Thank you for ying Sky Paragliders products. Thank you for buying CIMA PWR.
Danke, dass Sie sich für ein Produkt von Sky Paragliders entschieden haben. Danke für den Kauf des CIMA PWR.
Wir hoen, dass Sie mit diesem Produkt zufrieden sein werden und wünschen Ihnen viele glückliche Flüge. Wir empfehlen drin gend, das Handbuch vor dem ersten Flug sorgfältig zu lesen. Dieses Handbuch kann Ihnen helfen, sich schneller mit dem Produkt vertraut zu machen.
Merci d‘avoir choisi un produit Sky Paragliders. Merci d’avoir choisi l'CIMA PWR.
Nous espérons que vous serez satisfaits de votre Zorro et vous souhaitons beaucoup de très beaux vols. Il est fortement conseillé de lire attentivement ce manuel avant votre premier vol. Vous pourrez ainsi vous familiariser avec le produit plus rapidement.
Doufáme, že budete s tímto výrobkem spokojeni. Přejeme Vám krásné lety. Důrazně Vám doporučujeme, abyste si manuál velmi důkladně přečetli. Pomůže Vám k rychlejšímu seznámení s výrobkem.
, že používáte produkty Sky Paragliders. Děkujeme Vám za zakoupení padákového kluzáku CIMA PWR.
Team Sky Paragliders
Contents 5
ENG / DE / FR / CZ
Inhalt 17 Index 29 Obsah 41
Version 1. 06/05/2016


Congratulations on becoming part of the Sky family. We are very pleased to welcome you to the world of Sky and hope that you will enjoy many hours of fantastic ying aboard your Sky Paragliders glider.
Sky Paragliders is based in the heart of Europe and we pride ourselves on our own, purpose built, state of the art production facilities in the Czech Republic.
Our management and development teams are located just 25 steps above the glider production facility. This close contact is incredibly important to us and helps to ensure that our products are of the highest quality possible and with minimal air miles on our raw materials.


Please read this Manual carefully and note the following details: The purpose of this Manual is to oer guidelines to the pilot using the paraglider and it is by no means intended to be used as a training manual for this or any other paraglider. We advise that you only y a paraglider when qualied to do so or when undergoing training at an accredited School or with a qualied Instructor. Pilots are personally responsible for their own safety and their paraglider's airworthiness. The use of this paraglider is solely at the user's own risk! Neither the manufacturer nor dealer accept any liability connected with this activity. This paraglider on delivery meets all the requirements of the EN 926-1 and DGAC regulations and has an airworthiness certicate issued by Sky Paragliders. Any alterations to the paraglider will render its certication invalid.
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1.1 Operating limits
1.2 PilotProle
1.3 Certication
1.4 Scopeofdelivery
1.5 Characteristics
2.1 Risers diagram
2.2 Line Plan
2.3 WingCrossSection
2.4 Tech.Spec.
3. SET UP 10
3.1 Hang point
3.2 Trimmers
3.3 SpeedBarAccelerator
3.4 WingPre-ightChecks
4.1 Ination:Forward
4.2 ReverseLaunch
4.3 Operation Of Trimmer System
4.4 Operation of Speed Bar
4.5 TheClimbOut
4.6 NormalFlight
4.7 Turning
4.8 ActiveFlying
4.9 Landing
5.1 Big Ears
5.2 SpiralDrive
5.3 B-line Stall
6.1 AsymmetricorFrontal(Symmetric)Collapses
6.2 Stalls
6.3 Brakelinemalfunction
7.1 AdviceonMaintenance
7.2 Storage and transport
7.3 Checkups
7.4 PeriodicChecks&Repairs
7.5 Spare parts
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1.1 Operating limits

Cima PWR is a very strong paraglider and ying all the usual SIV manoeuvres will not normally pose a structural problem. However, frequent extreme manoeuvres training can accelerate the ageing process dramatically, and Sky recommends having wings that are often used for SIV-type manoeuvres subjected to check-ups at shorter intervals than normally stipulated
1.3 Certication
Cima PWR has passed the certication according to EN 926­1:2015 & LTF NFL II-91/09 chapter 3.
This test was carried out in the Swiss Air-Turquoise
laboratories in Switzerland. Load test passed at 1360 kg.
It also passed the DGAC certication as ULM class 1 and, the manufacturer’s certication. Any alteration of the paraglider can invalidate all the aforementioned certications.
Correct behaviour in relation to the environment
It is important that we as pilots behave in a responsible way towards both the environment and the people sharing it with us. We encourage you to treat nature with respect, to avoid unnecessary noise, to never litter and to observe all local regulations. Please also make sure to comply with legislation regarding protected areas, privately owned property or hunting areas – this ensures the least possible friction in relation to other users of the great outdoors, to the benet of both yourself and the sport as a whole.
1.2 PilotProle
Cima PWR is suitable for beginner to intermediate pilots.
The predictable characteristics of CIMA PWR suit the beginner. It oers simple ination characteristics, whereby the wing rises smoothly and steadily. CIMA PWR‘s high lift prole allows for slow, short take os with good climb rates. A smooth and progressive, yet responsive are, makes landing easily controlable and manageable.
Cima PWR has a high level of passive safety.
1.4 Scopeofdelivery
Your CIMA PWR is delivered with
• Carry All bag Moto
• Inner bag
• Repair kit
• T shirt
1.5 Characteristics
Cima PWR is suitable for beginners and intermediates. It has a high level of passive safety. We know that for the PPG pilot, the take-o and landing phase are crucial and CIMA PWR’s design is such that launching and landing are both straight forward and predictable. CIMA PWR’s good sink/climb rate allow for low take-o and landing speeds with good air characteristics and short take o distances.
Cima PWR is damped in both roll and pitch with a good
speed range making it ideal for relaxed cruising ights.
Skytex 38 fabric is used for both top and bottom surfaces. Skytex was chosen for its excellent moisture repellent proper­ties as well as for durability. Being moisture repellent means that the gliders launch and ight characteristics are improved if launching from dew laden grass as is so often the case for early morning or late evening ights.
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1.6 Features
Cima PWR features a composite leading edge (Mylar & Nylon rods) to assist ination by presenting the open leading edge to the airow even in nil winds.
• Trimmer risers are standard to allow for a faster trim setting for higher speed cruising.
• Speed bar accelerator system.
• Optional upper or lower hang point loop to best suit your paramotor hang point system.
• The brake lines can be extended by 10cm if required and the brake pulley can be moved down to the next setting to match.


2.1 Risers diagram

Basic setting (trimmer closed)
500 mm 500 mm 500 mm 500 mm
400 mm 420 mm 460 mm 520 mm
Trimmer opened
Measured from bottom attachment loop.
500 mm 500 mm 545 mm 590 mm
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Distance between upper and bottom attachment loop 60 mm Length of the speed system
100 mm

2.2 Line Plan

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2.3 WingCrossSection 2.4 Tech.Spec.
Layout surface (m2)
Layout span
Layout aspect ratio
Projected surface (m
Projected span (m)
Projected aspect ratio
Cell count
PPG weight range (kg)
21.37 23.12 25.00 27.13
9.77 10.17 10.57 11.01
4.47 4.47 4.47 4.47
18.21 19.70 21.30 23.12
8.34 8.67 9.02 9.40
3.82 3.82 3.82 3.82
42 42 42 42
60-100 70-120 80-140 95-160
A Riser - Red
BRiser-Blue CRiser-purple
D Riser – Green
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3.1 Hang point

Select the appropriate hang point (upper or lower) according to your harness/power unit system, connect to your power unit and adjust the brake line length accordingly (Standard or +10cm from standard).

3.2 Trimmers

Set the trimmer system to standard trim (closed).
Ensure that the speed bar is routed correctly according to the harness manual and that there is no danger of it swinging back into the propeller.
Before each take-o check that the entire accelerator system works freely and that the lines are long enough to prevent the speed bar from being activated involuntarily in ight (lines too short). If the harness is tted with a front mounted reserve, the speed bar lines must pass under the reserve container and the reserve bridle so that it can be deployed correctly. Use of the speed bar increases the maximum speed of the paraglider by up to 30% of the trim speed.
3.3 SpeedBarAccelerator
are pulled symmetrically during operation. Fine-tuning can be completed when you are back on the ground.
3.4 WingPre-ightChecks
• Check the sail for damage to both surfaces, the internal structure (ribs, diagonals) and seams.
• Check that the lines are not damaged or tangled.
• Check that the quick-links which connect the lines to the risers are undamaged and correctly tightened.
• Check that the risers are not damaged or twisted.
• Check that the speed system works freely and that the lines are long enough to ensure that the speed system is not permanently activated whilst in ight.
• Lastly, check that the brake handles are correctly attached and that each line runs freely through its pulley
forward or down as this could cause a collapse of the leading edge. Simply follow them with your arms until the glider reaches its angle of ight above your head.
A controlled ination avoids excessive need of the brakes and allows you to visually check the wing and lines during the last phase of the launch, before acceleration to take-o speed.
4.2 ReverseLaunch
Light to strong wind
Pass the risers over your head and turn to face the wing. From here the reverse launch can be performed. When the wing is under control and above your head, turn to face the wind and the take-o run can commence.
We recommend rst practicing your launch techniques with out the power unit and then with the power unit whilst the motor is not running, so as to fully familiarise yourself with the sensa­tions, skills and procedures for safe live take-os.
IMPORTANT: Never attempt to take o with a glider that is not fully inated, directly overhead or if you are not fully in con­trol of the pitch/roll of the wing.

4.3 Operation Of Trimmer System

To set up a speed bar on the ground, ask a friend to pull your risers into their in-ight position while you sit in your harness. Now adjust the length of the line so that the bar sits just be­neath your seat. You should now be able to hook your heel in to the secondary loop of the accelerator. The accelerator must be slack enough to ensure that the speed system is not activated (pulled down) in normal ight, but not so long that it is impos­sible to use the full range of the speed system or so as to pose a risk to the propellor. Once set up, test the full range of the speed system in calm ying conditions: ensure that both risers
4.1 Ination:Forward
Nil to light wind
Lay out the paraglider with the leading edge in a horseshoe shape. Holding the A risers close to the quick links move for­ward until the lines are tight. You should now be perfectly cen­tered in your wing. In nil wind or a light headwind, with lines tight take several positive strides. CIMA PWR will rapidly inate and rise over your head. Do not pull the risers too hard, either
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The CIMA PWR is supplied with a trimmer riser set
The trimmers are a system to modify glider prole, altering the angle of attack of the wing to set a desired trim speed.
The ‘neutral’ or standard position is when the trimmers are pulled all the way down. The standard trim setting is ideal for climbing under power, whilst thermalling and when the air is turbulent. Brake pressure is lighter and the handling at its best on the standard trim setting. To increase cruise speed you can use the speed system or release the trimmers, or both. In tur
bulent air the wing is most stable on its slowest setting, i.e. with trimmers in the standard position and no accelerator applied.
To activate them the pilot should gently push the “trimmers” cam lock to allow the straps to slide, lowering the angle of attack. Release the cam lock to lock the straps at the desired setting. To tighten the trimmers, to increase the angle of attack, the pilot should pull the straps down vertically until the desired setting is achieved. Trimmers must be activated and deactivat­ed symmetrically .

4.4 Operation of Speed Bar

Use of the speed bar increases the maximum speed of the paraglider by up to 30% of the trim speed by lowering the angle of attack.
The speed bar is a foot operated system. Pushing the bar with your feet will activate the system. Releasing the bar will deactivate the system.
Use of the speed system does reduce the angle of attack and therefore there is an increased risk of a frontal (or asymmet­ric) collapse. For this reason we do not advise use of the speed bar near to the ground or in turbulent air.
Permissible in-Flight speed setting/steering of combined controls
Accelerator Trimmers Brakes
4.5 TheClimbOut
Once in the air you should continue ying into wind whilst gain­ing height. By setting the trimmers to the standard position you will achieve the best climb rate. Do not attempt to climb too steeply or too quickly by using the brakes. The wing already has a high angle of attitude, coupled with a higher angle of attack (if you use the brakes) plus the engine’s full thrust acting on the pilot, this could contribute to make the glider more prone to stall. Furthermore, in the event of an engine failure, the resulting backward pendulum motion of the pilot and the forward dive of the wing can result in a momentary dive until the wing and pilot reach pendulum stability once again, possibly resulting in ground impact if there is insucient altitude.
Do not initiate turns until you have sucient height and air
speed. Avoid low turns downwind with insucient airspeed.
The CIMA PWR is well damped in roll but under certain cir cumstances it is possible for the pilot to induce oscillations. This is caused by a combination of the engine/propeller torque and pilot weight-shift and/or brake inputs. To stop oscillations it is best to reduce the power slightly and ensure that you re main static with weight-shift and brake inputs. Once settled you can once again apply full power. Under full power the torque eect will attempt to gently turn the wing, using weight-shift or adjusting the trimmers asymmetrically is the best method to correct this.
NOTE: Using the trimmers asymmetrically will invalidate certication.
4.6 NormalFlight
Once at a safe altitude you can select your cruising speed. The faster you trim the wing, the more fuel your motor will consume to maintain level ight. For better penetration into headwinds and improved glide performance in sinking air or crosswinds,
you should y faster than trim speed by using the accelerator system, and or the trimmers.
For maximum eciency whilst ying downwind, set the trim­mers to the standard setting and do not use the speed bar. With trimmers set to the standard position and applying the brakes approximately 15%, the CIMA PWR will achieve its best minimum-sink rate.

4.7 Turning

Cima PWR is designed to turn eciently and will turn without the need for weight-shift piloting if you choose. Your wing is not only designed to turn rapidly (with approx. 30% brake) but also to y slowly in order to help identify areas of lift (for ecient climb rates) and to maintain a atter turn to minimize sink rate during the turn (with 15% brake).
4.8 ActiveFlying
Cima PWR has been designed with a stable prole. It will re­sist reasonable levels of turbulence without pilot input. However
in stronger turbulence we recommend that you return the trim­mers to the standard position and do not use the speed bar. Fly the glider actively.
The key elements of eective active ying are pitch control and pressure control:
In turbulent air, if the glider pitches in front of you, use the brakes to arrest the pitch. Equally, if the glider pitches behind you, release the brakes to allow it to speed up and return above you head. In severe turbulence, ying with a small amount of brake applied (approx. 20cm) will give you tension in the brakes and feedback from the wing. In turbulent conditions the internal pressure of the wing can change and you can feel this through the brakes. The aim is to maintain a constant pressure through the brakes. If you feel a loss in pressure apply the brakes until normal pressure is resumed then raise your hands swiftly back
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to their original position. Avoid ying with continuous amounts of brake in rough air as you could inadvertently stall the wing. Always consider your airspeed.
IMPORTANT: No pilot and no glider are immune to collaps
es. In severe turbulence active ying will help to eliminate any tendency be more active and anticipate the movements of your wing. Always be aware of your altitude and do not over-react. We advise you to keep hold of your brakes at all times and not to y in turbulent conditions.
to collapse. When the conditions are very turbulent,
As a general rule, in order to descend, y away from areas of lift. If, for whatever reason, you are taken unawares by the de­velopment of conditions, you may consider using the following techniques to incr
ease your sink rate.
or increased by releasing or depressing the brake by several centimetres respectively. Once mastered the spiral dive allows you to descend at rates greater than 10 m/s. Extremely abrupt or badly synchronised brake inputs or too-rapid initiation of the spiral may result in an asymmetrical collapse and/or a spin.
CAUTION: A deep spiral is a radical manoeuvre. The kinetic
energy generated must be dissipated by slowly releasing the inside brake throughout, at least, one whole revolution.

5.3 B-line Stall

4.9 Landing

A slow approach speed and the ight to end with the perfect landing , large areas and long runs are no longer required. It must be remember that in wind nil conditions the forward ground speed encountered may be signicantly higher and during landing that speed must be decreased as safely as pos­sible. This can be achieved by fully closing the trimmers and proportionately applying the brakes. If necessary as the pilot reaches the ground a longer run o should also be carried out. When landing in moderate wind conditions, the ground speed is reduced so simple and progressive application of the brakes will be enough for a perfect landing. Landing with open or half open trimmers is possible, but it will be necessary to balance the application of the brakes to the position of the trimmers and the forward ground speed being experienced. Of course open trimmers and an increase in forward ground speed when land­ing may require a larger landing area as opposed to when the trimmers are closed. The CIMA PWR very eciently transforms forward speed into lift allows for an ecient air.

5.1 Big Ears

Grasp the outside big ears A line on both sides as high up the line as possible.
Pull the line outwards and downwards whilst allowing your hands to slightly slide down the line until the wingtips fold back under the leading edge. We recommended that you perform each “ear“successively and not both simultaneously. Keep the lines taut to stop the wingtips from reopening until the manoeu­vre is nished. Depending on the size of the big ears that have been initiated, the sink rate can increase by up to 3–4 m/s. If necessary, it is possible to initiate small alterations in direction by weight shift control. As soon as the lines are released, the paraglider should spontaneously reopen. However, you can speed reopening by „pumping“ the brakes in a single sweep­ing movement approximately 30%. When pumping the brakes it is recommended that one side of the paraglider be opened after the other. Pulling both brakes simultaneously to reopen ears may result in a stall.
5.2 SpiralDrive
Cima PWR is a manoeuvrable wing that responds to pilot in­put precisely and progressively. To initiate a tight spiral apply one brake progressively to about 35% and hold it in this posi­tion. The speed of rotation and the brake pressure will increase progressively and the centrifugal force on the pilot will also increase. The angle and speed of rotation can be decreased
Grasp the B risers near the quick links, hands on the Yellow sections, and ease them down symmetrically. Do not snatch them down. The paraglider will enter a B-line stall and feel to drop backwards before the pilot stabilises underneath the wing. The descent rate increases to 6 - 8 m/s. To exit the B-line stall raise both hands together in a single, positive movement so that the risers are at normal full extension again. On releasing the B-risers, your CIMA PWR should return immediately to normal ight. An adjustment error, control error or certain aerological conditions may lead to a prolonged deep stall phase. A push on the speed bar should initiate rapid exit from the B-line stall state. If the speed bar is not connected, pulling on the A-risers by 4 – 5 cm will have the same result.
CAUTION: Unlike big ears and spiral dives (see above) a glid-
er in a B-line stall is in a true stalled position. For this reason, a B-line stall should never be performed close to the ground.


6.1 AsymmetricorFrontal(Symmetric)
Despite tests showing that CIMA PWR recovers spontaneously after collapses, active piloting is recommended in the event of
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an asymmetric or frontal collapse. Active piloting will reduce the loss of altitude and a change of direction.
In the event of a frontal (symmetric) collapse:
• Before automatic reopening occurs, bring both brakes down swiftly & symmetrically to speed up reopening of the leading edge, then immediately bring your hands back up to normal ying position.
In the event of an asymmetric collapse:
• Keep the paraglider ying as straight as possible by lean­ing away fr (just enough, not too much) brake to maintain course.
• Speed up the reopening of the closed side by a single, positive input on the collapsed side & repeat if necessary.
om the collapsed side and applying sucient

6.2 Stalls

Certain pilot behaviour or weather conditions can cause a full stall. This is a serious deviation from normal ight and can be dicult to manage. If a stall occurs at less than 100 m above the ground, throw your reserve parachute.
Main Causes of a Full Stall:
• Poorly timed or excessive use of the brakes when the air speed of the wing is reduced (e. g. when coming out of a spiral or speeding up after a B-line stall).
Rain-induced deep or Full stall:
• A soaked or heavily drenched leading edge (from rain or a cloud) can result in a full stall or Deep stall due to uneven airow over the leading edge as a result of rain drops and an increase of weight to the wing. Reported cases of this phenomenon are linked to high levels of porosity in the glider‘s fabric. Whatever the cause, a stall can be either symmetrical or asymmetric (a spin). In both cases the brake line travel becomes very short and even small input may suddenly induce an airow separation; in some cases even a gust or a sudden thermal may change the angle of incidence enough to cause the deep stall. If you nd
yourself ying in unavoidable rain we strongly recommend that you avoid any sudden movements or radical brake line input, that you do not pull Big Ears or B-stall, and that you steer clear of turbulence and avoid a deep are on landing. In both cases the pilot has two possible courses of action:
If the full stall happens above 100 m it is strongly recom­mended to initiate standard stall r pilot is familiar with the process (i.e. a complete execution of the full stall, stabilization of the wing and progressive lifting of the hands to resume normal ight).
• If the full stall happens below 100 m or if the pilot is unfa miliar with stall recovery the r deployed immediately
ecovery assuming the
eserve parachute should be
6.3 Brakelinemalfunction
If a brake line or pulley breaks it is possible to y CIMA PWR using the D risers (rear risers). The movements should be nely controlled as the deformation of the wing due to the traction on the D risers is greater than that produced by using the brakes.
Tip: Practice this method of steering to be prepared before
a real brake failure!
7.1 AdviceonMaintenance
• Avoid dropping the canopy on its top surface or on its leading edge during ination or landing.  Do not drag it across the ground when moving it.
• Do not expose it unnecessarily to sunlight.
• Choose a folding technique that doesn‘t damage the leading edge strips and that doesn‘t crease the internal
structure excessively. To maximize the life of your glider we do not recommend the use of stu sacks: the abrasion of the material will decrease the life expectancy of the fabric – in particular its internal structure.
• Never store your paraglider when it is damp. If immersed in sea water, rinse it thoroughly in fresh water. Do not use any detergents.
• If you do most of your ying near the sea, where the air is humid and salty, the wing may age faster. In this case we suggest you have it checked more often than prescribed in this manual.
• Empty any foreign bodies from your paraglider regularly, for example sand, stones or animal or vegetable matter which may eventually decay. Twigs, sand, pebbles, etc. damage tissue in successive folds, and organic debris of vegeta ble or animal origin (insects) can promote mould gr CIMA PWR is tted with debris release slots at the wing tips. Debris can be shaken from the closed cells through to the wing tip and the release slot opened to remove parti cles. Check that you reseal the debris r completed.
elease slot when

7.2 Storage and transport

Store your loosely packed glider in a cool (10-25°C) and dry (< 70% humidity) place. Hot car boots or damp basements lead to damaging of the cloth. A paraglider should always be dry when packed, but this is particularly important after the last ight of the season. But even a completely dry wing should still be stored open in a dry, clean and dark place. If you do not have room for such winter storage we recommend you open all compression straps on the bag as much as possible and leave the bag open so that air can circulate around the packed canopy. Make sure no vermin make their sleeping quarters in your wing, and keep it well distant from solvents and acids. Petrol and other petrochemicals are especially abrasive for ny­lon and will dissolve the cloth if allowed near. High temperatures in combination with moisture are a particularly volatile mix that will accelerate the hydrolysis process where the bres and the coating are decomposed.
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7.3 Checkups

The wing has undergone a series of tests during the production process and consequent ight tests before the delivery. It is delivered with a standard brake setting, the same as the one used during the testing.
7.4 PeriodicChecks&Repairs
For safety reasons it is recommended that the wing be checked at least once a year, or after 100 ights, whichever is sooner and anytime there is a noticeable change in its behaviour. The check must be done by the manufacturer or an authorized rep­resentative. Before sending the paraglider for an inspection, contact your importer or your dealer.
CAUTION: Have your wing additionally checked if you notice
damages or a change in ight behaviour.

7.5 Spare parts

Your SKY wing consists of many high quality long-life compo­nents. When replacing parts, (lines, risers, fabric panels, etc.), only original parts may be used. In addition to the continued airworthiness of your paraglider this is important for your safety as well.


Cima PWR is guaranteed for two years against any production fault since the date of purchase. The guarantee does not cover:
• Damage caused by misuse, by neglecting the regular maintenance, or if the glider is overloaded or misused.
• Damage caused by inappropriate landings.


Even the best products have a limited service life, and once your glider reaches this point, it must be disposed of properly. Please make sure your paraglider is disposed of in the correct environmental manner or send it back to Sky Paragliders for correct disposal. In case of any doubts regarding the informa­tion in the manual, contact your SKY dealer.
Sky Paragliders a.s. Okružní 39, 739 11 Frýdlant nad Ostravicí, Czech Republic Tel.: +420 558 676 088,,
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Sky Paragliders a.s. Okružní 39, 739 11 Frýdlant nad Ostravicí, Czech Republic Tel. +420 558 676 088,,
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Gratuliere zu Ihrer Entscheidung, ein Teil der Sky Family zu war­den. Wir freuen uns, Sie zur Welt von Sky begrüßen zu können und hoen, dass Sie unter ihrem Sky Paragliders Schirm viele schöne Stunden mit fantastischen Flügen genießen werden. Die Basis von Sky Paragliders liegt im Herzen von Europa und wir sind stolz auf unsere auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik ausgestatte Produktion in der Tschechischen Republik.
Management und Entwicklungsteams sitzen nur 19 Stufen oberhalb des Produktionsbetriebes. Dieser enge Kontakt ist für uns unglaublich wichtig und hilft uns dabei, Produkte höchster Qualität mit minimaler Umweltbelastung und minimiertem Verbrauch von Material anbieten zu können.
Bitte lesen Sie dieses Handbuch aufmerksam und beachten Sie die folgenden Details: Der Zweck dieses Handbuchs ist es, dem Piloten Richtlinien für den Gebrauch dieses Gleitschirms zu vermitteln. Auf keinen Fall darf das Handbuch als Trainingsanleitung für diesen oder einen anderen Schirm genutzt werden. Wir raten Ihnen dringend, einen Gleitschirm nur als qualizierter Pilot oder im Rahmen der Ausbildung an einer akkreditierten Flugschule mit einem geeigneten Fluglehrer zu verwenden. Piloten sind persönlich für ihre eigene Sicherheit und die Flugtauglichkeit ihres Fluggeräts verantwortlich. Der Gebrauch dieses Gleitschirms erfolgt ausschließlich auf Risiko des Verwenders! Sowohl der Hersteller als auch die Händler schließen jegliche Haftung in Verbindung mit dem Gleitschirmiegen aus. Zum Zeitpunkt der Auslieferung erfüllt dieser Gleitschirm alle Anforderungen von EN und DGAC und verfügt über ein von Sky Paragliders ausgestelltes Zertikat seiner Flugtüchtigkeit. Alle Änderungen an diesem Gleitschirm machen die Musterzulassung ungültig.
User manual / Handbuch / Manuel / Návod k obsluze
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