Data Sheet
4 Mbit SuperFlash EEPROM
SST28SF040A / SST28VF040A
©2001 Silicon Storage Technology, Inc. S71077-04-000 6/01 310
The Read operation of the SST28SF/VF040A are controlled by OE# and CE# at logic low. When CE # is high,
the chip is deselected and only standby power will be consumed. OE# is the out put co ntr o l a nd i s used to gate data
from the output p ins. The data bus is in hi gh impedance
state when CE# or OE# are high.
Read-ID operation
The Read-ID operation is initiated by writing a single command (90H). A read of address 0000H will output the manufacturer’s ID (BFH). A read of address 00 01H will output
the device ID (04H). Any other valid command will ter minate this operation.
Data Protection
In order to protect th e integri ty of nonvolatile data s torage,
the SST28SF/VF040A provide both
hardware and software features to prevent inadvertent
writes to the device, for example, during system power-up
or power-down. Such provisions are described below.
Hardware Data Protection
The SST28SF/VF040A are designed with hardware features to prevent inadverte nt write s. This is done i n the following w ays:
1. Write Cycle Inhibit Mode:
OE# low, CE#, or WE#
high will inhibit the Write operation.
2. Noise/G litch Prot ection: A WE# pulse width of less
than 5 ns will not initiate a Write cycle.
3. V
Power Up/Down Detection: The Write opera-
tion is inhibited when V
is less than 2.0V.
4. After power-up, the device is in the Read mode
and the device is in the Software Data Protect
Software Data Protection (SDP)
The SST28SF/VF04 0A have software methods to fur ther
prevent inadvertent wri tes. In o rder to pe rform an Era se or
Program operation, a two-step command seq uence consisting of a set -up comma nd followed by an execute command avoids inadvertent erasing and programming of the
device .
The SST28SF/VF0 40A will default to Software Data Protection after power up. A sequence of seven consecutive
reads at speci fic addresses will unprotect the device Th e
address sequence is 1823H, 1820H, 1822H, 0418H,
041BH, 0419H, 041AH. The address bus is latched on the
rising edge of OE# or CE#, whichever occurs first. A similar
seven read sequence of 1823H, 1820H, 18 22H, 0418H,
041BH, 0419H, 040AH will protect the device. Also refer to
Figures 10 and 11 for the 7 read cycle sequence Software
Data Protec tion. The I/O pins c an be in any state ( i.e ., hi gh,
low , or tri-stat e).
Write Operation Status Detection
The SST28SF/VF040 A provide three me ans to detec t the
completion of a Wr ite operation, in order to optimize th e
system Write operation. The end of a Write operation
(Erase or Program ) can be detected by t hree means: 1)
monitoring the Dat a# Polling bit, 2) monitoring the Toggle
bit, or 3) by two successiv e re ad s of t he sa me dat a. Th ese
three detection mechanisms are described below.
The actual completion of the nonvolatile Write is asynchronous with the system ; therefore, either a Data# Polling or
Toggle Bit read may be simultan eous with the co mpletion
of the Write cycle. If this occurs, the system may possibly
get an erroneous result, i.e., valid data may appear to conflict with the DQ used. In order to pr event spurious rejection, if an erroneous result occurs, the software routine
should include a loop to read the accessed location an
additional two (2) times. If bo th reads are valid, then the
device has completed the Write cycle, otherwise the rejection is valid.
Data# Polling (DQ7)
The SST28SF/VF040A feature Data# Polling to indicate
the Write ope ration status. During a Write operation, any
attempt to read the last byte loaded during the byte-load
cycle will receive the complement of the true data on DQ
Once the Write cycle is completed, DQ
will show true
data. The device is then re ady for the next operation. See
Figure 12 for Data# Polling timing waveforms. In order for
Data# Polling to function correctly, the byte being polled
must be erased prior to programming.
Toggle Bit (DQ6)
An alternati ve means for determining the Write operation
status is by monitoring the Toggle Bit, DQ
. During a Write
operation, consecutive attempts to read data from the
device will re sult in DQ
toggling between logic 0 (low) and
logic 1 (high). When the Wri te cycl e is comp leted, the toggling will stop. The device is then ready for the next operation. See Figure 13 for Toggle Bit timing waveforms.