– 1 KWords per Sector or 32 KWords per Block
– Erase either element before Word-Program
• CMOS I/O Compatibility
• JEDEC Standard Command Set
• Packages Availab le
– 48-Pin TSOP (12mm x 20mm)
• Continuous H ardw are a n d So f tw are
Data Protection (SDP)
• A One Time Prog ram m a bl e (OTP) E
The SST38V F16 6 cons is ts of t hre e mem ory ban ks , 2 eac h
512K x16 bits sector mode flash EEPROM plus a 4K x16
bits word alterable E
prietary, high performance SuperFlash Technology. The
SST38VF166 erases and programs with a single power
supply. The in ternal Era se /Program in the E
parent to the user. The device conforms to (proposed)
JEDEC s tanda rd pino uts f o r w ord- wid e mem ories .
The SST38VF166 device is divided into three separate
memory banks, 2 each 512K x16 Flash banks and a 4K
x16 E
bank. Ea ch Flas h b ank is ty pic all y use d f or pr og ram
code storage and contains 512 sectors, each of 1 KWords
or 16 blocks, each of 3 2 KWords. The Flash ban ks may
also be used to stor e data. The E
data or configuration storage and contains 128 sectors,
each of 32 words. Any bank may be used for executing
code while writing data to a different bank. Each memory
bank is cont rol led b y s epar ate B ank En ab le (BE#) l i nes .
The SST38VF166 inherently uses less energy during
Erase, Program, and Write than alternative flash technologies. The total energy consumed is a function of the
applied voltage, current, and time of application. Since for
any given voltage range, the SuperFlash technology uses
PROM man ufactur ed with SST’s pro-
bank is trans-
bank is typica lly used f or
less current to program and has a shorter Erase time, the
total energy consumed during any Erase, Program, or
Write operation is less than alternative flash technologies.
The Auto Low Power mode automatically reduces the
active read current to approximately the same as standby;
thus, providing an average read current of approximately 1
mA/MHz of Read cycle time.
The SuperFlash technology provides fixed Erase, Program,
and Write times, independent of the number of Erase/Program cyc les that have occurred. Therefore the system soft ware o r hardw are does not ha v e to be mo dified or de -r at ed
as is necessary with alternative flash technologies, whose
Erase and Program times increase with accumulated
Erase/Program cycles.
Device Operation
The SST38VF1 66 op erat es as two inde pendent 8-M egabi t
Word-Program, Sector-Erase flash EEPROMs with the
additional functionality of a 64 Kbit word-alterable
PROM. All banks are superimposed in the same memory address space. All three memory banks share common address lines, I/O lines, WE#, and OE#. Memory
bank selection is by bank enable. BE#1 selects the first
The SST logo and SuperFlash are registered trademarks of Silicon Storage Technology, Inc.
FlashBank is a trademark of Silicon Storage Technology, Inc.
These specifications are subject to change without notice.
16 Megabit FlashBank Memory
Data Sheet
Flash bank, BE#2 selects the second Flash bank, BE#3
selects the E
bank. WE# is used with SDP to control the
Write or Erase and Program operation in each memory
The SST38VF166 provides the added functionality of
being able to simultaneously read from one memory bank
while writing, erasing, or programming to one other memory bank. Once the internally controlled Write, Erase, or
Progr am cycle in a memory bank has commenc ed, a di ff erent memory bank can be accessed for read. Also, once
WE# and the appli cable BE# are high during the SDP load
sequence, a different bank may be accessed to read. If
multipl e bank en able s are asserted simult aneously, the ou tputs will tri-state and no new memory operations can be
initiated. Only one bank may be written, erased, or programmed at any given time. The device ID and Common
Flash Interface (CFI) functions cannot be accessed while
any bank is w riting, era si ng, or prog r ammi ng.
The Auto Low Power Mode aut omaticall y puts the device
in a near standby mode after data has b een accessed with
a valid Read operation. This reduces the I
active read
current fr om typically 15m A to typically 3µA. The Auto Low
Power mode reduces the typical I
active read current to
the range of 1mA/MHz of Read cycle time. The de vice e xits
the Auto Low Power Mode with any add ress transition or
control signal transi tion used to initiate another Read c yc l e,
with no access time penalty.
Flash Bank Read
The Read operation of the SST38V F166 Flash Bank is
controlled by BE#1 or BE#2 and OE#, a bank enable and
output enable both have to be low f or the system to obtain
data from the outputs. BE#1 is used for Flash bank 1
selection. When BE#1 is high, t he Flash bank 1 is deselected. BE#2 is used for Flash bank 2 selection. When
BE#2 is high, the Flash bank 2 is deselected. OE# is the
output control and is used to gate data from the output
pins. The data bus is in high impedance state when OE#
is high. Refer to the timing waveforms for fur ther details
(Figure 2 or 3).
E2 Bank Read
The Read operation of the E2 bank is controlled by BE#3
and OE#, bot h hav e t o be lo w f o r the sys tem to obtai n dat a
from the ou tputs . BE#3 is used f or E
BE#3 is high, the E
bank is deselected. OE # is the output
control and is used to gate data from the output pins. The
data bus is in high impedance state when OE# is high.
Refer to t he ti min g w aveforms for fu rther de tail s ( Figur e 4) .
bank sel ection. Wh en
Write Modes
The SST38VF166 device has separate Write modes for
the E
bank and Flash banks. The conventional E2PROM
Word-Write with internally timed automatic Erase before
Program is th e mo st c onvenien t and easy met hod for t he
user to alte r data in the E
bank with the Word-Write operation, the word being written is the only word that is altered.
Bank- or Sector -Erase plus Word-Pro gram operations m ay
also be used for the E
bank. For both banks of the Flash
array, the SST38VF166 offers Bank-, Block-, and SectorErase pl us W or d-Pr ogr am ope r ation s.
All Write operations are initiated by first issuing the Software Da ta Pr ot ect (SDP) e nt ry seque nce f or B ank- , Blo ck -,
or Sector-Erase then Word-Program in the selected Flash
bank; or for Word-Write or for Sector-Erase and Word-Program in the E
Erase commands have a fixed duration, that will not vary
over the life of the devi ce, i.e., are i ndependent of the nu m ber of Erase/Program cycles endured.
Either Flash bank may be read during the internally controlled E
accessed to fetch instructions or data when the E
being written, erased, or programmed. Additionally, the
alternate Flash bank may be read while erasing or programming the other Flash or E
only one ban k ma y b e performing a Write oper atio n, duri ng
that ti me an y oth er bank is available fo r r ead.
The Write Status command may be used to determine if
any bank is being written, at any given time. This may be
required if the system does not use a timer or does not
monitor toggle bit or data# polling when writing a specific
bank. In order to implement the Write Status command,
address 5XXXH i n t he E
This add re ss i s out si de t he normal addre ss spa ce of t he E
bank; therefore , w ill not interfer e wit h normal reading within
the E
bank addres s spa ce.
The device is always in the Soft ware Data P rotected mode
for a ll Write o per ati ons in b oth t he Fl ash ba nk a nd E
Write operations are controlled by toggling WE# or BE#.
The falling edge of WE# or BE#, whichever occurs last,
latches the address. The rising edge of WE# or BE#,
whichever occurs last, latches the data and initiates the
Erase , Prog r am, or Writ e cycl e.
The SDP Erase, Program, or Write comm ands are all BE#
specific. Which ever BE# is us ed for the firs t SD P bus cyc l e
(except for Read operation with WE# high), that BE# must
be used for all subsequent SDP bus cycles, for the command to be executed. If a different BE# is pulsed during a
Data Sheet
subsequent bus cycle, when WE# is low, in the SDP com-
mand sequence, the device will abort the attempted SDP
command and rever t to the Read mode. Note, the SDP
command sequence may be suspended by taking WE#
high. A different BE# may then be pulsed to read from
either of the banks not involved with the SDP command
sequence .
For the purposes of simplification, the following descriptions will assume WE# is toggled to initiate an Erase, Program, or Wri te . Toggli ng t he app li cab le BE# wil l ac compl is h
the same function. Note, there are separate timing diagrams to illustrate both WE# and BE# controlled Program
or Write commands.
Flash Bank Word-Program
The Flash bank Word-Program operation consists of issuing the SDP Word-Program command, initiated by forcing
BE#1 or BE#2 and WE# low, and OE# high. The words to
be programmed must be in the erased state, prior to programming. The Word-Program command programs the
desired addresses word-by-word. During the Word-Program cyc le, the addres ses are la tched b y the f alli ng edge of
WE#. The data is latched by the rising edge of WE#. See
Figure 5 or 7 for WE# or 6 and 8 for BE# controlled WordProgram cycle timing wav eforms, Table 6 for the command
sequence , and Fi gure 49 f or a flo wchart.
The Write operation has two functional cycles: the Word
Load cycle and the internal Write cycle. The Word Load
cycle consists of loading 1 word of data into the word buffer
at the completion of the SDP sequence. The internal Write
cycle consists of the write timer operation, to erase and
program the selected address. Note, the word does NOT
have to be erased prior to writing. During the Write operation, the only valid reads are Data# Polling and Toggle Bit
from the E
bank or normal read from either of the Flash
E2 Bank Word-Program
The E2 bank Word-Program operation consists of issuing
the SDP Word-Program command, initiated by forcing
BE#3 and WE# low and OE# high. The Word-Program
command programs the desired addresses word-by-word.
The words to be programmed must be in the er ased state ,
prior to programming, unlike the Word-Write operation.
During t he W or d-Pr ogr am c ycle , the add ress es ar e la tch ed
by the f allin g edge of WE#. The data is latched by t he rising
edge of WE#. See Figure 11 for WE# or 12 for BE#3 controlled Program cycle timing waveforms, Table 7 for the
command seq uen ce and Fi gur e 50 f o r a flow chart.
During the E
valid reads f rom the bank are Dat a# P olling and Toggle Bit.
Either Fl ash bank m ay be read .
bank Erase or Program operation, the only
During the Flash bank Erase or Program operation, the
only valid reads from that bank are Data# Polling and Toggle Bit . The ot her F la sh bank or t he E
bank may be r ead .
The specified Bank-, Block-, or Sector-Erase time is the
only ti m e r eq uired to erase. Ther e are no pr eprogram ming
or other commands or cycles required either internally or
exte rnally to er ase t he bank , b lo c k, or s ect or.
E2 Bank Word-Write
The E2 bank Word-Write operation consists of issuing the
SDP command, initiated by forcing BE#3 and WE# low,
and OE# high; followed by the Word Load cycle to the
SST38 VF1 66. The i nter nal ly co ntrol led Wr ite cy cle s tores
the data loaded in the word buffer into the E
address se lected is then eras ed and progr ammed, by inter nally controlled signals. During the Word Load cycle, the
address is latched by the falling edge of WE#. The data is
latched by the rising edge of WE#. The internal write cycle
is init iated on the risin g edge of WE#. The Write cycl e, onc e
initiated, will continue to completion, typically within 7 ms.
See Figure 9 for WE# or 10 for BE# controlled write cycle
timing w a v ef o rms, Table 7 for the command s equenc e , a nd
Figure 48 for a flowchart.
bank. The
The specified Bank- or Sector-Erase time is the only time
required to erase. There are no preprogramming or other
commands or cy cl es required either int ernally or externally
to eras e the ba nk or s ec tor.
Erase Operations
The Bank-Erase is initiated by a specific six-word load
sequence See Tables 6 and 7. A Bank-Erase will typically
be less th an 70 ms.
An alternative to the Bank-Erase in the Flash bank is the
Block-Erase or Sector-Erase. The Block-Erase will erase
an enti re Blo ck (3 2 KW ords ) i n ty pic ally 15 ms . The Sec tor Erase will erase an entire sector (1024 words) in typically
15 ms. The Sector-Erase provides a means to alter a single sector using the Sector-Erase and Word-Program
modes. The Sector-Erase is initiated by a specific six-word
load sequ ence , se e Table 6.
The E
Bank-E rase. An E
will typically erase in 7 ms. The Sector-Erase is initiated b y
a specific six-word load sequence, see Table 7. Sector- or
Bank-Erase and Word-Program is an alternative to WordWrite as a means to alter the E
During any Sector-, Block-, or Bank-Erase within a bank,
any other bank may be read. Du ri ng the Wor d-Write of t he
bank, eith er Fl ash ban k ma y be rea d.
Flash Bank Bank-Erase
The SST38VF166 provides a Flash Bank-Erase mode,
which allows the user to clear the Flash bank to the “1”
state. This is useful when the entire Flash must be quickly
The soft war e Fla sh B ank- Era se m ode i s ini ti ated by issui ng
the specific six-word loading sequence, as in the Software
Data Protection operation. After the loading cycle, the
device enters into an internally timed cycle. See Table 6 for
specific codes, Figure 13 or 16 for the timing waveform,
and Figure 44 f o r a f lo wch art.
Flash Bank Block-Erase
The SST38VF166 provides a Block-Erase mode, which
allows the user to clear any block in the Flash bank to the
“1” state.
The software Block-Erase mode is initiated by issuing the
specific six-word loading sequence, as in the Software
Data Protect operation. After the loading cycle, the device
enters int o an i nternally time d Er as e cycle. See Table 6 for
specific codes, Figure 14 or 17 for the timing waveform,
and Figure 45 for a flowchart. During the Erase operation,
the only valid reads are Data# Polling and Toggle Bit from
the sel ect ed bank , ot her ban ks ma y per f orm normal read.
Flash Bank Sector-Erase
The SST38VF166 provides a Sector-Erase mode, which
allows the user to c lear any sector in the Flash bank to the
“1” state.
The softw are Sector-E rase mode is initiated by issuing the
specific six-word loading sequence, as in the Software
Data Protect operation. After the loading cycle, the device
enters int o an i nternally time d Er as e cycle. See Table 6 for
specific codes, Figure 15 or 18 for the timing waveform,
and Figure 47 for a flowchart. During the Erase operation,
the only valid reads are Data# Polling and Toggle Bit from
the sel ect ed bank , ot her ban ks ma y per f orm normal read.
E2 Bank Bank-Erase
The SST38VF166 prov ides a E2 Bank-Erase mode, wh i ch
allows the user to clear the E
useful when the entire E
The E
bank Bank-Erase command is disabled if the E
bank O TP op tion i s ena b led .
bank to the “1” state. This is
bank must be quickly erased.
16 Megabit FlashBank Memory
Bank-Eras e mod e is init ia ted b y i ssui ng the s pe cifi c
The E
six-word loading sequence, as in the Software Data Protection operati on. Af t er the loading cycle, t he device enters
into an internally timed cycle. See Table 7 for specific
codes, Fig ure 19 f or the ti ming w a v e f orm, and F i gure 4 4 f o r
a fl owchart.
E2 Bank Sector-Erase
The SST38VF166 provides a Sector-Erase mode, which
allo ws the user to clear any sector in the E
state . The softwar e Sec t or-Erase mo de i s ini tiated b y issuing the specific six-word loading sequence, as in the Software Data Protect operation. After the loading cycle, the
device enters into an internally timed. See Tables 6 and 7
for specific codes, Figure 20 for the timing waveform, and
Figure 46 for a flowchart. During the Erase operation, the
only valid reads are Data# Polling and Toggle Bit in the E
bank or norma l re ad fr om eit her of the Flas h ban ks .
Write Operation Status Detection
The SST38VF166 provides two software means to detect
the completion of a E
cycle, in or der to op t i m i z e the sys tem Write c ycle time. The
software detection includes two status bits: Data# Polling
) and Toggle Bit (DQ6). The End-of-Write Detection
mode is enabled after the rising edge of WE#, which initiates the internal Write, Erase, or Program cycle.
The actual completion of the nonvolatile write is asynchronous with the system; therefore, either a Data# Polling or
Toggle Bit read may be simultaneous with the completion
of the Write c ycle. If this occ urs, the system wil l possib ly get
an erroneous result, i.e. valid data may appear to conflict
with either DQ
or DQ6. In order to pre v en t spuri ous dev ic e
rejecti on, if a n e rrone ous r es ult o ccur s, th e sof tw are r out ine
should include a loop to read the accessed location an
additional two (2) times. If both reads are valid, then the
device ha s completed the Write cycle, oth erwise th e rejection is valid.
Additi onally, a Write Status rea d may be executed to determine if any bank has an Erase, Program, or Write operation in progress. A Write Status read may be used when,
for an y reason, the syste m may ha ve lost trac k of the statu s
of a Write, Erase, or Program operation in any bank.
Although nor mally, a Word-Write, Word-Program, Se ctorErase, or Block-Erase will be completed prior to recovery
from a system reset, if a Bank-Erase was initiated prior to
the reset, the system may need to verify the Bank-Erase is
no longer in progress. Note, a Bank-Erase will not be per-
formed on the bank containing the boot code, so there will
Data Sheet
be no is sue when recoveri ng from the syst em res et. See
Table 6 or 7 f or the s pecific codes and Figure 40 for a timing
There is no provision to abort an Erase, Program, or Write
operation, once initiated. For the SST SuperFlash technology, the associated Erase, Program, and Write times are
so fast, relative to syste m res et tim es, ther e is n o value in
aborting the operation. Note, reads can always occur from
any bank no t per f orming an E ras e, Prog r am, o r W rite op eration.
Should the system reset, while a Block- or Sector-Erase or
Word-Pro gram is in progre ss in the ban k where the bo ot
code is stored, the system must wait for the completion of
the operation before reading that bank. Since the maximum time the system would have to wait is 25 ms (for a
Block-Erase), the system ability to read the boot code
would no t be af f ect ed.
Data# Polling (DQ7) - Flash Bank
When the SST38VF166 is in the internal Flash bank Program cycle, any attempt to read DQ
of the last word
loaded during the Flash bank Word Load cycle will receive
the complemen t of the true data. Once th e Write cycle is
completed, DQ
will show true data. The device is then
ready for the next operation. See Figure 21 or 22 for the
Flash bank Data Polling timing waveforms and Figure 51
for a f lo w chart.
Data# Polling (DQ7) - E2 Bank
When the SST38VF166 is in the internal E2 bank Write
cycle, an y atte mpt to read DQ
ing the E
bank Word Load c ycle w ill re ceive th e comp le-
of the last word lo aded dur-
ment of the true data. Once the Write cycle is completed,
will show true data. The device is then ready for the
next operat ion. See Figure 23 for E
bank Da t a Polling tim-
ing wa v ef o rms and Fig ur e 51 f o r a flo w chart.
Toggle Bit (DQ6) - Flash Bank
During th e Flash ban k internal Writ e cycle , any c onsecut ive
attempts to r ead DQ
i.e. t oggling between 0 an d 1. When the Write cycle is complete d, the togg ling wil l stop. The devi ce is then ready for
the ne xt o per a tion. See Figu re 24 or 25 for Flash bank Toggle Bit timi ng wa v ef o rms and Fi gur e 51 f or a fl o wchart.
will produce alternating 0s and 1s,
Toggle Bit (DQ6) - E2 Bank
During the E2 bank internal Write cycle, any consecutive
attempts to r ead DQ
will produce alternating 0s and 1s,
i.e. t oggling between 0 an d 1. When the Write cycle is complete d, the togg ling wi ll stop. The dev ice is then ready for
the next operation. See Figure 26 for E
bank Toggle Bit
timin g wa v ef orm s and F ig ure 51 for a flowchart.
Data Protection
The SST38VF166 provides both hardware and software
feat ures to pr otec t non v ol at ile da ta f ro m inadv erten t writ es .
Hardware Data Protection
Noise/Gli t ch Protecti on: A WE# pulse of less than 5 ns will
not initiate a Write cycle.
Power Up/Down Detection: The Write operation is
inhibi ted w hen V
Write Inhi bi t Mod e:
is less th an 1.5 v olt s.
Forci ng OE# lo w, BE#1 and BE#2 high,
or WE# high will inhibit the Write operation to the Flash
bank. Forcing OE # l ow, BE#3 high, or WE# high will inhibi t
the Write operati o n to the E
bank. This prevents inadvert-
ent writes duri ng po wer -up or po wer -d own.
A One Time Programmable E2 Sector
The first sector of the E2 bank offers the option of OTP
(One Time Programmable) prevention of write for the first
sector, i.e., addresses A
to A13 are “0” (0000 H to 001FH).
Once the OTP software instruction is executed, no Write,
Erase , or Progr am oper ati on can be per forme d on these 32
words . This is permanent and non- re vers ibl e. Addi tional ly, if
the OTP prevention is enabled, the Bank-Erase for the E
bank will not function. See Table 7 for specific codes and
Figure 39 for a timing waveform.
Software Data Protection (SDP)
The SST38V F16 6 p rov ide s t he JE DEC appr ov ed Sof tw are
Data Protection scheme as a requirement for initiating a
Write, E rase, or Program operation. Wi th this scheme, any
Write operation requires the inclusion of a series of three
word-load operations to precede the Word-Write or WordProgram operat i on. The three-word load sequen ce is used
to initiate the Write or Program cycle, providing optimal protection from inadver tent Write operations, e.g., during the
system power-up or power-down. The six-word sequence
is required to initiate any Bank-, Block-, or Sector-Erase
The requirements for JEDEC compliant SDP are in byte
format. The SST38VF166 is organized by word; therefore,
the cont ents o f DQ
to DQ15 are “Don ’t Care” durin g any
SDP (3-w ord o r 6- wor d) com mand sequen ce .
During the SDP load command sequence, the SDP load
cycle is suspended when WE# is high. This means a read
may occur to any other bank during the SDP load
sequence .
The SDP load sequence is bank specific, i.e., the same
BE# must be low for each bus cycle. If the command
sequence is aborted, e.g., a different BE# is brought low
(except for Read operation with WE# high), an incorrect
address is loaded, or incorrect data is loaded, the device
will return to the Read mode within T
of executi on of the
load err or.
Concurrent Read and Write Operations
The SST38VF166 provides the unique benefit of being
able to read any bank, while simultaneously writing, erasing, or prog ra mming on e othe r bank. Thi s all ow s da ta a lter ation cod e t o be executed from one ba nk , whil e al te ring t he
data in another bank. The following table lists all valid
Note: For the purposes of this table, write means to Word-Write;
Block-, Sector-, or Chi p-Erase; or Word-Program as applicable t o the appropriate bank.
T1.0 327
Product Identif icat ion
The produ ct ide nti fic atio n mode iden ti fies the device manufact urer as SST and prov i des a cod e t o identi f y each ban k.
The manufacturer ID is the same for each bank; however,
each bank has a se para te device ID . E ach b ank i s in div idu ally accessed using the applicable BE# and a software
command. Users may wish to use the device ID operation
to identify the write algorithm requirements for each bank.
For de tai ls , see Tab le 6 or 7 f or sof tw are ope r ation and Fi gures 27, 2 8, or 29 f or ti ming wa v eforms.
Manufacturer’s ID0000H00BFH
Device ID
Flash Bank 10001H2791H
Flash Bank 20001H2792H
T2.1 327
Device IDs are unique to each bank. Should a chip ID be
required, any of the bank IDs may be used as the chip ID.
While in the read softw are ID mode or CFI mo de, no othe r
operati on is all ow ed unt il af ter e x it ing th ese modes .
Product Identification Mode Exit
In order to return to the standard Read mode, the Product
Identification mode must be exited. Exit is accomplished by
issuing the Software ID exit command, which returns the
device to normal operation. This command may also be
used to reset the device to the Read mode after any inadvertent transient condition that apparently causes the
device to behave abnormally, e.g., not read correctly. For
details, see Tab le 6 or 7 for software o peration and Figures
30, 31, or 32 f o r ti min g wa v e f orms .
SST does not recommend that any two of the bank enable
signals BE#1, BE#2 o r BE#3 be simu lt aneous ly asse rted.
The device will ignore all SDP commands and toggling of
WE# when an Erase, Program, or Write operation is in
progress. Note, both Product Identification and the Common Fl ash I nt erfac e ent r y co mm an ds use SDP ; the re fore,
these commands will also be ignored while an Erase, Program, or Writ e op erat io n is i n prog re ss .
The SST38VF166 also contains the CFI information in
each b ank, to desc ribe the char a cte risti cs of that ba nk. S ee
Tables 8 through 16 for the CFI contents for each bank.
Both flash banks use the same infor mation, as each bank
operates the same. The E
inf ormat ion f or tha t bank.
In order to obtain the CFI information, the CFI memory
space is accessed by using the CFI entry command. For
details, see Tab le 6 or 7 for software o peration and Figures
33, 34, or 35 f o r ti min g wa v e f orms .
Pump &
bank contains the applicable
Y - Decoder
CFI Mode Exit
In order to return to the standard Read mode, the CFI
mode must be exited. Exit is accomplished by issuing the
CFI exit command, which returns the device to normal
operation. This command may also be used to reset the
device to the Read mode after any inadver tent transient
condition that apparently causes the device to behave
abnormall y, e.g., not read correc tly. For deta i l s , see Table 6
or 7 for softwa re oper ation an d Figur es 36, 37, or 38 for timing wav efo rms.
CFI is specified for byte wide information. Since the
SST38VF166 is organized word wide, the first byte (2 nibbles ) of ea ch CFI wo rd is a lw a ys 00H.
-DQ0Data Input/ou tputTo output data during Read cycles and recei ve input data during Write cycl es.
OE#Output EnableTo gate the data output buffers
WE#Write Enable 1To control the Write, Erase, or Pro gram operations
NCNo ConnectUnconnected pins
Flash Bank AddressesTo provide Flash Bank addresses
E2 Bank AddressesTo provide E2 Bank addresses
Flash Bank Block AddressesTo select a Flash Bank Block for erase
Flash Bank Sector Addresses To select a Flash Bank Sector for er ase
E2 Bank Sector AddressesTo select an E2 Bank Sector for erase
Data is internally latched during a Write cycle.
The outputs are in tri-state when OE# is high or BE#1, BE#2, and BE#3 are high.
Po wer SupplyTo provide 2.7-3.6V power supply
1. If Flash Bank 1 is writing, DQ1 is low. If Flash Bank 2 is writing, DQ2 is low. If E2 Bank is writing, DQ3 is low.
2. Entering an illegal state during an Erase, Program, or Write operation will not affect the operation, i.e., the erase, pr ogram, or write
will continue to normal completion.
1. A11-A0 are v alid addresses; A15-A12 are “Don’t Care”; A18-A16 cannot be 5H
2. If Flash Bank 1 is writing, DQ
3. Entering an illegal state during an Erase, Program, or Write operation will not affect the operation, i.e., the erase, pr ogram, or write
will continue to normal completion.
is low. If Flash Bank 2 is writing, DQ2 is low. If E2 Bank is writing, DQ3 is low.
High ZX
See Tables 6 and 7
See Tables 6 and 7
See Tables 6 and 7
1FH0004HTy pical time out for Word-Program 2
20H0000HT ypical time out for min. size Page-Write 2
21H0004HT ypical time out f or individual Sector-Erase 2
22H0006HT ypical time out for Bank-Erase 2
23H0001HMaximum time out for Word-Program 2
24H0000HMaximum time out for Page-Write 2
25H0001HMaximum time out for individual Sector-Erase 2
26H0001HMaximum time out for Chip-Erase 2
Min (Program/Erase)
-DQ4: Volts, DQ3-DQ0: 100 millivolts
Max (Program/E rase)
-DQ4: Volts, DQ3-DQ0: 100 millivolts
min. (00H = no VPP pin)
max. (00H = no VPP pin)
µs (00H = not supported)
times typical
times typical (00H = not supported)
times typical
times typical
16 Megabit FlashBank Memory
Data Sheet
T8.2 327
T9.7 327
27H0014HBank size = 2
28H0001HFlash Bank Device Interface description (Refer to CFI JESD-68) (x1 6 asynchronous)
2AH0000HM aximum number of bytes in Page-Write = 2
2CH0002HNumber of Erase Block Regions within device
2DH00FFHErase Block Region 1 Information (Sector)
2EH0001H(Refer to the CFI specification or JESD-68)
2FH0008Hy = 511 + 1 = 512 sectors (01FFH = 511)
30H0000Hz = 2 KBytes/sector = 8 x 256 Bytes
31H000FHErase Block Region 2 Information (Block)
32H0000H(Refer to the CFI specification or JESD-68)
33H0000Hy = 15 + 1 = 16 blocks
34H0001Hz = 64 KBytes/block = 256 x 256 Bytes (0100H = 64K)
1FH0004HTy pical time out for Word-Program 2
20H0000HT ypical time out for min. size Page-Write 2
21H0004HT ypical time out f or individual Sector-Erase 2
22H0006HT ypical time out for Bank-Erase 2
23H0001HMaximum time out for Word-Program 2
24H0000HMaximum time out for Page-Write 2
25H0001HMaximum time out for individual Sector-Erase 2
26H0001HMaximum time out for Chip-Erase 2
Min (Program/Erase)
-DQ4: Volts, DQ3-DQ0: 100 millivolts
Max (Program/E rase)
-DQ4: Volts, DQ3-DQ0: 100 millivolts
min. (00H = no VPP pin)
max. (00H = no VPP pin)
µs (00H = not supported)
times typical
times typical (00H = not supported)
times typical
times typical
T11.2 327
T12.8 327
27H0014HBank size = 2
28H0001HFlash Bank Device Interface description (Refer to CFI JESD-68) (x1 6 asynchronous)
2AH0000HM aximum number of bytes in Page-Write = 2
2CH0002HNumber of Erase Block Regions within device
2DH00FFHErase Block Region 1 Information (Sector)
2EH0001H(Refer to the CFI specification or JESD-68)
2FH0008Hy = 511 + 1 = 512 sectors (01FFH = 511)
30H0000Hz = 2 KBytes/sector = 8 x 256 Bytes
31H000FHErase Block Region 2 Information (Block)
32H0000H(Refer to the CFI specification or JESD-68)
33H0000Hy = 15 + 1 = 16 blocks
34H0001Hz = 64 KBytes/block = 256 x 256 Bytes (0100H = 64K)
1FH0005HTy pical time out for Word-Program 2
20H0000HT ypical time out for min. size Page-Write 2
21H0003HT ypical time out f or individual Sector-Erase 2
22H0006HT ypical time out for Bank-Erase 2
23H0001HMaximum time out for Word-Program 2
24H0000HMaximum time out for Page-Write 2
25H0001HMaximum time out for individual Sector-Erase 2
26H0001HMaximum time out for Chip-Erase 2
Min (Program/Erase)
-DQ4: Volts, DQ3-DQ0: 100 millivolts
Max (Program/E rase)
-DQ4: Volts, DQ3-DQ0: 100 millivolts
min. (00H = no VPP pin)
max. (00H = no VPP pin)
µs (00H = not supported)
times typical
times typical (00H = not supported)
times typical
times typical
16 Megabit FlashBank Memory
Data Sheet
T14.1 327
T15.7 327
27H000DHDevice size = 2
28H0001HFlash Bank Device Interface description (Refer to CFI JESD-68) (x1 6 asynchronous)
2AH0001HM aximum number of bytes in Page-Write = 2
2CH0001HNumber of Erase Block Regions within device
2DH007FHErase Block Region 1 Information (Sector)
2EH0000H(Refer to the CFI specification or JESD-68)
2FH0001Hy = 127 + 1 = 128 sectors (007FH = 127)
30H0000Hz = 32 Bytes/sector = 1 x 256 Bytes
Data Sheet
Absolute Maximum Stress Ratings (Applied conditions greater than those listed under “Absolute Maximum
Stress Ratings” may cause perman ent damage t o the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operati on
of the device at these condi tions or conditions greater t han those define d in the operational sec tions of this dat a
sheet is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum stress rating conditions may affect device reliability.)
Power Supply CurrentAddress input = VIL/VIH, at f=1/TRC Min
Read35mABE#1,BE#2, or BE#3=V
Write: Flash Bank40mABE#1/2=WE#=V
Read: Flash Bank plus
75mAAddress input = V
E2 Bank or Flash Bank
Standby VDD Current
50µABE#1,BE#2, or BE#3=V
(CMOS inputs)
Auto Low Power Mode
50µABE#1,BE#2, or BE#3=V
(CMOS inputs)
Input Leakage Current1µAVIN =GND to VDD, VDD = VDD Max
Output Leakage Current1µAV
Input Low Voltage0.3V
Input Low Voltage (CMOS)0.2V
Input High Voltage0.7V
Input High Voltage (CMOS)VDD-0.2VVDD = VDD Max
Output Low Voltage0.2VIOL = 100 µA, VDD = VDD Min
Output High VoltageVDD-0.2VIOH = -100 µA, VDD = VDD Min