Thank you for purchasing the Skutch AS-703-SBC Promotion-On-Hold
Module. This module was designed to work ONLY with the SBC 410 or
Casio SI460 telephone. With this Module, all calls that are placed "ON
HOLD", from any SBC 410 or Casio SI460, will hear the Promotion-OnHold audio. When the call is re-answered, the audio will automatically
• Music Cut Off Note
It is normal to hear a burst of music or promotion when a call is picked
up from a hold condition. The maximum length of the burst should be under
1 second.
• Operation
When the AS-703-SBC is connected to power, the LEDS will flash, and
audio will play over the telephone lines, three times then turn OFF. When a
line is placed "ON HOLD", the corresponding LED on the AS-703-SBC will
light indicating that audio is being coupled to that telephone line. The unit
will play audio to all calls that are placed ON HOLD. Make sure that you
adjust the level of the music to the proper level on the audio source.
• Troubleshooting Guide
No Audio but Lights Turn On, on the AS-703-SBC
Make sure the Message Source is playing.
Make sure the Message Source volume is turned up.
Make sure the audio cable is connected. On CD players use the
headphone jack and the supplied Black Audio Cord. On Digital
players use the 8 ohm or Speaker out, and use the cable that came
with the digital player.
Try re-setting the STATION ID for each of the phones, start with
22 and go down from there. (11-22)
Music does not always shut OFF or turn ON.
Re-set the STATION ID number for EACH telephone. Start with
22 and go down.
• Tech Support - 916-786-6186
If you have any problems getting the unit to work properly feel free to
give us a call. Technical Support is available between the hours of 7:30 AM
and 4:30 PM Pacific Time, Monday through Friday.