©2001 Silicon Storage Technology, Inc.
S71149-03-000 4/01 394
The SST logo and SuperFlash are registered trademarks of Silicon Storage Technology, Inc.
MPF is a trademark of Silicon Storage Technology, Inc.
These specifications are subject to change without notice.
Data Sheet
512 Kbit / 1 Mbit (x8) Multi-Purpose Flash
SST39SF512 / SST39SF010
• Organized as 64K x8 / 128K x8
• Single 5.0V Read and Write Operations
• Superior Reliability
– Endurance: 100,000 Cycles (typical)
– Greater than 100 years Data Retention
• Low P ower Consumption:
– Ac ti ve Current: 20 mA (typical)
– Standby Current: 10 µA (typical)
• Sector-Erase Capability
– Uniform 4 KByte sectors
• Fast Read Access Time:
– 70 ns
– 90 ns
• Latched Address and Data
• Fast Erase and Byte-Program:
– Sector-Erase Time: 7 ms (typical)
– Chip-Erase Time: 15 ms (typical)
– Byte-Program Time: 20 µs (typical)
– Chip Rewrite Time:
2 seconds (typical) for SST39SF512
3 seconds (typical) for SST39SF010
• Automatic Write Timing
– Internal V
• End-of-Write Detection
– Toggle Bit
– Data# Polling
• TTL I/O Compatibility
• JEDEC Standard
– Flash EEPROM Pinouts and command sets
• Packages Available
– 32-pin PLCC
– 32-pin TSOP (8mm x 14mm)
– 32-pin PDIP
The SST39SF512/010 are CMOS Multi-Purpose Flash
(MPF) manufactured with SST’s proprietary, high perfor-
mance CMOS SuperFl ash technology. The split-gate cell
design and thi ck oxide tunneling injector a ttain better reliability and manufacturability compared with alternate
approaches. The SST39SF512/010 devices write (Program or Erase) with a 5.0V-only power supply. The
SST39SF512/010 device conforms to JEDEC standard
pinouts for x8 memories.
Featuring high performance Byte-Program, the
SST39SF512/010 devices provide a maximum Byte-Program time of 30 µsec. These devices use Toggle Bit or
Data# Polling to indicate the completion of Program operation. T o protect against inadvertent write, they have on-chip
hardware and Software Data Protection schemes.
Designed, manufactured, and tested for a wide spectrum of
applications, these devices are offered with a guaranteed
endurance of 10,000 cycles. Data retention is rated at
greater th an 10 0 years .
The SST39SF51 2/010 devices are suited for applica tions
that require convenient and economical updating of program, configuration, or data memory. For all system applications, they significantly improve performance and
reliability, while lowering power consumption . They inherently use less energy during erase and program than alternative flash technologies. Th e total energy consumed is a
function of the applied voltage, current, and time of application. Since for any given voltage range, the SuperFlash
technology uses less current to program and has a shorter
erase time, the total energy consumed during any Erase or
Program operation is l ess than altern ative flash technologies. These devices also im prove flexibility while lowering
the cost for program, data, and configuration storage applications.
The SuperFlash te ch no logy pr ovid es fi xed Erase an d P r ogram times, independent o f the num be r of Erase/ Pro gram
cycles that have occurred. Therefore the system software
or hardware does not have to be modified or de-rated as is
necessary with alternative flash technologies, whose Erase
and Program times inc rease with accumul ated Erase/P rogram cycles .
To meet high density, surface mount requirements, the
SST39SF512/010 are offered in 32-pin PLCC packages,
32-pin TSOP, and a 600 mil, 32-pin PDIP is also av ailable.
See Figures 1, 2, and 3 for pinouts.
Device Operation
Commands are used to initiate the memory operation functions of the device. Commands ar e written to the device
using standard mi croprocessor write sequen ces. A command is written by asse r ting WE# low whil e keeping CE#
SST39SF512 / 0105.0V 512Kb / 1Mb (x8) MPF memories