect the battery to the motor wires or vice versa.
Make sure that the connector ends will be mated together corre ctly, male to female, and that the wire colors matchred to red an d black to black.
Prol onged/e xcessiv e heating o f solder po st (motor o r ESC) will d amage PCB . Note : Make sure n o wire stra nds have st rayed to an a djacent s older pos t, this wil l resu lt in short -circui ting & seve re ESC dama ge, which w ill void th e warrant y.
Brus hless Mot or Wiring
Conn ect the blu e, yellow a nd orange m otor wire s to the moto r. There is no p olarity o n the
thre e ESC-to- motor wir es, so do not w orry abou t how you con nect them i nitially. You may find i t necessa ry to swap tw o wires if th e motor run s in revers e.
To Batt -
To Batt +
How to C alibrat e ESC
ESC sw itch OFF. Tur n on the Trans mitter. Hold f ull throt tle on your t ransmit ter and tur n the ESC's swi tch ON. Keep h olding fu ll thrott le on the tra nsmitte r. The ES C will flas hes LED an d ring the in itializ ation ton es. Wai t 2 seconds Gree n LED blink s rapidly a nd the moto r will ring s 1 second in dicatin g full t hrottle m easured .
Red LE D blinks wh iles beep ing, indi cating it 's time to pu sh full brak e. Move thr ottle tri gger to ful l brake and w ait few sec onds, the ES C will blin k red LED and r ings 1 seco nd indica ting full b rake meas ure.
To Receiver Chan ne l 2
Swit ch On/Off
Brus hed Motor Wir ing
Reve rsing Bru shed Moto r Mode
Use this mode if you Uwish to use reverse. se only the
To Motor -
To Batt -
blue and orange motor wires from the ESC. In most applications, the blue wire from the ESC will connect to positive + side hood on your motor, and the orange wire to the negative - side hood of the motor. The yellow motor wire is not used. After calibration, (explained below) you may need to swap the two motor wires to get the wheels to spin in the right direction.
High Power Brushed Motor Mode
To Motor +
To Batt +
To Batt -
Connect all three of the ESC motor wires to the negative (-) side of the motor. You can either use a Y harness
" "
from the ESC battery input positive wire to connect to both the battery and the positive side of the motor, or use a single wire from the positive ESC input to the positive battery pole and then continue to the positive (+) side of the motor
All 3 Wire s to Mot or -
To Batt + To Motor + (Sha red)
IMPO RTANT NOTE: C alibrat ion is nece ssary for t he first use of the ESC, or wh enever used w ith a new/d ifferent transmitter.
For us ers with a Fu taba Trans mitter, yo u must reve rse the throttle chann el signal o n your t ransmit ter. Pleas e refer to yo ur Futaba i nstructions.
Indi vidual tr ansmitt er's sign als for ful l throttle, f ull brake a nd neutra l vary. You must cali brate you r ESC so that i t will oper ate more effect ively wit h you trans mitter.
Yellow LED bl inks whil es beepin g, indicati ng it's tim e for neutr al. Rela x trigger t o neutral ( center) . The ESC will now ring 1 second and fl ash the yel low LED rap idly to acc ept the neu tral posi tion.
ESC wi ll blink LE D and ring tw ice indic ating tha t it is armed .
From thi s po int on, when you conn ec t batteries and tur n on t he switch, the ESC wi ll g ive the init ialization tone a nd f lash, and the armin g to ne will ring second o r tw o later. If the ESC is pro gr ammed for the Auto-L ip o setting, it will be ep t he number of cells in you L ipo pack bet ween the initiali za tion tones and the ar mi ng tones. After the armi ng tone plays, the ESC wi ll AC TIVE and will respo nd t o the throttle appl ic ation.
1)Programming Card(Optional Part) Programming Card allows you to modify the most commonly used set ti ng s in your TORO 8 controller all at the touch of a single button. No com pu te r needed. Simply connect the Programming Car d to the throttle lead of the con tr ol le r and power the programming card as des cr ib ed below. Click the button to sc ro ll through and change the indicated settings. All the settings wil l show on the programming card at onc e. Can't get any eas ie r!
Instruction for Program Card
Tur n off the ESC and di sc on ne ct the throttle lead fr om t he r ec ei ve r. Connect the thro tt le l ea d fr om E SC to the 3 pin connect or o n th e Program Ca rd . Tur n on t he E SC t o ap pl y po we r to both ESC and Progr am C ar d. All the curren t se tt in gs w il l be displaye d on t he c or re sp on d LE Ds . Press and re le as e bu tt on t o mo ve between settin gs . Press and ho ld b ut to n to c ha ng e the value for that set ti ng . Tur n off the ESC and di sc on ne ct the throttle lead fr om P ro gr am C ar d and connec t it bac k to t he r ec ei ve r.
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