PROHIBITED: this symbo l po in ts o ut a ct io ns t ha t yo u sh ou ld n ot d o
to avoid possible dama ge o r ac ci de nt s.
1.Do not fly in thunders to rm ,
strong winds or bad weat he r.
5 . Make sure that the model a s we ll a s
the control system is in the g oo d st at e
before the plane takes o ff.
3 .Never fly the Model whe re a re c ro wd s of
people. Give yoursel f pl en ty o f ro om f ly in g ,
as the plane can travel at a h ig h ra te o f sp ee d .
Remember you are respo ns ib le f or t he s af et y
of others.
2 .Never fly the Model whe re a re c ro wd s of
power lines overhe ad , a ut om ob il es o r ne ar
highways , subways.
Meaning of the icons.
WAR NI NG ! : th is s ym bo l in di ca te s wh er e ca ut io n is e ss en ti al t o
avoid injury to your se lf o r ot he rs .
Safety instructions
4. Do not fly in where the sam e fr eq ue nc y
model plane is flying ne ar by.
If you have any questions in regarding to the safe operation, or possible
please call your local hobby shop for professional advice.
Radio-controlled models are very demanding and potentially dangerous
They call for a high level of technical knowledge and skill from the operator.
Please always keep this instruction manual ready at hand for quick reference,
even after completing the assembly.
wil l not tak e any res ponsi bilit y for dam age or ac ciden t cause d by
the i mprop er use of t his mod el.
The F4F is an electric propeller which is ideal for the
intermediate or advanced Flyer.
In order to fly the F4F, please make sure you read through the
carefully before attempting to operate the model for the first time.
7.Do not attempt to catch th e
model while flying.
8.Not recommended fo r ch il dr en u nd er 1 4y ea rs o ld ,
Children under years old should onl y op er at e th is
model under the guid an ce o f a re sp on si bl e ad ul t.
9. Do n ot s to re t hi s mo de l in a h igh-temperature
or humidity area or in dir ec t su nl ig ht .
6. use genuine accessor ie s as
replacmente for dama ge d pa rt s.
Thank you for purchasing F4F.