The SST29SF512/010/020/040 and SST29VF512/010/
020/040 are 64K x8 / 128K x8 / 256K x8 / 512K x8 CMOS
Small-Sector Flash (SSF) manufactured with SST’s proprietary, high performance CMOS SuperFlash technology.
The split-gate c el l d es ig n a nd thick oxide tunneling in jector
attain better reliability and manufacturability compared with
alternate approaches. The SST29SFxxx devices write
(Program or Erase) with a 4.5-5.5V power supply. The
SST29VFxxx devices write (Program or Erase) with a 2.7-
3.6V power supply . These devices conform to JEDEC standard pinouts for x8 memories.
Featuring high performance Byte-Program, the
SST29SFxxx and SST29VFxxx devices provide a maximum Byte-Program time of 20 µsec. To protect against
inadvertent write, they have on-chip hardware and Software Data Protection schemes. Designed, ma nufactured,
and tested for a wide spectrum of applications, these
devices are offered with a guaranteed endurance of at least
10,000 cycles. Data ret ention is rated at greater than 100
The SST29SFxxx and SST29VFxxx devices are suited for
applications that require convenient and economical updating of program, configura tion, or data me mory. For all system applications, they significantly improve performance
and reliability, while lowering power consumption. They
inherently use less energy during Erase and Program than
alternative flash te chnologi es. The total ene rgy consumed
is a function of the applied voltage, current, and time of
application. Sin ce for any given voltage range, the SuperFlash technology uses less current to program and has a
short er erase time, the t otal energy consum ed duri ng any
Erase or Program opera tion is less than alter native flash
technologies. They also improve flexibility while lowering
the cost for program, data, and configuration storage applications.
The SuperFlash te ch nology provides fixed Erase and P r ogram times, independent o f th e numbe r of Erase/ Pro gram
cycles that have occurred. Therefore the system software
or hardware does not have to be modified or de-rated as is
necessary with alternative flash technologies, whose Erase
and Program times i ncrease with accumul ated Erase/P rogram cycles .
To meet high density, surface mount requirements, the
SST29SFxxx and SST29VFxxx devices are offered in 32pin PLCC and 32- pin TSOP packages. A 600 mil, 32-pin
PDIP is also offered for SST29SFxxx devices. See Figures
1, 2, and 3 for pinouts.
Commands are used to initiate the memory operation functions of the device. Commands are written to the device
using standard microprocess or write sequences. A command is written by asse r ting WE# low whil e keeping CE#
low. The address bus is latched on the falling edge of WE#
or CE#, whichever occurs last. T he data bus is latc hed o n
the rising edge of WE# or CE#, whichever occurs first.
The Read operation of the SST29SFxxx and SST29VFxxx
devices are controlled by CE# and OE#, both have to be
low for the system to obtain data from the outputs. CE# is
used for device selection. W hen CE# is high, the chip is
deselected and onl y standby power is consumed . OE# is
the output control and is used to gate data from the out put
pins. The data bus is in high im pedan ce sta te when e ither
CE# or OE# is high. Refer to the Read cycle timing diagram for further details (Figure 4).
Byte-Program Operation
The SST29SFxxx and SST29VFxxx devices are programmed on a byte-by-byte basis. The Program operation
consists of three steps. The first step is the three-byte-load
sequence for Software Data Protection. The second step is
to load byte address and byte data. Dur ing the Byte-Pr ogram operation, the address es are latched on the falling
edge of either CE# or WE#, whichever occurs last. The
data is latched on th e rising edge of ei ther CE# or WE#,
whichever occurs first. The third step is the in ternal Program operation which is initiated after the rising edge of the
fourth WE# or CE#, whichever occurs first. The Program
operation, once ini tiated, will be completed , within 20 µs.
See Figure s 5 a nd 6 for WE # and CE # co nt ro ll ed P r og ram
operation timing diagrams and Figure 16 for flowcharts.
During the Program operation, the only valid reads are
Data# Polling and Toggle Bit. During the in tern al Program
operation, the host is fre e to perform ad ditiona l tasks. Any
commands wri tten during the inter nal Program operation
will be ignored.
Sector-Erase Operation
The Sector-Erase operation allows the system to erase the
device on a sector-by-sector basis. The SST29SFxxx and
SST29VFxxx offer Sector-Erase mode. The sector architecture is based on uniform sector size of 128 Bytes. The
Sector-Erase ope ration is i nitia ted by executing a s ix-bytecommand sequence with Sector-Erase command (20H)
and sector address (SA) in the last bus cycle. The sector
address is latched on the falling edge of the sixth WE#
pulse, while the command (20H) is latched on the rising
edge of the sixth W E # pu ls e. The i nte rnal Erase op eratio n
begins after the sixth WE# pulse. The End-of-Erase operation can be determined using either Data# Polling or Toggle
Bit methods. See Figure 9 for timing waveforms. Any commands issued during the Sector-Erase operation are
Chip-Erase Operation
The SST29SFxxx and SST29VFxxx devices provide a
Chip-Erase operation, wh ich allows the user to era se the
entire memor y array to the “1s” state. This is usefu l when
the entire device must be quickly erased.
The Chip-Erase operation is initiated by executing a sixbyte Software Data Protection command sequence with
Chip-Erase command (10H) wi th a ddre ss 55 5H i n th e l ast
byte sequence. The inter nal Erase operation beg ins with
the rising edge of the sixt h WE # o r CE# , which ever oc cu rs
first. During the internal Erase operation, the only valid read
is T oggle Bit or Data# Polling. See Table 4 f or the command
sequence, Figure 10 for timing diagram, an d Figu re 19 for
the flowchart. Any commands written during the ChipErase operation will be ignored.
Write Operation Status Detection
The SST29SFxxx and SST29VFxxx devices provide two
software means to detect the completion of a Write (Program or Erase) cycle, in order to optimize the system
write cycle time. The softw are det ection includes tw o status bits: Data# Polling (DQ
End-of-Write detection mode is enabled after the rising
edge of WE# which initiates the internal Program or
Erase operatio n.
The actual comple tion of the n onvolatile write is as ync hronous with the sys tem; therefore, either a Data# Polling or
Toggle Bit read may be simultaneous wi th the complet ion
of the Write cycle. If this occurs, the system may possibly
get an erroneous result, i.e., valid data may appear to conflict with either DQ
rejection, if an erroneous result occurs, the software routine
should include a loop to read the accessed location an
additional two (2) times. If bo th reads are valid, then the
device has completed the Write cycle, otherwise the rejection is valid.
When the SST29SFx xx and SST29VFxxx devices are i n
the internal Pr ogram operation, any attempt to read DQ
will produce the co mplement of the true data. Once th e
Program operation is completed, DQ
will produce true
data. The device is then ready for the next operation. During intern al Erase ope ration, any atte mpt to re ad DQ
produce a ‘0’. Once the inter nal Erase operation is com-
pleted, DQ
will produce a ‘1’. The Data# Polling is valid
after the risin g e dge of four th WE# (or CE#) pul se for Program operation. For Sector- or Chip-Erase, the Data# Polling is valid after the rising edge of sixth WE# (or CE#)
pulse. See Figure 7 for Data # Polling timing diagram and
Figure 17 for a flowchart.
Toggle Bit (DQ6)
During the inter nal Program or Erase ope ration, any consecutive attempts to read DQ
will produce alter nating 0s
and 1s, i.e., toggling between 0 and 1. W hen the internal
Program or Erase operation is com plete d, t he tog gling wi ll
stop. The device is then rea dy for the next operation. Th e
Toggle Bit is valid after the rising edge of fourth WE # (or
CE#) pulse for Program operation. For Sector or ChipErase, the Toggle Bit is valid after the rising edge of sixth
WE# (or CE#) pulse. See Figure 8 for T oggle Bit timing diagram an d Figur e 17 f or a flo wcha rt.
Data Protection
The SST29SFxxx and SST29VFxxx devices provide both
hardware and software features to protec t nonvolatile data
from inadvertent writes.
Hardware Data Protection
Noise/Glitch Protection: A WE# or CE# pulse of le ss than 5
ns will not init iate a write cycle .
Power Up/Down Detection: The Write operation is
inhibited when V
Write operation is in hi bi ted whe n V
high will inhibit the W r ite operation. This prevents inadvertent writes during p ow er-up o r pow er- down.
Software Data Protection (SDP)
The SST29SFxx x and SST29VFxxx provide the JE DEC
approved Software Data Protection scheme for all data
alteration operation, i.e., Program and Erase. Any Program
operation requires the inclusion of a se ries of three byte
sequence. The three byte-load sequence is used to initiate
the Program operation, p roviding optimal protection from
inadvertent write operations, e.g., during the system powerup or power -down. Any Er as e op er a t io n req u ire s th e inclu -
sion of six byte load sequence. These devices are shipped
with the Software Data Protection permanently enabled.
See T ab le 4 for the specific software command codes. During SDP command sequence, invalid commands will abort
the device to read mode, within T
Product Identification
The Product Identifi cation mode identifies the devices as
SST29SF512, SST29SF010, SST29SF020, SST29SF040
and SST29VF512, SST29VF010, SST29VF020,
SST29VF040 and manufacturer as SS T. This mode may
be accessed by software o perations. Users may use the
Software Product Identification operation to identify the part
(i.e., using the device ID) when us ing mul tiple manufacturers in the same socket. For details, see Table 4 f or software
operation, Figure 11 for the Software ID Entry and Read
timing diagram and Figure 18 for the Software ID Entry
command sequence flowchart.
In order to return to the standard Read mode, the Software
Product Identific ation mode must be exited. Exit is acco mplished by issuing the Software ID Exit command
sequence, which returns the device to the Read operation.
Please note that the S oftware ID Exit command is ig nor e d
during an internal Program or Erase operation. See T able 4
for software command codes, Figure 12 for timing waveform and Figure 18 for a flowchart.
CE#Chip EnableTo activate the device when CE# is low.
OE#Output EnableTo gate the data output buffers.
WE#Write EnableTo control the Write operations.
NCNo ConnectionPin not connected internally
1. AMS = Most significant address
Address InputsTo provide memory addresses. During Sector-Erase AMS-A8 address lines will select the
Data Input/outputTo output data during Read cycles and receive input data during Write cycles.
Data is internally latched during a Write cycle.
The outputs are in tri-state when OE# or CE# is high.
Power SupplyTo provide power supply voltage:4.5-5.5V for SST29SF512/010/020/040
= A15 for SST29SF/VF512, A16 for SST29SF/VF010, A17 for SST29SF/VF020, and A18 for SST29SF/VF040
Software ID Entry
Software ID Exit
Software ID Exit
1. Address format A14-A0 (Hex),
2. BA = Program Byte address
for Sector-Erase; uses AMS-A7 address lines for SST29SF/VFxxx
3. SA
= Most significant address
= A15 for SST29SF/VF512, A16 for SST29SF/VF010, A17 for SST29SF/VF020, and A18 for SST29SF/VF040
4. The device does not remain in Software Product ID Mode if powered down.
5. With A
6. Both Software ID Exit operations are equivalent
Address A
Addresses A
Addresses A
Addresses A
=0; SST Manufacturer’s ID= BFH, is read with A0 = 0,
can be VIL or VIH, but no other value, for the Command sequence for SST29SF/VF512.
- A16 can be VIL or VIH, but no other value, for the Command sequence for SST29SF/VF010.
- A17 can be VIL or VIH, but no other value, for the Command sequence for SST29SF/VF020.
- A18 can be VIL or VIH, but no other value, for the Command sequence for SST29SF/VF040.
SST29SF512 Device ID = 20H, is read with A
SST29SF512 Device ID = 21H, is read with A
SST29SF010 Device ID = 22H, is read with A
SST29VF010 Device ID = 23H, is read with A
SST29SF020 Device ID = 24H, is read with A
SST29SF020 Device ID = 25H, is read with A
SST29SF040 Device ID = 13H, is read with A
SST29VF040 Device ID = 14H, is read with A
Absolute Maximum Stress Ratings (Applied conditions greater than those listed under “Absolute Maximum
Stress Ratings” may cause pe r manent dama ge to the device. This is a stres s rating only and funct ional operatio n
of the device at these conditions or conditions greater tha n those defined in the ope rational sections of this data
sheet is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum stress rating conditions may affect device reliability.)
Power Supply CurrentAddress input=VIL/VIH, at f=1/TRC Min
Read20mACE#=OE#=VIL, WE#=VIH, all I/Os open
Standby VDD Current (TTL input)3mACE#=VIH, VDD=VDD Max
Standby VDD Current (CMOS input)100µACE#=V
Input Leakage Current1µAVIN=GND to VDD, VDD=VDD Max
Output Leakage Current10µAV
Input Low Voltage0.8VVDD=VDD Min
Input High Voltage2.0VVDD=VDD Max
Input High Voltage (CMOS)VDD-0.3VVDD=VDD Max
Output Low Voltage0.4VIOL=2.1 µA, VDD=VDD Min
Output High Voltage2.4VIOH=-400 µA, VDD=VDD Min
OPERATING RANGEFOR SST29V F51 2/010/020 /040
RangeAmbient TempV
Commercial0°C to +70°C2.7-3.6V
Industrial-40°C to +85°C2.7-3.6V