Radio 3
But you should only operate the navigation system with its wide range of
possibilities when the traffic situation allows.
The volume settings must be selected in such a way that audible signals from the
outside, e.g. a Martins horn from utility vehicles (police cars, ambulances and fire
brigade), can be heard at all times.
Please concentrate fully at all times on your driving! As the driver you are
fully responsible for road safety. Only use the functions in such a way that
you are always in full control of your vehicle in all traffic situations!
Before using the navigation system
• Please observe the respective traffic regulations when driving.
• Street and location names can be changed. It is therefore possible that the
names stored on the CD might not correspond to the changed names.
• The route calculated by the navigation system is a recommendation for
reaching the intended destination. While driving please pay attention to stopping
restrictions, traffic lights, one-way streets, lane change restrictions, canals and
Road traffic legislation (StVO) applies at all times, even if a driving recommendation contradicts the StVO.
• Inserting a second CD while a CD is being ejected can destroy the CD drive in
the unit. Please note that the CD ejection lasts a few seconds after pressing the
Eject button . During this time the lock in front of the CD case is open. It is
essential that you wait until the CD has been fully ejected before you try to insert a
new CD.
• Press the buttons and the keys of the unit gently in order to avoid damaging
them. Gentle pressure on the appropriate key is sufficient to operate the unit.
Please note that the rotary/push knobs have predetermined breaking points, in
order to reduce the risk of injury.
• Please note that a dirty or scratched navigation CD can considerably impair the
speed and the functions of the navigation system.
Using the display
Carefully handle the display because dents and scratches can occur through pressure of the finger or contact with sharp objects.
The display can be cleaned with a soft cloth and finger marks can be wiped away
with pure alcohol.
Do not use solvent such as turpentine or petrol as they will corrode the display
Anti-theft protection
Anti-theft coding
Your radio is equipped with a convenience coding. If the radio is being operated for
the first time, the safety code is not only stored in the radio but also in the vehicle.
After disconnecting and reconnecting the battery, first of all switch on the ignition
and then the radio.
If you wish to install the radio in another vehicle, the safety code must be entered.
In this case, please do not hesitate to contact a Škoda Service Partner or a Škoda
As the unit only functions after entering the safety code, this practically excludes its
use after a theft - a contribution to increased anti-theft safety. Page 3 Friday, May 16, 2008 10:17 AM