EX-100 Midi to DMX Converter
MIDI to DMX Converter
ModelDMX Output
MIDI Status
(All ON)
1 2
1 2 3 4
x = Midi Channel (1-16)
a = DMX Channel (1-127)
b = DMX Channel (128-255)
c = Brightness 0=Off, 63=50% ON, 127= Full ON (0-127)
Mid i C omm and Pro to co l (In D ec im al)
DMX Channels 1-127
DMX Channels 128-255
All DMX Channels 1-512
1 2 3 4
1 U U U U
2 D U U U
3 U D U U
4 D D U U
5 U U D U
6 D U D U
7 U D D U
8 D D D U
9 U U U D
10 D U U D
11 U D U D
12 D D U D
13 U U D D
14 D U D D
15 U D D D
16 D D D D
D = Switch Down
U = Switch Up
Note On
For control of DMX Channels 1-255
1 2 3 4
1 U U U U
2 D U U U
3 U D U U
4 D D U U
5 U U D U
6 D U D U
7 U D D U
8 D D D U
9 U U U D
10 D U U D
11 U D U D
12 D D U D
13 U U D D
14 D U D D
15 U D D D
16 D D D D
D = Switch Down
U = Switch Up
The EX-100 is a MIDI to DMX converter. It allows you to use MIDI commands from your MIDI sequencer,
MIDI keyboard , MIDI Footswitch, or any other MIDI output device, to control your DMX stage lighting. If
used with a sequencer, you can completely automate your stage lighting so that your lighting changes
will be in perfect time with your songs. Just think of the possibilities. The EX-100 has two separate DMX
outputs so that each side of the stage can have their own daisy chained output.
TheEX-100 does not have a power switch. The PWR led
indicates that power is connected to the EX-100 device.
Midi Channel Select
The MIDI Channel Select Switch, which consist of 4 small
DIP switches, MUST be configured for the desired Midi
Channel that you wish to use to control the EX-100. It can
be changed with power applied, on the fly if desired.
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On Power Up= Flashes RED/GREEN 6 times.
When any Midi Command on the selected Channel is detected= Flashes GREEN one time
When any Midi Command is detected that is NOT on the selected Channel= Flashes RED one time
While the RESET Switch is Depressed = Steady RED
Midi IN Jack
This is connected to the Midi Device that is used to control the EX-100. This is an INPUT.
Midi Thru Jack
This passes all of the Midi Commands straight through the EX-100. This is a buffered output.
DMX Outputs
There are two separate DMX Outputs, but have the same DATA on both of them. This allows you to
have two separate runs for each side of the stage. DMX devices are “daisy chained” together. A
maximum of 32 DMX devices can be daisy chained to each output. Each output run, should be
terminated with a 120 ohm resister on the output of the last DMX device in the “daisy chain”. The two
DMX outputs are NOT isolated. They share a common ground.
Reset Switch
The RESET switch does two things. While fully depressed, it outputs maximum brightness for DMX
channels 1-255 (255). When released, it turns all DMX (1-512) channels OFF(0). This is a big help when
trouble shooting your light system. The MIDI Status LED turns solid RED while the RESET switch is
depressed. The EX-100 always outputs an OFF (0) condition for DMX channels 256 through 512.
EX-100 Midi Commands
The EX-100 allows you to control ONLY DMX channels 1 through 255. DMX channels 256 through 512
are NOT accessible with the EX-100. The EX-100 outputs an OFF (0) condition for DMX channels 256
through 512.
The Midi “NOTE ON” command, which consist of three consecutively transmitted bytes, is used to
control DMX channels 1-127. The format is as follows:
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Note ON
Note ON
DMX Channel
DMX Channel
00= OFF
3F = 50% ON
7F= 100% ON
0= OFF
63= 50% ON
127= 100% ON
9x 03 7F
143+x 3 127
In Hex
In Decimal
Midi Channel (0-F)
Midi Channel (1-16)
Midi Command for DMX Channels 1-127
[For Channels 1-16]
Control Change
Control Change
d=DMX Channel
d=DMX Channel 128-255
00= OFF
3F = 50% ON
7F= 100% ON
0= OFF
63= 50% ON
127= 100% ON
Bx d-80h 7F
175+x d-128 127
In Hex
In Decimal
x=Midi Channel (0-F)
x=Midi Channel (1-16)
Midi Command for DMX Channels 128-255
[Channels 1- 16]
The Midi “Control Change” command, which consist of three consecutively transmitted bytes, is used
to control DMX channels 128-255. The format is as follows:
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