Programmable Humidity Probes
Integrated sensor/transmitter construction
Factory calibration eliminates need for costly humidity calibration
Hermetically sealed electronics ensures reliable performance in the harshest environments
Digital re-calibration and re-programming of output via PC and without the use of potentiometers
Auto-calibration of electronics provides stable and accurate output with minimum need for periodic calibrations
Programmable Humidity Probes
Product Features
• Low cost OEM and HV
• PVC or Stainless Steel Probe
• Output is 4-20 mA standard
• Factory calibrated 0% to 100%RH
• Digital re-calibration, no potentiometers
• Digitally re-programmable
• Optional temperature output, RTD sensor
• High accuracy and long term stability
• Integrated hermetically sealed RH microprocessor
based transmitter
• Built-in temperature compensation
• Sensor fail detection feature
• Self calibration of transmitter electronics
AC relative humidity probe
The PHP01 is a Programmable Humidity Probe which provides
an accurate analog output directly proportional to 0...100 %
RH. Using the patented MIST Microprocessor Integrated
Sensor Transmitter™ technology, PHP01 feature digital zero
and span adjustment and can be re-calibrated by the use of
PHP01-PKit communication module and software. Multiple
configurations are available.
The PHP01 utilizes a thin-film polymer capacitive humidity
sensor that provides excellent stability and fast response. The
sensor fully recovers from condensation. The PHP01 shows an
excellent linearity and accuracy of
two point calibration and
tion. It comes factory calibrated from 0..100% for RH with a
standard output of 4...20 mA but 0...5 V or 0...10 V are also
available. Optional temperature output, with various RTD bulbs
or thermistors, is also available.
The construction of PHP01 is very robust and long lasting.
The probe consists of dust filter cap made from porous plastic
or sintered stainless, humidity sensor, signal conditioning
y potted and completely her
sion cable or connector. There are no accessible parts inside
the housing. Three standard models are available: probe only,
obe with fitting and probe with flange. Probe material is
PVC or stainless. The compact size, durability and high accuracy makes it ideal choice for many applications that r
the monitoring and contr
± 3% accuracy with one point calibra-
olling of humidity and temperatur
± 2 % from 5...95 % RH with
metically sealed and exten
Application / Process Notes
• Climate rooms
• Greenhouses
• Warehouses
• HVAC installations
• Energy management
• OEM and HVAC equipment