A synthesis of clean boost, overdrive, and
This unique Skreddy Pedals design features a mosfet treble-boost
input stage followed by a highly modified, tightly-controlled,
hybrid fuzz circuit. Every aspect of the Screw Driver™ has been
optimized for maximum versatility, lush and controllable vintage
'dirt' voicing, noiseless performance, and ideal tonal balance.
Volume: This sets the output volume. You can adjust your Skreddy
Pedal to roughly the same volume as your bypass signal (aka “unity
gain”) or you can boost your signal for a fatter tone.
The Gain control takes you from slightly gritty clean through
touch-sensitive overdrive all the way to aggressive distortion.
The Sharpness control dials in the amount of bass going into the
distortion section, for everything from thin, twangy treble-boost to
midrange grit to thick, fuzzy breakup.
The Brilliance control is a trimpot accessible via a hole in the left
side of the pedal. It's set somewhere around 66% or so by me, and
you can get a lot more brilliance and bite or make it darker and
smoother, to suit your amp and taste.
The Pregain control is a trimpot accessible via a hole in the right
side of the pedal. It sets the gain of the mosfet input transistor.
Turned all the way up, the Screw Driver will have a fairly hot tone
with a bit of compression. Backed off a bit, the Screw Driver will
have a cooler response with a lot more punchiness. With the
Pregain turned down, you can use your Screw Driver as a clean
boost if you also turn the Gain down. The Brilliance and Pregain
controls tend to be interactive such that you’ll want to turn down
the Brilliance control with the Pregain set high, and you’ll want to
turn the Brilliance up high when you back the Pregain down.
9v battery is not included. To install or change a battery, remove
the bottom cover using a Phillips screw driver. To prevent a battery
(if you use one) from draining while the pedal is not in use,
remember to un-plug the input cable from the pedal’s input jack.
The battery is also disconnected from the circuit when an adapter is
plugged into the DC jack.
We include a protective cover on the battery clip to prevent it from
shorting against anything inside the box if you do not use a battery.
You may also supply external power through an AC adapter. All
Skreddy Pedals accept the industry-standard 9v DC plug (5.5mm
barrel x 2.1mm center coax), with the center being negative and the
barrel being positive. Please use a quality, regulated, filtered power
Email Skreddy Pedals at marc@skreddypedals.com if your pedal
needs repair.