Assembly instructions
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so close to be a Hero …
Kits SKH00-401, SKH00-402 & SKH00-403
Assembly instructions Spyder / Kits SKH00-401, SKH00-402 & SKH00-403 / Page 1/5

Mount de 5 frame-spacers.
Screws used: PT 2,9*13mm
Mount de 2 landing gear holders.
Screws used: M3*10mm + M3 locknut PT 3*10mm
Tip : Glue de screw in place on your frame for later easy
gear holder replacement…
Mount de 5 silent blocks.
Screws used: M4*10mm round head
Mount your motors on motor holders.
Tip : Use the screws provided with your motor and add
some threadlock
Connect your ESC to your motors.
Tip : Check your cable lenght depending on your frame
size and ight controller.
Check your motor rotation depending on your ight
controller recommendations.
Assembly instructions Spyder / Kits SKH00-401, SKH00-402 & SKH00-403 / Page 2/5