SilverStone LSB01 Installation Manual

8 port RGB light strip control box
Model No.
Signal input
Signal output
Output limitation (each port)
Net weight
LSB01 is a SilverStone designed RGB light strip control box with 8 port signal control. For use in conjunction
with SilverStone LS02, it easily expands the amount of lighting that one can control and solves the problem
of insufficient RGB 4pin connectors. It can control light via motherboard RGB software or other RGB 4pin
host. Apart from this, for those enthusiast‘s motherboard that lacks RGB 4pin or without another signal
source, the LSB01 can still offer direct control via case switch with an included cable adapter.
Plastic outer shell
*Via RGB 4pin host (+12V, G, R, B**) or built-in IC control
SilverStone custom RGB 4pin x 8***
SST-LS02 (12V, 0.12A) x 5 or other identically spec’d RGB light strips
SST-LS02 RGB LED strip x 2
Extend Y cable x 2****
RGB 4pin signal cable x 1
4pin peripheral cable x 1
46mm (W) x 19mm (H) x 85mm (D)
Eight port RGB light strip connectors
Includes two RGB LED light strips
Built-in IC preset for directly changing colors
Built-in magnetic strip and adhesive tape provide
flexible install option
* Be sure to turn off power before switching signal input switch or install / remove LED strip ** Please check the signal source’s pin header that you want to connect is the same as LSB01’s pin definition. *** Control box’s connectors are proprietary SilverStone custom connectors and are not compatible with other RGB strip’s 4pin connectors. **** One to two Y cable can support SilverStone custom connectors and others RGB 4pin connectors.
Warranty Information
This product has a limited 1 year warranty in North America and Australia. For information on warranty periods in other regions, please contact your reseller or SilverStone authorized distributor.
Additional info & contacts
For North America ( SilverStone Technology in North America may repair or replace defective product with refurbished product that is not new but has been functionally tested. Replacement product will be warranted for remainder of the warranty period or thirty days, whichever is longer. All products should be sent back to the place of purchase if it is within 30 days of purchase, after 30 days, customers need to initiate RMA procedure with SilverStone Technology in USA by first downloading the “USA RMA form for end-users” form from the below link and follow its instructions. For Australia only (
Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. Please refer to above “Warranty terms & conditions” for further warranty details. SilverStone Technology Co., Ltd. 12F No. 168 Jiankang Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235 Taiwan R.O.C. + 886-2-8228-1238 (standard international call charges apply)
For Europe ( For all other regions (
Warranty terms & conditions
1. Product component defects or damages resulted from defective production is covered under warranty. Defects or damages with the following conditions will be fixed or replaced under SilverStone Technology’s jurisdiction. a) Usage in accordance with instructions provided in this manual, with no misuse, overuse, or other inappropriate actions. b) Damage not caused by natural disaster (thunder, fire, earthquake, flood, salt, wind, insect, animals, etc…) c) Product is not disassembled, modified, or fixed. Components not disassembled or replaced. d) Warranty mark/stickers are not removed or broken. Loss or damages resulted from conditions other than ones listed above are not covered under warranty.
2. Under warranty, SilverStone Technology’s maximum liability is limited to the current market value for the product (depreciated value, excluding shipping, handling, and other fees). SilverStone Technology is not responsible for other damages or loss associated with the use of product.
3. Under warranty, SilverStone Technology is obligated to repair or replace its defective products. Under no circumstances will SilverStone Technology be liable for damages in connection with the sale, purchase, or use including but not limited to loss of data, loss of business, loss of profits, loss of use of the product or incidental or consequential damage whether or not foreseeable and whether or not based on breach of warranty, contract or negligence, even if SilverStone Technology has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
4. Warranty covers only the original purchaser through authorized SilverStone distributors and resellers and is not transferable to a second hand purchaser.
5. You must provide sales receipt or invoice with clear indication of purchase date to determine warranty eligibility.
6. If a problem develops during the warranty period, please contact your retailer/reseller/SilverStone authorized distributors or SilverStone Please note that: (i) You must provide proof of original purchase of the product by a dated itemized receipt; (ii) You shall bear the cost of shipping (or otherwise transporting) the product to SilverStone authorized distributors. SilverStone authorized distributors will bear the cost of shipping (or otherwise transporting) the product back to you after completing the warranty service; (iii) Before you send the product, you must be issued a Return Merchandise Authorization (“RMA”) number from SilverStone. Updated warranty information will be posted on SilverStone’s official website. Please visit for the latest updates.
NO: G11229620
周邊產品 有毒有害物质/元素及其化学含量表
○:表示该有害物质在该部件所有均质材料 中的含量均在GB/T 26572规定的限量 要求以下。 ×:表示该有害物质至少在该部件的某一均 质材料中的含量超出GB/T 26572规定 的限量要求。
本表格依据SJ/T 11364的规定编制.
检验员:检01 生产日期:见产品条码
本表中有×的部件均符合欧盟RoHS指令的 豁免项目,即欧盟第2011/65/EC号指令要 求。
内蔵ICコントロール使用の際は、ボタンを4秒間押し続けるとオフになり ます。再度押すと、オフにした直前の状態に復帰します
При использовании встроенных IC управления, чтобы выключить нажмите и удерживайте в течении четырёх секунд. Нажмите ещё раз, чтобы возобновить состояние перед отключением
내장 IC 컨트롤을 사용하는 경우 4초 동안 누르면 꺼집니다. 다시 한 번 누르면 끄기 전에 상태를 다시 시작합니다
Bei Verwendung der integrierten IC-Steuerung zum Abschalten vier Sekunden gedrückt halten. Zum Wiederherstellen des Zustands vor der Abschaltung erneut drücken
Quando si utilizza il controllo IC integrato, tenere premuto per quattro secondi per spegnere. Premere di nuovo per ripristinare lo stato precedente allo spegnimento
When using built-in IC control, press and hold for four seconds to turn off. Press again to resume state prior to turning off
En cas d'utilisation de la commande CI intégrée, appuyez et maintenez enfoncé pendant quatre secondes pour l'éteindre. Appuyez à nouveau pour retrouver l'état avant l'arrêt
Cuando use el control IC incluido presione y manténgalo durante cuatro segundos para apagar. Presione de nuevo para volver al estado anterior al apagado
Step 8
コントロールボックスのスイッチを希望 される信号ソースに切り替えます
Переверните блок управления для подключения к нужному источнику сигнала
컨트롤 박스 스위치를 원하는 신호 소스로 전환하십시오
Schalter der Steuerbox auf die gewünschte Signalquelle einstellen
Commutare l'interruttore della scatola di comando sulla fonte di segnale desiderata
Flip the control box switch to the desired signal source
Réglez le bouton de signal du boitier de contrôle sur la source signal désirée
Gire el interruptor de la caja de control a la fuente de señal deseada
利用背面磁鐵或是背膠將控制盒固定於 所欲安裝的位置
背面の磁気ストリップまたは粘着テープ を使って、LSB01を希望される場所に設 置します
Используйте магнитную поверхность на задней стенке устройства или клейкую ленту из комплекта, чтобы закрепить LSB01 к нужному месту
利用背面磁铁或是背胶将控制盒固定于 所欲安装的位置
뒷면의 자석 스트립이나 접착 테이프를 사용하여 LSB01를 설치하려는 위치에 부착하십시오
Befestigen Sie den LSB01 mit dem rückseitigen Magnetstreifen oder dem Klebeband an der gewünschten Position
Utilizzare la striscia magnetica sul retro o la striscia adesiva per fissare LSB01 alla posizione di installazione
Use the magnetic stripe on the back or the adhesive strip to affix LSB01 to the location you wish to install
Utilisez la bande magnétique au dos ou le ruban adhésif pour fixer le LSB01 à l’endroit où vous souhaitez l'installer
Use la cinta magnética o adhesiva en la parte trasera para fijar la LSB01 al lugar donde desee instalarla
付属の拡張Yケーブルを使ってLEDストリ ップに接続します
Используйте прилагаемый Y-кабель для подключения светодиодной ленты
함께 제공된 연장 Y형 케이블을 사용하여 LED 스트립을 연결하십시오
Schließen Sie den LED-Streifen über das mitgelieferte Y-Verlängerungskabel an
Utilizzare il cavo Y di prolunga in dotazione per collegare la striscia LED
Use the included extension Y cable to connect LED strip
Utilisez le câble d’extension en Y pour brancher la bande LED
Use el cable de extensión E incluido para conectar la cinta LED
連接線材時務必確認接頭與pin port定義 & 方向相同
ケーブル接続時には、コネクタおよびピンヘ ッダの配列および方向を確認してください
Пожалуйста, проверяйте направление разъёмов и коннекторов при подключении кабелей
连接线材时务必确认接头与pin port定义 & 方向相同
케이블 연결 시 커넥터와 핀 헤더의 정의 및 방향을 확인하십시오
Bitte prüfen Sie beim Anschließen der Kabel Pinbelegung und Ausrichtung von Anschluss und Stiftleiste
Verificare la definizione e la direzione dei connettori durante il collegamento dei cavi
Please confirm the connector and pin header’s definition & direction when connecting cables
Vérifiez soigneusement les branchements réalisés au niveau des connecteurs à chaque étape de l’assemblage
Por favor, confirme la dirección y orientación del conector y pines cuando conecte los cables
若欲接至具有RGB 4pin訊號輸出裝置 (+12V, G, R, B),僅需連接內附RGB 4pin訊號線即可
RGB 4ピン信号出力 (+12V, G, R, B)を 有するデバイスを接続したい場合、付属 のRGB 4ピンケーブルを接続すればOKです
Если вы хотите подключить устройство, которое имеет контактный разъём 4pin RGB (+12В, G, R, B), то вам нужно всего лишь подключить его с помощью входящего в комплект RGB 4pin кабеля
若欲接至具有RGB 4pin讯号输出装置 (+12V, G, R, B),仅需连接内附RGB 4pin讯号线即可
RGB 4핀 신호 출력(+12V, G, R, B)이 있는 장치에 연결하려면 함께 제공된 RGB 4핀 케이블을 사용하여 이를 연결하기만 하면 됩니다
Wenn Sie eine Verbindung zu einem Gerät mit 4-poligen RGB-Signalausgang (+12 V, G, R, B) herstellen möchten, müssen Sie es über das mitgelieferte 4-poligen RGB-Kabel anschließen
Per il collegamento al dispositivo con uscita di segnale a 4 pin RGB (+12 V, G, R, B), basta quindi utilizzare il cavo a 4 pin RGB in dotazione
If you want to connect to device that has RGB 4pin signal output (+12V, G, R, B), then you only need to connect it using the included RGB 4pin cable
Si vous souhaitez connecter un périphérique équipé d’une sortie 4-pin (+12V, G, R, B), il vous suffit de le brancher avec le câble RGB 4-pin fourni
Si desea conectar el dispositivo que tiene la salida de señal RGB de 4pines (+12V, G, R, B), sólo necesita conectarlo usando el cable incluido RGB de 4pines
若欲使用內建IC控制,請將機殼reset線材連接至控制盒杜邦2pin, 並接上Molex大4pin供電線
内蔵ICコントロールを利用する場合、ケースのリセットケーブルをコントロールボック スの2ピンコネクタに接続してから、電源からの4ピン周辺電源コネクタを接続します
Если вы хотите использовать встроенный IC контроллер, то подключите кабель перезагрузки от вашего корпуса к 2pin разъёму блока управления, а затем подключите кабель к 4pin разъёму питания от вашего блока питания
若欲使用内建IC控制,请将机箱reset线材连接至控制盒杜邦2pin, 并接上Molex大4pin供电线
내장된 IC 컨트롤을 사용하려면, 케이스의 리셋 케이블을 컨트롤 박스의 2핀 커넥터에 연결한 후 전원 공급장치에서 4핀 주변기기용 전원 커넥터에 연결하십시오
Falls Sie die integrierte IC-Steuerung nutzen möchten, verbinden Sie bitte das Reset-Kabel des Gehäuses zur Steuerung des 2-poligen Anschlusses der Box; stellen Sie dann eine Verbindung zum 4-poligen Peripheriestromanschluss vom Netzteil her
Per utilizzare il controllo IC integrato, collegare il cavo di ripristino del case al connettore a 2 pin della scatola di comando, quindi collegare al connettore dell'alimentazione periferica a 4 pin dall'alimentazione
If you want to use built-in IC control, please connect case’s reset cable to control box’s 2pin connector, then connect to 4pin peripheral power connector from the power supply
Si vous souhaitez utiliser le contrôleur intégré, veuillez brancher le câble Reset du châssis sur le connecteur 2-pin du boitier de contrôle. Puis branchez le connecteur pour périphérique 4-pin depuis le bloc d’alimentation
Si desea usar el control IC incorporado, por favor conecte el cable de reseteo de la carcasa al conector de 2pines de la caja de control, luego enchufe el conector de potencia de 4pines para periféricos de la fuente de alimentación
通電後可利用機殼reset按鍵切換內建IC預寫入之顏色模式,或是透過RGB 4pin訊號輸出裝置調控顏色
電源をオンにしてから、ケースのリセットボタンまたはRGB 4ピン信号 出力装置から、カラーモードが選択できます
После включения питания, вы можете выбрать цветовой режим с помощью кнопки сброса на вашем корпусе или устройства с выходным сигналом RGB 4pin
通电后可利用机箱reset按键切换内建IC预写入之颜色模式,或是透过RGB 4pin讯号输出装置调控颜色
전원을 켠 후에는 케이스의 초기화 버튼을 누르거나 RGB 4핀 신호 출력 장치를 사용하여 색 모드를 선택할 수 있습니다
Nach dem Einschalten können Sie den Farbmodus über die Reset-Taste am Gehäuse oder das RGB-4-Pin-Signalausgangsgerät wählen
Dopo l'accensione, è possibile selezionare la modalità di colore tramite il tasto di ripristino del case o tramite il dispositivo di uscita del segnale RGB a 4 pin
After power on, you can select color mode via case’s reset button or by RGB 4pin signal output device
Après le démarrage, vous pouvez choisir la couleur via le bouton Reset du châssis ou le périphérique de sortie 4-pin RGB
Tras el encendido podrá seleccionar el modo de color a través del botón de reseteo de la carcasa o mediante un dispositivo de salida con señal RGB de 4pines
Installation guide:
Step 1
Step 3
Step 2
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 4