The Si5332-AM1/2/3 is a family of high-performance, low-jitter clock generators capable
of synthesizing five independent banks of user-programmable clock frequencies up to
333.33 MHz, while providing up to 12 differential or 24 single-ended output clocks. The
Si5332 supports free run operation using an external crystal as well as lock to an external clock signal. The output drivers are configurable to support common signal formats,
such as LVPECL, LVDS, HCSL, and LVCMOS. Separate output supply pins allow supply
voltages of 3.3 V, 2.5 V, 1.8 V and 1.5 V (CMOS only) to power the multi-format output
drivers. The core voltage supply (VDD) accepts 3.3 V, 2.5 V, or 1.8 V and is independent
from the output supplies (VDDOs). Using its two-stage synthesis architecture and patented high-resolution Multisynth technology, the Si5332 can generate three fully independent/non-harmonically-related bank frequencies from a single input frequency.
In addition to clock generation, the input clocks can bypass the synthesis stage, enabling the Si5332 to be used as a high-performance
clock buffer or a combination of a buffer and a generator. The Multisynth dividers have two sets of divide ratio registers, an A set and a
B set. The active in-use divide ratio can be switched between the A set or B set via external input pin or register control. This feature
allows for dynamic frequency shifting at ppb accuracy for applications such as frequency margining. Similar A set and B set divider
ratios are available for the integer dividers, but the ratios must be integer related. CBPro supports the configuration and use of A and B
divider sets. Spread spectrum is available for any clock output sourced from the Multisynth dividers and is available for use in EMI-
sensitive applications, such as PCI Express. The 2-wire I2C bus can be used to control and configure the Si5332. Alternatively, some
device features can be controlled by an external pin via CBPro configuration of one of more General Purpose I/O (GPIO) pins. Exam-
ples of GPIO pin assigned control are clock input selection, frequency A/B select, spread spectrum enable, output enable, or I2C address select. | Building a more connected world.Preliminary Rev. 0.2 | 3
The Si5332 VDD_core voltages are VDD_DIG, VDD_XTAL, and VDDA. These 3 VDD_core pins must all use the same voltage. Power
supply sequencing between VDD_core and any VDDOx pin is allowed in any order. However, if desiring to minimize the “bring-up” time,
it is recommended that VDD_core is powered up first; this ensures that the NVM download is completed first and the I2C master can
communicate with the Si5332 slave. The figure below shows the Si5332 device power-up sequencing and expected device behavior.
Note that a blank (unconfigured) part will stop and wait to be configured with outputs disabled.
Power supplies for
VDD_XTAL stable
Time (system time delay)
for NVM download
Program Si5332 volatile
Is this a blank part?
memory with a frequency
Time (system time delay)
for Oscillator startup/
Time (system time delay)
for input clock availability
Time (system time delay)
for PLL clock
Outputs available and
Figure 2.1. Power Supply Sequencing for Si5332 | Building a more connected world.Preliminary Rev. 0.2 | 4
The Si5332 has three input clock nodes: the XA/XB pair, the CLKIN_2/CLKIN_2# pair, and the CLKIN_3/CLKIN_3# pair.
XA/XB supports a crystal input or an external clock input whereas the CLKIN_x/CLKIN_x# pairs support ONLY external clock inputs.
The GPIO pins can be set to select the active input clock for the PLL (or the user can set the active input via register writes).
3.1 Input Clock Terminations
Supported input clock sources for the Si5332 are:
1. External crystal attached to the Si5332 XA/XB inputs.
2. External single-ended clock attached to XA (XA/CLKIN1 pin).
3. Externally supplied clock attached to available CLKIN_x/CLKINx# inputs.
3.1.1 External Crystal
An external crystal can be connected to the Si5332’s XA/XB inputs as shown below. See Table 5.4 in the Si5332 Data Sheet for crystal
specifications when selecting a crystal. Note that the external crystal specifications in Si5332 Data Sheet must be met. A list of recommended AEC-Q200 qualified crystals for the Si5332 can be found in the Silicon Labs document “Recommended Crystal ReferenceManual for Si5332, Si5357, and Si5225x Automotive Grade Clock Generators.”
Figure 3.1. External Crystal Connection
3.1.2 External Input Clock on XA Input
The XA input (XA/CLKIN1 pin) can accept an externally supplied, AC-coupled clock with maximum voltage swing of 1 Vpp. See figure
below for connection details. The XB pin must be left open with nothing connected. If using this input clock mode, it is suggested to zero
out the internal crystal loading capacitance (CL) for best performance.”
0.1 µF
Figure 3.2. External Input Clock on XA Input | Building a more connected world.Preliminary Rev. 0.2 | 5
When supplying
the AC and DC coupled differential input clock connection to the Si5332 clock inputs. (There are some restrictions to observe when
using DC coupled input clocks as described further below.) The input clock Format Termination shown in below figures is dependent on
the driver’s termination requirements. The Si5332 clock inputs are high impedance inputs and the clock driven into the Si5332 must
meet the Si5332 Data Sheet's specified electrical requirements. When using differential input clocks, the respective Si5332 input must
be configured as a differential input using CBPro.
differential input clocks into the CLKIN_x/CLKIN_x# inputs, AC or DC coupling can be used. The figures below show
The figure below shows how to connect single-ended input clocks, such as LVCMOS. The single-ended clock must be connected to the
positive CLKIN input as shown below.
For AC-coupled single-ended input clocks (such as LVCMOS) the Vswing of the clock must be limited to the maximum VDD_Core voltage. (VDD_Core is defined as the following group of VDD supply pins: VDD_DIG, VDDA, and VDD_XTAL.) The Input clock format termination is dependent on the driver format used and is usually specified by the driving device and/or industry standard clock format
For example, in the case of using a LVCMOS input clock, the driving device may recommend a series termination resistor. When using
LVCMOS input clocks the Si5332 input must be configured in LVCMOS mode in CBPro. The single-ended CLKIN input of Si5332 is a
high impedance input. | Building a more connected world.Preliminary Rev. 0.2 | 7
resonate at their specified frequency (i.e., be “on-frequency”) if the capacitive loading across the crystal’s terminals is the
same as specified by the crystal manufacturer’s loading capacitance (CL) specification. The total loading capacitance presented to the
crystal must factor in all capacitance sources such as parasitic “stray” capacitance as well as added loading capacitance. Stray capacitance comes from sources like PCB traces, capacitive coupling to nearby components, as well as any stray capacitance within the device itself. For “on-frequency” oscillator operation, all capacitance sources must be factored into determining the correct additional capacitance to be presented to the crystal to match its required CL.
The Si5332 contains variable internal loading capacitors (CL
) to provide the necessary added crystal matching capacitance such
that external matching capacitors are not needed. The figure below shows the Si5332’s internal variable capacitance and the two main
sources of stray loading capacitance, PCB stray (CLS
) and Si5332 device stray capacitance on XA/XB input pins (CLS
Internal Stray
Capacitance CLS
External Stray
Internal Variable
Figure 3.6. Sources of Crystal Loading Capacitance
Using the Si5332’s internal variable loading capacitors (CL
external stray (CLS
) and internal device capacitance (CLS
), the crystal’s required CL can be matched by adding capacitance to the
) to match the crystal’s requirements. A value for CL
must be se-
lected such that:
quired Crystal CL = CL
+ CL S
+ CL S
Or rearranged:
= C
stal CL − CL S
Note: the required Crystal CL must be greater than or equal to the total stray capacitance quantity (CLS
can’t be used as CL
is always >= 0.
− CL S
Equation 1
) or the crystal
For the following example, a Crystal CL value of 10 pf will be used. The internal stray capacitance (CLS
) of the Si5332 is 2.4 pf.
External PCB stray capacitance (CLSEXT) is usually in the order of 2-3 pf given a reasonably compact layout. The Si5332 EVB external stray capacitance is ~ 2.75 pf. Given these example values, the required CL
can be calculated as shown below, using Equation
= 10 pF − 2.4 pF − 2.75 p
As shown in the figure above, the internal variable loading capacitor (CL
connected to the XA pin (CLXA) and one to the XB pin (CLXB) of the Si5332. The CL
F = 4.85 pF
implemented by using
) is
Using Equation 1
two capacitors in
series: one
value is therefore determined by the values of
For capacitors in series, if we keep CLXA = CLXB, we can simply double the value of CL
to arrive at the correct CLXA and CL
value. (This is a technique commonly used for calculating crystal loading capacitors when external loading capacitors are used.) Now,
CLXA and CLXB values are simply: | Building a more connected world.Preliminary Rev. 0.2 | 8
Equation 3 can now be used to determine the CLXA and CLXB
of CLXA and CLXB values the Si5332 can support is 0 to 38.395 pF. CLXA and CLXB values less than 0 cannot be implemented and any
values greater than 38.395 pF cannot be implemented using internal capacitors alone. Remember, CLXA and CLXB are not derived simply from the crystal’s CL because internal and external stray capacitance must be factored into the calculations.
Once the required CLXA and CLXB have been determined using Equation 3, use the following set of formulas to calculate the required
register values to implement the desired CLXA and CLXB.
If (CL
• Register xosc_cint_ena = 0
Register xosc_ctrim_xin = Round to nearest integer (CLXA / 0.485)
To summarize, use Equation 3 to calculate CLXA/CLXB, then use the above set of formulas to calculate register values to implement
CLXA/CLXB in the Si5332. Note that external loading capacitors can be used to supplement the internal loading capacitors if necessary.
< 30.555 pF, then:
< 38.395 pF, then:
2 × C L
into Equation 2 will solve for CLXA/CLXB in single equation form:
= 2 × 4.85 pF = 9.7 pF
Crystal CL − C L
values needed to set internal CLXA and CLXB register values. The range
− C L
Equation 2
Equation 3
Note: Your unique PCB assembly’s stray capacitance value plays a role in determining correct internal capacitor settings and, conse-
quently, the crystal’s frequency of oscillation. Small differences in actual board stray capacitance value from the value you use in the
above equations will result in the crystal oscillating slightly off-frequency. Significant capacitance differences can result in significant
frequency error. | Building a more connected world.Preliminary Rev. 0.2 | 9
Si5332 features universal General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) hardware pins whose functions must be programmed in NVM to assume a pre-defined function in ClockBuilder Pro during custom configuration file development.
Table 4.1. Available GPIO Pin Functions
Function NameIn/OutDescription
OEn (up to 7)InOutput enable(s) for selected output(s).
SSENn (up to 2)InSpread spectrum enable for outputs derived from N0 / N1 divider.
FSn (up to 7)InFrequency select(s) for Dividers N0, N1, O0-O4.
CLKIN_SEL [1:0]InInput clock select pins (requires use of 2 GPIOs).
Use to add 1 to I2C device base address but is logically Or’ed with I2C ad-
dress bit 0. If device I2C base address is even, assertion will add 1 to base
address. If device I2C base address is odd, assertion or de-assertion will
not change base address.
FOOFOutFast Out Of Frequency (FOOF) signal indicates PLL is not tracking input
Note: Creation of,
(OPN) generated through CBPro and then either factory programmed, or field programmed using the CBPro Field Programming Dongle. GPIO pin functionality can be evaluated/tested on a Si5332 EVB by downloading a valid CBPro configuration into the EVB, and
asserting the GPIO pins on the EVB. New GPIO configurations, or changes to existing GPIO configurations, are not available through
Si5332 I2C register programming. Blank Si5332 devices have no GPIO configuration loaded and require burning a configuration into
device NVM with the Field Programming Dongle to configure any GPIO functionality.
CBPro will allow user configuration of the available GPIOs according to the functionality restrictions of the function selected. Some functions can share a pin, some can not. For example, a single pin can control OE of one or more outputs. Some functions require two pins,
such as CLKIN_SEL0 and CLKIN_SEL1. Some functions are mutually exclusive, for instance FS_x functions can’t share a pin with OE.
For all Si5332 devices, CBPro uses a default I2C base address of 6Ah unless the base address is changed by the user.
or changes to, device GPIO pin functionality is only available when using customized Si5332 orderable part numbers
Loss of Input Clock Signal (Input clock or xtal), active low
put. Requires external pull-up resistor to VDD_CORE.
Device reset, active high input.
reference. FOOF is an active-low open-drain output. Requires external
pull-up resistor to VDD_CORE.
open drain out- | Building a more connected world.Preliminary Rev. 0.2 | 10
The Si5332 supports output formats of LVCMOS, LVDS, LVPECL, and HCSL with some additional format specific features. Each output driver is individually programmable to any of the supported formats by use of the following registers.
Table 5.1. Output Format Related Register Fields
outx_mode: - Sets the mode of the driver. See Table 5.2 OUTx_Mode vs Output Formats on page 11
outx_cmos_inv: - Sets the inversion state of each side of the dual output driver when in CMOS driver format.
outx_cmos_slew: - Sets the slew rate of the CMOS driver.
outx_cmos_str: - Sets the output impedance of the CMOS driver (25Ω / 50Ω).
Table 5.2. OUTx_Mode vs Output Formats
OUTx_MODEDriver Mode
1CMOS on positive output only
2CMOS on negative output only
3dual CMOS outputs
42.5V/3.3V LVDS
51.8V LVDS
62.5V/3.3V LVDS fast
71.8V LVDS fast
8HCSL 50 Ω (external termination)
9HCSL 50 Ω (internal termination)
10HCSL 42.5 Ω (external termination)
11HCSL 42.5 Ω (internal termination)
The recommended termination for each output format is shown in these figures: Figure 5.1
12 and Figure 5.2 LVCMOS Termination, Option 2 on page 12.
LVCMOS Termination, Option 1 on page | Building a more connected world.Preliminary Rev. 0.2 | 11
The terminations shown in Figure 5.3 LVDS/LVDS Fast Termination, Option 1 on page 13 through Figure 5.6 LVPECL Termination,
Option 2 on page 14 can also be converted by adding DC-blocking capacitances right before the receiver pins. However, the recom-
mendation shown in Figure 5.11 LVDS Termination on page 16 is the simplest way to realize AC-coupling (i.e., the least number of
components) and the recommended circuit for AC-coupled termination circuits.
0.1 µF | Building a more connected world.Preliminary Rev. 0.2 | 16
The process described in this section is very complex to implement and/or calculate. A device register solution is most easily calculated
using CBPro and then exporting the resulting register file to simply download into the device. Using CBPro to craft your register set-ting solution is the most highly recommended approach. The following descriptions of register value calculations are for reference
The volatile memory can be programmed to set up the various functions necessary to realize a PLL function, a clock output to clock
input relationship and can be used to monitor input clock that controls the PLL. The top-level block diagram is repeated here to refresh
the various limits and possibilities that are necessary for the calculations below.
÷ P
Figure 6.1. Top-Level Block Diagram
OUT11 | Building a more connected world.Preliminary Rev. 0.2 | 17
The PLL programming involves three distinct constraints:
1. The minimum
frequency that sets the input divider P and the active input clock as selected by the IN SEL pins or registers.
2. The VCO frequency that is set by feedback divider (Mn/Md) and the PFD frequency also has a limited range that is unique to
3. The PLL closed loop transfer function characterized by its loop band width and peaking is set by programming the loop parameters.
The table below lists the constraints for the PLL reference frequency and the VCO frequency. The PLL reference frequency
(pllRefFreq) and the VCO frequency (vcoFreq) are related by the equation below:
For a given plan, the pllRefFreq can be readily solved as it is derived from the input clock frequency. To get to this optimization, the
“active” input to the PLL must be selected from the XA/XB, CLKIN_1, CLKIN_2, in 1 p/m input clocks using either the IMUX_SEL register field or the CLKIN_SEL pins (if CKIN_SEL pins are available in the custom part that was chosen to reprogrammed). PllRefFreq is
given by the In-Freq (active clock input frequency) and P as:
and the maximum frequencies possible for the PFD (Phase Frequency Detector) at lock. This is set by the reference
coFreq = pllRefFreq ×
RefFreq =
Table 6.1. Constraints for PLL Reference Frequency and VCO Frequency
Field NameValueDescription
pllMinRefFreq10 MHzThe minimum reference frequency the PLL can tolerate
pllMaxRefFreq50 MHzThe maximum reference frequency the PLL can tolerate
vcoCenterFreq2.5 GHzThe center frequency of the VCO’s tuning range
vcoMinFreq2.375 GHzThe minimum frequency of the VCO’s tuning range
vcoMaxFreq2.675 GHzThe maximum frequency of the VCO’s tuning range
List all required output frequencies, Fxy, in groups denoted by Gx, where x = 0,1,2,3,4,5 and y = a,b,c. This grouping is done such that
frequencies related
to each other by rational fractions of integers between 1 and 63 are in that group. For example, 100 MHz/80 MHz =
5/4 is a rational fraction. Each group Gx is associated with a single output voltage supply driver inside Si5332 and is shown in Table
6.2 Output Frequency Variables Grouping and Mapping to Actual Output Pins on page 18. The table also shows the output frequency
symbol Fxy mapped to the output name in the Si5332 pin descriptions. The integer O-dividers are denoted by hsdiv. Each Oi divider
maps to a hsdivi in the solver where i is an integer between 0 and 4. Similarly, the two Multisynth N-dividers, Nj map to IDj and j = 0 or
1. The constraints for these divider values are listed in Table 6.3 Constraints for hsdiv and id on page 19.
Table 6.2. Output Frequency Variables Grouping and Mapping to Actual Output Pins
Si5332 12-Output Part
Output Pair
Si5332 8-Output Part
Output Pair
Si5332 6-Output Part
Output Pair
Output Frequency
Variable for Solver
The Output Frequency
(Future Device)
OUT6OUT4OUT3F | Building a more connected world.Preliminary Rev. 0.2 | 18
hsdivMinDiv8The minimum divide value that the HSDIV can support
hsdivMaxDiv255The maximum divide value that the HSDIV can support
idMinDiv10The minimum divide value that the ID can support
idMaxDiv255The maximum divide value that the ID can support
Each output frequency Foutxy is given by:
Si5332 8-Output Part
Output Pair
Si5332 6-Output Part
Output Pair
Table 6.3. Constraints for hsdiv and id
Output Frequency
Variable for Solver
The Output Frequency
For the integer dividers (O0 – O4):
outxy =
For the fractional dividers (N0, N1):
utxy =
or N
An hsdivPllRefFreq that satisfies the constraints in Table 6.4 Loop BW Options on page 20. The search for VcoFreq can be broken down into
the following steps:
1. From the output frequency set, form a set of “M” non-equal frequencies. Group the (N-M) equal frequencies into the same “x” in
Foutxy grouping
2. Now form MC2 groups of {M-2} output frequencies. Find the LCM of each group and find an integer “I” that can such that:
a. vcoFreq = I*LCM can meet the constraint for vcoFreq in Table 6.1 Constraints for PLL Reference Frequency and VCO Fre-
b. List the “L” groups that provide a legal vcoFreq, i.e., a vcoFreq that satisfies the condition in step a.
Given that vcoFreq, calculate the fractional feedback divider as:
The Mn/Md
divider is common for output frequencies grouped in a given Gx. Given these constraints, the solver must first choose a
c. Choose the vcoFreq that has most number of performance critical clocks that do not need “spread spectrum” clocking as part
of the “M-2” output clocks.
fraction is represented in register fields IDPA_INTG, IDPA_RES and IDPA_DEN
PA_INTG = floor
hsdivj × Rxy
Nxj × Rxy
128 × vcoFreq
As can be seen from the above equations, the ratio IDPA_RES/ IDPA_DEN will always be less than 1. | Building a more connected world.Preliminary Rev. 0.2 | 19
Note: All these register fields are 15 bits wide. Therefore, the fraction will need to truncate up to this precision. This section fully deter-
the VCO frequency, the P-divider and the feedback divider for this plan given the choice of using O-dividers {HSDIV} for M-2
output clocks and N-dividers {ID} for two output clocks.
The next step will be to determine the closed loop response that is required from the PLL. The table below lists the different loop BW
settings possible and the register field value that will enable that loop BW setting:
This algorithm will result in a final solution for a VCO frequency, vcoFreq, that can then be used to calculate the O-divider, N-divider,
and R-divider values needed to derive each output frequency, Foutxy. | Building a more connected world.Preliminary Rev. 0.2 | 20
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