Simons Voss Technologies 3060 User Manual

Manual 3060 System
State of: July 2007
SimonsVoss Technologies AG Feringastraße 4 85774 Unterföhring Germany
Hotline 01805-SV3060 FAQs
Telefon +49-89-99 228-0 Fax +49-89-99 228-222
If the contents of the foreign language version of the documentation differ from the contents of the original German version,
the original German version shall apply in case of doubt. We reserve the right to make technical changes.
Table of Contents
Version: March 2008
Table of Contents
Seite 2
Sales Technical Address in Munich
General method of operation The components Access control, time zone administration
Method of operation Loss of a transponder Password-protected transponder
Method of operation Learn-mode Recognize-mode Deleate-mode
Method of operation Learn-mode Recognize-mode Deleate-mode
Method of operation Initiation Programming Battery warning
Method of operation Installation instructions Battery warning, battery replacement
Table of Contents
Seite 3
Method of operation Installation instructions Battery warning, battery replacement
Method of operation Installation instructions Battery warning, battery replacement
Method of operation Installation instructions Battery warning, battery replacement
Installation Connections Programming
Installation Connections Programming
Activation unit Deactivation unit Installation and connecting plan
Master activation unit Slave activation unit Deactivation unit VdS-compliant installation
Table of Contents
Seite 4
Components Structure Installation
Network configuration Components Installation
Backup card Error messages Programming
Initiation Export and import Programming
Initiation Export and import Programming +65
Explanation of technical terms Special Symbols
People to contact
Version: September 2006
People to contact
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If you have any questions please contact our specialist dealers, or the sales representative responsible for your region. You can obtain information concerning the responsible contact at the following telephone number.
+49 89-9 92 28-180
United Kingdom
SimonsVoss Technologies Ltd. Mr. Oliver Quaisser 44 Newton Court, Old Windsor Berkshire SL4 2SN Great Britain Tel. +44 / (0)1753 / 85 98 44 Fax +44 / (0)1753 / 83 17 03 Email:
Singapore and Asia
SimonsVoss Security Technologies (Asia) Pte. Ltd. Mr. Jason P. Kurek 72 B Pagoda Street Republic of Singapore 059231 Tel. (65) 6227 7318 Fax (65) 6227 7018 Email:
Middle East
SimonsVoss Technologies (Middle East) FZ-LCC Dubai Internet City P.O. Box 500188 Dubai, UAE Tel. +9714 3629761 E-Mail:
Headquaters Munich
SimonsVoss Technologies AG Feringastraße 4 85774 Unterföhring Germany
Tel: +49 89-9 92 28-180 Fax +49 89-9 92 28-222
Digital Locking System 3060
State of: June 2006
Digital Locking System 3060
1.0 General Method of Operation ___________________________3
2.0 The Components of the Digital Locking and ________________
Organization System 3060______________________________3
2.1 Software LDB ___________________________________________ 3
2.2 Programming ___________________________________________ 4
2.3 Digital Locking Cylinder 3061 ______________________________ 4
2.4 Digital Smart Relay 3063 __________________________________ 4
2.5 Transponder 3064________________________________________ 4
2.6 Network 3065____________________________________________ 5
2.7 Block Lock Function 3066 _________________________________ 5
3.0 Digital Components With Access Logging and _____________
Time Zone Control ____________________________________5
3.1 Access Logging _________________________________________ 5
3.2 Time Zone Control _______________________________________ 6
Digital Locking System 3060
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1.0 General Method of Operation
The Digital Locking and Organization System 3060 is modularly constructed and is suitable for uses ranging from a simple locking system for individual doors all the way to a complex PC-controlled access control system. Conventional mechanical keys are replaced by the programmable transponder, which controls doors, gates, barriers, furniture and elevators, for example, over radio transmission. Each transponder is programmed individually for the locking system. The access authorisations are assigned by means of the locking plan. This makes it possible to provide each employee with an individual locking plan with access control and time zone control. The identification in the system and the radio transmission are done by sending and receiving constantly changing crypto codes, thus making the misuse of the system technically practically impossible. Modifications or expansions of the system at a later date are always possible.
2.0 The Components of the Digital Locking and Organization System 3060
2.1 Software LDB
The locking plan software runs under Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT/2000 and Windows XP. All components can be programmed as required using the locking plan software. One locking plan can contain a maximum of 16,386 lockings and 8000 transponders. For even larger locking systems, the lockings and transponders are distributed among several locking plans. The locking authorisations are assigned by simply clicking with the mouse. As a result, later modifications are possible with no trouble.
A detailed description is to be found in our Software Operating Instructions!
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2.2 Programming
You will need the SmartCD and a PDA for programming the digital components. The data is encoded and then transmitted to the digital components via radio signal.
Another possibility for programming a Digital Locking Cylinder 3061 and Transponder 3064 is with the Programming Transponder 3067. For example, you can issue or change access authorizations in small systems by simply pressing a button when you lose a key or change the locking plan. No PC or special system software is needed.
2.3 Digital Locking Cylinder 3061
The Digital Locking Cylinder 3061 is a compact, powerful access control system that can be installed in any door in only minutes. Its dimensions correspond to those of an ordinary mechanical cylinder that meets the norms. Because the Digital Locking Cylinder 3061 has batteries (master and backup batteries), it can be installed without
wires in all Euro Profile doors and can replace already existing mechanical cylinders. A drop in the battery voltage is indicated by a multilevel warning system (service life approximately 60,000 operations).
2.4 Digital Smart Relay 3063
The SimonsVoss Smart Relay is an electronic switch that can be switched with a SimonsVoss transponder. You can use the SimonsVoss software to configure the authorisation for transponders that are permitted to operate the Smart Relay. In this way, the Smart Relay offers the full function of an access control reader.
2.5 Transponder 3064
The Transponder 3064 is a digital key that can be programmed using SimonsVoss software and that works by radio transmission, without contact. It not only replaces mechanical keys, but also takes over the function of identity cards. Simply pressing a button triggers the encoded communication between the transponder and locking
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cylinder, Smart Relay or activation unit.
2.6 Network 3065
The cable-free Network 3065 is an online access control system that administers, visualises and archives all System 3060 information in one central location, and all without manipulations at the door, door frame or the door hardware. It is especially recommended for medium-sized and large locking systems in order to be able to configure and administer the locking system from a central PC. The LON standard data transmission is done from the PC over the network wiring (twisted pair) and out to the network nodes (LockNodes), which are installed near a digital component. From the LockNode, the data is directed without wires over radio transmission to the digital unit.
While it is true that access to the network software is no longer possible if
there is a power failure (unless the network has been protected by a no-break power supply), however, all of the locking system’s components that are equipped with a battery still function.
2.7 Block Lock Function 3066
SimonsVoss has the Block Lock Function 3066 in its product line as an option of the Digital Locking and Organization System. This function offers the possibility of activating your alarm system from a central point while at the same time preventing the monitored doors from being accidentally opened during this time. This rules out annoying and expensive false alarms right from the start.
The Block Lock Function 3066 is also available as a VdS version
3.0 Digital Components With Access Logging and Time Zone Control
3.1 Access Logging
The Plus versions of the digital locking cylinder, SmartRelay and activation unit record the access attempts of authorised transponders. The read-out of the access list from the lockings is done using the SmartCD or, in the case of a networked locking system, over the LockNodes.
A total till 128 accesses (with Smart Relay 1.024), with date, time of day and transponder designation can be stored in the access lists of the separate components. After that, the complete file isn’t deleted, but instead the oldest access is always overwritten with the new one.
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After the access list has been read out with the programming device or network nodes, it is imported into the PC and administered there by the locking plan software. A total of 10,000 accesses can be stored in the PC file. When the data is accepted from the programming device, a comparison is done so that it is always only the current, new accesses that are accepted into the PC file.
3.2 Time Zone Control
You can program lockings in such a way that authorised transponders are authorised for access only at certain times.
Transponders normally have no time restrictions, i.e., that are always authorised for locking 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. However, you can assign transponders to time groups so that they can open or lock at times that can be freely defined. There are five different time groups available (for a more precise description, see the Software Operating Instructions).
No time restrictions
Mo-Su, 24 hours Mr. Lewis, Mr. Ludwig, Ms. Gorges
Group 1 Mo – Fr, 7 am – 5
pm Mrs. Schulz, Mr. Fichtel
Group 2 Mo – Fr, 9 am – 8 pm Mrs. Miller, Mr. Karlsen, Mr. Waas
You can draw up an individual time zone plan for each locking.
It is not
possible to equip a standard version with the access logging and time
zone control functions of the TZC-version at some later time.
Transponder 3064
State of: September 2006
Transponder 3064
1.0 Method of Operation __________________________________3
1.1 General ________________________________________________ 3
1.2 Higher Priority Locking Level ______________________________ 4
2.0 Special Models _______________________________________5
2.1 Password Transponder ___________________________________ 5
2.2 Switching Transponder ___________________________________ 5
2.3 Explosion Protection Transponder__________________________ 5
3.0 Explosion Protection Transponder ______________________6
3.1 General Information ______________________________________ 6
3.2 Standards ______________________________________________ 6
3.3 Grouping _______________________________________________ 6
4.0 Additional Functions __________________________________7
4.1 Time Zone Control _______________________________________ 7
4.2 Validity Date ____________________________________________ 7
4.3 Activation Transponder ___________________________________ 7
5.0 Battery Replacement __________________________________8
5.1 Battery Replacement 3064 _________________________________ 8
5.2 Battery Replacement for the Explosion Protection Transponder _ 8
6.0 Loss of the Transponder _______________________________ 8
6.1 Emergency Opening______________________________________ 8
6.2 Replacement Transponder ________________________________ 8
7.0 Data Sheet___________________________________________ 9
Transponder 3064
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1.0 Method of Operation
1.1 General
The Transponder 3064 is a digital “key” that is programmed with the locking plan software and that works over radio transmission with no physical contact. All functions, for example, opening and closing doors, gates, barriers, furniture locks, etc., are carried out by pressing a button. Communication with the digital components (cylinder, Smart Relay and activation unit) takes place by sending and receiving constantly changing crypto codes, which makes misuse practically impossible.
Since the System 3060 works with active transponder technology, the transponder has its own voltage source (battery) available. The advantage in comparison to passive technologies lies in the smaller energy requirements of the cylinder and the larger range.
In order to trigger an action, hold the transponder near the digital locking (refer to the separate chapters for information on maximum transponder ranges) and then press the transponder button. Provided that the transponder is authorised for this digital locking, the desired action, for example, opening or locking the door, can be carried out.
The housing of the transponder is protected against splash water. However it is not waterproof!
Each transponder can be used in three different, mutually independent locking systems (assuming that no validity areas were programmed). Each locking system has its own password and is administered separately.
Company Branch Private home
900 lockings 85 lockings 3 lockings
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1.2 Higher Priority Locking Level
If it is necessary to have transponders that are authorised for more than 3 mutually independent locking systems, “higher priority locking levels” must be set up in these locking systems. There are a maximum of 3 higher priority locking levels available for this. All transponders of a higher priority locking level have the same authorisation. One digital locking distinguishes between a maximum of three higher priority levels.
Higher priority transponder
Four companies are accommodated in an office building with a central locking that is used by all the companies. Each company administers its own locking system with its own password. Every employee receives a transponder that is authorised for 2 locking systems, namely the central locking und his or her own company.
However, the fire brigade, for example, needs a transponder that is authorised for all five of the building’s locking systems. To accomplish this, a higher priority locking level with the same separate password must be set up in all five locking systems and the authorisations must be set up for the higher priority transponders. The transponders set up in this level all have the same authorisation. If higher priority transponders with other authorisations are required, an additional higher priority locking level must be set up (max. 3 higher priority locking levels per locking!). The higher priority transponder must then be programmed into all shutdown
s of all 5
locking systems.
Company D
Company C
Company B
Company A
Central locking system
Transponder 3064
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2.0 Special Models
2.1 Password Transponder
Instead of manually entering the locking system password, you can transmit it over radio frequency with the help of a special transponder. Standard transponders cannot be used as password transponders.
2.2 Switching Transponder
With this transponder, a two-wire cable (approx. 1m or 37 inches) is connected to the switch contacts of the button and guided outside the device. When both wires are connected, the transponder switches through.
Application examples:
Connecting external systems
Remote triggering of a Digital Locking Cylinder or Smart Relay
Block Lock Function 3066: System activation from more than one location
2.3 Explosion Protection Transponder
This is a transponder with the same functions as the Transponder 3064. In addition, this transponder is released for use in explosion protection zone 1. (Note Chapter 3 in this regard).
2.4 SmartClip
The special design of this transponder means that the SmartClip is suitable for holding an ISO 7816 format card.
2.5 Transponder, bonded
The standard transponder as described above, but with a glued-shut casing. This prevents end-users from opening the case and using the transponder electronics improperly.
2.6 Transponder, numbered
Sequentially numbered transponders can also be ordered if required.
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Explosion Protection Transponder
2.7 General Information
This special product is a transponder that is permitted to be carried into and used in areas subject to explosion hazards, called Zone 1. An area is denoted as Zone 1 when atmospheres capable of exploding occur occasionally. It is crucial that you keep in mind the following issues:
You are not permitted to open the housing.
Unlike with the Transponder 3064, only SimonsVoss Technologies AG is
permitted to change the battery.
Normally, you must comply with the general operating instructions of the
BGR132 (German rules for occupational safety and health) when using the device in Zone 1.
3.2 Standards
The transponder has been tested according to the applicable explosion protection standards. Refer to:
Directive 94/9/EC
DIN EN 50014 (Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres)
DIN EN 50020 (Intrinsic safety "i")
3.3 Grouping
The transponder is grouped in the following way:
Explosion protection: zone 1
Intrinsic safety: ib
Explosion group: IIC
Temperature class: T3
Device group: II2 G
This applies to areas in which a potentially explosive atmosphere can arise due to gases, vapours or mists. The information quoted relates to an ambient temperature of from -20°C to +40° C (-4° F to +104° F) in the place of use.
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3.0 Additional Functions
The following functions can be activated in the locking plan software:
3.1 Time Zone Control
For TZC version digital lockings, you can program transponders that have locking authorisation for specific times only. These time zones are deposited in the locking plan software, and the transponders are then assigned to an appropriate time zone group.
Example: Mr. Miller receives the following authorisation:
Monday to Friday from 9:00 am, until 6:30 p.m. Saturday from 9:00 am, until 12:45 p.m. Sunday no authorisation
3.2 Validity Date
It is possible to program transponders whose authorisation is tied to a validity date (this also applies to non-TZC-versions):
¾ Transponders that are valid from a specific point in time
(e.g., from 8:00 a.m. on July 12, 2003
¾ Transponders that are valid up to a specific point in time
(e.g., until 5:00 p.m. on July 12, 2003
¾ Transponders that are valid for a specific time interval
(e.g., from July 1, 2003 until July 31, 2003)
& One data record is assigned for each activation or expiry date!
3.3 Activation Transponder
Within the scope of the block lock function, all authorised transponders for a digital locking in the security area are blocked when the alarm system has been activated in order to avoid false alarms. For emergency situations, transponders can be programmed (for example, for the fire brigade) that release this block. Afterwards, the door can be opened with an authorised transponder.
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4.0 Battery Replacement
4.1 Battery Replacement 3064
If a battery warning occurs, then the transponder battery can be changed at any time (see the Manual on the 3061 Locking Cylinder – Battery warning). Open the casing carefully so that you can see the battery. Open the battery clip and remove the battery, insert a new one, and close the clip. Press the casing back together again.
When you change the battery it is important to ensure that the procedure does not take more than two minutes, that the transponder button is not pressed during that period, and that you do not short the battery – otherwise you may lose data.
Send the transponder that needs its battery changing to: SimonsVoss Technologies AG, Eichenweg 6, 07616 Petersberg.
4.2 Battery Replacement for the Explosion Protection Transponder
Only SimonsVoss Technologies AG is permitted to change the transponder battery!
5.0 Loss of the Transponder
5.1 Emergency Opening
An emergency opening can be carried out using the SmartCD + PDA (only use devices approved by SimonsVoss) and with the input of the locking system password.
5.2 Replacement Transponder
If a transponder is lost, it can be deleted from the locking plan and a replacement transponder can be set up. When operating the locking system in overlay mode, the lost transponder is automatically blocked as soon as the replacement transponder is activated at the digital locking. (See the Software Operating Instructions Page H3 for programming and procedure information.)
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6.0 Data Sheet
Made of weather-resistant plastic
Colour: Black
Degree of protection: IP 65
Diameter: 42 mm
Integrated lithium battery
Max. 1,000,000 operations, or 10 years standby
Access authorisations for up to 48.149 doors
Can be used in 3 mutually independent
locking systems
Q3007 Biometric Transponder
State of: September 2006
Q3007 Biometric Transponder
1.0 General Instructions __________________________________3
1.1 Safety instructions _______________________________________ 3
1.2 Product description ______________________________________ 3
2.0 Overview of function __________________________________ 4
2.1 Basic information on operation_____________________________ 4
2.2 Operating states _________________________________________ 4
2.3 How the transponder works _______________________________ 5
2.4 "Learn" mode: start-up, scanning in fingerprints ______________ 5
2.5 Querying the number of fingerprints scanned in ______________ 8
2.6 "Recognise" mode: one-off triggering of transponder __________ 9
3.0 "Delete" mode: deleting fingerprints ____________________ 10
4.0 Transparent mode ___________________________________ 10
5.0 Programming the Transponder_________________________11
with the SimonsVoss software _________________________11
6.0 Changing the Batteries _______________________________ 11
7.0 Technical Data ______________________________________ 12
8.0 Table of Diode Signals________________________________13
Q3007 Biometric Transponder
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1.0 General Instructions
Please take 15 minutes to familiarise yourself with how your Biometric Transponder Q3007 works with the help of these operating instructions.
1.1 Safety instructions
Caution! – The batteries used in this product could burn or cause a fire if they are not handled properly. Do not charge, open or burn these batteries or heat to over 100°C. Make sure that the sensor surface is not dirty or scratched. Do not drop the Q3007 or expose it to any other strong impacts. In addition, please make sure that the initial scanning in of fingerprints is not carried out by unauthorised persons! We advise you to protect the Q3007 against unauthorised access if possible. Handling a Q3007 assumes knowledge of how to use SimonsVoss software. Programming should therefore only be carried out by trained specialist staff. SimonsVoss Technologies AG is not liable for any damage caused by incorrect programming. An incorrectly programmed or faulty Q3007 can block access via a door. SimonsVoss AG is not liable for the consequences of such an occurrence, such as blocked access to persons who are injured or in danger, material damage or any other damage.
1.2 Product description
The Q3007 differs from normal transponders by the fact that it is also equipped with a highly sensitive Atmel Fingerprint Sensor. In just a few seconds, a high-powered processor in the transponder compares the saved fingerprint with the fingerprint read in by the sensor. In this way, only people whose fingerprints have been scanned in already can use the transponder. This guarantees maximum security against unauthorised use by third parties, e.g. if the transponder is unsupervised, or is lost or stolen. The Q3007 is therefore particularly suitable for applications where a transponder is provided with very many or very specific authorisations, e.g. if one person has a general transponder for all doors or access to high-security areas.
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2.0 Overview of function
2.1 Basic information on operation
The Biometric Transponder Q3007 scans fingerprints using a fingerprint sensor. The finger is dragged across the sensor, rather than being pressed against it.
The following should be noted: The fingerprint to be scanned/ memorised should always be dragged over the sensor in the same way. To do this, place the tip of the finger that is to be stored or to be recognised at the upper edge of the Biometric Transponder and draw it across the sensor from top to bottom (towards the button) at a constant speed whilst applying slight pressure. The design of the housing means that the finger is guided properly through the slightly raised side walls. This more or less excludes the possibility of using the transponder incorrectly. The fingerprint sensor can thus pick up the fingerprint line by line and reassemble it into a complete image in the integrated processor. If the reassembled image matches the saved image, the Transponder is released.
2.2 Operating states
The Q3007 has four different operating modes:
Mode Function
The Q3007 is normally on "Standby" in order to save the battery capacity. After it has completed a function (e.g. scanning), it always returns to the standby mode.
In the "Learn" mode, new fingerprints can be memorised. Up to 6 different fingerprints can be saved, two of which are what we call "administrator" fingerprints. New fingerprints (user fingerprints) can only be scanned in with the help of an administrator. The only exception is the scanning of the first two fingerprints (Administrator fingerprints), see below
In the "Delete" mode, fingerprints that have been memorised can be deleted. Individual prints can be deleted, or all fingerprints can be deleted at once.
The "Recognise" mode is the mode before a door is opened. In this mode, the Transponder is released if a fingerprint is correctly recognised.
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2.3 How the transponder works
You can interrupt the action in each mode by pressing the button briefly to change to Standby.
2.4 "Learn" state: start-up, scanning in fingerprints
Initial start-up - scanning in the first 2 fingerprints (Administrator fingerprints)
To start the Q3007, two "Administrator fingerprints" need to be scanned in first of all. We recommend that a fingerprint from the left and right hand of one person, the administrator (e.g. safety officer) is used for this. However, you can also use one finger from two different people.
Stand-by mode: LED not illuminated
Briefly press button once, then release
Recognise mode: LED flashes green
Learn mode: LED flashes yello
Delete state: LED flashes red
Drag finger across sensor
Transponder triggered
Press button and hold
down for 3 sec.
New finger is memorised
Press button and hold
down for 3 sec.
Drag Administrator finger once over sensor and new finger (User finger) 3 times
over sensor.
Draw user finger once
across sensor
Draw Administrator finger
once across sensor
All fingerprints are deleted
Only user fingerprint is
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Please note: The first two fingerprints to be scanned in are automatically (!) the Administrator fingerprints. Without them, no further fingerprints can be scanned in or deleted later!
To scan in and store the first Administrator fingerprint (e.g. left thumb), please do the following:
1. Briefly press the transponder button; the LED will flash green.
2. Then press the button again and hold it pressed for at least 3 seconds (until the LED flashes yellow).
3. Release the button. The system is now ready to scan for 30 seconds, and this is indicated by rapid yellow flashing.
4. As a high quality of the fingerprint to be teached in is important for good
recognition during every day use, please make sure, that your finger to be scanned in is not too dry (e.g. breath on them before having them scanned in).
5. Drag finger across the sensor; the LED goes off; after about 1 second, the LED flashes green once to indicate that the fingerprint has been accepted.
6. When the LED flashes yellow rapidly again, drag the finger to be scanned in across the sensor again.
7. Now repeat steps 4 and 5 twice again (so that you have drawn your finger three times across the fingerprint sensor altogether). If an attempt has been unsuccessful (LED is illuminated red), drag your finger across the sensor again.
Using for the first time – ‘learning’ the first two fingers (Administrator Fingers)
Once the fingerprint has successfully been scanned, the data are saved. This step takes about 2-5 seconds and is indicated by a yellow light flashing at 2 second intervals. The diode is then briefly illuminated green, and the Q3007 returns to Standby.
The Q3007 can now be used by the Administrator, or other fingerprints can be scanned in. Please note that the second fingerprint that is scanned in also has Administrator rights!
Scanning in more fingerprints (User fingerprints)
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Further fingerprints (maximum 4) can be scanned in as the Administrator fingerprints have been, except that the Q3007 must first be cleared for this by an Administrator fingerprint. This prevents unauthorised persons from scanning in their own fingerprints and thus gaining access rights that are not allowed. We recommend that every person who is to use the Q3007 should also be scanned in with two fingerprints, one per hand. This means that three people can be scanned in, with two fingerprints for each one. To scan in more fingerprints, please proceed as follows:
1. Briefly press the transponder button and wait until the LED flashes green.
2. Then press the button again and hold it pressed for at least 3 seconds until the LED flashes yellow, then release the button.
3. Draw the Administrator finger across the sensor; the LED goes off and then flashes green once after about 2 seconds. The system is now ready to scan for 30 seconds, and this is indicated by rapid yellow flashing light. Drag the User finger across the sensor; the LED goes off; after about 1 second, the LED flashes green once to indicate that the fingerprint has been accepted.
4. When the LED flashes yellow rapidly again, draw the finger to be scanned in across the sensor again.
5. Now repeat step 4 twice again (so that you have drawn your finger three times across the fingerprint sensor altogether). If an attempt has been unsuccessful (LED is illuminated red), drag your finger across the sensor again.
Once the fingerprint has successfully been scanned, the data are saved. This step takes about 2-5 seconds and is indicated by a yellow flashing light at 2 second intervals. The diode is then briefly illuminated green, and the Q3007 returns to Standby. Fingerprints that are already known can always be scanned in, even if 6 fingerprints have already been saved. Unknown fingerprints are then rejected by the LED flashing red twice.
Care in scanning in is rewarded by reliable recognition in use.
Scanning in the same fingerprint several times improves the quality of the
scanned features and thus makes the recognition of the fingerprint more reliable.
Use a firm base when scanning in fingerprints. We recommend operation with one hand when scanning in thumb prints.
When scanning in fingerprints, drag the finger across the sensor in a straight line, not too quickly, at an even speed and pressure.
Make sure that the sensor is clean and that your fingers are not too dry (e.g. by breathing on them before having them scanned).
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6. Now repeat step 4 twice again (so that you have drawn your finger three times across the fingerprint sensor altogether). If an attempt has been unsuccessful (LED is illuminated red), drag your finger across the sensor again.
Once the fingerprint has successfully been scanned, the data are saved. This step takes about 2-5 seconds and is indicated by a yellow flashing light at 2 second intervals. The diode is then briefly illuminated green, and the Q3007 returns to Standby. Fingerprints that are already known can always be scanned in, even if 6 fingerprints have already been saved. Unknown fingerprints are then rejected by the LED flashing red twice.
Care in scanning in is rewarded by reliable recognition in use.
Scanning in the same fingerprint several times improves the quality of the
scanned features and thus makes the recognition of the fingerprint more reliable.
Use a firm base when scanning in fingerprints. We recommend operation with one hand when scanning in thumb prints.
When scanning in fingerprints, drag the finger across the sensor in a straight line, not too quickly, at an even speed and pressure.
Make sure that the sensor is clean and that your fingers are not too dry (e.g. by breathing on them before having them scanned).
2.5 Querying the number of fingerprints scanned in
You can query the number of fingerprints already scanned in as follows:
1. Press the button once briefly (the LED flashes green)
2. Press the button again and hold it down for 1.5 - 2 seconds (not as long as 3 seconds, which will take you into "learn" mode).
3. The LED flashes red.
4. Then the LED will flash green as many times as the number of fingerprints scanned in (max. 6).
5. The LED flashes red (for a long time if the maximum possible number of fingerprints has been reached, or briefly if it has not).
If no fingerprints have been scanned in, the LED flashes red twice and then returns to Standby mode.
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