SST45LF0101Mb Serial Architecture Interface flash memory
Data Sheet
• Single 3.0-3.6V Read and Write Operations
• Serial Interface Architecture
• Byte Serial Read with Single Command
• Superior Reliability
– Endurance: 100,000 Cycles (typical)
– Greater than 100 years Data Retention
• Low Power Consumption
– Ac ti ve Current: 10 mA (typical)
– Standby Current: 10 µA (typical)
• Sector or Chip-Erase Capability
– Uniform 4 KByte sectors
• Fast Erase and Byte-Program
– Chip-Erase Time: 70 ms (typical)
– Sector-Erase Time: 18 ms (typical)
– Byte-Program Time: 14 µs (typical)
The SST45LF010 is a 1 Mbit serial flash memory manufactured with SST’s proprietary, high performance CMOS
SuperFlash technology . The 1 Mbit of memory is organized
as 32 sectors of 409 6 By tes. The fl ash m emor y use s a 3wire serial interface and a chip enable to select and
sequentially access its data. The serial interface consists
of; serial data input (SI), serial data output (SO), serial clock
(SCK), and chip enable (CE#). A write protect (WP#) inhibits the entire memory from write operation and a hardware
reset pin (RST#) resets the device to standby mode.
• Automatic Write Timing
– Internal V
• End-of-Write Detection
– Software Status
• 10 MHz Max Clock Frequency
• Hardware Reset Pin (RST#)
– Resets the device to Standby Mode
• CMOS I/O Compatibility
• Hardware Data Protec tion (WP#)
– Protects and unprotects the device from Write
• Packages Available
– 8-lead SOIC (4.9mm x 6mm)
– 8-contact WSON
The Read operation outp uts th e data in order fro m the initial accessed address. While SCK is input, the address will
be incremented automatically until end (top) of the address
space (1FFFFH), then the internal address pointer automatically increments to beginning (bottom) of the address
space (00000H) , and data out stream will con tinue. The
read data stream is conti nuous th rough al l addr esses until
terminated by a low to high transition on CE#.
The SST45LF 010 device is offered in both 8- lead SOIC
and 8-contact WSON packages. See Figure 1 for the
Device Operation
The SST45LF01 0 uses bus cy cle s of 8 b its each for commands, data, and addresses to execute operations. The
operation instructions are listed in Tab le 3.
All instructions ar e syn chr onized off a high to low transiti on
of CE#. The first low to high trans ition on SCK will initiate
the instruction se quence. Inputs wil l be accep ted on the rising edge of SCK s tar ting with the m ost si gnificant bit. Any
low to high transition on CE# before the input instru ction
completes will terminate any instruction in progress and
return the device to the standby mode.
The Sector-Erase op eration clears all bits in the se lected
sector to FFH. The Chip-Erase instruction clears all bits in
the device to FFH.
Byte-Program Operation
The Byte-Program operation programs the bits in the
selected byte to the desi red data. The s elected byte must
be in the erased state (FFH) when initiating a Program
operation. The data is input from bit 7 to bit 0 in order.
Software Status Operation
The Status opera tion determines if an Erase or Program
operation is in progress. If bit 0 is at a “0” an Erase or Pro-
gram operation is in progres s, the device is busy. If bit 0 is
at a “1” the device is ready for any valid operation. The sta-
tus read is cont inuous with ong oing cloc k cycles un til terminated by a low to high tran sition on CE#.
The SST logo and SuperFlash are registered trademarks of Silicon Storage Technology, Inc.
These specifications are subject to change without notice.
1 Megabit Serial Flash
Data Sheet
Reset will terminate any oper ation, e .g., Re ad, Erase and
Program, in prog re ss . It is a ctivated by a hi gh to lo w t ra nsition on t he RST# pin. Th e device will rema in in reset
condition as long as RS T# is low. Minimum res et time is
10 µs. See Figur e 14 for reset timing diagram. RST# is
internally pulled-up and could remain unconnected during normal operation. Af ter re set, the d evice is in stan dby
mode, a high to low transition on CE# is required to start
the next oper ation .
An internal power-on reset circuit protects against accidental data writes. Appl ying a logic le vel lo w to RST# during the power-on process then changing to a logic level
high when V
has reached the correct voltage level will
provide additional protection against accidental writes
during powe r on .
Read SST ID/Read Device ID
The Read SST ID and Read Device ID operations read the
JEDEC assigned manufacturer identification and the manufacturer assigned device identification IDs. These IDs may be
used to determine the actual device resident in the system.
Manufacturer’s ID0000HBFH
Device ID0001H42H
T1.2 372
Write Protect
The WP# pin provides inadvertent write protection. The
WP# pin must be held high for any Erase or Program operation. The WP# pin is “Don’t Care” for all other operations.
In typical use, the WP# pin is connected to V
dard pull-down resistor. WP# is then driven high whenever
an Erase or Program operation i s requi red. If the W P# pi n
is tied to V
with a pull-up resistor, then all operations may
occur and the write protection feature is disabled. The WP#
pin has an inter nal pu ll-up and could r emain un connecte d
when not use d.
SCKSerial ClockTo provide the timing of the serial interface. Commands, addresses, or input data are latched
on the rising edge of the clock input, while output data is shifted out on the falling edge of the
clock input.
SISerial Data InputTo transfer commands, addresses, or data serially into the device. Inputs are latched on the
rising edge of the serial clock.
SOSerial Data OutputTo transfer data serially out of the device.
Data is shifted out on the falling edge of the serial clock.
CE#Chip EnableThe device is enabled by a high to low transition on CE#.
WP#Write ProtectTo protect the device from unintentional Write (Erase or Program) operations. When WP# is
low, all Erase and Program commands are ignored. When WP# is high, the device may be
erased or programmed. This pin has an internal pull-up and could remain unconnected when
not used.
RST#ResetA high to low tra nsitio n on RST# will te rminate an y o per ation in p rogre ss an d res et the internal
logic to the stand by mod e. T he de v ice wi ll remain in the reset condi tion as long as the RST# is
low. Operations may only occ ur w h en RS T # is hi gh. This pin has an int ernal p ull -up and co uld
remain unconnected when not used.
Power SupplyTo provide power supply (3.0-3.6V).
Data Sheet
Absolute Maximum Stress Ratings (Applied conditions greater than those listed under “Absolute Maximum
Stress Ratings” may cause pe r manent dama ge to the device. This is a stres s rating only and funct ional operatio n
of the device at these conditions or conditions greater tha n those defined in the ope rational sections of this data
sheet is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum stress rating conditions may affect device reliability.)
1. This parameter only applies to WP# and RST# pins.
Power Supply Currentf=10 MHz
Program and Erase30mACE#=VIL, VDD=VDD Max
Standby Current15µACE#=V
Input Leakage Current1µAVIN=GND to VDD, VDD=VDD Max
Output Leakage Current1µAV
Input Low Current
360µAWP#, RST#=GND
Input Low Voltage0.8VVDD=VDD Min
Input High Voltage0.7 V
Input High Voltage (CMOS)VDD-0.3VVDD=VDD Max
Output Low Voltage0.2VIOL=100 µA, VDD=VDD Min
Output High VoltageVDD-0.2VIOH=-100 µA, VDD=VDD Min