See SRS Series for 50 gal and above.
SST Series - Engineering Submittal
SST Series Advanced Line
Day Tanks
UL 142 aboveground steel tank
all seam welded, square, atmospheric tank of heavy gauge steel
with internal reinforcements,
tested to 5 PSI test pressure.
Welded flange pipe fittings for fuel
return, overflow, vent, drain. Submerged fuel oil supply drop tube.
Heavy gauge steel channel feet
with mounting holes. Separate
mechanical and electrical compartments, each with steel housing and removable access covers. Standard equipment:
•SST Controller
q SST 10 10 gal.
q SST 25 25 gal.
q SST 50 50 gal.
q SST 75 75 gal.
q SST 100 100 gal.
q SST 150 150 gal.
q SST 200 200 gal.
q SST 275 275 gal.
q SST 325 325 gal.
q SST 400 400 gal.
Secondary Containment
Option 190: UL142 Secondary
Containment Dike
Option 191: Leak Sensor
Super-XL Pump:
The SUPER-XL Pump consists of the following:
•2 GPM, high vacuum, positive displacement gear pump consisting of two pressure loaded, intermeshing, hardened
steel, precision ground gear assemblies
within a high strength die cast aluminum
housing. Mechanical shaft seal. Pressure
loaded to be self-compensating for internal wear .
• 1/3 HP, 120V, single-phase ODP motor.
Oversized for high starting torque.
•Motor overload protection
•Optional pumps-motors available.
SST Level Controller:
Indication Functions
Indicators are long life, extra-bright
large display, L.E.D.’s:
•Fuel level
•Power available
•Switch off (flashing)
•Pump running
•Low level alarm
•Overflow alarm/pump control
backup activated
•Pump start-stop (1HP)
•Low level alarm (60W)
•High level alarm (60W)
Control Functions
120V AC or 24V DC
•“Auto-off-manual” pump control switch
•“Press to test” pump push-button
•Pump start-stop automatic level control
•Automatic disconnect of pump on
overflow/high level alarm

FUEL OIL DAY TANKS - SST Series Engineering Submittal • page 2
Fuel Supply
This is an industrial product, not a consumer
product. It must be specified, installed, operated
and maintained by individuals equipped with the
appropriate training and skills. This tank conforms
to applicable portions of the following standards:
NFPA 30 and NFPA 37, UL 142, UL 508.
All fuel piping should be of black iron or copper
pipe. Pipe sizes should follow engine manufacturer’s recommendations based on KW of
generator set.
A Dangerous Installation Will
Result If Properly Sized
Overflow And V ent Pipes Are
Not Connected To This Tank.
Overflow Pipe
Should the tank be overfilled as a result of
misadjustment of fuel level controls, fuel spillage
or overpressurization of the tank may result. An
overflow pipe back to the main storage tank of
at least double the size of the fill pipe must be
installed with consideration given to length of
run and vertical drop. (Use min. 1" I.D.)
Vent Pipe
A properly sized and installed vent pipe is mandatory. The vent provides a means for tank to
breathe when fuel is withdrawn or added to tank.
Venting also provides pressure relief in case of
overfill or rapid expansion or gasification of contents in event of fire. Portions of this tank may
become permanently distorted at pressures
above 5 PSI, and may rupture at pressures above
the designed maximum withstand pressure of
25 PSI. To avoid overpressurization a vent pipe
to atmosphere (outside of the building) of the
same diameter as the threaded vent fitting installed in the tank must be provided to extend a
minimum of 5 ft. above tank top, however, no
portion of this vent should extend or terminate
more than 12 ft. above this tank. There must be
no low portions or sags in the vent pipe which
can trap liquid. Protect the open end by suitable
means to prevent entry by insects, foreign matter and precipitation.
The emergency vent line capacity specified on
the placard at the top of the tank must be considered in order to maintain the fire safety factors established by NFPA 30 and UL 142. If installation is intended to conform and benefit from
the inherent safety advantages of the NFPA 30
and UL 142 installation standards, observance
of the value is mandatory. It may be necessary
to increase the vent pipe diameter if the run is
long, or install an emergency vent at the tank.
Every Six Months:
Inspect this tank at least every six months for
damage, leakage, or rust on both inside and
outside of the tank. Promptly repair or replace
any significantly damaged or deteriorated tank.
Drain water and sediment from day tank sump
at least once each year, or more frequently
depending on usage and condition of the fuel.
Recommended Options
Main Storage Tank Is Underground:
When the main fuel storage tank is located
underground, one of the following options is
recommended to assure maintenance of day
tank pump prime. Option 070: Check valve on
pump intake, Option 080, 083: Solenoid valve
on pump intake, Option 090: Foot valve.
Initial Installation:
Hand pump is recommended for use as a backup to the motor pump and to prime the motor
pump on initial installation. Option 015: 5 GPM
(5 strokes/gallon) hand pump.
Special Requirements
Above Ground Storage Tank:
When the main fuel storage tank is located above
the level of the day tank, the following options
are required; Options 060, 080, 087: Solenoid
valve, with fuel strainer , on intake to prevent tank
flooding. Consider also: #190/191: Overflow
basin and overflow alarm, #383: Overflow-return
tank, #390: Overflow return pump and controller.
Simplex, Inc., 1139 North MacArthur Blvd., Springfield, IL 62702-2314 • 217-525-6995 (24 Hr.) • Fax 217-525-7984 • www.simplexdirect.com
© 2000 Simplex, Inc. All Rights Reserved. • Printed in the USA. • Design subject to change without notice. • 7A40225F

FUEL OIL DAY TANKS - SST Series Engineering Submittal • page 3
Piping & Installation
All fuel piping should be of black iron or
copper pipe. Pipe sizes should follow engine
manufacturer’s recommendations based on
KW of generator set.
Emergency Vent:
For tanks equipped with emergency tank vent
(100-400 gallon), install weighted type emergency vent cap (Option #064) at this fitting. Install vent on 18-inch riser.
Simplex, Inc., 1139 North MacArthur Blvd., Springfield, IL 62702-2314 • 217-525-6995 (24 Hr.) • Fax 217-525-7984 • www.simplexdirect.com
© 2000 Simplex, Inc. All Rights Reserved. • Printed in the USA. • Design subject to change without notice. • 7A40225F