Skyranger BMAA, HB Operator's Manual

Skyranger Operators Manual
G_______ Serial No.: BMAA/HB/_ _ _
Approving Authority
British Microlight Aircraft Association
The Bullring, Deddington, Banbury
by delegation from the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority
Design rights are owned by Best Off – France. Manufactured under licence by Aeros – Ukraine.
Aircraft Kits and Spares are imported by:
Skyranger UK Ltd
This manual is a legal document which is approved for use with Skyranger microlight aircraft issued
with a United Kingdom Homebuilt Permit to Fly. It must remain with the aircraft, and not be amended
or altered without authority from either the BMAA or UK CAA.
All pilots should read this manual before flying as pilot in command of the aircraft to
which it refers.
Approved for issue:-
G B Gratton P M Dewhurst Chief Technical Officer Project Test Pilot British Microlight Aircraft Association
Skyranger Operators Manual, Issue 1, AL0, June 2002 1
1. Introduction..............................................................................................4
2. Description of the Aircraft ..........................................................................5
3. Limitations................................................................................................ 6
4. Flying the Skyranger..................................................................................9
5. Performance ........................................................................................... 22
6. Emergencies ........................................................................................... 24
7. Rigging and De-rigging ............................................................................ 26
8. Weight and Balance................................................................................. 27
9. Routine Maintenance............................................................................... 28
10. Repairs................................................................................................... 31
11. Vital Statistics ......................................................................................... 33
Annex A The Microlight Airworthiness Approval Note recommending issue of a
permit to fly
Annex B Engine Manual
Annex C Maintenance schedule MMS-1
Annex D Weight and balance report for this aircraft (form BMAA/AW/028).
Annex E Minor modifications fitted to this aircraft (MinMods)
Annex F Major modifications fitted to this aircraft (MAANs)
Annex G Instructions and Manuals for other devices fitted to this aircraft
Skyranger Operators Manual, Issue 1, AL0, June 2002 2
Amendment No Date incorporated Signed
Skyranger Operators Manual, Issue 1, AL0, June 2002 3
1. Introduction
1.1 The Skyranger is a three-axis microlight aeroplane, it was certified in the United Kingdom to the requirements of British Civil Airworthiness Requirements (BCAR) Section S issue 2; which at the time of writing is arguably the highest airworthiness standard in the world which is applied to microlight aircraft.
1.2 This manual is not intended to teach you to fly the aircraft, or to build it. Learning to fly should be accomplished under the supervision of a light aircraft or microlight flying instructor experienced on the type; at time of writing it is legal to learn to fly on a Skyranger so long as you are the sole owner of the aircraft (or spouse). A separate build manual exists to instruct you in building a Skyranger from a kit.
1.3 What this manual will do, is provide the information which a qualified pilot requires to safely fly this aircraft (although a conversion by an instructor, familiar with the type is recommended), and to carry out routine maintenance and minor repairs. Manuals exist for this aircraft for use overseas which also include guidance on fitting modifications to the Skyranger; all modifications to a British Skyranger must be approved by either the British Microlight Aircraft Association, or the UK Civil Aviation Authority. In general, the BMAA offers the cheapest and most straightforward route for approving modifications.
1.4 The licenses which would be required to fly this aircraft are a UK PPL(Aeroplanes)-Microlights, with or without operating restrictions. Because microlight aircraft have flying characteristics that can differ in many areas from heavier types, a UK or JAA PPL(Aeroplanes), BCPL(Aeroplanes), CPL(Aeroplanes) or ATPL(Aeroplanes) is only acceptable if they contain a valid Microlight rating. This rating can be obtained after suitable conversion training is undertaken by a microlight FI and a General Flying Test is completed to a satisfactory standard with a microlight X Examiner.
1.5 This aircraft must be operated using two separate logbooks. One for the airframe and one for the engine (or the BMAA combined logbook, reference BMAA/AW/036). All entries must be made in the logbook in ink and within 7 days. If the aircraft is fitted with an in-flight adjustable propeller, a separate logbook must also be held for that; it is recommended that CAP400, which is issued by the CAA and available from most pilot shops is used for this purpose.
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2. Description of the Aircraft
2.1 Ancestry. The Skyranger was conceived by Philippe Prevot of Best Off Manufacturing, France, in 1991. The first 200 examples were manufactured under licence by Synairgie between 1994 and 1998. The manufacture of the Skyranger was moved to Aeros in the Ukraine in 1998, incorporating many developments in the design.
2.2 Construction. The Skyranger is predominately constructed of pin-jointed straight aluminium tubes covered with pre-sewn polyester fabric.
2.3 Flying Controls.
2.3.1 Pitch control is effected by fore-aft movement of the central stick, with movement transmitted to a conventional elevator through cables.
2.3.2 Pitch trimming is effected by a hand-operated lever mounted above the starboard seating position, with movement transmitted through cables to a trim-tab on the starboard elevator.
2.3.3 Roll control is effected by sideward movement of the central stick, with movement transmitted through cables to part-span, differential-movement ailerons.
2.3.4 Yaw control is effected by dual-control foot pedals, with movement to the rudder transmitted through cables.
2.3.5 Braking is effected by hand-operated hydraulic disc brakes.
2.3.6 The undercarriage is of tricycle arrangement, with nosewheel steering effected by movement of the dual-control rudder pedals.
2.3.7 Flaps are lowered in two stages by lifting a hand-operated lever located between the seats whilst gripping an integral latching lever.
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3. Limitations
3.1 Introduction.
This section includes the basic operating limitations for the Skyranger. The full limitations are contained in Homebuilt Aircraft Data Sheet (HADS) HM4, which is used by the Inspector at Annual Permit renewal to ensure, amongst other things, that the correct limitations are placarded in the cockpit.
3.2 Units.
When noting limitations, it is important to ensure that the limitations which you are using use the same units and calibrations as the instruments in the cockpit. The limitations shown below use knots CAS (Calibrated Airspeed); your aircraft may have an instrument in mph, and in any case will read IAS (Indicated Airspeed). The difference between IAS and CAS is basically the accuracy of your Pitot-static system. The IAS limits for your aircraft were determined when the aircraft was test flown, and are shown in Annex A to this manual. There will also be a placard in the cockpit, however space is allowed below for you to insert the IAS limitations and calibration details for your aircraft.
IAS Calibration Card for Skyranger G-_______.
min sink
approach speed
Best Glide
65 71
80 90 100 108
Unless all errors are less than 2 knots, a copy of this calibration card must be displayed in the cockpit near to the ASI.
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3.3 Operational Limitations.
3.3.1 The Skyranger must only be flown in day VMC conditions, with sight of the surface. It may not be flown over built up areas.
3.3.2 The Skyranger is certified to a "permit to fly" standard. This prohibits aerial work, other than flying instruction of the owner, or flight testing of the aircraft for initial approval, or approval of subsequent modifications.
3.3.3 This aircraft is certified to a UK only standard, this means that permission is required from the host country to fly it overseas. However a reciprocal agreement for homebuilt aircraft means that no permission is required for flights to other ECAC (European Civil Aviation Conference) member states.
3.3.4 For flight the following instruments must be fitted and serviceable:
ASI, Altimeter, Slip, RPM, Compass, Water or Cylinder Head Temperature, Oil Temperature, Oil Pressure.
3.3.5 It is recommended that the Skyranger is not flown where a crosswind component above 15 knots is predicted.
3.3.6 Do not fly above 10,000ft standard pressure altitude without the use of personal oxygen.
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3.4 Flight Limitations and key performance speeds
3.4.1 Never exceed speed, Vne, is 108 kn CAS [ IAS]
3.4.2 Manoeuvring speed, Va is 72 kn CAS [ IAS]
3.4.3 Flap limiting speed, Vfe is 71 kn CAS [ IAS]
3.4.4 Door open limit speed is 71 kn CAS [ IAS]
3.4.5 Speed for best rate of climb 53kn CAS [ IAS]
3.4.6 Speed for best climb angle 45kn CAS [ IAS]
3.4.7 Maximum Bank angles are 60° either way.
3.4.8 Maximum Pitch attitudes are 45
nose up and down from the horizontal
3.4.9 Normal acceleration limits are +4g / -2g.
3.4.10 At least 55kg (121lb / 8 stone 9lb) must be in the cockpit for flight, no more
than 90kg (198lb / 14stone 2lb) may be carried in each seat.
3.4.11 Maximum Take-off weight is 450kg.
3.4.12 Aerobatics and deliberate spinning are prohibited.
3.5 Engine Limitations
The limitations for the engine are contained in Annex B, they are also placarded in the cockpit.
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4. Flying the Skyranger
4.1 Pre-Flight Inspection.
4.1.1 Engine.
Carry out an engine pre-flight inspection following the instructions contained in the Engine Manual at Annex B.
4.1.2 Aircraft.
The following is a brief summary of the minimum pre-flight inspection, if you are unsure, it does no harm to increase the number of items on your inspection.
Inside the Cockpit
Ignition switches OFF
Condition of choke and choke cable
Condition and security of all flying controls.
Check condition of all instruments
Check harnesses are properly fitted and not frayed.
Check seats are secure.
Check fuel filter is clean.
Check sufficient fuel for the planned flight.
Check wing leading and trailing edge bolts secure
If the aircraft has not flown within 24 hrs, drain a small amount of fuel from the drain tap using a standard tool and check for water.
Remove the upper cowling
Check oil level and condition in oil tank
Check water level
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Check security of engine mounts
Check security of spark plug caps and leads
Check security of water and oil hoses and connections
Check security of electrical connections
Check prop bolts protruding from securing nuts
Generally look for any fluid leaks or loose fastenings
Replace the cowling and all securing screws
Starting from the nose, inspect:
Condition of the propeller: no nicks or cracks
Condition and security of the spinner, if fitted
Condition and inflation of the nose wheel tyre
Security of the nose wheel spat and fairing
Security of the engine cowling
Moving down the starboard side of the aircraft and along the starboard wing, inspect:
Static vent is clear of obstructions
Condition of door, hinges and latches
Starboard undercarriage leg undistorted
Tyre condition and pressure
Security of wheel spat
Check for evidence of hydraulic leaks
Security of wing strut lower attachment bolt
Jury strut brackets
Wing struts and jury struts straight
Through the inspection panel in the lower surface, check that the wing
strut forward upper attachment is secure and the condition of the aileron pulleys and cables
General condition of leading edge and covering
Aileron movement and hinges, attachment of cables and control horn
Flap, hinges, and security of actuating rod attachment
Skyranger Operators Manual, Issue 1, AL0, June 2002 10
Condition of wing covering and security of battens
Moving towards the tail, inspect:
Condition of covering on tail cone.
Security of horizontal tail mounting bolts and covering lacing
Elevator and hinges, horns and cables
Trim-tab, horn and cables
Rudder and hinges, horns and cables
Condition of tail surface coverings
General alignment of vertical and horizontal tail surfaces
Condition of bracing wires and their terminations
Moving forwards to the port wing, inspect:
Port undercarriage leg undistorted
Tyre condition and pressure
Security of wheel spat
Check for evidence of hydraulic leaks
Security of wing strut lower attachment bolt
Jury strut brackets
Wing struts and jury struts straight
Condition of wing covering and security of battens
Flap, hinges, and security of actuating rod attachment
Aileron movement and hinges, attachment of cables and control horn
Through the inspection panel in the lower surface, check that the wing strut forward upper attachment is secure and the condition of the aileron pulleys and cables
General condition of leading edge and covering
Condition of door, hinges and latches
Static vent is clear of obstructions
Finally, stand back and assess the overall symmetry of the aircraft.
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4.2 Starting.
4.2.1 Before starting the engine ensure that the max takeoff weight will not be exceeded (from fuel/weight placard).
4.2.2 The BMAA standard manual pre-start checks [STAIP] are recommended. The actual starting procedures for a particular engine are contained in Annex B to this manual. The STAIP checks are :-
Security Aircraft, Crew, Equipment, Secure, brakes ON.
Throttles full and free, and closed, choke set as required.
Area all around and behind aircraft clear.
Ignition mags ON.
Prop Shout ‘clear prop’, pause then start the engine.
Once the engine is running set the recommended warm up RPM and slowly remove the choke.
4.3 Taxiing.
4.3.1 Before taxiing ensure that the engine has run for at least 2 minutes from cold. Do not use high RPM until the engine has reached its minimum flight operating temps.
4.3.2 Taxy at no more than a brisk walking pace, somewhat less if the surface is rough. Steering is effected through the rudder pedals which are linked directly to the nosewheel. The turning circle normally is around 20 feet in diameter (at the aircraft centreline).
4.3.3 Microlight aircraft are easily blown over in winds over 25knots. It is imperative that when taxiing in strong winds the correct control placements are used. When the wind is from the forward quarters hold the stick into wind and the elevator neutral. When the wind is from the rear quarters the stick should be positioned away from the wind and the elevator held down.
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