This document contains implementation examples and techniques using Sipura
Technology, Inc. and, in som e instances, other company’s techno logy and products
and is a recommendation only and does not constitute any legal arrangement
between Sipura Technology, Inc. and the reader, either written or implied. The
conclusions reached and recommendations and statements made are based on
generic network , service and application requir ements and should be r egarded as a
guide to assist you in forming your own opinions and decision regarding your
particular situation. As well, Sipura Technology reserves the right to change the
features and functionalities for products described in this document at any time.
These changes may involve changes to the described solutions over time.
Use of Proprietary Information and Copyright Notice:
This document contains proprietary information that is to be used only by Sipura
Technology custom ers. Any unau thorized dis closure, copying, dis tribution, or use of
this information is prohibited.
3.4.1. System Parameters...................................................................................................................... 13
System Configuration................................................................................................................................. 13
This guide describes basic use of the Sipura Technology SPA phone adapter – an intelligent lowdensity Voice over IP (VoIP) gateway. The SPA e nables carrier class residentia l and business IP
Telephony services de livered over broadband or high-speed Internet connect ions. By intelligent, we
mean the SPA maintains the states of all the calls it terminates. It is capable of making proper
decisions in reaction to user input events (such as on/off hook or hook flash) with little or no
involvement by a ‘middle-man’ server or media gateway controller.
Examples of proper reactions are: playing dial tone, collecting DTMF digits, comparing them against a
dial plan and term inating a call. With inte lligent endpoints at the e dges of a network , performing the
bulk of the call pr ocessing duties, the dep loyment of a large networ k with thousands of subsc ribers
can scale quickl y without the introduction of complic ated, expensive servers. As desc ribed later in
this section, the S ession Initiation Protocol ( SIP) is a good choice of call s ignaling protocol for the
implementation of such a device in this type of network.
1.1. SPA Hardware Overview
The SPA has one of the smalles t f orm f actor s on the mar k et. It can be ins tall ed in minutes as a tabletop or wall mount CPE device. The images belo w show the SPA-2000. The SPA- 1000 and SPA3000 are similar to size and shape – the only difference being the color of the adapter.
Figures Figure 1, Figur e 2, Figure 3 and Fi gure 4 show the front, re ar, left side and right s ide of the
SPA-2000, respectively.
The SPA has the following interfaces for networking, power and visual status indication:
1. Two (2) RJ-11 Type Analog Telephone Jack Interfaces (Figure 4, above):
These interfaces ac cept standard RJ-11 telephone c onnectors. An Analog touc htone telephone or
fax machine m ay be conne cted to either int erf ace. If the s ervic e sup ports o nl y one incoming line, the
analog telephone or f ax machine sho uld be connec ted to port one ( 1) of the SPA. Port one (1) is the
outermost telephone port on the SPA and is labeled “Phone 1.”
The SPA-3000 has an RJ-11 interfac e labeled “Line” which can be used to connect the adapter to a
PSTN analog telephone circuit.
2. One LED for Unit Status (Figure 4, above):
3. One Ethernet 10baseT RJ-45 Jack Interface (
Figure 2, above):
This interface acc epts a standard or crossover Ethernet cable with s tandard RJ-45 connector. For
optimum perf ormanc e, Si p ura Technology recommends that a Category 5 cable or greater b e used in
conjunction with the SPA.
4. One LED for Data Link and Activity (
Figure 2, above):
5. One 5 Volt Power Adapter Interface (
Figure 2, above)
This interface acc epts the SPA power adapter that c ame with the unit. Sipura T echnology does not
support the use of any other power adapters other then the power a dapter that was s hipped with the
SPA unit.
2. Installation Overview
Please check to make sure that you have the following package contents:
1. Sipura Phone Adapter Unit
2. Ethernet Cable
3. RJ-11 Phone Cable (SPA-3000 Only)
4. SPA Quickstart Guide5.
5. Volt Power Adapter
You will also need:
1. One or Two Analog Touch Tone Telephones (or Fax Machine)
2. Access to an IP Network via an Ethernet Connection
3. Access to a PSTN network connection – SPA-3000 only.
Please observe the following steps to install the SPA.From the Left Side of the SPA:1. Insert a
standard RJ-45 Ether ne t c a ble (inc lud ed) into th e LAN port.2. Insert t he power adapter cabl e into th e
5V power adapter cable r eceptacle. Ensure that th e power adapter jack is snugly attached to the
SPA.From the Right Sid e of the SPA:1. Insert a standard RJ-11 te lephone cable into the Phone 1
port.2. Connect the other end of the cable to an analog telephone or fax machine.3. Insert a
standard RJ-11 telephone cable into the Phone 2 port (Optional).4. Connect the other end of the
cable to an analog telephone or fax machine.
Note: Do not conn ect RJ-11 telephone cable from the SPA-1000 or SPA-2000 to th e wall jack to
prevent any chance of connec tion to the circuit switched telco ne twork.You may now insert the plu g
end of the power adapter into a live power outlet which will power up the SPA. Firmware Upgrade
Firmware Upgrade via PC Utility Program:
From time to time, Sipura Technology will make available a PC executable file that will facilitate the
upgrade of a SPA. In order to upgrade a device via this method, the end user must have
administrative permission (via password protected log-in) to perform this upgrade.
Once the user has obtained the proper firmware upgrade executable, the user simply runs the
program from a file location on their local PC. The PC program walks the user through the upgrade
process via a graphical user interface. Generally, the entire upgrade process should take no more
than five minutes to complete.
Please note: Some end-users who have obtained their SPA directly from a service provider will never
need to manually upgrade their device. Via the remote upgrade process, Sipura Technology provides
capability for the SPA to be maintained from a remote location (e.g. a service provider network
server), using the Internet connection of the end-user as the conduit through which profile updates
and firmware upgrades are performed.
3.2. IVR Interface
Administrators and/or users can chec k (read) and set ( write) basic net work configuration s ettings via
a touchtone telephone connected to one of the RJ-11 phone ports of the SPA.
Please Note:
Service Providers of fering service using the SPA may restrict, protect or turn of f certain aspects of the
unit’s IVR and web configuration capabilities.
The Interactive Voice Res ponse (IVR) capabi lities of the SPA are des igned to give the adminis trator
and/or user basic rea d/write capabilities such that the unit c an attain basic IP network connectivit y
and the more advanced browser-based configuration menu may be accessed.
1. The SPA IVR uses the following conventions: By factory default there is no password and no
password authentication is prompted for all the IVR settings. If administrator password is set,
password authentic ation will be prompted f or certain I VR settings . See 3.4.2 f or detailed inform ation
about administrator password.
To input the password using the phone keypad, the following translation convention applies:
o To input: A, B, C, a, b, c -- press ‘2’
o To input: D, E, F, d, e, f -- press ‘3’
o To input: G, H, I, g, h, i -- press ‘4’
o To input: J, K, L, j, k, l -- press ‘5’
o To input: M, N, O, m, n, o -- press ‘6’
o To input: P, Q, R, S, p, q, r, s -- press ‘7’
o To input: T, U, V, t, u, v -- press ‘8’
o To input: W, X, Y, Z, w, x, y, z -- press ‘9’
o To input all other characters in the administrator password, press ‘0’
Note: This translation convention only applies to the password input.
For example: to input password “test#@1234” by phone keypad, you need to press the following
sequence of digits: 8378001234.
2. After entering a value, press the # (pound) key to indicate end of input.
o To Save value, press ‘1’
o To Review the value, press ‘2’
o To Re-enter the value, press ‘3’
o To Cancel the value entry and return to the main configuration menu, press ‘
o The final ‘#’ key won’t be counted into value.
o Saved settings will take effect when the telephone is hung-up and if necessary, the S PA will
automatically reboot.
3. After one minute of inactivity, the un it times out. T he user will need to re-en ter the configurat ion
menu from the beginning by pressing * * * *.
4. If, while entering a valu e (lik e an IP addr ess) and you d ecid e to exit with out enter ing an y changes ,
you may do so by pressing the * (star) key twice within a half second window of tim e. Otherwise,
the entry of the * (star) key will be treated as a dot (decimal point).
Example: To enter IP addres s, use numbers 0 – 9 on the telephone ke y pad and use the * (star) key
to enter a decimal point.
To enter the following IP address value:
A. Use the touchtone key pad to enter: 192*168*2*215#
B. When prompted, enter 1 to save setting to configuration.
C. Hang-up the phone to cause setting to take effect.
- or D. Enter the value of the next setting category to modify . . .
*’ (star)
5. Hang-up the phone to cause all settings to take effect.
This might include network and
service provider data.
Enter 1 to confirm
Enter *(star) to
cancel operation
SPA will prompt for
confirmation. After
confirming, you will hear
“Option Successful.” Hang-
up. Unit will reboot and all
“User Changeable”
configuration param eter s
will be reset to factory
default values.
Factory Reset of Unit
This includes network and
service provider data.
Enter 1 to confirm
Enter * (star) to
cancel operation
SPA will prompt for
confirmation. After
confirming, you will hear
“Option Successful.” Hang-
up. Unit will reboot and all
configuration param eter s
will be reset to factory
default values.
Note: If the Administrator password is not set or the user is allowed to change it, the items marked
with “Requires Password” will not require a password.
3.3. Web Interface
The SPA provides a built-in web server. C onfigurati on and adm inistration c an be perfor med through
this convenient web interf ac e.
3.3.1. Web Interface Conventions
The SPA uses the following conventions with the web administration capabilities:
o The SPA web adm inistration supports two privil ege levels: Administrator and U ser. To use
the User privilege, simply point a web browser at the IP address of the SPA; to use the
administrator privilege, use URL http://IP_Address_Of_SPA/admin
information about administration privileges.
o Version 1.0 of the SPA supports Internet Explorer 5.5 and above and Netscape 7.0 and
o The web configuration pages can be password protected. See 3.3.2 for more information
about password protect.
o The user name of web Administrator is : admin
o The user name of web User is : user
o Note: The user names for both administrator and User are fixed and cannot be changed.
o After making changes to SPA configuration parameters, pressing “Submit All Changes”
button will apply all th e changes and if necessar y, automatically reboot the devi ce. Multiple
changes may be made on multiple page tabs of the web int erf ac e at the s ame time. Pressing
“Submit All Changes” will apply all the modifications.
Important Note: switching between page tabs won’t apply the changes to SPA, The only way
to apply the changes is to press the “Submit All Changes” button.
o If the “Undo All Changes” button is clicked, an y modifications to prof ile parameters on any and
all pages will be reset back to their original values before modification.
NOTE: Pressing the “Undo All Changes” has no effect on the SPA; it will only reset the
values on the web page.
3.3.2. Administration Privileges
The SPA supports t wo levels of adm inistration pr ivileg es: Adm inistrator a nd User, both pr ivileges can
be password protecte d. Im portant note: b y factory default, there ar e n o pass words assigned for b oth
Administrator and User.
The Administrator h as the privil ege to modif y all the web prof ile parameters and can also m odify the
passwords of both Administrator and User. A User only has the pr ivilege to access part of the web
profile parameter s ; the par ameter group that User c an ac ces s is s pec if ie d by the Administrator , which
can only be done through provisioning.
To access the Administrator level privilege, use URL: http://IP_Address_Of_SPA/admin
/. If the
password has been set f or Administrator, the browser will prom pt for authentication. The username
for Administrator is “admin” and cannot be changed.
To access the User lev el privilege, use URL: http://IP_Address_Of_SPA/
. If the password has be en
set for User, the br owser will prompt for User auth entication. The username f or User is “user” and
cannot be changed.
When browsing Adm inistrator pag es, one can s witch to User pri vileges b y click the link “User Login”.
(Note: if User password was set, the br owser wil l prompt for User authenticatio n when you clic k “User
Login” link). On the other side, from the User pages you can switch to Administrator privilege by
clicking the link “Admin Login.” Authentication is needed if Administrator password has been set.
Warning: S witching between the User and Administrator will discard the uncom mitted changes that
have already been made on the web pages.
3.3.3. Basic and Advanced Views
The web configuration interface provides a Basic and an Advanced view from which the various
configuration parameters can be accessed. The SPA Provisioning tab is only visible from the
Advanced Administr ator vie w of the web interf ace.
Warning: Switching between the bas ic and a dv anc ed vie w will d isc ar d the u ncommitted changes that
have already been made on the web pages. Resync URL
Through Resync URL you can force the SPA to do a resync to a profile specified in the URL.
Note: The SPA will resync only when it is idle.
The syntax of Resync URL is:
If no parameter follows “/resync?”, the profile rule setting in provisioning is used. See Error! Reference source not found. for detailed information about profile rule in provisioning
If no protocol is specif ied, TFTP protocol is assumed. Note: O nly TFTP is supported in the current
If no server-name is specified, the host that requests the URL is used as server-name.
If no port specified, default port of the protocol is used – 69 for TFTP.
The profile-path is the path to the new profile to resync with.
For example: Reboot URL
Through the Reboot URL, you can reboot the SPA.
Note: Upon request, the SPA will reboot only when it is idle.
The Reboot URL is: http://<spa-ip-addr>/admin/reboot
3.4. Configuration Parameters
3.4.1. System Parameters
System Configuration
Parameter Name Description Default
Restricted Access
Enable Web Server Enable/disable web server of SPA
Enable Web Admin
Admin Password The password for administrator
User Password The password for User
Parameter Name Description Default
DHCP Enable/Disable DHCP Yes
Host Name Host Name of SPA
Domain The network domain of SPA
Static IP Static IP address of SPA, which will take effect if DHCP
NetMask The NetMask used by SPA when DHCP is disabled 255.255.255.
Gateway The default gateway used by SPA when DHCP is
Primary DNS DNS server used by SPA in addition to DHCP supplied
Secondary DNS DNS server used by SPA in addition to DHCP supplied
This feature is used when implementing software
This feature should only be used on firmware version 1.0.9 or later.
Enable/disable Admin pages of web server of SPA
Network Configuration
is disabled
DNS servers if DHCP is enabled; when DHCP is
disabled, this will be the primary DNS server.
DNS servers if DHCP is enabled; when DHCP is
DNS Query Mode Do parallel or sequential DNS Query Parallel
Syslog Server Specify the Syslog server name and port. This feature
specifies the server for logging SPA system information
and critical events.
Debug Server The debug server name and port. This feature
specifies the server for logging SPA debug information.
The level of detailed output depends on the debug level
parameter setting.
Debug Level The higher the debug level, the more debug
information will be generated. Zero (0) means no
debug information will be generat ed.
Primary NTP
IP address or name of primary NTP server.
Secondary NTP
IP address or name of secondary NTP server
Web Server Port TCP port through which the SPA web server will
- Parallel DNS query mode: SPA will send the same request to all the DNS servers at the same
time when doing a DNS lookup, the first incoming reply will be accepted by SPA.
- To log SIP messages, Debug Level must be set to at least 2.
- If both Debug Server and Syslog Server are specified, _Syslog messages are also logged to the
Debug Server.
3.4.2. Provisioning Parameters
Provisioning operations are gated by the Provision_Enable parameter.
Parameter Name Description Default
Provision Enable yes
Resync On Reset yes
Resync Random
Resync Periodic 3600
Resync Error Retry
Resync From SIP Yes
Resync After Upgrade
Resync Trigger 1
Resync Trigger 2
Profile Rule /spa.cfg
Profile Rule B
Profile Rule C
Profile Rule D
Log Resync Request
Remove Last Reg Remove last registration before registering a
new one if value is different one.
Hook Flash MIME
This is the MIME Type to be used in a SIP
INFO message used to signal DTMF event.
This is the MIME Type to be used in a SIP
INFO message used to signal hook flash
Use Compact
If set to yes, the SPA will use compact SIP
headers in outbound SIP messages. If set to
no the SPA will use normal SIP headers.
SIP T1 RFC 3261 T1 value (RTT Estimate). Range: 0
– 64 sec
SIP T2 RFC 3261 T2 value (Maximum retransmit
interval for non-INVITE requests and INVITE
responses). Range: 0 – 64 sec
SIP T4 RFC 3261 T4 value (Maximum duration a
message will remain in the network). Range:
0 – 64 sec
SIP Timer B INVITE time out value. Range: 0 – 64 sec 32
SIP Timer F Non-INVITE time out value. Range: 0 – 64
SIP Timer H INVITE final response time out value. Range:
0 – 64 sec
SIP Timer D ACK hang around time. Range: 0 – 64 sec 32
SIP Timer J Non-INVITE response hang around time.
Range: 0 – 64 sec
INVITE Expires INVITE request Expires header value in sec.
0 = do not include Expires header in INVITE.
Range: 0 – (2
– 1)
ReINVITE Expires ReINVITE request Expires header value in
sec. 0 = do not include Expires header in the
request. Range: 0 – (2
– 1)
Reg Min Expires Minimum registration expiration time allowed
from the proxy in the Expires header or as a
Contact header parameter. If proxy returns
something less this value, then the minimum
value is used.
Reg Max Expires Maximum registration expiration time allowed
from the proxy in the Min-Expires header. If
value is larger than this, then the maximum
value is used
Reg Retry Intvl Interval to wait before the SPA retries
registration again after encountering a failure
condition during last registration
Reg Retry Long
When Registration fails with a SIP response
code that does no match <Retry Reg RSC>,
the SPA will wait for the delay specified in this
parameter before retrying. If this parameter is
0, the SPA will stop retrying. This value
should be much larger than <Reg Retry Intvl>
which should not be 0.
SIT1 RSC1 SIP response status code to INVITE on which
SIT2 RSC1 SIP response status code to INVITE on which
to play the SIT2 Tone
SIT3 RSC1 SIP response status code to INVITE on which
to play the SIT3 Tone
SIT4 RSC1 SIP response status code to INVITE on which
to play the SIT4 Tone
Try Backup RSC SIP response status code on which to retry a
backup server for the current request
Retry Reg RSC Interval to wait before the SPA retries
registration again after encountering a failure
condition during last registration
RTP Port Min2 Minimum port number for RTP transmission
and reception
RTP Port Max2 Maximum port number for RTP transmission
and reception
RTP Packet Size Packet size in sec. Valid values must be
multiple of 0.01s. Range: 0.01 – 0.16
RTCP Tx Interval4 Controls the interval (sec) to send out RTCP
sender report on an active connection.
Range: 0 – 255 (s)
1. Reorder or Busy Tone will be played by default for all unsuccessful response status code
2. <RTP Port Min> and <RTP Port Max> should define a range that contains at least 4 even number
ports, such as 100 – 106
3. If inbound SIP requests contain compact headers, SPA will reuse the same compact headers
when generating th e respons e regardless the set tings of the <Use Compact Hea der> param eter.
If inbound SIP requests contain norm al headers, SPA will substitute th ose headers with compact
headers (if defined by RFC 261) if <Use Compact Header> parameter is set to “yes.”
4. During an active connec tion, the SPA can be pr ogrammed to send out compound RTCP p acket
on the connection. Each compound RTP packet except the last one contains a SR (Sender
Report) and a SDES.(Source Description). The last RTCP packet contains an additional BYE
packet. Each SR ex cept the last one conta ins exac t l y 1 RR (R ec ei ver Report); the last S R car r ies
no RR. The SDES cont ains CNAME, NAME, and TOOL ident ifiers. The CNAME is set to <User
ID>@<Proxy>, NAME is set to <Display Name> ( or “Anonymous” if user block s caller ID), and
TOOL is set to the Verdor/Hardware-platform-software-version (such as Sipura/SPA2000-
1.0.31(b)). The NT P timestam p used in the SR is a snaps hot of the S PA’s loc al ti m e, not the tim e
reported by an NTP server. If the SPA rec eives a RR f rom the peer, it will a ttem pt to com pute the
round trip delay and show it as t he <Cal l Ro un d T r ip Dela y> value (ms) in the Info section of SPA
web page.
2. The configured d ynamic payloads are used for outbou nd calls only where the SPA prese nts the
SDP offer. For inbound calls with a SDP offer, SPA will follow the caller’s dynamic payload type
assignments SDP Audio Codec Names
Parameter Name Description Default
NSE Codec Name NSE Codec name used in SDP NSE
AVT Codec Name AVT Codec name used in SDP telephone-event
G711a Codec Name G711a Codec name used in SDP PCMA
G711u Codec Name G711u Codec name used in SDP PCMU
G726r16 Codec Name G726-16 Codec name used in SDP G726-16
G726r24 Codec Name G726-24 Codec name used in SDP G726-24
G726r32 Codec Name G726-32 Codec name used in SDP G726-32
G726r40 Codec Name G726-40 Codec name used in SDP G726-40
G729a Codec Name G729a Codec name used in SDP G729a
G729b Codec Name G729b Codec name used in SDP G729ab
G723 Codec Name G723 Codec name used in SDP G723
1. SPA uses the configured codec names in its outbound SDP
2. SPA ignores the codec names in incoming SDP for standard payload types (0 – 95).
3. For dynamic payloa d t ypes, S PA ide ntif ies t he c od ec by the configured codec names. Comparison
is case-insensitive. NAT Support
Parameter Name Description Default
Handle_VIA_received If set to “yes”, the SPA will process the “received”
parameter in the VIA header inserted by the server
in a response to any one of its request. Else the
parameter is ignored.
Handle_VIA_rport If set to “yes”, the SPA will process the “rport”
parameter in the VIA header inserted by the server
in a response to any one of its request. Else the
parameter is ignored.
Insert VIA received Insert received parameter in VIA header in SIP
responses if received from IP and VIA sent-by IP
Insert VIA rport Insert rport parameter in VIA header in SIP
responses if received-from port and VIA sent-by
port differ
Substitute VIA addr Use nat-mapped IP:port values in VIA header No
Send Resp To Src Port Send response to the request source port instead of
the VIA sent-by port
STUN Server STUN server to contact for NAT mapping discovery
STUN Enable Enable the use of STUN to discover NAT mapping No
STUN Test Enable If enabled with <STUN Enable> = “yes” and a valid
<STUN Server>, the SPA will perform a NAT type
discovery operation when first power on by
contacting the configured STUN server. The result
of the discovery will be reported in a Warning
header in all subsequent REGISTER requests –
“Warning: 399 spa <stun type>”, where <stun type>
is one of the following:
"Unknown NAT Type",
"STUN Server Not Reachable",
"STUN Server Not Responding",
"Open Internet Detected",
"Symmetric Firewall Detected",
"Full Cone NAT Detected",
"Restricted Cone NAT Detected",
"Symmetric NAT Detected";
If the SPA detects Symmetric Nat or Symmetric
Firewall, Nat Mapping will be disabled (th at is , no
substitution of IP address and port with external IP
address an nat-mapped port)
Ext IP External IP address to substitute for the actual IP
address of the unit in all outgoing SIP messages. If
“” is specified, no IP address substitution is
Ext RTP Port Min External port mapping of <RTP Port Min>. If this
value is non-zero, the RTP port number in all
outgoing SIP messages is s ubstituted by the
corresponding port value in the externa l RTP port
NAT Keep Alive Intvl Interval between sending NAT-mapping keep alive
message in sec
3.4.5. Line 1 and Line 2 Parameters
Per line parameter tags must be appended with [1] or [2] (corresponding to lines 1 or 2) in the
configuration profile. It is omitted below for readability. User Account Information
Parameter Name Description Default
Line Enable Enable this line for service Yes
MOH Server2 The User ID or URL of the auto-answering SAS to
contact for MOH services. Examples: 5000,,
Note: When only a user-id is given, the current
proxy or outbound proxy will be contacted as in the
making of a regular outbound call. MOH is disabled
if this parameter is not specified (empty).
SIP Port SIP message listening port and transmission port 5060
Ext SIP Port External port to substitute for the actual SIP port of
the unit in all outgoing SIP messages. If “0” is
specified, no SIP port substitution is performed.
SIP TOS/DiffServ
RTP TOS/DiffServ
starting jitter buffer size value is larger for higher
jitter levels. This parameter controls the rate at
which to adjust the jitter buffer size to reach the
minimum. If the jitter level is set to high, then the
rate of buffer size decrement is slower (more
conservative), else faster (more aggressive).
SIP 100REL Enable Enable the support or the 100rel SIP extension for
reliable transmission of provisional responses (18x)
and the use of PRACK requests.
Blind Attn-Xfer
If enabled, the SPA performs an attended transfer
operation by terminating the current call leg, and
blind transferring the other call leg. If disabled, the
SPA performs an attended transfer by referring the
other call leg to the current call leg while
maintaining both call legs.
Proxy SIP Proxy Server for all outbound requests
Use Outbound Proxy Enable the use of <Outbound Proxy>. If set to “no”,
<Outbound Proxy> and <Use OB Proxy in Dialog)
is ignored.
Outbound Proxy SIP Outbound Proxy Server where all outbound
requests are sent as the first hop.
Use OB Proxy In
Whether to forcer SIP requests to be sent to the
outbound proxy within a dialog. Ignored if <Use
Outbound Proxy> is “no” or <Outbound Proxy> is
Register Enable periodic registration with the <Proxy>. This
parameter is ignored if <Proxy> is not specified.
Make Call Without
Allow making outbound calls without successful
(dynamic) registration by the unit. If “No”, dial tone
will not play unless registration is successful
Ans Call Without Reg Allow answering inbound calls without successful
(dynamic) registrat ion b y the unit
Register Expires1 Expires value in sec in a REGISTER request. SPA
will periodically renew registration shortly before
the current registration expired. This parameter is
ignored if <Register> is “no”. Range: 0 – (2
– 1)
Use DNS SRV Whether to use DNS SRV lookup for Proxy and
Outbound Proxy
DNS SRV Auto Prefix If enabled, the SPA will autom atic ally prepend the
Proxy or Outbound Proxy name with _sip._udp
when performing a DNS SRV lookup on that name
Proxy Fallback Intvl This parameter sets the delay (sec) after which the
SPA will retry from the highest priority proxy (or
outbound proxy) servers after it has failed over to a
lower priority server. This parameter is useful only if
the primary and backup proxy server list is provided
to the SPA via DNS SRV record lookup on the
server name. (Using multiple DNS A record per
server name does not allow the notion of priority
and so all hosts will be considered at the same
priority and the SPA will not attempt to fall back
after a fail over)
Display Name Subscriber’s display name to appear in caller-id
User ID Subscriber’s user-id. Usually a E.164 number
Password Subscriber’s a/c password
Auth ID Subscriber’s authentication ID
Use Auth ID If set to “yes”, the pair <Auth ID> and <Password>
are used for SIP authentication. Else the pair <User
ID> and <Password> are used.
Mini Certificate Base64 encoded of Mini-Certificate concatenated
with the 1024-bit public key of the CA signing the
MC of all subscribers in the group.
SRTP Private Key Base64 encoded of the 512-bit private key per
subscriber for establishment of a secure call.
1. If proxy responded to REGISTER with a smaller Expires valu e, the SPA will renew registration
based on this sm aller value inste ad of the configured value. If regist ration failed with an “Expires too
brief” error respons e, the SPA will retry with the value given in the M in-Expires header in the error
2. MOH Notes:
• The remote party mus t indic ate t hat it c an r ece iv e au dio whi le h ol din g MO H t o work. That is the SIP
2xx response from the remote party in reply to the re-INVITE fr om the SPA to put the call on hold
must have the SDP i ndicate a sendrec v or recvo nly attribut e and the r emote des tinatio n address and
port must not be 0
3. SAS Notes:
• Either or both of lines 1 and 2 can be configured as an SAS server.
• Each server can maintain up to 5 simultaneous calls. If the second line on the SPA is disabled, then
the SAS line can maintain up to 10 simultaneous calls. Further incoming calls will receive a busy
signal (SIP 486 Response).
• The streaming audi o source m ust be off-hook for the stream ing to occur. Othe rwise incom ing calls
will get a error response (SIP 503 Response). The SAS line will not ring for incoming calls even if the
attached equipment is on-hook
• If no calls are in sess ion, batter y is removed from tip-and-ring of the FXS port. Some audio so urce
devices have an L ED to indicate the b attery status. T his can be used as a visual indication whether
any audio streaming is in progress.
• IVR can still be used on an SAS line, but th e user needs to f ollo w som e simple s teps: a) Connect a
phone to the port and make sur e the phone is on-hook , b) power on the SPA and c ) pick up handset
and press * * * * to invoke IVR in the usual way. The idea behin d this is that if th e SPA boots up and
finds that the SAS line is on-hook, it will not r emove battery from the line so that IVR ma y be used.
But if the SPA boots up and f inds that the SAS line is off-hook, it will remove batter y from the line
since no audio session is in progress.
• Set up the Proxy and Su bscr iber Inf orm ation for the SAS Li ne as you norm all y would with a re gular
user account.
• Call Forwarding, Call Screening, Call Blocking, DND, and Caller-ID Delivery features are not
available on an SAS line.
The SPA provides nati ve support of a large s et of enhanced or suppl ementary services. Al l of these
services are optional. The parameters listed in the following table are used to enable or disable a
specific supplem entary service. A supplementar y service should be disabled if a) the user has not
subscribed for it, or b) the Ser vice Pro vider inten ds to support s imilar s ervice using oth er means than
relying on the SPA.
Parameter Name Description Default
Call Waiting Serv Enable Call Waiting Service Yes
Block CID Serv Enable Block Caller ID Service Yes
Block ANC Serv Enable Block Anonymous Calls Service Yes
Dist Ring Serv Enable Distinctive Ringing Service Yes
Cfwd All Serv Enable Call Forward All Service Yes
Cfwd Busy Serv Enable Call Forward Busy Servic e Yes
Cfwd No Ans Serv Enable Call Forward No Answer Service Yes
Cfwd Sel Serv Enable Call Forward Selective Service Yes
Cfwd Last Serv Enable Forward Last Call Service Yes
Block Last Serv Enable Block Last Call Service Yes
Accept Last Serv Enable Accept Last Call Service Yes
DND Serv Enable Do Not Disturb Service Yes
CID_Serv Enable Caller ID Service Yes
CWCID Serv Enable Call Waiting Caller ID Service Yes
Call Return Serv Enable Call Return Service Yes
Call Back Serv Enable Call Back Service Yes
Three Way Call Serv1 Enable Three W ay Calling Servic e Yes
Three Way Conf
Attn Transfer Serv
Unattn Transfer Serv Enable Unattended (Blind) Call Transfer
Enable Three Way Conference Service Yes
Enable Attended Call Transfer Service Yes
MWI Serv3 Enable MWI Service Yes
VMWI Serv Enable VMWI Service (FSK) Yes
Speed Dial Serv Enable Speed Dial Service Yes
Secure Call Serv Enable Secure Call Service Yes
Referral Serv Enable Referral Service. See <Referral
Services Codes> for more details
Feature Dial Serv Enable Feature Dial Service. See <Feature
Dial Services Codes> for more details
1. Three Way Calling is required for Three Way Conference and Attended Transfer.
2. Three Way Conference is required for Attended Transfer.
3. MWI is available only if a Voice Mail Service is set-up in the deployment.
Preferred Codec Select a preferred codec for all calls. However, the
actual codec used in a call still depends on the
outcome of the codec negotiation protocol.G711u,
G711a, G726-16, G726-24, G726-32, G726-40,
G729a, G723
Use Pref Codec Only Only use the preferred codec for all calls. The call will
fail if the far end does not support this codec.
LBR Codec Enable *** This parameter has been removed. ***
Silence Supp Enable Enable silence suppression so that silent audio
frames are not transmitted
Echo Canc Enable Enable the use of echo canceller Yes
Echo Canc Adapt
Enable echo canceller to adapt Yes
Echo Supp Enable Enable the use of echo suppressor. If <Echo Canc
Enable> is “no”, this parameter is ignored
G729a Enable1 Enable the use of G729a codec at 8 kbps. Yes
G723 Enable1 Enable the use of G723 codec at 6.3 kbps Yes
G726-16 Enable1 Enable the use of G726 codec at 16 kbps Yes
G726-24 Enable1 Enable the use of G726 codec at 24 kbps Yes
G726-32 Enable1 Enable the use of G726 codec at 32 kbps Yes
G726-40 Enable1 Enable the use of G726 codec at 40 kbps Yes
FAX Passthru Enable *** This parameter has been removed. *** Yes
FAX CED Detect Enable Enable detection of FAX tone. Yes
FAX CNG Detect
FAX Passthru Codec Codec to use for fax passthru G711u
FAX Codec Symmetric Force unit to use symmetric codec during FAX
FAX Passthru Method Choices: None / NSE / ReINVITE NSE
FAX Process NSE Yes
DTMF Tx Method Method to transmit DTMF signals to the far end:
Inband = Send DTMF using the audio path; INFO =
Use the SIP INFO method, AVT = Send DTMF as
AVT events; Auto = Use Inband or AVT based on
outcome of codec negotiation
Hook Flash Tx Method Select the method to signal Hook Flash events:
• None: do not signal hook flash events
• AVT: use RFC2833 AVT (event=16)
• INFO: use SIP INFO method with the single line
“signal = hf” in the message body. The MIME type for
this message body is taken from the <Hook Flash
MIME Type> paramter
Release Unused Codec Yes
1. A codec resource is co nsidered as allocated if it has been included in the SDP codec lis t of an
active call, even though it even tuall y ma y not be the one chos en for the connec tion. So, if the G.72 9a
codec is enabled and included in the codec list, that resource is tied up until the end of the call
whether or not the call ac tually uses G.729a. If the G729a res ource is already allocated and si nce
only one G.729a resource is allowed per SPA, no other low-bit-rate codec may be allocated for
subsequent calls; the only choices are G711a and G711u. On the other hand, two G.723.1/G.726
resources are availab le per SPA. Therefore it is im portant to disable the use of G.729a in ord er to
guarantee the support of 2 simultaneous G.723/G.726 codec. Dial Plan
See section 6 for additional information regarding the configuration of the SPA dial plan.
Parameter Name Description Default
Dial Plan Per-line dial plan script See below
Enable IP Dialing Enable IP Dialing no
See the previous section for explanation of Dial Plan Script syntax.
Default Dial Plan script for each line:
Explanation of Default Dial Plan:
Dial Plan Entry Functionality
*xx Allow arbitrary 2 digit star code
[3469]11 Allow x11 sequences
0 Operator
00 Int’l Operator
[2-9]xxxxxx US "local" number
1xxx[2-9]xxxxxx US 1 + 10-digit long distance number
xxxxxxxxxxxx. Everything else (Int’l long distance, FWD, ...)
Note: If IP dialing is enabled, one c an dial [user -id@]a.b.c .d[:port], wh ere ‘@’, ‘.’, and ‘:’ are di aled b y
entering “*”, user-id m ust be numeric (like a phone n umber) and a, b, c, d must be bet ween 0 and
255, and port must be larger than 255. If port is not given, 5060 is used. Port and User-Id are
optional. If the user-id portion matches a pattern in the d ial plan, then it is interpreted as a r egular
phone number according to the dial p lan. T he INVIT E m essage, howe ver, is still s ent to th e outbou nd
proxy if it is enabled. Polarity Settings
Parameter Name Description Default
Idle Polarity Polarity before call connected Forward
Caller Conn Polarity Polarity after outbound call connected Reverse
Callee Conn Polarity Polarity after inbound call connected Reverse
User 1/2 refers to the subscriber of Line 1/2. When a call is made from Line 1/2, SPA shall use the
user and line settings for that Line; there is no user login support in SPA v1.0. Per user parameter
tags must be appended with [1] or [2] (corresponding to line 1 or 2) in the configuration profile. It is
omitted below for readability. Call Forward And Selective Call Forward/Blocking Settings
Parameter Name Description Default
Cfwd All Dest Forward number for Call Forward All Service
Cfwd Busy Dest Forward number for Call Forward Busy Service
Cfwd No Ans Dest Forward number for Call Forward No Answer Service
Cfwd No Ans Delay Delay in sec before Call Forward No Answer triggers 20
Cfwd Sel1 Caller Caller number pattern to trigger Call Forward Selective 1
Cfwd Sel2 Caller Caller number pattern to trigger Call Forward Selective 2
Cfwd Sel3 Caller Caller number pattern to trigger Call Forward Selective 3
Cfwd Sel4 Caller Caller number pattern to trigger Call Forward Selective 4
Cfwd Sel5 Caller Caller number pattern to trigger Call Forward Selective 5
Cfwd Sel6 Caller Caller number pattern to trigger Call Forward Selective 6
Cfwd Sel7 Caller Caller number pattern to trigger Call Forward Selective 7
Cfwd Sel8 Caller Caller number pattern to trigger Call Forward Selective 8
Cfwd Sel1 Dest Forward number for Call Forward Selective 1
Cfwd Sel2 Dest Forward number for Call Forward Selective 2
Cfwd Sel3 Dest Forward number for Call Forward Selective 3
Cfwd Sel4 Dest Forward number for Call Forward Selective 4
Cfwd Sel5 Dest Forward number for Call Forward Selective 5
Cfwd Sel6 Dest Forward number for Call Forward Selective 6
Cfwd Sel7 Dest Forward number for Call Forward Selective 7
Cfwd Sel8 Dest Forward number for Call Forward Selective 8
Block Last Caller ID of caller blocked via the “Block Last Caller” service
Accept Last Caller ID of caller accepted via the “Accept Last Caller” service
Cfwd Last Caller The Caller number that is actively forwarded to <Cfwd
Last Dest> by using the Call Forward Last activation
Cfwd Last Dest Forward number for the <Cfwd Last Caller> Speed Dial Settings
Parameter Name Description Default
Speed Dial 2 Target phone number (or URL) assigned to speed dial “2”
Speed Dial 3 Target phone number (or URL) assigned to speed dial “3”
Speed Dial 4 Target phone number (or URL) assigned to speed dial “4”
Speed Dial 5 Target phone number (or URL) assigned to speed dial “5”
Speed Dial 6 Target phone number (or URL) assigned to speed dial “6”
Speed Dial 7 Target phone number (or URL) assigned to speed dial “7”
Speed Dial 8 Target phone number (or URL) assigned to speed dial “8”
Speed Dial 9 Target phone number (or URL) assigned to speed dial “9”