AN0918.2: Wireless Gecko Series 1 to
Series 2 Compatibility and Migration
This porting guide is targeted at migrating an existing design from
Wireless Gecko Series 1 to Wireless Gecko Series 2. Both hardware and software migration needs to be considered.
The core and peripherals of Wireless Gecko Series 2 devices are based on the existing
MCU and Wireless Series 1 devices with better performance and lower current consumption.
This document will describe which aspects are enhanced in the peripherals common
between Series 1 and Series 2. Details for all of the new peripherals of Series 2 can be
found in the reference manual, and it is recommended to review the available example
code for assistance and recommendations.
All peripherals in the Series 1 and Series 2 devices are described in general terms. Not
all modules are present in all devices, and the feature set for each device might vary.
Such differences, including pinout, are covered in the device-specific data sheets.
• Series 2 have commonalities and
enhancements from Series 0 and Series 1
• Software and hardware migration must
both be considered when porting from a
Series 1 device to Wireless Gecko Series
2 device.
• Series 2 devices are software compatible
with the existing Series 1 devices, so only
minor changes are required for common
• Refer to the example code for specific
recommendations and assistance. | Building a more connected world.Rev. 0.2
AN0918.2: Wireless Gecko Series 1 to Series 2 Compatibility and Migration Guide
1. Device Compatibility
This application note supports multiple device families, and some functionality is different depending on the device.
MCU Series 0 consists of:
• EFM32G
Wireless MCU Series 0 consists of:
MCU Series 1 consists of:
• EFM32JG1/EFM32JG12
• EFM32PG1/EFM32PG12
• EFM32GG11/EFM32GG12
• EFM32TG11
Device Compatibility
Wireless Gecko Series 1 consists of:
• EFR32BG1/EFR32BG12/EFR32BG13/EFR32BG14
• EFR32FG1/EFR32FG12/EFR32FG13/EFR32FG14
• EFR32MG1/EFR32MG12/EFR32MG13/EFR32MG14
Wireless Gecko Series 2 consists of:
• EFR32BG21/EFR32BG22
• EFR32FG22
• EFR32MG21/EFR32MG22 | Building a more connected world.Rev. 0.2 | 2
AN0918.2: Wireless Gecko Series 1 to Series 2 Compatibility and Migration Guide
Compatibility Overview
2. Compatibility Overview
Four factors must be considered when porting a design from Series 1 to Series 2: pin compatibility, hardware compatibility, software
compatibility, and peripheral compatibility.
2.1 Pins and Hardware
Wireless Gecko Series 2 devices are not footprint compatible with Series 1 or Series 0.
More information on footprint and hardware compatibility between Series 1 and Series 2 can be found in 4. Hardware Migration.
2.2 Software and Peripherals
Software compatibility between Series 1 and Series 2 is maintained using emlib and emdrv, which are software abstraction layers built
upon the CMSIS (Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard) layer defined by Arm. These devices are not binary compatible,
meaning code compiled for Series 1 will not work after being downloaded to Series 2. However, if the software is written using the emlib
or emdrv modules, then the application code should not need to change in most cases when recompiling for the new Series 2 target.
Note: There are some small exceptions to full software compatibility across Series 1 and Series 2. For example, wake-up pins and
GPIO drive strength are implemented slightly differently on these parts, so the emlib functions have changed slightly to accommodate
these differences. Wherever possible, these details have been abstracted by emlib and emdrv. See 5.1 Peripheral Support Library (em-
lib) and Drivers (emdrv) for more information on compatibility between Series 1 and Series 2. Consult the [SDK Documentation] under
the [Getting Started] tab in Simplicity Studio for more information on the emlib and emdrv modules.
The abstraction provided by emlib and emdrv simplifies peripheral initialization and usage. Version 5.9 and later (provided by Gecko
SDK v2.7 and later) of emlib and emdrv support the following peripherals across Series 1 and Series 2:
Table 2.1. Support in emlib and emdrv for Series 1 and Series 2
emlib Peripheral Support
1. For CRYPTO, use the mbedTLS library.
emdrv Driver Support
Because emlib and emdrv modules are common across Series 1 and Series 2, the look and feel of the software development experience is familiar. In other words, developers experienced with Series 1 devices will already know how to construct software and use
peripherals on Series 2 devices. In addition, existing Series 1 designs can be quickly ported to new devices to take advantage of new
capabilities available on Series 2 by utilizing the common code base between families.
More information on software migration can be found in 5. Software Migration, and more information on peripheral commonalities and
differences can be found in 6. Peripherals Common Between Series 1 and Series 2. | Building a more connected world.Rev. 0.2 | 3
AN0918.2: Wireless Gecko Series 1 to Series 2 Compatibility and Migration Guide
3. System Overview
3.1 Core and Memory
This section compares the core and memory of Series 1 with Series 2.
Table 3.1. Core and Memory
Series 1Series 2Notes
System Overview
Arm Cortex M3 and M4 with
Debug Interface
The 2-pin serial-wire debug
(SWD) interface or a 4-pin Joint
Test Action Group (JTAG) interface.
DMA Controller (DMA)
Linked DMA Controller (LDMA)Linked DMA Controller (LDMA)The number of channels on each device can vary; differences are
Flash Program Memory
128 - 2048 kBUp to 1024 kBSeries 2 flash words are 64 bits wide vs. 32 bits on Series 1 devi-
RAM Memory
MCU Series 1:
32 - 512 kB
Wireless Gecko Series 1:
Arm Cortex M33—
The 2-pin serial-wire debug
(SWD) interface or a 4-pin Joint
Test Action Group (JTAG) interface.
Up to 96 kBSeries 2 RAM supports ECC and may require wait states at high-
Details of the debug interface (SWD, JTAG, and ETM) on each
device might vary; differences are covered in the device-specific
data sheets.
covered in the device-specific data sheets. DMADRV can assist
with family differences.
ces. Available flash memory among device family members can
vary; differences are covered in the device-specific data sheets.
er operating frequencies. RAM features and capability can vary
among devices; differences are covered in the device-specific data sheets and family reference manuals.
16 - 256 kB | Building a more connected world.Rev. 0.2 | 4
AN0918.2: Wireless Gecko Series 1 to Series 2 Compatibility and Migration Guide
4. Hardware Migration
4.1 Pin Compatibility
Series 2 Wireless SoC devices are not pin compatible with any Series 0 or Series 1 SoC or MCU.
Hardware Migration | Building a more connected world.Rev. 0.2 | 5
AN0918.2: Wireless Gecko Series 1 to Series 2 Compatibility and Migration Guide
Hardware Migration
4.2 Series 1 Peripheral Migration
The following table lists Series 1 peripherals and, if they exist, their equivalents on Series 2 devices. The RF portions of Series 2 devices are not included in this comparison.
Table 4.1. Series 1 Peripheral Functionality
Series 1Series 2Notes
Analog Interfaces
Analog to Digital Converter
Incremental Analog to Digital
Converter (IADC)
No change to system hardware is required.
Analog Port (APORT)Analog Bus (ABUS)No change to system hardware is required.
Capacitive Sense Module
—This functionality is not available on Series 2.
Operational Amplifier (OPAMP) —This functionality is not available on Series 2.
Voltage Digital to Analog Con-
—This functionality is not available on Series 2.
verter (VDAC)
Current Digital to Analog Con-
—This functionality is not available on Series 2.
verter (IDAC)
Digital Pin Routing
I/O ROUTE RegistersDigital Bus (DBUS)DBUS is a switch matrix between peripheral resources and GPIO
pins used for signal enabling and routing on Series 2 devices. No
change to system hardware is required.
Energy Management
RTCC Retention RAMBackup RAM (BURAM)No change to system hardware is required.
External Storage
External Bus Interface (EBI)—This functionality is not available on Series 2.
Quad/Octal SPI Flash Interface
—This functionality is not available on Series 2.
SDIO Host Controller (SDIO)—This functionality is not available on Series 2.
Serial Interfaces
Universal Serial Bus Controller
—This functionality is not available on Series 2.
Low Energy Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter