(855-164463 Rev.A)
The 120-2x50 is a side scan transducer with a narrow
longitudinal and a wide transverse beam.
Order number
KSV- 088606
Technical specications
Resonant frequency....................................... 120 kHz
Longitudinal beamwidth .................................1.9 deg
Transversal beamwidth .................................55.0 deg
D ......................................................................350
DI=10logD ....................................................25.5
Gain................................................................ 23.3 dB
Side lobes......................................... less than -15 dB
Back radiation ...................................less than -30 dB
Near-eld (L2/λ) ............................................... 12 m
L = active length; λ = wavelength
Nominal value .......................................... 60 ohm
Maximum variation in |Z| ................ 45 to 80 ohm
Maximum variation in phase angle ..........±30 deg
Simrad 120-2x50
120 kHz side scan transducer
Maximum pulse power input ......................... 1000 W
Maximum continous power input ......................10 W
Maximum transducer depth ............................... 10 m
Cable length ....................................................... 20 m
Weight without cable ........................................3.5 kg
Weight with cable .............................................5.5 kg
Storage temperature ..............................+70 to -40° C