Make su re that a ll elec tric co nnect ions an d conne ction c ables m eet the p ertai ning re gulat ions
and are i n confo rmity w ith the o perat ing ins truct ions.
Do not ov erloa d elect rical o utlet s or exte nsion c ords, fire or e lectr ic shoc ks can be t he resu lt.
Pleas e conta ct an exp ert in ca se you ha ve any do ubts ab out the m ode of op erati on ,
the saf ety or co nnect ing the a pplia nces.
Keep al l parts a way fro m young c hildr en's re ach .
Do not st ore thi s item on w et , very c old or wa rm plac es , this c an dama ge the el ectro nic
circu it boar ds.
Avo id d rop pi ng or s ho cks , this ca n damag e the ele ctron ic boar ds.
Never r eplac e damag ed powe r cable s yours elf ! in su ch a case , r emove t hem fro m them fr om
the net a nd take t he devi ces to a wo rksho p.
Repai rs or ope ning of t his ite m may onl y be perf ormed b y an auth orise d works hop.
The dev ices ar e maint enanc e-fre e durin g the war ranty,so ne ver ope n them . The gua rante e
becom es void w hen you o pen the a pplia nce . Onl y clean t he outs ide of th e devic es with a s oft,
dry clo th or a bru sh.Pr ior to cl eanin g.rem ove the d evice s from al l volta ge sour ces.
Do not us e any car boxyl ic clea ning ag ents or p etrol , a lcoho l or simi lar . the se atta ck
the sur faces o f the dev ices.
Cor rect Di sposa l of This P roduc t(Was te El ectr ical & El ectro nic Equ ipmen t)(Ap plica ble in th e
Eur opean U nion an d other E urope an coun tries w ith sep arate c ollec tion sy stems )
Thi s marki ng show n on the pr oduct o r its lit eratu re,in dicat es that i t shoul d not be di spose dwith o ther
hou sehol d waste s at the en d of its wo rking l ife.To pr event p ossib le harm t o the env ironm ent or
hum an heal th from u ncont rolle d waste d ispos al.pl ease se parat e this fr om othe r types o f waste s and
rec ycle it r espon sibly t o promo te the su stain able re sue of ma teria l resou rces. House hold us ers
sho uld con tact ei ther th e retai ler whe re they p urcha sed thi s produ ct,or t heir lo cal gov ernme nt offi ce,
for d etail s of wher e and how t hey can t ake thi s item fo r envir onmen tally s afe rec yclin g .Busi ness
use rs shou ld cont act the ir supp lier an d check t he term s and con ditio ns of the p urcha se cont ract. This
pro duct sh ould no t be mixe d with ot her com merci al wast es for di sposa l.
f hIj
c d e g
(5a) (5b) (5c) (5d)
(3h)VGA output (3i)HDMI output (3f)Monitor port
(3e)Network port
(3d)Camera conne ct ion
1 2
16 17
Network and Remote
power supply port
SKY- IP10J7 5P
Network digital Video Recorder,
support ONVIF protoc ol
Support cell phone QR co de ,scan
to internet,Cloud se rvice
Computer remote surv eillance,setting
free for NVR,Cloud ser vice
No Setting in connecti ng NVR and IPC
NVR integrated switc h,support PoE
power supply
Full real-time playb ack while decoding
Support HDMI output
Multi languages for se lection
Applications: banks, supermarkets, gas
stations, factories and other places.
Packi ng List (1)
a.S KY-IP1 0J7 5P* 4
b.S KY-N 6004 P Ho st
c.R emote
d.M ouse
e.P ower
f. CD
g.N etwor k Cable
Rear Pa nel(3 )
a.P ower Ke y
b.P ower In put por t
c.P OE powe r suppl y
and n etwor k conne ction
ind icato r
d.V ied o inp ut po rt
e.N etwor k port
f. Vi deo o utp ut po rt
g.A udio ou tput po rt
h.V GA outpu t
I. HD MI outp ut
j. Mo use
k.U SB port
Expan d Figur e (5)
5a. VGA ou tput (3 h)
5b. HDM I outpu t (3i)
5c. Mon itor po rt (3f)
5d. USB ( 3k)
5e. Net work po rt (3e)
5f. C amera c onnec tion
(3d )
5g. Mou se(3j )
Front p anel( 2)
a.U p/Dow n/Lef t/Rig ht/Me nu
/OK F ast/P lay/P ause/
Rec ord/R eplay /Retu rn/
Pau se
b.1 /2/3/ 4 Menu sw itchi ng/
c.P ower LE D/HDD L ED
Remot e contr ol (4)
1.P ower sw itch
2.M anual r ecord ing
3.N umeri c keys
4.B acksp ace
5.M enu
6.P revie w mode co nvers ion
7.U p / Down / Le ft / Righ t /
OK ke y
8.t ypewr iting s witch
9.Q uit
10. Fas t forwa rd / rewi nd
11.S etu p plu s or mi nus k ey
12. Aut omati cally s earch
and p lay the f ile
13. Aud io Moni tor Swi tch
14. PTZ c ontro l
15. Loc k/res pond to t he
rem ote
16. Pla y / Pause
17. Sto p butto n
18. Ala rm
19. Rem ove
Model N o
Sys tem Str uctur e
Sen sor
Vid eo Pr oce ssi ng
Ima ge Outp ut
Day a nd Nigh t
Net p ort
IR Le d
IR di stanc e
Len s
Pho tores ister
i nfrar ed lamp s linka ge
Whi te Bala nce
Gra p fucti on
Shu tter
Min i llumi nance
Sup port Ag ree men t
Bus iness F uncti on
ONV IF Agree ment
Mob ile Sur veill ance
Pow er Inpu t
Wor kin g Temper ature
Model N o.
Ope ratio n Syste m
Sys tem Res ource
Liv e displ ay
Vid eo St and ard
Vid eo Co mpr ess ion
Moni toring Re soluti on
Pla yback R esolu tion
Dec ode cap acity
Mot ion Det ectio n
Aud io comp ressi on
Voic e Inter com
Rec ord Mod e
Loc al Play back
Vid eo Se arc h
Vid eo Sa ve
Bac k up
Vid eo In put M ode
Vid eo Ou tpu t
Aud io Inpu t
Aud io Outp ut
Ala rm Inpu t
Ala rm Outp ut
Net work In terfa ce
USB i nterf ace
HDD i nterf ace
Pow er
POE p ower su pply
Wor kin g Tempe rature
Wor kin g Hum idi ty
Dim ensio n(mm)
G.W /N.W
pu re ha rd co mpr essi on, wat chdog . Emb edded RTOS des ign ,
dua l-cor e 32bi ts DSP
1/4 ’’ OV Mega pixel C MOS sen sor
H.2 64 vide o encod ing,s uppor t dual- strea m,AVI fo rma t,
sup port st ream 0. 1M-6M pbs adj ustab le,
sup port fr ame rat e 1-30/ sec adj ustab le.
Mai n strea m 1280* 72 0, Aux ili ary s trea m 704* 576
Sup port
1 RJ4 5 ether net in ter fac e, 10 /100 M adap tiv e
4 arr ay
15- 20M
4/6 /8mm se lecta ble
1 pho tor esi ste r port , su ppo rt photo resis ter inp ut sign al and ima ge,IR CUT
Aut o/Man ual
Sup port JPEG G rap
1/2 5 Sec to 1/ 100 .00 0 Sec
Col orful :0. 6Lu x@ F1. 2, Bla ck& whi te: 0. 08l ux@F 1. 2
RTS P/F TP/ PPP OE/D HCP/D DNS/N TP/UP nP,e tc, web ag ree men t
Sup port WE B confi gurat ion, sup por t OSD ,su pport r eal- tim e vid eo
tra nsmis sion, su ppo rt mo tio n dete ction a nd IO ala rm link age fro nt end
sto rage, su ppo rt fr ont -en d stora ge paly back/ do wnl oad ,su pport motio n
det ectio n and IO al armce ntre to r emind a nd scre en pop- up l ink age .
Sup port
Sup port (iPhon e、Windo ws Mobi le、Blac kBerr y Sym bian And roid)、 、
POE p ower su pply, DC 4 8V, Max d ist anc e 100 M
-1 0 ~5 5℃ ℃
N6004 P
Emb edded L inux
Multi-channel real-time recording simultaneously, multi-channel real-time
playback,multi-channel and multi-user network operation, USB backup
1/4 CH
PAL( 25f ps) ; NTS C(3 0fp s)
H. 264
Monitor : D1, VGA, HDMI: (support 1920 *1080, 1280*72 0, 1440*900,
1280*10 24, 1024*768, 800* 600)
960 P/D1
4CH 9 60P rea l tim e
192 (16*1 2) dete ction a rea can b e set for e ach cha nnel, m ulti- level
sen sitiv ity can b e set (lo cal cha nnel on ly)
G. 711A
Man ual, al arm, mo tion de tecti on, tim ing
1CH p layba ck
Tim e sea rch , cale ndar se arch, e vent se arch, c hanne l searc h
The h ard dis k, netw ork
Net work ba ckup, U SB mobi le hard d isk, US B, SATA(o nly f or so me mod els)
4C H 960P/ 4CH D1
1CH B NC(1. 0Vp-p , 75Ω), 1CH VGA , 1CH HDM I outpu t
RJ 45 1 0M/1 00M s elf -ad apt ive E the rne t int erfa ce
2 pcs
1 SATA(M AX. 3 T each )
DC 48 V/12 V
4 por t for POE p ower su pply, 1 po rt fo r UP li nk, IEE E802.3a f
Int ernat ional s tanda rd, 15. 4W sing le port p ower su pply
0 55℃-+ ℃
10%-9 0%
326 *230 *6 0
Ch ec k the n et work de vi ce ou ts id e to co nn ec t is su cc essfu l or not;
(1) (2)
Wac tching th ro ugh the com puter, inp ut w ww.xmeye .net;
Press the s er ial numbe r of device ;
This pr oduct h as 1-ye ar guar antee f rom the d ate of pu rchas e.
You ca n submi t an appl icati on on our w ebsit e;www. cn-dv r.ne t;
Pleas e keep th e recei pt,se rial nu mber an d artic le numb er in rea ch.
An appl icati on will e nsure a q uick an d simpl e settl ement f or even tual
repar ation s in the fu ture.
Pleas e read th e user ma nual ca reful ly befo re usin g the pro duct.
We gu arantee th e qua lit y of the pr odu ct , an d tak e respo nsi bil ity f or it.
Exclu ded f rom g uar antee ; d ama ge ca used by inco mpe ten t use;
amend men ts or r epa irs car rie d out b y a thi rd parr y.
Norma l wea r and t ear o f the pro duc t is al so not under g uar ant ee.
Conse que nti al lo ss is als o not u nde r guara nte e and c ann ot be rec ove red f rom u s.
Shoul d the p rod uct m alfun cti on du ring the gua ran tee p eriod , s end t he pr odu ct
prope rly p ack age d to the se rvi ce ce ntre . Enclo se th e ful ly fill ed in g uar ant ee card .
Only pr epa id pa cka ged wil l be ac cep ted.
The pro duc t wil l be re paire d in ou r ser vice centr e und er th e guara nte e the g uar antee
terms a nd re tur ned t o you.
(6) (7)
(9) (10)
Wat ching thr ou gh the Phon e, instal l th e softwar e,
scan the QR c od e.
Stree t
Posta l cod e
Telepho ne no .
Produ ct bo ugh t at
Purch ase d ate
( Rec eipt mu st be enc losed !)
Descr ipt ion o f com plain t
If there is n o ca se of guara ntee
(check 1 op ti on):
Send th e pro duc t unr epair ed an d
carri age f ree t o abo ve addr ess .
Repai r the p rod uct a t a cost , th e
produ ct wi ll be r etu rned .
5.Period 1
6.Period 2
7.Period 3
8.Period 4
1.System Time
2.Date Format
3.Date Separator
.Time Format
6.HDD Full
8.Video Standard
9.Auto Logout
10.Machine Name
Note: i f user is f ixed IP, need mo dify th e DVR and c amera I P add ress by h and,
set up th e refer ence ma nuals .
1.Record Channel
2.Extra Channel
3.Alarm In
4.Alarm Output
6.Bulid Date
8.Serial NO
9.Machine Name
11.Nat status
12.Nat status code
3.Left Capacity
1. PP Po E 2. NT P
3. Em ai l 4. IP F ILTE R
5. DD NS 6 .FTP
7. AR SP
8. Al ar mServer
9. Wi re less Conf ig
10.Mobi le M onitor
11.UPN P 12.WiF i
13.R TSP 14.C LOUD