SKC DataTrac User Manual

Cat. No. 877-90
Operating Instructions
SKC Inc.
863 Valley View Road
Eighty Four, PA 15330 USA
Tel: 724-941-9701
Form 37721 Rev 1403
Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1
DataTrac Setup .......................................................................................................... 2
SKC DataTrac Pump Manager Window .................................................................... 5
SKC Real Time Monitor Window ............................................................................... 6
SKC Pump Scheduler Window ................................................................................ 10
SKC Pump Program Settings Window .................................................................... 16
Example Program .................................................................................................... 17
SKC Pump History Window ..................................................................................... 19
SKC Pump Archive History Window ........................................................................ 21
Reports .................................................................................................................... 22
Power User Hints ..................................................................................................... 25
Index ........................................................................................................................ 30
Indicates a premier feature of the DataTrac So ware
Indicates a reminder or note
Indicates a warning
SKC Limited Warranty and Return Policy
SKC products are subject to the SKC Limited Warranty and Return Policy, which provides SKC’s sole liability and the buyer’s exclusive remedy. To view the complete SKC Limited Warranty and Return Policy, go to warranty.asp.
Introduction — DataTrac for Pocket Pump® Software Cat. No. 877-90
• Program a sampling operation from a PC
• Calibrate pump fl ow to a primary standard
• Display the operating state including constant fl ow or constant pressure, temperature, run time, and ba ery status of the connected pump
• Create and save a pump program without a pump connected to a PC
• Program up to 14 sampling sequences, each with diff erent fl ow rates
• Download pump run time data and history to a PC
• Document sampling history using the sample setup feature
• Print a history fi le containing pump run time data
• Print a worker exposure profi le containing pump run time data and history
DataTrac System Requirements
• Hard drive with a minimum of 20 MB free disc space
• CD-ROM drive
• Available USB port for use with SKC USB DataTrac adapter cable
• Mouse
• Microso Windows
XP or higher, including Windows 7 (64 bit)
DataTrac Components
• DataTrac So ware and instructions on CD-ROM
• DataTrac adapter cable
DataTrac Setup
DataTrac Setup
Installing DataTrac Software
Installation of New Software
1. Close all applications.
2. Insert DataTrac So ware CD into CD-ROM drive. The CD is set up to autoplay. If it does not autoplay on your PC, go to Step 2a.
a. Click Start bu on on tool bar. b. Click on My Computer. (Note: In some cases, the My Computer icon may be on the desktop; double-click
the icon to open.)
c. Double-click CD Drive.
3. The InstallShield (IS) Welcome window will display.
a. Click Next.
4. The IS License Agreement window will display.
a. Select I accept the terms . . . to continue installation. If you do not accept the terms, the installation will not
b. Click Next.
5. The IS Customer Information window will display.
a. Enter User Name and Organization. b. Under Install this application for: select Anyone who uses this computer (all users) or Only for me (). c. Click Next.
6. The IS Ready to Install the Program window will display.
a. To install so ware in folder displayed, click Next.
7. The IS Installing DataTrac for Pocket Pump window will display. Installation may take several minutes. Do not press
any keys during installation.
8. The IS Wizard Completed window will display, indicating successful installation.
a. Click Finish to exit the IS Wizard.
If installation is unsuccessful, an error box will display indicating that installation was not successful and that the user should perform the installation procedure again. Repeat installation.
Upon successful installation, a shortcut to PocketPump.exe will be installed automatically on the PC desktop (see right).
If changes to se ings are desired a er installation, perform Steps 1 through 4, Installation of So ware Update. The IS Program Maintenance window will display. Select Modify to change se ings.
Installation of Software Update (previous version exists on PC)
1. Close all applications.
2. Insert DataTrac So ware CD into CD-ROM drive. The CD is set up to autoplay. If it does not autoplay on your PC, go to
Step 2a.
a. Click Start bu on on tool bar. b. Click on My Computer. c. Double-click CD Drive.
3. The IS Welcome window will display.
a. Click Next.
DataTrac Setup
4. The IS Program Maintenance window will display. Three options will appear:
Modify - used to change se ings a er installation
Repair - used to update previously installed so ware
Remove - used to remove the previously installed version of the so ware from the hard drive (SKC recommended).
a. Click Remove. b. Click Next. c. The IS Remove the Program window will display. d. Click Remove. e. The IS Uninstalling DataTrac for Pocket Pump window will display. f. The IS Wizard Completed window will display, indicating successful removal of the existing so ware. g. Click Finish to exit the IS Wizard.
5. Follow instructions for Installation of New So ware.
Complete DataTrac Software features are only available when an active sample pump is connected to the PC (see Connecting the Pump to a PC). The SKC DataTrac Pump Manager window may be accessed without a pump connected to the PC; however, only limited features will be available (see Connecting the Pump to a PC, Connection Error Box, Figure 2B).
Connecting the Pump to a PC (Figure 1)
USB port on PC: Use the supplied adapter cable to connect the pump to the PC.
interface port
mL / min
Figure 1. Hardware Setup
DataTrac has limited use without an active Pocket Pump connected to the PC, however, a program may be set up and saved to a PC without a Pocket Pump connected to the PC.
First Time Connection
1. Connect the pump to a PC using the DataTrac adapter cable.
a. If a Found New Hardware Wizard window displays during connection, follow this procedure: i. Ensure the wizard wants to install so ware for “USB Serial Port.”
1. If the wizard wants to install any other so ware, cancel the wizard, and connect the adapter cable to a diff erent USB port.
ii. Select Install the so ware automatically (Recommended). iii. Click Next. iv. The installing USB Serial Port window will display. Installation may take several minutes. Do not press
any keys during installation.
v. The Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard window will display, indicating a successful installation. vi. Click Finish to close the wizard.
2. Activate the pump LCD by pressing any bu on on the pump keypad.
3. Launch DataTrac So ware on the PC by double-clicking the Pocket Pump shortcut icon on the PC desktop.
4. The Pocket Pump Connection window will display (Figure 2).
a. Click Connect to Pump
DataTrac Setup
5. If connection is successful, the Pocket Pump Connection window will display a shaking hands icon (Figure 2A). Proceed to Step 6. If connection is unsuccessful, an error window will display (see box and Figure 2B on page 5).
Figure 2. Connection window Figure 2A. Successful pump-PC communication
Successive Connections
1. Connect the pump to a PC using the DataTrac adapter cable.
2. Activate the pump LCD by pressing any bu on on the pump keypad.
3. Launch DataTrac So ware on the PC by double-clicking the Pocket Pump shortcut icon on the PC desktop.
4. The Pocket Pump connection window will display (Figure 2).
a. Click Connect to Pump.
5. The Pocket Pump Connection window will display a shaking hands icon indicating a successful connection (Figure 2A). Proceed to Step 6.
Connection Error Box
If an error box displays (Figure 2B), follow this procedure:
a. Ensure pump LCD is activated. See Step 2, Connecting the Pump to a PC. b. Check cable/adapter connections and click Retry. If the error box displays
again, go to Step c.
c. Ensure the COM ports for the adapter cable are numbered between 1 and 9.
See changing the COM Port box below.
Another option in the error box is Ignore. Clicking Ignore opens the SKC DataTrac Pump Manager window but only allows limited access to software features.
Changing the COM Port
To change the COM port:
1. Ensure DataTrac adapter cable is connected to a USB port.
2. Click Start menu.
3. Right click on My Computer.
4. Select Manage.
5. Select Device Manager.
6. Expand the Ports (COM & LPT) menu.
7. Double-click to select USB Serial Port (COM10 or similar).
8. Select Port Se ings.
9. Click on Advanced.
10. Select a COM port between 5 and 9 from the COM Port Number dropdown menu.
11. Click OK to close.
12. Follow instructions for Connecting the Pump to a PC (see page 3).
Figure 2B.
Connection error box
COM Port Window
6. Ensure the correct date and time are set on the PC.
The pump will not start and stop programmed runs on the desired dates and times if the correct date and time are not set on the PC connected to the pump.
7. DataTrac So ware will load and display the SKC DataTrac Pump Manager window (Figure 3).
SKC DataTrac Pump Manager Window
SKC DataTrac Pump Manager Window
The SKC DataTrac Pump Manager window (Figure 3) is the fi rst window that opens in DataTrac. All other windows are accessible from this main window.
Figure 3. SKC DataTrac Pump Manager Window
SKC DataTrac Pump Manager Window Menus
File Menu
Exit .................................exits the program and returns to Windows
View Menu
Pump Scheduler ..........opens the SKC Pump Scheduler window
Sample Sheet ................opens the SKC Sample Sheet Setup window
Report ...........................loads a report fi le (.rpt) previously saved to a PC
Pump History ..............opens the SKC Pump History window
Archive History ...........loads a history fi le (.hst) previously saved to a PC
Real Time Monitor ......opens the SKC Real Time Monitor window
Tools Menu
Clear History ................clears the pump history
Clear Schedule .............clears the programmed pump schedule
Intermi ent
Sampling .......................allows connected pump to be set to run at selected on/off intervals for a selected
total run time
Intermittent Sampling can only be used while the pump is connected to the PC.
About Menu ............................displays the DataTrac Software version number, pump firmware revision
number, and pump serial number
SKC Real Time Monitor Window
SKC Real Time Monitor Window
The SKC Real Time Monitor window (Figure 4) directly controls the pump, allows calibration of fl ow rate, displays a real time readout of pump operations, and displays the connected pump’s serial number.
A. Real Time Monitor Display (see Figure 5) B. Flow Calibrate (see Figure 6) C. Temperature Display (see Figure 7) D. Pump Control Buttons (see Figure 8) E. Multiple Pumps Checkbox (see Figure 6A)
SKC Real Time Monitor Menus
File Menu
Exit .................................returns to the SKC DataTrac Pump Manager window
Tools Menu
Clear Schedule .............clears the programmed pump schedule
Clear History ................clears the pump history
Figure 4. Real Time Monitor Window
SKC Real Time Monitor Window
Real Time Monitor Display
The Real Time Monitor display (Figure 5) shows the operating status of the connected pump.
Monitor Display Cell Readout
Mode .............................RUN: pump in run state
(Constant Flow or HOLD: pump in hold state Constant Pressure) FAULT: pump in fl ow fault state
Flow ...............................current fl ow rate in mL/min
Pressure ........................back pressure in inches (ins) H
millimeters (mm) Hg
Volume ..........................volume of air pumped in mL
Run Time run time of pump
Ba ery icon ..................graphically displays ba ery life. The ba ery life is
indicated by a light colored bar with low (-) charge indicated on the le side and full (+) charge indicated on the right side. A ba ery with a full charge is displayed by the length of this light colored bar. A long light colored bar (closer to the + end) represents a ba ery near a full charge. A short light colored bar (closer to the - end) represents a ba ery near depletion. A dead ba ery is displayed as a solid black bar
The data in the cells is updated every 5 seconds. If pump operation is changed, the cells will display the previous values for up to 5 seconds before they are updated.
O, or
Figure 5. Real Time Monitor
SKC Real Time Monitor Window
Flow Calibrate
The Flow Calibrate bu ons (Figure 6) allow calibration of the fl ow rate displayed on the pump LCD to the fl ow rate displayed on a primary standard calibrator.
The Approx Correction (approximate correction) is the diff erence between the fl ow
Click here to decrease
the pump fl ow rate.
Click here to increase
the pump fl ow rate.
rate displayed on the pump and the fl ow rate displayed on the calibrator. When a pump is connected to a calibrator the fl ow rate is determined by the calibrator display and not the pump display.
Adjusting the Flow Correction
To adjust the approximate correction rate, click and hold the sliding bu on, then move the bu on to the le (decreases correction) to adjust fl ow when the calibrator display is higher than the pump fl ow rate display or to the right (increases correction) to adjust fl ow when the calibrator display is lower than the pump fl ow rate display. The range of correction is ± 20 ml/min. An alternate method is to click the le and
Figure 6. Flow Calibrate
right arrow bu ons to move the sliding bu on. The value changes as the bu on slides le or right.
The pump should be calibrated before each sample run. Once calibrated, all volume displays will be accurate for that ow rate. DataTrac will always display the last approximate correction value to which the connected pump has been set. Changing the fl ow se ing on the pump clears the correction value (sets it to 0.0).
When calibrating, the fl ow rate displayed on the calibrator changes; the fl ow rate displayed on the pump LCD does not change.
Reset Button
To reset the correction value to 0.0 mL/min, click once on the Reset bu on.
Multiple Pumps Checkbox
Turn off Comm Checking before setting up multiple pumps. See Comm Checking Buttons on page 15.
If you wish to perform fl ow calibration, reset volume temperature and time, or change parameter display scales for multiple pumps, click the Multiple Pumps checkbox in the Flow Calibrate section of the Real Time Monitor window.
Once checked, a separate window will open (Figure 6A). Set parameters as desired for one pump, disconnect the interface cable from the pump, and insert the cable plug into the interface port on another Pocket Pump. Once all pumps are set up, click the Multiple Pumps checkbox to deselect this
Figure 6A. Multiple Pumps Checkbox
option. You will be returned to the Real Time Monitor window.
Using Flow Calibrate
Set the pump to the desired fl ow rate.
Connect the inlet port of the pump to a primary standard calibrator and read the fl ow on the calibrator display.
Set the approximate correction as needed by clicking and holding the sliding bu on and moving it le to decrease correction or right to increase correction and recalibrate. The fl ow rate that is displayed on the calibrator should change as result of this operation.
Example: The desired ow rate of the pump is 150 mL/min. Set the pump to 150 mL/min. If the calibrator reading is 157 mL/min, move the sliding bu on to the le to adjust the approximate correction to -7 mL/min and recalibrate. Repeat as necessary until the fl ow rate displayed on the calibrator is within the required tolerance.
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