Attention Simplex Day Tank end user. This Day Tank Identifi cation Form and the en-
closed Day Tank Registration Card serves as your warranty registration. Please fi ll out
the enclosed registration card completely and mail it to Simplex Inc.
Location of the Day Tank is of prime
importance and should be done by
trained personnel. It is one of the most
critical factors involved in reliable and
safe operation. The Day Tank must be
positioned and installed according to
the main fuel storage tank and engine
location. In general locate the Day Tank
as close to the engine as possible consistent with applicable local and national
plumbing and electrical codes. Always
position the Day Tank so that the highest
fuel level in the tank is lower than the
engine injectors. The Day Tank must be
located not farther than 200' from the
main fuel tank. The Day Tank must not
be more than 18' higher than the lowest
fuel level in the main fuel tank. Never
locate the Day Tank in a confi ned space
without consideration for accidental fuel
spillage and use a rupture basin when
necessary. Never locate the Day Tank
near a surface or object which may be
adversely affected by fuel oil. Never
locate a Day Tank system above a
residential living space.
If you have any questions regarding Day Tank installation,
call Simplex service at (217)
483-1600 (24 hrs.).
See dimensional drawing for port sizes.
All plumbing to and from the Day Tank
should be black iron pipe or copper tubing. All plumbing connections at the tank
should be made with pipe unions to facilitate installation and service. Special
attention must be given to pump suction
pipe connections to avoid possible air
leaks and subsequent loss of pump
prime. Never allow the Day Tank pump
to run “dry” as immediate pump damage
will occur. Before applying power to the
pump/motor be sure all fuel connections
have been made and tightened and all
holes are plugged. Option 010 or 015,
auxiliary hand pump, is recommended
for installation on all Day Tanks with
motor-pumps. The hand pump is used
for initial priming of the fuel line from
the main tank and as a back up to the
1. Remove the Day Tank top. Check
all visible hardware for tightness.
Attach the Vent Pipe. This is a NPT
internal connection. The vent pipe
allows equalization of internal Day
provides pressure relief in case of
overfi ll, rapid expansion, or gasifi ca-
tion of contents in the event of fi re.
The Day Tank may become permanently distorted at pressures above
5PSI (10 and 25 gallon) and 3PSI
IMPORTANT NOTE!! The system shall be for use with fuel oil as
described by NFPA321, “Basic Classifi cation of Flammable and Com-
bustible Liquids.” As defi ned by this standard, the fuel supply system
shall be for use with “combustible liquids,” those having a fl ash point
at or above 100°F and further defi ned as Class II or Class III liquids. In
no case shall a liquid having a fl ash point less than 100°F be used. In
every case, the system shall not be used or applied at a temperature in
excess of the fl ash point of the contents. Electrical equipment used in
the system shall be in accordance with NFPA30, section 5-7, wherein
it states “For areas where Class II or Class III liquids only are stored
or handled at a temperature below their fl ash points, the electrical
equipment may be installed in accordance with provisions of NFPA70,
National Electrical Code, for ordinary locations...”
(50–400 gallon) and may rupture at
pressures above the maximum withstand pressure of 25PSI (10 and 25
gallon) and 15PSI (50–400 gallon).
Day Tank operation without a vent
pipe is strictly not recommended.
The vent pipe should be at least 5
feet higher than any other pipe and
should terminate outdoors. The vent
pipe must not extend or terminate
more than 12' above the Day Tank.
There should be no low portions or
sags in the vent pipe which can trap
liquid. The end of the pipe should be
fi tted with a 180° weather protected
vent cap to shed water and should be
screened to keep out pests, leaves,
2. Attach the Overfl ow Pipe. This is a
NPT internal connection. Simplex
recommends the configuration
shown in the illustration below. The
overfl ow pipe runs from the Day Tank
back to the main storage tank and
allows for draining of the tank should
it become overfi lled. This pipe should
be sized at least twice the diameter of the pump fi ll pipe (minimum
1"I.D. for 10 and 25
gallon; minimum
2" I.D. for 50-500
gallon). If the tank
becomes overfi lled
and the overflow
line is not connected
or is obstructed the
tank will distort and
possibly rupture. In
installations where
the main fuel tank
is above ground
the overflow pipe
should be connected to an Overfl ow
Tank (Option #390
SST & SRS DAY TANK MANUAL • page 3 of 25
The overfl ow connection is a
mandatory connection!
Always connect the Day Tank
to an earth ground before operating the Day Tank. Electrical shock can cause personal
injury or death!
3. Attach the Day Tank Intake Line (fi ll
pipe) from the main fuel tank to the
pump inlet. This is a NPT internal
connection. Use black pipe with a
union and size per the installation
drawing in this manual. Optional fuel
strainer (Option 060) with #60 mesh
is recommended.
4. Attach the Engine Supply Line. This is
a NPT external connection. Use black
pipe with a union and size per the
dimensioanl drawing in this manual.
5. Attach the Engine Return Line. This is
a NPT internal connection. Use black
pipe with a union and size per the
installation drawing in this manual.
6. WARNING! Verify the Day Tank
mode selector switch is in the
“Off” position. Supply a 115-1-60,
15A, circuit breaker protected circuit
from a reliable power bus to the control power terminal board (TB”PS”)
at terminals 1 and 2. GROUND THE DAY TANK! Secure the conduit end
to the left side of the cover at the
holes provided. Replace the cover.
7. The pump has been pre-lubricated
with heavy oil prior to shipment. Prime
the system by using the hand pump
(Option 010 or 015) to transfer fuel
from the main tank to the Day Tank.
If the Day Tank is not equipped with
a hand pump, remove the tank inlet
priming tee plug and fi ll the entire inlet
line with fuel. Replace the tee plug.
Energize the Day Tank pump/motor
by placing the Day Tank mode selector switch in the automatic position.
Ensure that fuel is exiting the pump
by watching the clear pump outlet
tubing. If not, repeat this procedure
and prime the pump also at the pump
priming tee. Make sure all unused
Day Tank holes are plugged, all
pipe connections are secure and no
leaks are present. The Day Tank is
now ready for unattended automatic
operation. If the Day Tank has been
stored for extended periods of time
pre-lube the pump with oil at the
pump priming tee.
SST & SRS DAY TANK MANUAL • page 4 of 25
Typical- See enclosed drawing for your equipment
Risk of electric shock! More
than one Disconnect Switch
may be required to de-energize
the equipment before servicing.
Verify the Main Disconnect
Switch and pump Auto-Off-Run
switches are in the Off position
before performing installation
Each tank and each compartment of a
compartment tank shall have provision
for both normal and emergency venting.
A vent opening shall be in addition to the
fi lling and withdrawal openings. A vent
opening that provides for both emer-
gency and normal venting shall have
a capacity not less than that specifi ed
in the Venting Capacity Table below.
The wetted area of a tank is calculated
on the basis of 75 percent of the total
a At 14.7 psia and 60°F (101.4kPa and 16°C)
b Interpolate for intermediate values
c For SI units, m2 = ft2 /0.09.
d These values taken from NFPA 30
e For SI units, m3/s = ft/hr X 0.03
f These pipe sizes apply only to open vent pipes of the specifi ed diameter not more than 12 inches
(0.3m) long and a pressure tank of not more than 2.5 psig (17.1kPa). If tank is to be equipped with
venting device or fl ame arrestor, the vent opening is to accommodate the venting device or fl ame
arrestor sized in accordance with column 2 of this table.
The emergency vent line capacity specifi ed on the placard
at the top of the tank must be
considered in order to maintain
the fi re safety factors estab-
lished by NFPA 30 and UL 142.
If installation is intended to
conform and benefi t from the
inherent safety advantages of
NFPA 30 and UL 142 installation standards, observance of
this value is mandatory. It may
be necessary to increase the
vent pipe if the run is excessively long.
Repairs or alterations of this
day tank without written approval from Simplex may void
the warranty and incur liability
for anyone making such repairs
or alterations. Alterations may
result in severe personal injury
or death due to electrical shock,
fi re or explosion.
The Siphon-Drain drop tube exits the
top of the tank and drops to nearly the
bottom of the tank. The siphon-drain
is used for service draining of the tank
and is the only means of draining the
tank. See dimensional drawing for the location of the siphon-drain fi tting.
At the time of initial fi lling and start-up
of the tank, prime the siphon-drain as
1. Fill the tank to its normal maximum
full level.
2. Remove the plug in the siphon-drain
priming tee.
3. Be sure the lower end of the siphondrain tube is closed.
4. Using a funnel, manually fi ll the prim-
ing tube.
SST & SRS DAY TANK MANUAL • page 7 of 25
5. When the tube is full, plug the priming tee. Be sure to use pipe thread
6. Test the siphon-drain by opening the
drain valve and drain into a bucket.
7. Repeat steps 1-6 if required to make
8. Close drain valve.
9. The siphon-drain should hold prime
and be available for tank draining at
any time.
Once primed, the siphon-drain may be
connected via a shut-off valve or solenoid valve to the overfl ow-return to the
main tank provided that the main tank is
below the level of the Day Tank and all
fl ow is by gravity. Any run of pipe above
the level of the drain termination may
require priming. With the siphon-drain
so connected to the Day Tank overfl ow-
return line, manual or automatic draining
of the Day Tank back to the main tank
is possible.
A manual or electric pump may be
connected to the siphon-drain at either
the lower termination or at the priming