SkyRC Swordfish 120A ESC for Marine User Manual

Congratulations and thank you for purchasing SWORDFISH High performance sensorless Brushless Motor Electronic Speed Control. The SWORDFISH, brushless ESC represents a latest technologies, providing all the features and robust design qualities.
WARNING: This is an extremely powerful brushless motor system. We strongly recommend you to take extreme care for your own safety before performing calibration and programming functions with this system. Please keep your hands, hair, cloth, clear from the propeller of an armed high performance system.
Reverse battery polarity can damage ESC & void warranty. Disconnect battery immediately if a reverse connection occurs.
Always disconnect the battery pack from the speed control when not in use to avoid short circuits and possible fire hazard.
Brushless Motor
Throttle Lead
Water Cooling Tube
2)Mount Speed Control in Boat
Use double-sided tape to mount the speed control in boat(do not use CA glue).
3) Soldering Battery & Motor Connector
“ Pre-tin” the wire by heating the end and applying solder until it is thoroughly covered. Adding a battery connector to your swordfish 120 marine speed control.Solder the three leads to your motor(recommended) or solder your choice of connectors to the motor and controller leads.
CAUTION: By very careful not to splash yourself with hot solder.
4) Plugging In Motor Leads
With a brushless system, there is no polarity on the MOTOR side of the controller. After the throttle calibration, if the motor runs backwards with forward throttle, simply swap any two of the motor/controller connections and it will reverse the rotation of the motor.
5) Connecting to the receiver
Connect the throttle lead (the three color wires with a connector on the end) to the throttle channel on your receiver (usually channel 2). Don’t connect a battery to the receiver, as the SWORDFISH will supply power to the receiver and servo through the throttle connector.
Never use fewer than 2 or more than 6 LIPO cells in the vehicle's main battery pack. The SWORDFISH handles up to 6S LIPO input (25.2 Volts MAX).
Turn on the transmitter first THEN turn on the speed control.
Always insulate exposed wiring with heat shrink tubing or electrical tape to prevent short circuits, which can damage ESC.
1)Plan Speed Control Placement Choose a location for the speed control. To prevent radio interference place the speed
control as far away from the radio receiver as possible and keep the power wires as short as possible.
1/6 2/6
Ver. 1.0 Ver. 1.0
6) Connecting water cooling tube
Attach the input and output tubes to one end of the controller. Cut a section approximately 100mm(3.93") long and use it to connect the tubes at the opposite end of the SWORDFISH. Make sure the flexible tubes curve gently with no tight bends. Please see the diagram below for reference.
Water Cooling Tube
(Users must provide their own water cooling tube.)
IMPO RTANT NOT E: Cali bration is neces sary fo r the first use of the E SC, or wh eneve r used w ith a new /differ ent transmitte r.
For us ers wit h a Futab a Transmitter, you m ust rev erse the throttl e chann el sign al on your t ransm itter. P lease refer to you r Futab a instructions .
Indi vidua l trans mitter's signa ls for fu ll thro ttle, ful l brake a nd neut ral vary. You must cali brate y our ESC s o that it will opera te more e ff ectively with yo u trans mitte r.
How to C alibr ate ESC
ESC sw itch OF F. Tur n on the Tra nsmit ter. Hold full t hrott le on you r tran smitt er and tu rn the ESC's switch ON. K eep ho lding fu ll thr ottle on the tr ansmi tter. The ES C ring the in itial izati on tones. Wai t 2 secon ds The mo tor wil l rings 1 s econd indicati ng full t hrott le measured.
The motor beeping, indica ting i t's t ime t o push f ull b rake. Move t hrott le trigge r to full brake and wa it few seco nds, the mo tor rin gs 1sec ond indicating f ull bra ke meas ure.
Programmable Features
Question (Setting)
1)Reverse Lockout
2)Forward Only(D)*
2)Motor Direction
This is default setting. The actual motor direction will be determined by how the wires are connected.
This is opposite the default direction.
The mo tor beeping, ind icati ng it's tim e for neutr al. Rel ax trig ger to neutral (cente r). The mot or will now ring 1 seco nd to acc ept the n eutra l position.
The mo tor rin g one sec ond indicating t hat it is a rmed.
From this poi nt on, when you connect batteries and tu rn on the switch, the ES C will give the ini tializa tion tone, and the ar ming tone will rin g s econd or two later. If the ESC is programme d for t he Auto-L ipo se tting, i t will beep t he numbe r of cells in you Lipo pack b etween th e initial ization t ones and the armin g tones. Aft er the ar ming tone p lays, the ESC wi ll ACTIVE and wi ll respond to t he throttle applicat ion.
1)Manual Programming Manual Programming SWORDFISH is as simple as answering a few questions.The
SWORDFISH asks questing by beeping a setting number, followed by the possible setting values. There are eight settings that can be programmed in the SWORDFISH.
You must answer "yes" or "no" to the setting values as they are presented by SWORDFISH. When you enter programming mode the ESC will emit a sequence of beeps that tell you which programming step you are in. There are two parts to the beep sequence. The first set of beeps indicates the 'Setting Number (Question), e.g. Reverse Type, and the second set of beeps indicates a Setting Value, e.g. Reverse Lockout. Answering "No" to a Setting value will cause the ESC to ask for the next value in that section. After a "Yes" answer is accepted, the ESC knows you aren't interested in any other option in that section, so it skips to the first option in the next section.
Note: If you answer "no" to all Setting Values for a particular Setting Number, the ESC will keep whatever value had been previously programmed. Only by answering "Yes" to a Setting Value will the ESC store/change that value.
3/6 4/6
Ver. 1.0 Ver. 1.0
5)Starting Power
Note: Factory Defaults are indicated by asterisk (D)*
4)Very Small
2)Normal 10 (D)*
Good for almost any application and any battery type.
Best for most application with high capacity batteries.
You need top quality batteries.
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