– 5.0V-only for SST58SDxxx
– 3.3V-only for SST58LDxxx
• Supports 5.0-Volt or 3.3-Volt Read and Write
– 4.5-5.5V or 3.135-3.465V for Commercial
• Low Power Consumption
– Active mode: 35 mA/55 mA (3.3V/5.0V)(typical)
– Sleep mode: 100 µA/150 µA (3.3V/5.0V)(typical)
• Extended Data Protection and Security
– WP# pin for Dat a Protection
– Factory-Programmed, 20-Byte Unique ID number
• Sustained Write Performance
– Up to 1.4 MB/sec (host to flash)
Data Sheet
• Controller Overhead Command to DRQ
– Less than 0.5 ms
• Zero Power Data Retention
– Batteries not required for data storage
•Start Up Time
– Sleep to read: 200 ns (typical)
– Sleep to write: 200 ns (typical)
– Power-on to Ready:200 ms (typical)
• Support for Commercial Temperature Range
– 0°C to +70°C for Operating Commercial
– -50°C to +100°C for non-Operating (storage)
• Extremely Rugged and Reliable
– Built-in ECC support corrects 3 Bytes of error
per 512 Byte sector
• Intelligent ATA/IDE Controller
– Built-in microcontroller with intelligent firmware
– Built-in Embedded Flash File System
• Power Management Unit
– Immediate disabling of unused circuitry
SST’s ATA-Disk Chip (ADC) is a low cost, high performance, embedded flash memory data storage system.
This product is well suited for solid state mass storage
applications of fering new a nd expanded f un ctional ity whil e
enabling cost effective designs.
ATA-based solid state mass storage technology is widely
used in such products as portable and desktop computers,
digital cameras, music players, handheld data collection
scanners, cell ular phones , PCS pho nes, PD As , handy terminals, personal communicators, advanced two-way pagers,
audio recorders, monitoring devices, and set-top boxes.
ADC provides comple te IDE Hard Disk Drive functionali ty
and compatibility. ADC is a perfect solution to consum er
electronic products requiring smaller, but more reliable and
cost effe ct i ve data storage. The ADC is re ad an d writ ten to
using a single power supply of 5.0V or 3.3V and is available
in 8 to 192 MByte capacities.
The ADC is a solid state disk drive that is designed to
replace conventional IDE hard disk dr ive and uses standard ATA/IDE protocol . It h as b uilt i n microc ontrol ler and file
management fir mware that communicates with ATA stan-
dard interfaces; therefore, the ADC does not require additional or propr ietary software such as Flash File System
(FFS) and Memory Technology Driv er (MTD) softw are .
The ADC is designed to work at either 5V or 3.3V. The pin
assignment is designed to match existing IDE signal traces
on the motherboard. It uses standard AT A driver that is part
of all major OS such as Windows 95/98/2000/NT/CE,
MAC, UNIX, etc.
All signals, except WP #, are in compliance wi th the ATA
specifications. WP# is used to write protect the information
stored on the ADC. The WP# ca n be either conn ected to
motherboard write protect control logic or a jumper. When
WP# is low, the ADC is write protected to prohibit any inadvertent writes.
Every ADC comes with factory-programmed, 20-Byte long,
unique identific ation number for extended data protection .
This feature prevents unauthorized duplic ation by allow ing
encryption of customer data.
The ADC is packaged in the 600 mil 32-pin DIP package
for easy and cost effective mounting to the system motherboard.
The SST’s ATA-Disk Chip (ADC) contains a controller,
embedded firmware and Flash Media in a 32-pin DIP package. Refer to Figure 1-1 for SST’s ADC block diagram. The
controller interfaces with the host system allowing data to
be written to and read from the Flash Media.
1.1 Performance-optimized ATA Controller
The heart of the ADC is the AT A controller which translates
standard ATA signals into Flas h Media data an d controls.
SST’s ADC contains a propr ietar y ATA controller that was
specifically designed to attain high data throughput from
host to Flash. The following co mponents cont ribute to the
ATA controller’ s ope rati on.
1.1.1 Microcontroller Unit (MCU)
The MCU translates ATA command s into data an d control
signals required for flash memory operation.
1.1.2 Internal Direct Memory Access (DMA)
The ATA controller inside ADC uses DMA allowing instant
data transfer from buffer to memory. This implementation
eliminates microc ontroller overhead associated with traditional, firmware based, memory control, increasing data
transfer rate.
1.1.3 Power Management Unit (PMU)
Power Management Unit control s the power c onsumptio n
of the ADC. The PMU dramatically extends product battery
life by putting the part of the circuitry that is not in operation
into sleep mode.
1.1.4 SRAM Buffer
A key contributor to the ATA controller performance is an
SRAM buffer. The buffer optimizes host’s data writes to
Flash Media.
1.1.5 Embedded Flash File System
Embedded Flash File System is an integral part of the
SST’s ATA controller. It contains MCU Firmware that performs the f ollow ing tasks:
1. Translates host side signals into Flash Media
Writes and Reads.
2. Provides Flash Media wear leveling to spread the
Flash writes across all the memory address space
to increase the longevity of Flash Media.
3. Keeps track of data file structures.
1.1.6 Error Correction Code (ECC)
The ATA Controller contain s E CC algori th m th at c o rr ec t s
3 Bytes of error pe r 512 Byte se cto r.
The SST58SD/LDxxx ATA-Disk Chip product family is available in 8 to 192 MByte capacities. The following table
shows the specific capacity, default number of cylinder heads, sectors and cylinders for each product line.
Model NumberDensityT ota l Bytes CylindersHeadsSectors
The signal/pin assignments are listed in Table 2-1. Low active signals have a “#” suffix. Pin types are Input, Output or Input/
Output. Section 2.3 defines the DC characteristics for all input and output type structures.
2.1 Electrical Description
The ADC functions in A TA Mode, which is compatible with IDE hard disk drives.
Table 2-2 descr ibes the I/O sign als. Signa ls who se sour ce is t he hos t are des igna ted as input s whil e signa ls tha t the AD C
sources are ou tputs. All outputs from the ADC are totem pole except the data bus signals which are in the bi-dir ectional tristate. Refer to Section 2.3.2 for definitions of Input and Output types.
Absolute Maximum Stress Ratings (Applied conditions greater than those listed under “Absolute Maximum
Stress Ratings” may cause pe r manent dama ge to the device. This is a stres s rating only and funct ional operatio n
of the device at these conditions or conditions greater tha n those defined in the ope rational sections of this data
sheet is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum stress rating conditions may affect device reliability.)
The following tables define all D.C. Characteristics for the SST ATA-Disk Chip product family.
2.3.1 Absolute Maximum Conditions
Unless otherwise stated, conditions are for Commercial Temperature:
Non-operating (storage) temperature range: -50°C to +100°C
= 4.5-5.5V
= 3.135-3.465V
Ta = 0°C to +70°C
Input Powe rV
Voltage on any pin except V
with respect to GNDV-0.5V min. to VDD + 0.5V max.
Maximum Average RMS
3.135-3.465V75 mA200 µA3.3V at 25
4.5-5.5V100 mA300 µA5.0V at 25°C
Active Current
Maximum Average RMS
Sleep CurrentMeasurement Method
-0.3V min. to 6.5V max.
Data Sheet
1. Current measurement is accomplished by connecting an amp meter (set to the 2 amp scale range) in series with the VDD supply to
the ADC. Current measurements are to be taken while looping on a data transfer command with a sector count of 128.
Current consumption values for both Read and Write commands are not to exceed the Maximum Average RMS Current specified in
this table.
ADC products sha ll operate correctly in b oth voltage ranges as shown in the tables above. To comply with this
specification, current requirements must not exceed the maximum limit.
2.3.2 Input Leakage Current
In the table below, x refers to the characteristics descri bed in section 2.3.2. For example, I1U indicates a pull up
resistor with a type 1 input characteristic.
IxZInput Leakage CurrentILV
IxUPull Up ResistorRPU1VDD = 5.0V50k500kOhm
IxDPull Down ResistorRPD1VDD = 5.0V50k500kOhm
Data Setup before IORD#tsu(IORD)tDVIRH20Data Hold following IORD#th(IORD)tlGHQX5IORD# Width Timetw(IORD)tlGLIGH70Address Setup before IORD#tsuA(IORD)tAVIGL25Address Hold following IORD#thA(IORD)tlGHAX10IOCS16# Delay Falling from AddresstdfIOCS16(ADR)tAVISL-20
IOCS16# Delay Rising from AddresstdrIOCS16(ADR)tAVISH-20
Note: All times are in nanoseconds. The maximum load on IOCS16# is 1 LSTTL with 50pF total load.
All AC specifications are guaranteed by design.
T2-6.4 391
Valid Address
1. Valid Address consists of signals CS1FX#, CS3FX# and A2-A0.