Simple Motors Kit 12 Assembly Instructions Manual

Assembly Instructions: Kit #12
Rapid Assembly Basic QuikLock
Reed Switch Motor
1. Insert the motor shaft through the holes in two 2x2 rotor pieces as shown*. Center the shaft.
2. Add plastic sleeves (washers) to both ends of the shaft. They fit tightly and require some effort. You may put the sleeve on the table and push the shaft in with the negative end of the battery. Leave a small gap so the sleeves are slightly above the surface of the knobs.
Assembl y instructions for kit #12 1
This is not a Lego® product even if it contains Lego® bricks and plates. All warranties pr ovided by Simple Motors. LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor , authorize or endorse this product.
All rights reserved. 2014 Simple Motors, LLC
If you notice burrs on the plastic sleeves remove them with a sharp knife.
3. Attach double sided sticky pads to the magnets. It does not matter to which side you attach them as long as you use the same po le for all magnets. This is very important! If you do not use the same pole for all magnets your motor will not work.
The easiest way to achieve it is to attach the pad to the top of the stack and then move top magnet to the bottom; after you attach all four pads your stack should look as shown. Do not remove the second liner from the pads yet.
Neodymium magnets used in this motor are very strong! Be very careful – if they are allowed to fly to each other they may shatter.
4. Attach all four magnets to the rotor. Try to be accurate and center them on each side. Make sure there is no gap between the plastic halves.
Assembl y instructions for kit #12 2
This is not a Lego® product even if it contains Lego® bricks and plates. All warranties pr ovided by Simple Motors. LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor , authorize or endorse this product.
All rights reserved. 2014 Simple Motors, LLC
5. If you assembled the motor properly and lubricated the axle this motor on 1.5 Vo lts battery may rotate with the speed up to 2600 RPM or even faster. This is really fast but may not be fast enough for magnets to lose the a dhesion and break the reed switch or fly off the rotor. However as a precaution you may add a safety ring that completely eliminates this possibility. This step is optional for your first experiments with the motor, but we strongly recommend adding the ring later.
The ri ng fits tightly and requires some effort. After centering the ring squeeze the rotor halves together to make sure that there is no gap between them.
6. Assemble rotor on the base plate. Try to spin it by hand. If it does not sp in freely you might need to squeeze blue bricks slightly together to push plastic shaft slee ves in. There should be a tiny gap between sleeves and inner sides of the bricks with holes.
We strongly recommend lubricating the shaft ends. It allows the motor to run smoother and faster. You may use a small drop of oil from your car dipstick, WD-40, or even vegetable oil.
Assembl y instructions for kit #12 3
This is not a Lego® product even if it contains Lego® bricks and plates. All warranties pr ovided by Simple Motors. LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor , authorize or endorse this product.
All rights reserved. 2014 Simple Motors, LLC
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