General Information
Burglary P rot ect ion
Your system provides two modes of burglar y protection: STAY and
AWAY. STAY mode protects the perimeter only, allowing you to freely
move inside the premi ses . AWAY mode pro tects the entire system.
Both modes provide an e ntr y delay time that allows you to reenter th e
premises without setti ng off an alarm.。
Your system's sensing devices have been assigned to various "zones."
For example, the sensing device on your entry/exit door may have
been assigned to zone 01, sensing devices on windows in the m aster
bedroom to zone 02, and so on. These number s appear on the display
when an alarm or tro ubl e con dit ion o ccu rs.
Exit/Entry Delays
Your security system has been programmed with delay times that
allow you to exit the premises af ter a rming, and to disarm the system
upon entry, before an alarm occurs. If you leave the premises too late
when exiting, or disarm too late when arriving home, it will cause a
false alarm. If an alarm occurs, you should disarm the system
Exit Alarms:
The security system will generate a Doo r/W ind ow Open alarm, and
display “Door/Window Open”when you leave the p remises and
forget to close the door or window after th e exi t del ay expires.
When an alarm occurs,both the built-in and external sounders will
sound until the system is disarmed or until alarm b ell t ime out o ccu rs,
and a message on the display will identify the zone(s) causing the
alarm. Your system may also have been programmed to automatically
send alarm messages and voice via the cellular/GSM/GPRS/3G
network, and push alarm notification to your mobile app. In
addition,if your system is co nne cted to a central monitoring
station,an alarm message will be sent.To stop the alarm soundi ng, you
simply disarm the system.
Abo ut Your Sec urity S ystem
About the Pan el
Ind ex
Ite m
Dis play Wi ndow
Spe aker
Pan ic Key
Awa y/St ay Arm
But ton
Dis arm But ton
Men u
But tons
Scr oll Up /Func tion/
Scr oll Dow n/Bac kspace /
Page D own But ton
Can cel/B ack
But ton
Ent er But ton
Des cript ion
2.4"T FT Display screen. Display s syst em status
ico ns and in forma tion, time, zon e(s) a larm
inf ormat ion and u ser men us.
Ala rms and c onfir mation sounds .
Pre ss to ge nera te a Panic Alarm in cas e
of fi re or pe rson al emer genc y.
Pre ss to ar m the en tire bu rgla ry sy stem ,
per imete r and in terio r.
Pre ss twi ce to arm p erim eter po rti on pro gram med
for “Stay Ar m Acti ve” of b urgl ary syste m only .
Int erior prot ectio n is not armed,which al lows
mov ement within premis es wit hout c ausin g alarm .
Pre ss to di sarm the sy stem a nd to cl ear alarm .
Pre ss twice to clear t roub le display of accesso ries.
Scr oll up to the desired fun ction or menu.
Scr oll down to the des ired f unction or menu .
Return to t he pre vious screen.
Sel ect opt ion or enter to the n ext screen.
Pag e Up But ton