Singer 67A User Manual

Little Touch & Sew 67A
the little
Touch & Sew
Sewing Machine
What's new for tomorrow is at SINGER today!*
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AMessage to the Young Seamstress AMessage to Mother Happy Birthday to You, a story Assembling the Sewing Table Setting Up Your Sewing Machine Replacing the Machine AName for Everything AJob for Everything The Bobbin How to Thread the Needle How to Change the Needle The Tension Dial How to Place Your Fabric How to Start Stitching How to End a Seam The Adapter Dog's Coat Pattern Hankie Holder Pattern Stocking Holder Pattern Apron Pattern Doll's Nightie Pattern Scarf Pattern Contact Singer
Little Touch & Sew 67A
to the young seamstress!
THE SINGER COMPANYdesigned the Little Touch & Sew sewing machine especially for little ladies like you. It's lots of fun to play with and you can make grown-up things, too.
Your sewing machine has a real bobbin and will make a real lockstitch. It has many other special Singer features just like those on big machines. You must learn how to use every part correctly.
Before you begin to sew anything, ask Mother to read this book with you. Look care­fully at every picture and read every word with her.Then ask her to explain anything you don't understand. When you know all about your machine, you will be ready to begin sewing. It's easy when you do it the right way.
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Little Touch & Sew 67A
A Message To Mother
Sewing is fun and a big accomplishment for a young girl. With a little encouragement, your daughter can learn this basic domestic skill quickly and easily. It's never too early to start developing an awareness of style and good taste.
THE SINGER COMPANY designed the Little Touch & Sew sewing machine with safety and simplicity in mind. Perhaps a mother's most common fear is that her child will accidentally sew over a finger or hand. This is virtually impossible with the molded plastic presser foot on your child's machine. As you look over this machine, you'll find many other features designed for safe and simple sewing.
If your daughter is very young, you can remove the batteries that come in her machine and let her begin sewing by using the hand crank. When you feel your daughter has become more adept at sewing, you may wish to purchase the electrical adapter available at your local Singer Center.
This instruction book has been especially prepared to teach the young beginner how to thread and operate her sewing machine safely and efficiently. For best results, however, we suggest that you sit down with your daughter and go over each page with her step by step. In no time at all she'll be sewing by herself.
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Little Touch & Sew 67A
Stephanie's family stood around her bed and sang as loudly as they could to wake her up. "Good morning, everyone," said Stephanie as she sat up in bed. She laughed as she looked
around the room and saw lots of gifts. Her mother handed her a flat red one with lacy silver ribbons. Stephanie opened it in a hurry. Something pink was showing through all the tissue paper. She
pulled out a long bathrobe with baby kittens appliqued on the pockets. Mother said, "I hope you like it, honey. I made it myself with the Touch & Sew sewing
machine that Daddy gave me last Christmas." "Oh yes, yes. It's beautiful, Mummy," replied Stephanie. "Thank you. Then she ran to give
her mother a big hug and kiss. "Open my package next," demanded her sister Barbara. She handed Stephanie a square
package wrapped in blue paper and wide ribbons of golden velvet. "I can hardly wait to see what it is," said Stephanie as she took off all the wrappings. "Oh, she's lovely!" exclaimed Stephanie. She pulled out a beautiful doll with long blond hair
and big blue eyes just like her own.
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Little Touch & Sew 67A
"I'm going to name her Carolyn. Then she will have the same name as Mother," said Stephanie.
"Thank you, Barbara," she said. She threw her sister a kiss from across the room. All of a sudden Stephanie heard a squeaky little noise. "Where did that come from?" she
asked. Father pointed to a shiny gold package on the floor. Stephanie jumped out of bed to see what it was. "Why is that funny hole in the lid?" she won-
dered. Carefully Stephanie opened the lid. A soft little black and white spotted puppy was in the box. Stephanie put her hand in to touch the puppy's wet little nose. The puppy jumped up and
licked her hand with his tiny pink tongue. "That's how a puppy kisses you," explained Father. Stephanie kissed her puppy on the top of his spotted head. "You are so cute, little puppy,"
she told him. "I will name you McGurk." Stephanie said, "Thank you, Daddy, thank you." Then she ran across the room to kiss her
father. There was only one present left to open. Grandmother handed her a big box all wrapped in
pink flowered paper. "Whatever could that be?" asked Stephanie. "Open it and see," replied Grandmother.
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Little Touch & Sew 67A
Stephanie took the paper off in a big hurry. Father helped her open the box. Stephanie's eyes lighted up when she saw what was inside.
"Look, look!" she exclaimed, "a Little Touch & Sew sewing machine just like Mummy's big one."
"Oh, look," said Barbara, "it even has a real bobbin." "Yes, that is so it can make a strong lockstitch just as Mother's machine does," Father
explained "Now that you are a big girl,' said Grandmother, "you should learn how to sew. Right after
breakfast we'll sit down together and I'll show you how easy it is." "A real sewing machine just like Mother's," sang Stephanie. "A real sewing machine just like
Mother's. I really am a big girl now." "I'll take good care of it, Grandmother," she promised. "I'll take good care of it just as Mother
does with hers." "Thank you, Grandmother," she said. Then she gave her grandmother a big hug and kiss. McGurk gave a squeaky little bark. "Oh, oh! I think McGurk is hungry," said Barbara. "So am I," said Stephanie. "And so am I," said Daddy and Mother and Grandmother.
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Little Touch & Sew 67A
So they all went downstairs to eat Stephanie's favorite breakfast of pancakes covered with Grandmother's homemade strawberry jam.
"Mmmm, mmmm, it's all so good," declared Stephanie. "This is my happiest birthday." Even before she was finished eating, Stephanie began planning all the things she would
make with her Little Touch & Sew machine. "First I think I'll make a yellow scarf trimmed with white ribbons for Barbara to wear at the
beach." "Then I'll sew a nightie for Carolyn. I will make it pink to match the bathrobe that Mummy
made for me." "I'll make Daddy a hankie holder. That will keep his top drawer from being such a mess." "Grandmother needs a new apron. I will sew a pretty new apron for her." "After I finish sewing the apron, I will make a soft stocking holder for Mummy. Then she won't
get any more snags in her stockings." "Oh, McGurk! Did you think I forgot you ? I'm going to sew a coat for you. Then you won't get
cold when we go for long walks in the winter." Everyone laughed at Stephanie's enthusiasm. "We will make one thing at a time," Grandmother told her. "First, let's clear the table and then
we'll start."
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Little Touch & Sew 67A
Stephanie helped her grandmother clear the table. Grandmother washed the dishes while she dried them.
"Hurry, Grandmother, I can't wait to start," she said. At last they were ready to begin! Grandmother explained, "First we will read the instruction book together to make certain we
understand everything." "It is very important that you take good care of your machine. Once you learn how easy it is,
you will have hours of fun sewing." "Today I will help you sew," said Grandmother, "but soon you'll be sewing all by yourself." Turn to the back of the book to see how to make the presents that Stephanie gave to her
family. You can have lots of fun making them.
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Little Touch & Sew 67A
Assembling the Sewing Table
Ask your mother or father to follow these directions in setting up your new sewing table.
1. Remove the panel and machine from the tabletop as instructed on the opposite page.
2. Place the tabletop face down on a table or the floor, with the opening away from you.
3. Place the two legs with the feet in the right and left sockets nearer you. Make sure the feet are pointed inward. (When your daughter is sewing, she can place her feet on these to steady the table if she wishes.) Place the other two legs at the back of the table. Fasten all four legs with screws, washers and nuts, which you will find in the envelope.
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Little Touch & Sew 67A
Setting Up Your Sewing Machine
1. Lift the panel in the tabletop by placing one finger in each of the two finger holds. Be sure to lift it gently, straight up. Set the panel aside.
2. Lift the sewing machine out of the well and set it aside.
3. Hold the panel by the short end and slide the long end into groove 1 at both sides of the very back of the table. Set the machine in the space at the front of the table. Now you are ready to sew.
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