Sirman Easyvac 25, Easyvac 30, Easyvac 40 Use And Maintenance Manual

In compliance with art.13 of the Legislative Decree n. 151 dated 25 July 2005,
”Implementation of the 2002/95/CE,2002/96/CE and 2003/108/CE
electric and electronic appliances, as well as the disposal of waste”
The barred wheeley-bin symbol on the appliance or
the package indicates that at the end of the products useful life
span, it must be collected separately from other waste.
The recycling of this product at the end of its service life, is arranged for and carried
out by the manufacturer. The user who wishes to dispose of this product must
therefore contact the manufacturer and adhere to the system that he has adopted for
the correct disposal of this product at the end of its service life
The correct disposal of the old product for the processes of recycling, treatment and compatible waste disposal will help prevent potential negative consequences for the
environment and human health, and will result in the reuse and recycling of the
materials and components which make up the appliance.
Abusive disposal of the appliance leads to the application of administrative
sanctions envisioned by the Standards in force.
7.2 WEEE Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment
25 30 40
Ver. 002 03.2017
Obligations in the e vent of m alfun ct io ni ng and/ or pot ent i al
The operators must inform their direct seniors of any deficiency and/or potential dangerous situation that should occur.
6.1 - User obligations
The user must inform the manuf act ur er imm ediately if any defects and/or m alfunctioning of the accident-preventio n syst em ar e det ect ed, as wel l as any presumed dangerous situati on of which he becomes aware. It is pr ohibited for t he user and/ or third parties (excluding duly authorised manufacturer ’s st af f ) t o m ake any t ype or ent ity of modifications to the machine and its functions, as well as to this t echnica l document. In the event of malfunct ioning and/or dangers, owing to failure t o respect the afore-said, the manufacturer is not liable for any consequences. We recom mend you r equest any modification s f r om the Manuf act ur er .
7 Troubleshooting
7.1 - Troubleshooting
1 After having connected the master switch, the machine does not start:
a) Check that the plug is well inserted into the socket and, if necessary, control the contacts inside the plug itself. b) Check that on lowering the lid, the micro switch positioned on the rear below the right fixing hin g e, is exc ited.
2 The machine operates regularly, but the package is not sealed when the lid is opened
a) Lift the Teflon and check that the resistance is not interrupted and it is blocked on the lateral clamps.
3 If the machine does not achieve an excellent vacuum
a) Close the lid and disconnect the line when a negative pressure of about 90%
has been reached. Check whether the vacuum percentage indicated on the display remains fixed or decreases.
- In the first case, there are no leaks, therefore the problem has another source (pump van es, oil replac ement) .
- In the second case, there is the presence of air infiltration into the tank:
• Check the membrane below the sealing bar, checking that it has no holes or is ripped
• Check the integrity of the sealing gasket positioned under the lid; if the afore-mentioned pieces must be replaced, request them directly from the authorised dealer.
WARNING! In case the machine is turned off or there is a power outage during the vacuum cycle, it may happen that the lid does not open due to the vacuum reached at the time of switching off. To open the lid is necessary to bring the pressure in the tank. Then turn on the machine with the side button, after one second the drain valve opens and you can re-open the lid.
5.2- Maintenance
1. Clean the sealing bars and the silicon counter-bar more or less every 15 days using alcohol.
2. Change the oil every 400 hours of working (data variable depending on the type of product packed). After 2000 cycles the machine envisions an automatic oil control, the display shows the “oil change” message. The user must call the dealer, who will check the efficiency of the oil and will repla c e it, if n ecess ary .
3. Rep lacement of electric resistances, Tef lon sea ling bar, lid sealing gaskets about every 200 working hours.
4. Replacement of the silicon counter-bar
5. Check pump vanes, filters, pneumatic solenoid valve seals every 35,000 work cycles.
5.2.1 - Vacuum pump
For the safeguarding and the duration of the vacuum pump, follow the indications given below scrupulously:
- Do not suck up steam, liquids and flours of any type. This compromises the viscosity of the pump oil and damages the pump itself.
- Periodically check the pump oil level through the visual inspection window A level below minimum can damage the pump A level above maximum can damage the pump filter and the pump itself
- Periodically check the colour of the pump oil. I f the oi l appears cloudy, dark or emulsioned, it must be replaced immediately.
- Replace the pump oil every 2 / 4 / 6 or 12 months, depending on use and location of the eq uipment, or appearing the notice "change oil" on the display. The pump oil may have to be repla ced ever y month .
- Replace the pump oil before prolonged machine shutdown. ATTENTION!!:
Cons idering that the vac uum packagin g m achin e is nearly always loc ated in t he kitchen, an environment full of steam and humidity, the level and quality of the pump oil must be checked constantly and replaced frequently and periodically.
Types oil
1. Delivery and warranty 5
1.1 Foreword.
1.2 Preservation and use of this manual
1.3 Warranty
1.4 G eneral recommendations and limits of liability of the Manufacturer
1.5 Description of the machine
1.6 Declared use
1.7 Use not allowed
1.7.1 Safety prescriptions
1.7.2 Lighting
1.8 Company information
1.8.1 Warning and Danger signs
2. Technical features 9
2.1 Main parts
2.2 Technical features
2.3 Dimensions and weight of the machine
2.4 Wiring diagram
3. Inspection, transport, delivery and installation 12
3.1 Inspection
3.2 Delivery and handling of the machine
3.3 Installation
3.3.1 Disposal of packaging
3.4 Connections
3.4.1 Ch eck oil level
3.4.2 Ch eck pla te data
4. Using the machine 14
4.1 Control board key
4.2 Cavity vacuum packing cycle
4.3 External vacuum packing cycle
4.4 Packaging of liquid or semi-liquid products
4.4.1 Packaging of liquid or semi-liquid products with the use of the standard inclined surface
4.4.2 Pa ckagi ng of thi n products wit h use of optional rai sed surface
4.5 Cleaning the machine
4.6 Vacuum pump heating
+ 7 hidden pages