SUGO Series SG13
Installation Chart
have all components collected
check that all components do not have compatibility problems with each other or with the case
if possible, assemble the components outside the case first to make sure they are working
keep the motherboard manual ready for reference during installation
prepare a Philips screwdriver.
Before you begin, please make sure that you
Bitte entfernen Sie die Schrauben, die die obere Abdeckung halten, mit einem Schraubendreher; ziehen Sie die Abdeckung dann nach hinten und
nehmen Sie sie nach außen vom Gehäuse ab.
Por favor, quite los tornillos que sujetan la cubierta superior con un destornillador y luego tire hacia atrás y levántela apartándola del chasis.
Utilizzando un cacciavite, rimuovere le viti che fissano il coperchio superiore, quindi tirarlo indietro e sollevarlo allontanandolo dal telaio.
Please remove the screws holding the top cover with a screw driver, and then pull it toward the back and lift it outward away from chassis.
С помощью отвертки удалите винты, крепящие верхнюю крышку, а затем потяните ее назад и, подняв в направлении наружу, снимите с
스크루드라이버를 사용하여 상부 커버를 고정하는 나사를 푼 후 커버를 뒤쪽으로 당기고 바깥쪽으로 들어올려 섀시에서 분리합니다.
Veuillez retirer les vis qui retiennent le couvercle supérieur avec un tournevis, puis le tirer vers l'arrière et le soulever vers l'extérieur du châssis.