SkyRC One Cell User Manual

Support Both Sensor or Sensor-less Brushless Motor
SkyRC introduces the economical, easy to use Toro 1 cell Brushless System. This ESC comes with built-in DC/DC inverter (DC/DC booster) and DC/DC converter. This innovative technology allows drivers to power their vehicle’s electronics on a single 1 cell Li-Po battery pack without installing additional external boosters or receiver pack and also the ESC can be powered by 2 cells Li-Po without external BEC.
Toro 1 cell ESC is also compatible with all sensorless brushless motors and most sensored brushless motors with timing or without timing.
Toro 1 cell ESC is optimized for 1 cell racing and features a low-profile heat sink for easy installation in 1/12 scale vehicles with space constraints.
This ESC also comes with a cooling system to support 2S LiPo, 1/10 scale vehicle. You can use thermal double-sided adhesive tape(included) to mount the cooling system on top of ESC.
Reverse battery polarity can damage ESC & void warranty. Disconnect battery immediately if a reverse connection occurs.
Always disconnect the battery pack from the speed control when not in use to avoid short circuits and possible fire hazard.
Turn on the transmitter first THEN turn on the speed control.
Always insulate exposed wiring with heat shrink tubing or electrical tape to prevent short circuits, which can damage ESC.
When Toro's electronic motor timing is enabled, the vehicle speed can be increased dramatically. Please take extra precautions.
TIMING INCREASE ESC & MOTOR'S TEMPERATURE. Electronic motor timing will increase the temperatures of ESC and brushless motor. Use extreme caution when setting up and testing your application to avoid overloading and overheating.
1)Plan Speed Control Placement Choose a location for the speed control that is protected from debris. To prevent radio
interference place the speed control as far away from the radio receiver as possible and keep the power wires as short as possible.Select a location that has good airflow ventilating. If the ESC gets air flow, it will run cooler; and that means, it will be more efficient.
2)Mount Speed Control in Vehicle
Use double-sided tape to mount the speed control in vehicle(do not use CA glue). Secure power capacitor module to chassis. Yo u can use double-sides tape or a
tie wrap to mount power capacitor to the vehicle's chassis or shock tower. Module can also be tie-wrapped along the power wires. Use double-sided tape to mount the switch where it will be easy to access.Select a position where it will not get damaged or get switched OFF roll-over.
during a crash or
TORO 1 Cell ESC Cooling System
WARNING: This is an extremely powerful brushless motor system. We strongly
recommend removing your pinion gear for your own safety and the safety of those around you before performing calibration and programming functions with this system. Please keep your hands, hair, cloth, clear from the gear train and wheels of an armed high performance system.
Never allow water, moisture, or other foreign materials to get inside ESC, motor, or on the PC Boards. Water damage will void the warranty!
Ver. 1.1
3) Soldering
Cut the ESC's BLUE, YELLOW & ORANGE silicone motor power wires to the desired length and strip about 3.2mm-6.35mm (1/8”-1/4”) of insulation from the end of each wire. “Pre-tin”the wire by heating the end and applying solder until it is thoroughly covered.
CAUTION: By very careful not to splash yourself with hot solder.
Place the ESC's BLUE Phase ‘A’ motor wire onto motor's ‘A’ Use soldering iron to apply heat to exposed wire; begin adding solder to tip of soldering iron and wire. Add just enough solder to form a clean and continuous joint from the plated area of the solder tab up onto the wire. Solder the ECS's YELLOW Phase ‘B’ motor wire to the motor's ‘B' solder tab and Solder the ESC's ORANGE Phase ‘C' motor wire to motor’s ‘C’ solder tab.
solder tab and solder.
Ver. 1.1
Connect motor sensor harness to ESC. Insert the 6 p in con nect or on th e end of the mot or's s enso r wire s into E SC's s enso r harn ess so cket. Connect ON/OFF switch to power output pins. Connect Throttle lead to ESC and other end to the Receiver (Throttle Channel, Ch2) Connect ESC to battery pack
ESC ON /O FF switch
Throttle lead
Red LED blinks whiles beeping, indicating it's time to push full brake . Move t hrot tle tr igge r to ful l brak e and wa it few seconds, the ESC w ill bl ink re d LED an d ring s 1sec ond in dica ting f ull br ake measure.
Yellow LED blinks whiles beeping, indicating it's time for neutral. Relax t rigg er to ne utra l (cen ter) . The E SC wil l now ri ng 1 sec ond and fla sh the y ello w LED ra pidl y to acc ept th e neut ral po siti on.
ESC wil l blin k LED an d ring o ne sec ond in dica ting t hat it i s armed.
Rece iv er
Sensor harness
TORO Sensor-based Brushless motor (540-class)
Switch output pins
Blue m ot or phase wires (phaseA)
Orange motor phase wires (phaseC)
Fan output pins
Yell ow m ot or phase wires (phaseB)
Black power wire (battery negative)
SKYLink interface pins
One cell battery pack
Power capacitor
Battery connector
Red po we r wi re (battery positive)
1S Li- Po b at te ry
SKYLink interface pins allows you to connect the Program Card and SKYLink Interface Adaptor to you ESC directly for easy programming.
IMPORTAN T NOT E: Cal ibra tion i s nece ssar y for th e first use of the ESC, or whenever used wi th a new/different transmitter.
For use rs wit h a Futa ba Tran smit ter, yo u must r ever se the throttle channel signal on your tr ansm itte r. Plea se ref er to yo ur Fut aba in structions.
Individual transmitter's signals for full throttle, full brake and n eutr al var y. You mus t calibrate your ESC so that it will operate more effectively with you r tran smit ter.
How to Ca libr ate ES C
ESC swi tch OF F. Tur n on the Tr ansm itte r. Hold fu ll thr ottl e on you r tran smit ter an d turn t he ESC's switch ON. Keep holding full throttle on the transmitter. The ESC will flashes LED and ring the initialization tones. Wai t 2 seconds Green LED blinks rapidly and the motor will rings 1 sec ond in dica ting full throttle measured.
3/8 4/8
Ver. 1.1 Ver. 1.1
From this point on, when you connect batteries and turn on the switch, the ESC will give the initialization tone and flash, and the arming tone will ring second or two later. If the ESC is programmed for the Auto-Lipo setting, it will beep the number of cells in you Lipo pack between the initialization tones and the arming tones. After the arming tone plays, the ESC will ACTIVE and will respond to the throttle application.
1)Programming Card(Optional Part) Programming Card allows you to modify the most commonly used settings in your TORO 1
cell controller all at the touch of a single button. No computer needed. Simply connect the Programming Card to the SKYLink interface pins of the controller and power the programming card as described below. Click the button to scroll through and change the indicated settings. All the settings will show on the programming card at once. Can't get any easier!
Instruction for Program Card
Instruction for Program Card
Turn off the ESC. Connect the lead from program card
SKYLink interface Pins
One cell battery pack
2)SKYLink Programming Interface(Optional Part) Optional fully adjustable PC interface,which includes a USB cord and USB Interface
3)Manual Programming
Manua l Prog ramm ing TORO 1 c ell is a s simp le as an swer ing a fe w questions. The TORO 1 cell a sks qu esti ng by be epin g a sett ing nu mber, f ollo wed by the possible setti ng val ues. Ther e are ei ght se ttin gs tha t can be p rogrammed in the TORO .
to the SKYLink interface pins of the controller.
Turn on the ESC to apply power to both ESC and Program Card. All the current settings will be displayed on the correspond LEDs. Press and release button to move between settings. Press and hold button to change the value for that setting. Turn off the ESC and disconnect lead from Program Card.
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