– Endurance: 100,000 Cycles (typical)
– Greater than 100 years Data Retention
• Low Power Consumption:
– Active Current: 10 mA (typical) for Flash and
20 mA (typical) for SRAM Read
– Standby Current: 10 µA (typical)
• Flash Sector-Erase Capability
– Uniform 4 KByte sectors
• Latched Address and Data for Flash
• Fast Read Access Times:
– SST31LF021Flash: 70 ns
SRAM: 70 ns
– SST31LF021EFlash: 300 ns
SRAM: 300 ns
• Flash Fast Erase and Byte-Program:
– Sector-Erase Time: 18 ms (typical)
– Bank-Erase Time: 70 ms (typical)
– Byte-Program Time: 14 µs (typical)
– Bank Rewrite Time: 4 seconds (typical)
• Flash Automatic Erase and Program Timing
– Internal V
• Flash End-of-Write Detection
– Toggle Bit
– Data# Polling
• CMOS I/O Compatibility
• JEDEC Standard Command Set
• Package Available
– 32-lead TSOP (8mm x 14mm)
The SST31LF021/021E devices are a 256K x8 CMOS
flash memory bank combined with a 128K x8 or 32K x8
CMOS SRAM memory bank manufactured with SST’s
proprietary , high per f ormance SuperFlash technology. Two
pinout standards are available for these devices. The
SST31LF021 conform to JEDEC standard flash pinouts
and the SST31LF021E conforms to standard EPROM
pinouts. The SST31LF021/021E devices write (SRAM or
flash) with a 3.0-3.6V power supply. The monolithic
SST31LF021/021E devices conform to Software Data
Protect (SDP) commands for x8 EEPR OMs .
Featuring high performance Byte-Program, the flash
memory bank provides a maximum Byte-Program time of
20 µsec. The entire flash memory bank can be erased and
programmed byte-by-byte in typically 4 seconds, when
using interface features such as Toggle Bit or Data# Polling to indicate the completion of Program operation. To
protect against inadvertent flash write, the SST31LF021/
021E devices have on-chip hardware and Software Data
Protection schemes. Designed, manufactured, and tested
for a wide spectrum of applications, the SST31LF021/
021E devices are offered with a guaranteed endurance of
10,000 cycles. Data retention is rated at greater than 100
The SST31LF021/021E operate as two independent memory banks with respective bank enable signals. The SRAM
and flash memor y banks are superi mposed in the same
memory ad dress spa ce. Both memor y b anks share common address lines, data lines, WE# and OE#. The memory
bank selection is done by memory bank enable signals.
The SRAM bank e nable signal, BES# sel ects the SRAM
bank and the flash memory bank enable signal, BEF#
selects the flash mem ory bank. The W E# signa l has to be
used with Software Data Protection (SDP) command
sequence when controlling the Eras e an d P r ogram ope rations in the flash memory bank. The SDP command
sequence protects the data stored in the flash memory
bank from accidental alteration.
The SST31LF021/021E provide the added functionality of
being able to simultaneously read from or write to the
SRAM bank while erasing or programming in the flash
memory ban k. The SRAM memo ry bank can be read or
written while the flash memory bank performs SectorErase, Bank-Erase, or Byte-Program concurrently . All flash
memory Era se and Program operatio ns will automatic ally
latch the input ad dr ess a nd dat a s i gn als and c om pl ete th e
operation in background without further input stimulus
The SST logo and SuperFlash are registered trademarks of Silicon Storage Technology, Inc.
ComboMemory are trademarks of Silicon Storage Technology, Inc.
These specifications are subject to change without notice.
2 Mbit Flash + 1 Mbit SRAM ComboMemory
SST31LF021 / SST31LF021E
Data Sheet
requirement. On ce the internall y controlled Erase or Program cycle in the fla sh bank has c ommenced , the SRAM
bank can be accessed for Read or Write.
The SST31LF021/021E devices are suited for applications
that use both nonvolatile flash memory and volatile SRAM
memory to store code or data. For all s yst em applications,
the SST31LF021/0 21E devices significantly improve performance and reliability , while lowering power consumption,
when compared with multiple chip solutions. The
SST31LF021/021E inherently use less energy during
Erase and Program than alternative flash technologies.
When programming a flash device, the total energy consumed is a function of the applied voltage, current, and
time of application. Since for any given voltage range, the
SuperFlash techn ology uses less current to program and
has a shor ter Erase time, the total energy consumed during any Erase or Program operation is less than alternative
flash technologies. The monolithic ComboMemory eliminates redundant functions when using two separate memories of similar architecture; therefore, reducing the total
power co nsumpt ion.
The SuperFlash te ch nology provides fixed Erase and P r ogram times, independent o f th e numbe r of Erase/ Pro gram
cycles that have occurred. Therefore the system software
or hardware does not have to be modified or de-rated as is
necessary with al ternativ e flas h techno logies , whos e Erase
and Program times i ncrease with accumul ated Erase/P rogram cycles .
The SST31LF02 1/021E devices also i mprove flexibility by
using a single package an d a common set of signals to
perform functions previously requiring two separate
device s. To meet high dens ity, surface moun t requiremen ts,
the SST31LF021/021E devices are offered in 32-lead
TSOP packages. See Figure 1 for the pinouts.
Device Operation
The ComboMemory uses BES# and BEF# to control operation of either the SRA M or the flash memor y bank. Bus
contention is eliminated as the monolithi c device will not
recognize both bank enables as being simultaneously
active. If both bank enables are asser ted (i.e., BEF# and
BES# are both low), the BEF# will dominate while the
BES# is ignored and the appropriate operation will be executed in the flash memory bank. SST does not recommend
that both bank enables be simultaneously asserted. All
other address, data, and control lines are shared; which
minimizes power consump tion and a rea. The device goes
into standby when both bank enables are raised to V
SRAM Operation
With BES# low and BEF# high, the SST31LF021/021E
operate as a 128K x8 or 32 K x8 CMO S SRAM, with fully
static operation requiring no external clocks or timing
strobes. The SRAM is mapped into the first 128 KByte
address space of the device. Read and Write cycle times
are equal.
The SRAM Read operati on o f the SST3 1LF 021 /021 E are
controlled by OE# and BES#, both have to be low with
WE# high, for the system to obtain data from the outputs.
BES# is used for SRAM bank selection. When BES# and
BEF# are high, both memory banks are deselected. OE#
is the output control and is used to gate data from the output pins. The data bus is in high impedance state when
OE# is high. See Figure 2 for the Read cycle timing diagram.
SRAM Write
The SRAM Write operation of th e SST31LF021/021E ar e
controlled by WE# and BES#, both have to be low for the
system to write to the SRAM. BES# is used for SRAM bank
selection. During the Byte-Write operation , the addresses
and data are referenced to the rising edge of either BES#
or WE#, whichever occurs first. The Write time is measured
from the last falling edge to the first rising edge of BES# and
WE#. See Figure 3 for the Write cycle timing diagram.
Flash Operation
With BEF# active, the SST31LF021/021E operate as a
256K x8 flash mem ory. The flash memory bank is read
using the common address lines, data lines, WE# and
OE#. Erase and Program operations are initiated with the
JEDEC standard SDP command sequences. Address and
data are latched during the SDP commands and internally
timed Erase and Pr ogr am oper atio ns.
Flash Read
The Read operation of the SST31LF021/021E devices are
controlled by BEF# an d OE#, both have to be low, with
WE# high, for the system to obtain data fr om the outputs.
BEF# is used for flash memory bank selection. When
BEF# and BES# are high, both bank s are des electe d and
only standby power is consumed. OE# is the output control
and is used to gate data from the output pins. The data bus
is in high impedance state when OE# is high. See Figure 4
for the Read cycle timing diagram.
SDP command s are used to init iate the flash me mory bank
Program and Erase operation s of the S ST31LF0 21/021E .
SDP commands are loaded to the flash memory bank
using standard microprocess or write sequences. A command is loaded by asserting WE# low while keeping BEF#
low and OE# high. The a ddress is latched on the falling
edge of WE# or BEF#, wh ichever occurs last. The dat a is
latched on the rising edge of WE# or BEF#, whichever
occurs first.
Flash Byte-Program Operation
The flash memory bank of the SST31LF021/021E devices
are programmed on a byte-by-byte basis. Before the Program operations, the memory must be erased first. The
Program operation consists of three steps. The first step is
the three-byte load sequence for Software Data Protection.
The second st ep is to load byte address and byte data.
During the Byte-Program operation, the addresses are
latched on the falling edge of ei ther B EF# o r W E#, whichever occurs last. The data i s latched on the r ising edge of
either BEF# or WE#, whic hever occurs first. T he th ir d step
is the internal Program operation which is initiated after the
rising edge of the four th WE# or BEF#, whichever occurs
first. The Program operation, once initiated, will be completed, within 20 µs. See Figures 5 and 6 for WE# and
BEF# controlled Pr ogram operation timing di agrams and
Figure 16 f or flow charts. During th e Prog ram op era tion, t he
only valid Flash Read operations are Data# Polling and
Toggle Bit. During the internal Program operation, the host
is free to perform additional tasks. Any SDP commands
loaded during the internal Program operation will be
Flash Sector-Erase Operation
The Sector-Erase operation allows the system to erase the
flash memory bank on a sector-by-sector basis. The sector
architecture is based on uniform sector size of 4 KByte.
The Sector-Erase op eration is in itiated by executing a sixbyte command load sequence for Software Data Protection with Sector-Erase command (30H) and sector address
(SA) in the last bus cy cle. The ad dress lines A
used to determ ine the sector addr es s. The s ector ad dr ess
is latched on the falling edge of the six th WE # pu ls e, whil e
the command (30H) is latched on the rising edge of the
sixth WE# pulse. The internal Erase operation begins after
the sixth WE# pul se . The End-o f-Er a se can be det ermined
using either Dat a# Polling or Toggle Bit methods. See Figure 9 for timing waveforms. Any SDP commands loaded
during the Sector-Erase operation will be ignored.
will be
Flash Bank-Erase Operation
The SST31LF021/021E flash memory bank provides a
Bank-Erase operation, which allows the user to erase the
entire flash memory bank array to the ‘1’ s state . This is useful when the entire bank must be quic kly erased. The BankErase operation is initiated by ex ecuting a six-byte Softw are
Data Protection command sequence with Bank-Erase command (10H) with address 5555H in the last byte sequence.
The internal Erase operation begins with the rising edge of
the sixth WE# or BEF# pulse, whichever occurs first. During
the internal Erase operation, the only valid Flash Read operations are Toggle Bit and Data# Polling. See Table 4 for the
command sequence, Figure 10 for timing diagram, and Figure 19 for the flowchart. Any SDP commands loaded during
the Bank-Erase operation will be ignored.
Flash Write Operation Status Detection
The SST31LF021/021E flash memory bank provides two
software means to dete ct the complet ion of a flas h memory
bank Write (Program or Erase) cycle, in order to optimize
the system Write cycle time. The software detection
includes two status bits: Data# Polling (DQ
). The End-of-Wr ite detection mode is enabled after
) and T oggle Bit
the rising edge of WE#, which initiates the internal Program
or Erase operation. The actu al completio n of the nonvolatile write is asynchronous with the system; therefore, either
a Data# Polling or Toggle Bit Rea d may be simultaneous
with the completi on of the Write cy cle. If this occurs, the
system may possibly get an erroneous result, i.e., valid
data may appear to conflict with either DQ
or DQ6. In
order to prevent spuriou s rejection, if an erroneous resul t
occurs, the software r outine shou ld includ e a loop t o read
the accessed locat ion an additional two (2) times. If both
reads are valid, then t he device has completed th e Write
cycle, otherwise the rejection is valid.
Flash Data# Polling (DQ7)
When the SST31LF021/021E flash memory bank is in the
internal Program operation, any attempt to read DQ
produce the com plement of the tr ue data. Once the P rogram operation is compl eted, DQ
Note that even though DQ
will produce tr ue data.
may have valid data immediately following the compl etion of an internal W rite operation, the remaini ng data outputs m ay still be invalid: valid
data on the entire data bus will a pp ear i n s ubs e que nt s uccessive Read cycles after an interval of 1 µs. During internal Erase operatio n, any attem pt to read DQ
will produce
a ‘0’. Once the internal Erase operation is completed, DQ
will produce a ‘1’. The Data# Polling is valid after the rising
edge of the fourth WE# (or BEF#) pulse for Program operation. For Sector or Bank-Eras e, the Data# Polling is valid
after the rising e dge of t he sixth WE# (or BE F#) puls e. See
Figure 7 for Data# Polling timing diagram and Figure 17 for
a flowchart.
Flash Toggle Bit (DQ6)
During the inter nal Program or Erase ope ration, any consecutive attempts to read DQ
will produce alter nating 0s
and 1s, i.e., toggling between 0 and 1. W hen the internal
Program or Erase operation is com plete d, t he tog gling wi ll
stop. The flash memor y bank is then ready for the next
operation. The T oggle Bit is valid after the rising edge of the
fourth WE# (or BE#) pulse for Program operation. For Sector or Bank-Erase, the Toggle Bit is valid after the rising
edge of the sixth WE# (or BEF#) pulse. See Figur e 8 for
Toggle Bit timing diagram and Figure 17 for a flowchart.
Flash Memory Data Protection
The SST31LF021/021E flash memory bank provides both
hardware and software features to protec t nonvolatile data
from inadvertent writes.
Flash Hardware Data Protection
Noise/Glitch Protection: A WE# or BEF# pulse of less than
5 ns will not initiate a Write cycle.
Power Up/Down Detection: The Write operation is
inhibited when is less than 1.5V.
Write Inhibi t Mode: Forcing OE# low, BEF# high, or WE#
high will inhibit the Flash Write operation. This prevents
inadvertent writes during power-up or power-down.
Flash Software Data Protection (SDP)
The SST31LF021/021E provide the JEDEC approved
Software Data Protection scheme for all flash memory
bank data alteration operations, i.e., Program and Erase.
Any Program operation requires the inclusion of a series of
three-byte sequence. The three-byte load sequence is
used to initiate the Program operation, providing optimal
protection from inadver tent Write operations, e.g., during
the system power-up or power-down. Any Erase operation
requires the inclusion of six-byte load sequence. The
SST31LF021/021E devices are shipped with the Software
Data Protection permanently enabled. See Table 4 for the
specific software command codes. During SDP command
sequence, invalid SDP comma nds wil l abor t the device t o
the Read mode, within T
Concurrent Read and Write Operations
The SST31LF021/021E provide the unique benefit of
being able to read from o r write to SRAM, while si multaneously erasing or pr ogramming the flash. Th e device will
ignore all SDP commands when an Erase or Program
operation is in progress. This allows data alteration code to
be executed from SRAM, while alteri ng the data in flash.
The following table lists all valid states. SST does not recommend that both bank enables, BEF# and BES#, be
simultaneously asserted.
Note that Product Identification commands use SDP;
therefore, these commands will also be ignored while an
Erase or Program operation is in progress.
Product Identification
The Product Id entification mode ide ntifies the devices as
either SST31LF 021 or SST31LF021E and the manufacturer as SST . This mode may be accessed by hardware or
software operations. The ha rdware device ID R ead ope ration is typica lly used b y a prog rammer to identi fy the corre ct
algorithm for the SST 31LF0 21/02 1E fl ash m emor y bank s.
Users may wish to use the sof tware Product Id entificatio n
operation to identify the part (i.e., using the device ID) when
using multiple manufacturers in the same socket. For
details, see Table 3 for hardware operation or Table 4 for
software operation, Figure 11 for the software ID entry and
read timing diagram and F igure 18 for the ID entry co mmand sequence flowchart.
Manufacture r’s ID0000HBFH
Device ID
T1.4 392
Product Identification Mode Exit/Reset
In order to return to the standard Read mode, the Software
Product Identification mode must be exited. Exiting is
accomplished by issuing the Exit ID command sequence,
which returns the device to the Read operation. Please
note that the software reset command is ignored during an
-DQ0Data Input/OutputTo output data during Read cycles and receive input data during Write cycles.
BES#SRAM Memory Bank Enable T o ac tivate the SRAM memory bank when BES# is low.
BEF#Flash Memory Bank Enable To activate the Flash memory bank when BEF# is low.
OE#Output EnableTo gate the data output buffers.
WE#Write EnableTo control the Write operations.
1. AMS = Most significant address
Address InputsTo provide memory addresses.
During flash Sector-Erase, A
Data is internal ly latched during a flash Erase/P rogram cycle.
The outputs are in tri-state when OE# or BES# and BEF# are high.
Power Supply3.0-3.6V Power Supply
address lines will select the sector.
to provide flash address
to provide SST31LF021/021E SRAM
Data Sheet
T2.3 392
Flash Write InhibitXXV
Product Identification
Hardware ModeXV
Software ModeXV
1. X can be VIL or VIH, but no other value.
2. Device ID 18H for SST31LF021, 19H for SST31LF021E.
Software ID Entry
Software ID Exit5555HAAH2AAAH55H5555HF0H
1. Address format A14-A0 (Hex),Address A
2. BA = Program Byte address
3. SA
for Sector-Erase; uses A17-A12 address lines
4. The device does not remain in Software Product ID mode if powered down.
5. With A
= 0; SS T Manufacturer’s ID = BFH, is read with A0 = 0,
Absolute Maximum Stress Ratings (Applied conditions greater than those listed under “Absolute Maximum
Stress Ratings” may cause pe r manent dama ge to the device. This is a stres s rating only and funct ional operatio n
of the device at these conditions or conditions greater tha n those defined in the ope rational sections of this data
sheet is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum stress rating conditions may affect device reliability.)
1. Specification applies to commercial temperature devices only. This parameter may be higher for extended devices.
Standby VDD Current 30µABEF#=BES#=V
Input Leakage Current1µAVIN=GND to VDD, VDD=VDD Max
Output Leakage Current1µAV
Input Low Voltage0.4VVDD=VDD Min
Input High Voltage0.7V
Input High Voltage (CMOS)VDD-0.3VVDD=VDD Max
Output Low Voltage0.2VIOL=100 µA, VDD=VDD Min
Output Hi gh VoltageVDD-0.2VIOH=-100 µA, VDD=VDD Min
Supervoltage for A9 pin11.412.6VBEF#=OE#=VIL, WE#=V
Supervoltage Current for A9 pin200µABEF#=OE#=VIL, WE#=V
Test ConditionsMinMaxUnits
Max, all DQs open
, WE#=V
Data Sheet
T5.3 392
1. This parameter is measured only for initial qualification and after a design or process change that could affect this parameter.
Power-up to Read Operation100µs
Power-up to Write Operation100µs
TABLE 7: CAPACITANCE(Ta = 25°C, f=1 Mhz, other pins open)
ParameterDescriptionTest ConditionMaximum
1. This parameter is measured only for initial qualification and after a design or process change that could affect this parameter.