5.2- Maintenance
1. Clean the sealing bars and the silicon counter-bar more or less every 15 days
using alcohol.
2. Change the oil every 400 hours of working (data variable depending on the type
of product packed).
After 2000 cycles the machine envisions an automatic oil control, the display
shows the “oil change” message. The user must call the dealer, who will
check the efficiency of the oil and will repla c e it, if n ecess ary .
3. Rep lacement of electric resistances, Tef lon sea ling bar, lid sealing gaskets
about every 200 working hours.
4. Replacement of the silicon counter-bar
5. Check pump vanes, filters, pneumatic solenoid valve seals every 35,000
work cycles.
5.2.1 - Vacuum pump
For the safeguarding and the duration of the vacuum pump, follow the indications
given below scrupulously:
- Do not suck up steam, liquids and flours of any type.
This compromises the viscosity of the pump oil and damages the pump itself.
- Periodically check the pump oil level through the visual inspection window
A level below minimum can damage the pump
A level above maximum can damage the pump filter and the pump itself
- Periodically check the colour of the pump oil. I f the oi l appears
cloudy, dark or emulsioned, it must be replaced immediately.
- Replace the pump oil every 2 / 4 / 6 or 12 months, depending on use and location
of the eq uipment, or appearing the notice "change oil" on the display.
The pump oil may have to be repla ced ever y month .
- Replace the pump oil before prolonged machine shutdown.
Cons idering that the vac uum packagin g m achin e is nearly always loc ated in t he
kitchen, an environment full of steam and humidity, the level and quality of the
pump oil must be checked constantly and replaced frequently and periodically.
Types oil
1. Delivery and warranty 5
1.1 Foreword.
1.2 Preservation and use of this manual
1.3 Warranty
1.4 G eneral recommendations and limits of liability of the Manufacturer
1.5 Description of the machine
1.6 Declared use
1.7 Use not allowed
1.7.1 Safety prescriptions
1.7.2 Lighting
1.8 Company information
1.8.1 Warning and Danger signs
2. Technical features 9
2.1 Main parts
2.2 Technical features
2.3 Dimensions and weight of the machine
2.4 Wiring diagram
3. Inspection, transport, delivery and installation 12
3.1 Inspection
3.2 Delivery and handling of the machine
3.3 Installation
3.3.1 Disposal of packaging
3.4 Connections
3.4.1 Ch eck oil level
3.4.2 Ch eck pla te data
4. Using the machine 14
4.1 Control board key
4.2 Cavity vacuum packing cycle
4.3 External vacuum packing cycle
4.4 Packaging of liquid or semi-liquid products
4.4.1 Packaging of liquid or semi-liquid products with the use of the
standard inclined surface
4.4.2 Pa ckagi ng of thi n products wit h use of optional rai sed surface
4.5 Cleaning the machine
4.6 Vacuum pump heating