The SkyHydrant water purification unit provides a stand-alone system for supplying clean safe drinking
water for disasters, emergencies and humanitarian programs.
Operations are manual and simple and the unit can be set up for use in refugee camps, communities,
villages, health clinics, schools, orphanages and many other
applications where the source water is not safe.
Where to set-up the SkyHydrant
To avoid theft or vandalism select a secure location to install the
SkyHydrant sheltered from the sun, wind and rain.
• Mount the SkyHydrant in a sturdy position with sufficient
space around the unit to allow for cleaning
• Allow space for access for people to line up and collect the
water. Ensure location is clean and well drained and provide
a disposal area (drain) for backwash water.
• The SkyHydrant unit is a valuable asset and requires daily
cleaning for its continued operation. A local supervisor
should be appointed to oversee operations and provide
security. A daily operational log of water production should
also be maintained.
Assembling the SkyHydrant
Attach the Cleaning Handle to the top of the SkyHydrant. One
handle is already located in position and the other needs to be
screwed into place.
The SkyHydrant can be set up to operate as either a wall mounted
unit using the brackets supplied or as a freestanding unit using the
aluminium legs supplied. Bolts and screws are included in the
accessory kit allowing the brackets or legs to be easily connected.
All fittings use 20mm (3/4”) connectors and lengths of flexible
hoses, clamps and fittings are supplied to assist with setting up and
connecting pipes. Taps T1 and T2 are adjustabl e al lowing them to
be folded down level.
Connect required operating equipment to allow the SkyHydrant to
function – this may include hoses, pipes, water tanks, pump and
other equipment.
Connect the dirty (raw) water pipe to (T1) connect the backwash
pipe to T2 and connect the drinking water outlet pipe to (T3).
It is good practice to soak and flush drinking containers, hoses,
taps, and other equipment with a 0.1% (1,000 parts per million)
chlorine solution to eliminate any residual or accidental
contamination - add approximately 1 teaspoon of chlorine powder
to 5 litres of water.

Internal Filter Module
The filter module is permanently located inside the SkyHydrant and does not need to be accessed or
replaced providing it is maintained in accordance with instructions. Raw water entering the unit should
not contain any sharp objects or unsuitable chemicals, minerals or excessive turbidity.
Regular cleaning of the SkyHydrant is essential for maintaining a continuous flow of drinking water.
Operating the SkyHydrant
To ensure the correct flow of water is maintained turn all taps
off before commencing each operating procedure:
Fill the SkyHydrant with Water:
Open T1 (dirty water in) & T4 (vent). This fills the
SkyHydrant with raw water. Close T4 (vent) when
water flows out and briefly open tap T6 (air purge) to
clear the lines of any trapped air.
Produce Drinking Water:
Open T1 (dirty water in) and T3 (clean water out) to
commence the flow of drinking water.
Manual Cleaning (Daily):
Undertake manual cleaning at least once a day or
more often if the flow of drinking water slows. Manual
cleaning is carried out while the SkyHydrant is full of
water. Don’t forget to turn all taps off before
1) Rotate the Cleaning Handles three turns
anticlockwise to release the O ring seal.
2) Move the Cleaning Handles back and forth
vigorously for 1 minute. This agitates and cleans
the filter module located inside the SkyHydrant.
Some leakage may occur around the rotating shaft
while cleaning is undertaken – this is not a
3) Open T4 (vent) & T2 (backwash out) to allow the
backwash water to drain away and continue
moving the Cleaning Handles until the backwash is
4) If necessary, repeat the manual cleaning procedure
until the wastewater from T2 (backwash out) is the
same colour as the dirty (raw) water passing into
the unit through T1 (dirty water in).
5) Rotate the cleaning Handles three turns clockwise
to reseal the O rings.
6) The “Manual Cleaning Procedure” is now complete
and the unit can again be refilled water.
Chemical Cleaning (Monthly):
Undertake chemical cleaning once a month or more
often if the flow of drinking water slows.
Chemical Cleaning is undertaken using chlorine to remove organic and other matter not easily
removed by the “Manual Clean”.
Caution: When handling chlorine keep safe by wearing protective gloves, eyeglasses and
clothing and do not inhale the chlorine. Chlorine is a dangerous chemical and if injured wash
area thoroughly with water and seek medical attention.
Chlorine comes as dry granules e.g. calcium hypochlorite (bleaching powder) or a liquid e.g.
sodium hypochlorite. To make up a chlorine bath of 0.1% chlorine (1,000 parts per million) for
the filter cleaning process, undertaking the following procedure: