SILMET ProVeneer Step By Step Manual Manual

The Ultimate Resin Based Foundation System for Creating Life Like Veneers
Step by Step Manual Guide
About Us 2
ProVeneer System 4
Kit Contents 6
Top Reasons to Consider Using the ProVeneer System 7
Smile Preview Veneer Preparation 8
Patient Smile Preview 13
Cementation Technique 15
Frequently Asked Questions 20
More from Silmet 22
About Us
Dental Amalgam manufacture. Throughout the years
the company positioned itself as a preferred source for
Private Label and OEM amalgam products by many
dental manufacturers.
From the onset, the Silmet production site was designed
for mass production using cutting edge technology,
advanced automatic machinery and monitoring systems
to guarantee supply of high quality products.
Today Silmet is among the only dental manufacturers
that produce in house a full range of restorative materials:
Amalgam, Composites, Dental Adhesives, Glass Ionomer
restoratives and luting cements. The ProLine range of
affordable products provides advanced solutions for
virtually every restoration indication, and enhances the
dentists’ practice.
Nearly ten years ago, leading branded dental companies
started differentiating the products by creating too many
sub-categories in an attempt to maximize profit.
Although some of the new categories were true
milestones, numerous products were introduced into the
market prior to having sufficient clinical trial evidence.
As an OEM specialist, Silmet was able to observe this
new market trend and identify the negative effect it might
have on dentists, who were confronted with a daily
dilemma about which products to choose. Silmet’s
ProLine, a complete line of restorative products focuses
on presenting optimal balance between the average
dentists’ true daily needs, and affordable value.
The company’s new Glass Ionomer line of capsules
positions Silmet among the very few worldwide prestigious
companies possessing the knowledge for production and
manufacture of this type of advanced presentation. The
use of this advanced capsule with a paste/paste system
as replacement for dual syringe is being investigated.
Health Canada
4 I ProVeneer System
ProVeneer's Patent Pending Smile Preview Technique
Silmet, the developer and manufacturer of ProVeneer joined forces with the Silverman Institute of Cosmetic Dentistry
to bring to the dental industry a new approach for preparing in office veneers. Thanks to ProVeneer, dentists can now
create a single veneer in 15 minutes or less in one visit, with natural looking results at an affordable price. In just 2
minutes, ProVeneers’ patent pending Smile Preview Veneer System pre-qualifies patients, without preformed
veneers, and assures gorgeous results.
With the ProVeneer System we provide all of the necessary tools that seamlessly expand your cosmetic dentistry
program no matter where you practice.
What are the three main concerns patients have about cosmetic dentistry?
Patients have said they don’t want to have their healthy teeth “filed down just to have a nicer looking smile”. If you
think like a patient, wouldn’t you be hesitant to have your enamel irreversibly removed just to enhance the
appearance of your teeth?
Patients don’t want to have artificial looking teeth
Patients want to be able to afford the service
Many dentists have a tendency to think we need to place 6, 8 or 10 porcelain veneers to do a smile makeover. That
becomes very expensive to our patients. As a result, very few smile makeovers are being done today. That does not
benefit your patient. With ProVeneer, think like a patient.
ProVeneer System I 5
In the past it has taken a lot of time and skill to match 1-2 veneers to the adjacent teeth. However with the new
ProVeneer System that will no longer be the case. ProVeneer allows you to create single veneers or even 2-3 veneers
with ease. With ProVeneer you will customize a gorgeous in-office veneer in minutes without using preformed veneers,
CADCAM or porcelain veneers. And it is not conventional direct bonding. Conventional bonding can take from 30-45
minutes per tooth and is technique sensitive.
The breakthrough ProVeneer System allows you to create a Smile Preview Veneer in just minutes and does not
require a lab bill, multiple visits or tooth reduction.
The ProVeneer System is affordable to every patient. Sounds like what your patients have always wanted and what
we hoped for as well, and since this is totally reversible and not bonded to the tooth until the patient approves the
procedure, patients love having a Smile Preview done.
Surveys done by the Silverman Institute of Cosmetic Dentistry consistently show that 8 out of 10 patients in every
dental office have at least one tooth that the patient wants to change in size, shape or appearance. That’s a lot of
cosmetic dentistry that is being left undone.
Practice more cosmetic dentistry with the ProVeneer System. It starts by creating a Smile Preview Veneer on every
patient in your practice.
Transform your patients’ smiles using ProVeneer System.
6 I Kit Contents
ProVeneer System Kit Contents
ProVeneer System Kit features a complete solution for achieving the desired results while creating Life Like Veneers. All the
necessary materials and tools can be found inside. For achieving best results, please avoid using alternative materials.
For your convenience, we included a Quick Reference illustrated instruction card for creating ProVeneer Life Like
ProVeneer System Kit includes:
10 x Single use blister pack ProVeneer Bonding Agent ProFil Flow Cement ProEtch Accessories
In the event of excess ProVeneer material, use the aluminum zip lock bag included for safe storage of the material.
Since the material is sensitive to ambient light, it is recommended to wrap the material in the blister wrap and then store
in the zip lock bag.
Ordering Information:
18PVA1 ProVeneer System Kit, A1 18PVA2 ProVeneer Systeme Kit, A2 18PVB1 ProVeneer System Kit, B1 18PVBW ProVeneer System Kit, BW 18PVINTRO ProVeneer Intro Kit (A1, A2, B1, 2*BW + ProVeneer Bond) 18PVAST ProVeneer System Kit, Mixed Shades (3*A1, 2* A2, 2*B1, 3*BW)
Top Reasons to Consider Using the ProVeneer System I 7
Top Reasons to Consider Using the ProVeneer System:
Why Dentists choose ProVeneer:
• Greater acceptance by patient
• Place 4 veneers in 1 hour, 1 visit
• No Cad Cam
• No preformed veneers
• No lab bill
• “No Selling” marketing program
• Fun, stress free, impactful
Why patients choose ProVeneer:
• Non-invasive, no filing down of teeth
• Creating beautiful, smiles in one visit
• Affordable, veneers
Smile Preview Veneer guarantees final result
• Looks natural (Life Like Veneers)
• Long lasting permanent results
• Wear and stain resistant
• Same day dentistry
• Faster (1 short visit), easier, better
• Micro thin
Before After
8 I Smile Preview Veneer Preparation
Smile Preview Veneer Preparation
Before you start your ProVeneer case find out what your patient wants to change about their smile. Cosmetic dentistry
is want based and not need based.
Prior to creating a Smile Preview Veneer for your patient, always check for bruxism and look for protrusive / lateral
excursion interferences that may affect the outcome. Select shade using a Vitapan® Classic Shade Guide.
The Smile Preview Veneer process starts by peeling the blister pack and exposing the material. Gently place a very
small amount of the material as an incisal button at the biting edge of the tooth. The rule to follow is less material is
better. You do not want bulk of material that will increase the thickness of the veneer and increase the finishing and
polishing time required to create a natural looking tooth.
Apply a small amount of ProVeneer resin based foundation material to a
gloved finger that is tightly pulled on your finger. Make certain the glove
has no ridges on the tip of the pinky finger.
Prior to placing ProVeneer use your gloved index and thumb to compress it.
Next visualize and control the placement of the material in halves. Start at the incisal half and press the
the facial surface of the tooth. Use a gloved pinky finger to do this. Make certain that the glove is very tight fitting on
the pinky finger and no creases exist on the gloved pinky finger.
If creases exist you will not be able to create a smooth surface as you compress the material against the tooth. To
prevent this pull your gloved pinky finger tight.
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