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“abc”: Bad command or file name”, then press “OK” several times until you can see the
2) Input MAC address(if were 00:16:17:30:C9:3A), operation as follows:
Input the order after DOS prompt “8204>” as below:
Then will see the following information:
Command String: SETMAC 00:16:17:30:C9:3A
Set MAC to: 00:16:17:30:C9:3A
Success to set mac.
So it means setup ok, or failure.
3) Mac inure when system restart.
Into menu mode
In the preview mode, press menu key to come back the shortcut menu; press again
the menu key to come back main menu list; press play key, into play back the inquiry page
layout; press rec key, into the operation by MAC page layout; press the ptz shortcut key,
into PTZ operation control page layout.
Menu form instruction
There is a little rectangle in the menu page layout, call it “shift cube”, use the fluctuate
key can make the “shift cube” from this link to the other link, when the “shift cube” go to
one link, you can press the panel/remote control key into this menu of link. Such as
move the “shift cube” to “record” icon, press the panel/remote control key into “record”
second grade menu.
Each menu include sorts of setting, thereinto “shift cube” mean that setting are operated.
Use the right and left key can move the “shift cube” mentioned. The main parts form
cells are like these:
(1) Check box: offer up to 2 options, “V” means availability, “X” means shield, use the
enter key or fluctuation key to interchange.
(2) Combo box: offer over 2 options, but just can choose one, use the fluctuation key
can choose one item from the menu list. Such as at the right of “channel” were your
gate combo boxes.
(3) List box: display the search result in the menu list, use the fluctuation key can
choose one item from the list, if you press the enter key to play the file information in
the playback search result list.
(4) Edit box: offer one character to input rectangle, use the right and left key to move