Skoda Infotainment Radio Swing Operating Instructions Manual

Infotainment Radio Swing Operating instructions
Structure of this Owner's Manual (explanations)
This Owner's Manual has been systematically designed to make it easy for you to search for and obtain the information you require.
Chapters, table of contents and subject index
The text of the Owner's Manual is divided into relatively short sections which are combined into easy-to-read chapters. The chapter you are reading at any particular moment is always specified on the bottom right of the page.
The Table of contents arranged according to chapter and the detailed Subject index at the end of the Owner's Manual help you to rapidly find the information you are looking for.
Direction indications
All direction indications such as “left”, “right”, “front”, “rear” relate to the direction of travel of the vehicle.
Units of measurement
All values are expressed in metric units.
Explanation of symbols
Denotes a reference to a section with important information and safety
advice in a chapter. Denotes the continuation of a section on the next page. ® Denotes a registered trademark.
Examples of the information listed in the Owner's Manual
Press the button
This information indicates that you must first press the
button and then se-
lect and confirm the Sound menu.
The “” symbol indicates the next step.
Example of the menu, the available menus, menu items or functions.
xyz - the first menu level
xyz - the second menu level
xyz - the third menu level
xyz - the first menu level
The most important notes are marked with the heading WARNING. These WARNING notes draw your attention to a serious risk of accident or injury.
A Caution note draws your attention to the possibility of damage to your vehicle (e.g. damage to gearbox), or points out general risks of an accident.
For the sake of the environment
An Environmental note draws your attention to environmental protection as­pects. This is where you will, for example, find tips aimed at reducing your fuel consumption.
A normal Note draws your attention to important information about the opera­tion of your vehicle.
You have chosen a ŠKODA vehicle, which is fitted with an Infotainment Radio Swing (hereafter called the unit) – we thank you for your confidence in us.
The new operating concept allows you to configure vehicle settings and to operate some electronic systems centrally from the unit.
In addition to this Owner's Manual, please also carefully read the Vehicle Manual, because operation in accordance with these instructions is a prerequisite for proper use of the vehicle.
If you have any questions about your device, please contact a ŠKODA Partner. Your ŠKODA AUTO a.s. (hereinafter referred to as ŠKODA)
Table of Contents
Introductory information
Important notes 4
Unit overview 5
Unit operation
Concerning the device screen operation
Operation through the MAXI DOT display 8
Unit settings
Setup menu 12
Operation 16
Radio settings 19
Operation 20
Audio sources 23
Telephone and communication equipment
Connect to the device to the mobile telephone 29
Telephone functions 32
Vehicle systems
Vehicle settings 37
Table of Contents
Abbreviation Definition
Advanced Audio Distribution Profile - intended for a one-way transfer of audio data Bluetooth ® software profile
ACC Adaptive Cruise Control - automatic distance control
Alternative frequencies - alternative frequencies of the cur­rent radio station
Amplitude modulation - denomination of the radio frequency range
TCS Traction Control of the drive wheels
Audio / Video Remote Control Profile - used for operating with the data transfers via A2DP connected multi-media functions for the prescribed Bluetooth ® software profile
Bluetooth ® - wireless communication for reception and transmission of voice and data information
DAB Digital Audio Broadcasting - digital radio reception
Digital Rights Management - technical methods to monitor or restrict the use of digital media content
Dual-tone multi-frequency - communication with the device via touch tone dialling
ESC Electronic Stability Control
Frequency modulation - Identification of the radio frequency range
Hands free profiles - Bluetooth ® software profile, which en­ables communication between a mobile phone and the de­vice
Groupe Spécial Mobile - a global system for mobile communi­cations
ID3 tag
an additional feature of a music file, which allows for the dis­play of artist, title, album name, etc.
MP3 compressed audio format
Media Transfer Protocol - a software profile for the transfer and synchronisation of files between two devices
Abbreviation Definition
Program Identification - Station identification by a single RDS code, for example, when setting a different radio sta­tion
Personal Identification Number - personal identification number
PTY Programme Type - type of the broadcast program
Radio Data System - system for the transmission of addition­al information for FM radio reception
SIM card
Subscriber Identity Module - A card for the identification of the mobile network operator
Secure Simple Pairing - a simple secure pairing of two Blue­tooth ® devices
Traffic Program identification - Program identifier for the transmission of traffic information
USB Mass Storage Class - a software profile for transferring files between two devices (sometimes referred to as EMS)
Variable Bit Rate - variable bit rate files with data compres­sion
VIN Vehicle Identification Number - vehicle identification number
WMA Windows Media Audio - compressed audio format
Introductory information
Important notes
This chapter contains information on the following subjects: Declaration of Conformity 4
4 Warning messages 4
This Owner's Manual describes all possible equipment variants without identi­fying them as special equipment, model variants or market-dependent equip­ment.
Consequently, this vehicle does not need to contain all of the equipment com- ponents described in this Owner's Manual.
The level of equipment of your vehicle refers to your purchase contract of the vehicle. More information is available from the ŠKODA Partner1) where you bought the vehicle.
This guide is meant only as a supplement to the information contained in the operating instructions of the vehicle. Therefore, they can be used only in con­junction with the latest manual for this vehicle. For a detailed description of some functions listed in these instructions, see the Vehicle Manual for your ve­hicle.
The illustrations can differ in minor details from your unit; they are only inten­ded for general information.
Concentrate fully at all times on your driving! As the driver you are fully
responsible for the operation of your vehicle.
Only use the device in a way that ensures that you are in full control of
your vehicle in every traffic situation - there is a risk of accident!
Adjust the volume to ensure that acoustic signals from outside, e.g. sirens from vehicles which have the right of way, such as police, ambulance and fire brigade vehicles, can be heard at all time.
High volumes can cause hearing damage.
Declaration of Conformity
Read and observe on page 4 first.
ŠKODA AUTO a.s. hereby declares that the ŠKODA Infotainment systems meet the basic requirements and additional provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
ŠKODA AUTO a.s. hereby declares that the “connection and the use of this communication device is granted by the Nigerian Communications Commis­sion.”
Read and observe on page 4 first.
Some electronic control units are factory-equipped with component protec­tion.
Component protection serves as a protection mechanism for the following:
for the impairment of factory- or garage-fitted control units after installation in another vehicle (for example, after a theft);
for the impairment of components operated outside of the vehicle.
for the possibility of a legitimate installation or change of control units for re­pairs at a ŠKODA1) specialist garage.
When component protection is enabled, the following message appears on the unit display Component theft protection: the infotainment system is not fully
available at present. Please switch on the ignition.
If the component protection does not activate by switching on the ignition, please contact a ŠKODA specialist garage.
Warning messages
Read and observe on page 4 first.
The device turns off automatically under certain circumstances. The device in­forms you for a few seconds by means of a text message on the device screen.
Terms used » manual, chapter Preface.
Introductory information
Warning: Low battery. Please start the engine or turn off the Infotainment system. - The vehicle battery is low. It is recommended you switch off the
device or start the engine
Battery almost empty. Infotainment system is being switched off. - The ve-
hicle battery is discharged, the device switches itself off.
Operating temperature not maintained. Infotainment system is being switched off. - The device temperature is too low or too high, the device
switches itself off.
Unit overview
This chapter contains information on the following subjects: Description of the device
5 Touch screen 6 Switching the unit on/off 6 Adjusting volume 6
First and foremost, pay attention to the safety instructions » page 4, Impor­tant notes.
This chapter deals with the unit, the unit's buttons and their functions. It also covers switching the unit on and off, the main menus and adjusting the vol­ume on the unit.
Description of the device
Fig. 1 Description of the device
Description of the device
- Control for switching the device on and off; volume adjustment
Menu button for calls and confirmations
- Menu Radio » page 16
- Menu Media » page 20
Depending on equipment fitted
- Mute
- Menu Telephone » page 27
- Unit settings » page 12
- Sound settings » page 13
- Vehicle systems settings » page 37 SD memory card slot » page 25 Touch screen » page 7
1 2 3 4 5
7 8 9
Introductory information
Touch screen
The unit is equipped with the so-called resistive (pressure / resistance) touch screen.
The function keys on the screen can be operated by a light finger pressure to the screen surface.
The screen can only be operated by a slight touch of a finger. With too much
pressure, the screen can be damaged.
Do not use any objects to operate the screen, which could damage the
screen surface.
Solvent based cleaners can damage the screen surface.
Use a soft cloth and, if necessary, methylated spirits, to remove fingerprints from the screen. When doing so, ensure that you do not cause damage to oth­er parts of the interior.
To protect the screen, a suitable protective film for touch screens can be used.
The brightness level can be set » page 13, Screen settings .
Switching the unit on/off
The unit is switched on or off by briefly pressing the on/off knob .
When the device is switched on, the audio source and operating mode that were active before switching off the device will be restored.
If Telephone mode was active before you switched off the unit and the igni­tion and Bluetooth® function is not switched on, the screen displays the mes­sage » page 28, Problems with the Telephone function. Switch on the igni­tion or the Bluetooth® function» page 14, Bluetooth® settings.
If the vehicle key is pulled out of the ignition lock while the unit is switched on, the unit will switch off automatically. After switching on the ignition, the unit is turned on automatically.
If the device was switched off using the  knob, then the device will not switch on automatically after switching on the ignition.
If the vehicle is equipped with a starter button the device switches off auto­matically after the engine is switched off and the driver's door is opened. If you open the driver's door before switching off the engine, the device will also switch off.
When the ignition is switched off, the device switches off automatically after approx. half an hour (discharge protection of the vehicle battery).
Adjusting volume
Increase the volume
Turn the  knob to the right.
Reduce the volume
Turn the  knob to the left.
Press the key
or turn the knob  to the left and set the volume to 0.
If something is being played over the media at the time of reducing the volume with the adjustment knob  to 0 then what is being played over the media is paused.
High volumes can cause sound resonance and sound distortion in the vehi-
The change in volume is displayed on the screen.
The following symbol appears in the display when the sound is muted : .
The speakers in the vehicle are matched for the power output of the device.
Introductory information
Unit operation
Concerning the device screen operation
This chapter contains information on the following subjects: Operation 7
Alphanumeric with keyboard 8 Numerical keyboard 8
First and foremost, pay attention to the safety instructions » page 4, Impor­tant notes.
This chapter covers the instrument operation and the work with the touch screen and with various types of input keyboards.
Fig. 2
Screen display
Description of the display
News menu selected Return to the higher-level menu Open a submenu of the function with the “pop-up window”
Function with “checkbox”
Scroll bar - Shows the position in the menu; touch the scroll bar to navi­gate the menu
Function keys
Screen areas which confirm a function or a menu are called “function keys”. Function keys with a white background are active and selectable.
Function keys with a green background represent currently selectable func­tions or menus.
Function keys with a grey background are inactive and therefore not selecta­ble.
Status line
In some menus a status bar located at the top of the screen shows the time and outdoor temperature along with other information.
Selecting menu/menu item/function
Drag your finger over the screen in the required direction
Turn the menu knob 2 » Fig. 1 on page 5.
Confirming menu/menu item/function
Touch the function key with your finger
Press the menu knob 2.
Returning to higher-level menu
by pressing the function key .
By pressing the relevant button next to the screen;
By touching the screen outside of the “pop-up window” with your finger.
Open submenu of a function
by pressing the function key  a “pop-up window” with a function menu opens.
Switching function on/off with “checkbox”
or  - Function is switched on
or  - Function is switched off
Set value
is achieved by touching the function keys with the symbols      .
By touching or moving your finger over the scale.
For some menus or menu items, the current setting is displayed, e.g. Dis­tance: ... km or distance: ... mi.
Unit operation
Alphanumeric with keyboard
Fig. 3 ABC keyboard for searching / QWERTY keyboard for input
Description of the alphanumeric keyboard
Return to the higher-level menu Displaying the menu with selected entries (number of corresponding en-
tries) Confirmation of text entered into the entry line Delete characters in the entry line Toggle upper case to lower case and vice versa Menu display with keys in the selected language, including diacrit-
ics » page 14 Switch to the numeric and special characters Switch to special characters Switch to letters Enters a blank
The alphanumeric keyboard is used to search for entries in the device memory (e.g. telephone contacts) or for entry (e.g. renaming the Bluetooth ® Unit).
By pressing the keyboard function key, the character required appears in the entry line.
During the search, (for example, in the phone book), only the function keys of usable characters are available. Do not forget to enter a space for terms made up of more than one word, such as Lorem Ipsum. The contact to be searched for must be entered along with the special characters (diacritics).
The search for the most relevant entries with characters already entered are already in the character input. Therefore, it is not always necessary to enter the entire entry name.
 
In the function key the number of matching selected entries is displayed. A list of related items the characters entered will be opened by pressing this button.
The numbers 1 - 99 indicate the quantity of matching entries that were found. If more than 99 entries are found, then instead of a number the symbols are shown  . If less than 4 entries are found, a list of the found entries is shown automatically.
Numerical keyboard
Fig. 4
Input screen with numeric key­pad
The numerical keyboard is mainly used for entering numbers, e.g. in the phone menu » page 33.
Description of the numerical keyboard
- Input line
- Return to the higher-level menu
- Delete characters in the entry line
Operation through the MAXI DOT display
This chapter contains information on the following subjects: Operate with the control lever buttons 9
Operating the audio menu using the buttons / dials on the multifunction steering wheel
operation of the telephone menu via the buttons / dials on the multifunction steering wheel
First and foremost, pay attention to the safety instructions » page 4, Impor­tant notes.
Unit operation
Some of the device's features are also displayed in the MAXI DOT display1). Depending on the equipment they can be operated with the lever or the but-
tons / dials on the multifunction steering wheel.
The buttons and wheels on the multifunction steering wheel will also be lit if the ignition and the side light are switched on.
Operate with the control lever buttons
Fig. 5
Buttons on the control lever
The separate menus and menu items displayed in the MAXI DOT display can be operated as follows with the buttons on the control lever.
Functions of the buttons on the control lever
» Fig. 5
Action Function
Press and hold
Display main menu
Press briefly switch between menu items and menus
Press briefly Confirm menu item or menu
Operating the audio menu using the buttons / dials on the multifunction steering wheel
Fig. 6
Multifunction steering wheel - Audio menu
In the main menu of the MAXI DOT display select the menu item Audio.
The information displayed in MAXI DOT display
current radio station frequency band.
currently playing station of receivable radio stations in the given frequency band if less than 5 are receivable.
if more than 5 stations can be received, a list of receivable radio stations is displayed with an option to choose one of them.
TP traffic announcements.
The display in the MAXI DOT is described in the » Manual, chapter Information system.
Unit operation
Buttons and wheels of the audio menu - Radio/Media
wheel » Fig. 6
Radio Media
Press briefly Change source (change frequency bands and connected sources)
Press and hold button
Switch between the Radio and Media menus and open the last context status (e.g. the last radio station
or track to be played)
Press briefly Switch off/on sound
Start/stop playback
Turn upwards Increase volume
Turn downwards Decrease volume
Press briefly
To the next in the station list
or go to the station stored in the preset list
Interrupt traffic report
Skip to next track
Press and hold button Interrupt traffic report Fast forward
Press briefly
Go to previous in the station list
or go to the station stored in the pre-set list
Interrupt traffic report
Go to the previous track within 3 s of track change,
and to the beginning of the track 3 s after track
Press and hold button Stop traffic report Fast rewind
Press Stop traffic report without function
Turn upwards
Display list of available stations
Scroll upwards
Go to the previous track within 3 s of track change,
and to the beginning of the track 3 s after track
Turn downwards
Display list of available stations
Scroll downwards
Skip to next track
Press briefly Return to previous level in the menu
Press and hold button Return to the main menu of the MAXI DOT display
Does not apply for AUX.
The sound is turned on again by pressing wheel 2 or turning wheel 2.
Context-dependent selection.
Unit operation
operation of the telephone menu via the buttons / dials on the multifunction steering wheel
Fig. 7 Multifunction steering wheel - Phone menu
In the main menu of the MAXI DOT display select the menu item
Buttons and wheels of the Phone menu
» Fig. 7
Action Operation
Press briefly Switch off/on sound
Turn upwards Increase volume
Turn downwards Decrease volume
Press briefly
Accept call, end call, entry in the main menu
Telephone, call list, call the dialled contact
Press and hold
Reject call, redial last call
Turn up/down Call list, previous/next menu item
Press briefly Confirm selected menu item
Press briefly Return to previous level in the menu
Press and hold
Return to the main menu of the MAXI DOT dis­play
The sound is turned on again by pressing wheel 2 or turning wheel 2.
Telephone call function in the MAXI DOT display
Depending on the context, you can select the following functions:
Incoming call
- Accepting a call
- Rejecting a call
- Muting the ring tone
Outgoing call
- Ending the call
Current call
- Ending the conversation
- Switch off the microphone
- Switching on the microphone
- Speakerphone off (call playback by means of the telephone)
- Switch on speakerphone (voice playback means of the device)
Symbols in MAXI DOT display
Symbol Meaning
Charge status of the telephone battery
Signal strength
A phone is connected to the unit
Missed calls (if there are several missed calls, the number of calls is shown next to the symbol)
Roaming (in front of the mobile network provider name)
This function is only supported by some telephones.
Call list
In the MAXI DOT display, only the call list can be displayed and used. If the call list includes no entries, the following message appears in the MAXI
DOT display No entries available. The following symbols are displayed next to each entry in the call list.
Symbol Meaning
Incoming call
Outgoing call Missed call
Hang upMic. off
Mic. on
Private Hands-free
Unit operation
The buttons and wheels on the multifunction steering wheel will also be lit if the ignition and the side light are switched on.
Unit settings
Setup menu
This chapter contains information on the following subjects: Main Menu 12
Sound settings 13 Screen settings 13 Time and date settings 13 Keyboard settings 14 Additional keypad language settings 14 Unit settings 14 Restore factory settings 14 Bluetooth® settings 14 System Information 15
First and foremost, pay attention to the safety instructions » page 4, Impor­tant notes.
This chapter covers the basic settings of the device. Additional settings are described in the individual menus
Volume » page 6
Radio » page 19
Media » page 23
Phone » page 28
Vehicle system settings » page 37
Main Menu
The basic parameters for the unit can be set from the Main menu.
Call up the main menu
Press the
Sound - Sound settings » page 13
Screen - Screen settings » page 13
Unit settings
Time and date - Time and date settings » page 13
Language - Set the device language
Keypad: - Keypad display for text entry » page 14
Additional keypad languages- setting of available keyboard languages in the input screens » page 14
Units - Unit settings » page 14
Remove SD card safely - Safe removal of the SD storage card
Remove USB safely - safe removal of USB or iPod device
Factory settings - Restore to factory settings » page 14
Bluetooth - Settings for the Bluetooth® function » page 14
System information - Displays system information » page 15
Copyright - Information on licences and copyrights are only available in Eng­lish
Sound settings
Fig. 8 Sound settings / volume ratio
Press the button
or the button
Volume - Volume settings
Max. switch-on volume - Sets the maximum volume after switching on
Announcements - sets the volume for the traffic program alerts (TP)
Volume adjustment. (SDVA) - Speed-dependent volume adaptation
Entertain Lower - lowering the volume of the speaker (audio) » page 38
AUX volume: - Setting for the volume of the device connected through AUX
Quiet - Low volume
Medium - Medium volume
Loud - High volume
BT audio - Setting for the volume of the connected Bluetooth® device
Quiet - Low volume
Medium - Medium volume
Loud - High volume
iPod - Setting for the volume for the connected iPod
Quiet - Low volume
Medium - Medium volume
Loud - High volume
Balance - Fader - Sets the balance between left and right, front and rear » Fig. 8
Bass - Mid. - Treble - Setting for the bass, mid and treble » Fig. 8
Confirmation tone - Switch on/off confirmation tone when a function key is pressed
Screen settings
Press the button
Screen off (in 10 s) - Activate/deactivate energy-saving mode for the display
Brightness - Adjusts the brightness of the screen
Brightest - brightest level
Brighter - brighter level
Medium - medium level
Darker - darker level
Darkest - darkest level
Confirmation tone - Switch on/off confirmation tone when a function key is pressed
Show clock in stdby mode - Time and date displayed on the screen when the ignition is switched on and the unit is switched off
Time and date settings
Time and date.
The correct display of country-specific characters (e.g. ID3 tag information) can not always be guaran­teed.
If after 10 seconds, the screen is not activated after touching the screen or by pressing or turning the menu button 2 » Fig. 1 on page 5, the screen is black.
Unit settings
+ 32 hidden pages