To the best of our knowledge and at the time written, the information contained in this document is technically correct and the procedures accurate
and adequate to operate this instrument in compliance with its original advertised specifications.
Notes and Safety Information
This Operator’s Manual contains warning symbols which alert the user to
check for hazardous conditions. These appear throughout this manual where
applicable, and are defined below. To ensure the safety of operating performance of this instrument, these instructions must be adhered to.
Warning, refer to accompanying documents.
Caution, risk of electric shock.
This instrument is designed to prevent accidental shock to the operator when
properly used. However, no engineering design can render safe an instrument which is used carelessly. Therefore, this manual must be read carefully
and completely before making any measurements. Failure to follow directions can result in a serious or fatal accident.
Technical Assistance
SIMPSON ELECTRIC COMPANY offers assistance Monday through Friday
7:30 am to 5:00 pm Central Time. To receive assistance contact Technical
Support or Customer Service at (847) 697-2260.
Warranty and Returns
SIMPSON ELECTRIC COMP ANY w arrants each instrument and other articles
manufactured by it to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service, its obligation under this warranty being limited to
making good at its factory or other article of equipment which shall within one
(1) year after delivery of such instrument or other article of equipment to the
original purchaser be returned intact to it, or to one of its authorized service
centers, with transportation charges prepaid, and which its examination shall
disclose to its satisfaction to have been thus defective; this warranty being
expressly in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied and of all other
obligations or liabilities on its part, and SIMPSON ELECTRIC COMPANY neither assumes nor authorizes any other persons to assume for it any other
liability in connection with the sales of its products.
Requirements for Electrical & Electronic Measuring & Controlling Instrumentation
, a shock hazard shall be considered to exist at any part involving a
potential in excess of 30 volts RMS (sine wave) or 42.4 volts DC or peak and
where a leakage current from that part to ground exceeds 0.5 milliampere,
As defined in American National Standard, C39.5,
when measured with an appropriate measuring instrument defined in Section 11.6.1 of ANSI C39.5.
NOTE: The proper measuring instrument for the measurement of leakage
current consists essentially of a network of a 1500 ohm non-inductive resistor
shunted by a 0.15 microfarad capacitor connected between the terminals of
the measuring instrument. The leakage current is that portion of the current
that flows through the resistor. The Simpson Model 229-Series 2 AC Leakage Current Tester meets the ANSI C39.5 requirements for the measurement
of AC leakage current and can be used for this purpose. To measure DC
Leakage current, connect a 1500 ohm non-inductive resistor in series with a
Simpson 0-500 DC microammeter and use this as the measuring instrument.
Multi-function instruments such as the 14510-2 are intended as general purpose measuring instruments for use in relatively low power 120/240 V AC or
dry battery operated circuits such as found in consumer appliances, home
entertainment equipment or general laboratory applications. Some high power
circuits, however, are within its measurement range and present an arcing/
explosion hazard in the event of an unanticipated circuit behavior, a defective
measuring instrument or of an operator error if the operator has not recognized the hazard and observed appropriate personal protective measures.
Such high power circuits that would be within the measuring range of this
Instrument would be found in commercial or industrial equipment operating
from AC and DC supply circuits above 240 V, storage battery banks, or circuits containing large capacitors. Measurements in such circuits should only
be performed by personnel trained to recognize the hazards and using appropriate safety measures. The Safety Precautions in Section IV are intended
to alert the operator to the more commonly encountered hazards and protective measures to avoid them. The dangers in high power circuits are serious.
Do not take safety precautions lightly.
NOTE: Any circuit containing voltages exceeding 30 V AC or 60 V DC should
be considered to be a possible shock hazard, and contact with the circuit
should be avoided while the circuit is energized.
The Simpson 14510-2 Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter (hereinafter referred to as the
14510-2 or the Instrument) is a portable instrument, suitable for the telephone
industries. This instrument is designed for the service person who values true
portability, reliability, simplicity and ruggedness. The Instrument can be applied in both permanent and mobile installations.
The 14510-2 features rev erse safety-style jacks, an easy-to-read dial, a large
range switch knob and an attractive color clutter-free panel.
The case is made of high-impact (ABS) plastic and is contemporarily styled.
The Instrument is battery operated for the resistance ranges, and fuse and
diode overload protected, with a self-shielded taut-band movement. The tautband suspension provides a high degree of repeatability and is highly resistant to shock and vibrations helping to ensure the accuracy and life of the
Instrument. A handle, attached to the sides of the case , allows the Instrument
to be used in either a vertical or horizontal position. The horizontal position is
preferred for greater accuracy since the Instrument is calibrated in that position.
1.3Items And Accessories
All applicable items and accessories required to operate the 14510-2 are
furnished with the Instrument and are listed in Table 1-1. Additional accessories are listed in Table 1-2. Available replacement parts are listed in Table 6-1.
Table 1-1. Accessories furnished with the Instrument
1Test Lead Set00043
*215 Volt Cell, NEDA 2081-111010
*11.5 Volt, D Cell, NEDA 13F1-111798
1Operator’s Manual6-114022
There are three batteries in the ohmmeter circuits. One is a NEDA 13F cell
that furnishes 1.5 volts for the RX1, RX10, RX100 and RX1000 ranges. Two
are NEDA 208 cells that furnish 30 volts required for the RX10,000 range.
The batteries are readily available and replacement is accomplished easily.
Most of the component parts are mounted on a printed circuit board which
simplifies assembly and maintenance, thus extending the useful life of the
Each Instrument is furnished with one pair of probe type test leads (one red
and one black, each 48 inches long, Catalog No. 00043) for all Instrument
applications. These test leads have elbow plugs on one end to connect the
leads to the recessed jacks on the Instrument front panel. The probe tips at
the opposite end have threaded shoulders to accept the screw-on insulated
alligator clips (furnished with the test leads). The test leads and the insulated
alligator clips are rated for the voltage and current ranges available on the
14510-2. Maximum ratings are 100 V AC or DC or 10 DC amperes.
These ratings for the test leads must not be exceeded in any application.
1.4Technical Data
Table 1-3 lists the Technical Data for the 14510-2
Table 1-3
Ranges:0.3 V, 3 V, 12 V, 60 V, 300 V, 600 V
Sensitivity: 20 k⍀/volt ranges except on the 0.3 V range, 16 k⍀/volt.
Accuracy: ⫾2% of full scale (FS) all ranges, except on the 0.3 V range,
which on the 0.275 V mark (red line) is ⫾0.5% of FS.