BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart
Module Data Sheet
The Blue Gecko BGM113 is a Bluetooth® Smart Module targeted for Bluetooth Smart
applications where small size, reliable RF, low-power consumption, and easy application
development are key requirements. At +3 dBm TX power, BGM113 is ideal for applications requiring short and medium range Bluetooth Smart connectivity.
The BGM113 integrates all of the necessary elements required for a Bluetooth Smart application: Bluetooth radio, software stack, and GATT-based profiles, and it can also host
end user applications, which means no external microcontroller is required in size, price
or power constrained devices. The BGM113 Bluetooth Smart Module also has highly
flexible hardware interfaces to connect to different peripherals or sensors.
BGM113 can be used in a wide variety of applications:
• IoT Sensors and End Devices
• Commercial and Retail
Health and Wellness
• Industrial, Home and Building Automation
• Smart Phone, Tablet and PC Accessories
32.768kHz XTAL
38.4MHz XTAL
Clock Management
High Frequency
Crystal Oscillator
Low Frequency
RC Oscillator
Low Frequency
Crystal Oscillator
32-bit bus
Peripheral Reflex System
Low Energy
High Frequency
RC Oscillator
Auxiliary High
RC Oscillator
Ultra Low
RC Oscillator
I/O PortsAnalog I/F
External Interrupts
General Purpose
Pin Reset
Pin Wakeup
ARM Cortex M4 processor
with DSP extensions and FPU
Flash Program
RAM MemoryDebug Interface DMA Controller
Chip Antenna
Core / Memory
Memory Protection
RF Frontend
Radio Transceiver
• Bluetooth 4.1 Compliant (Bluetooth Smart)
• Software upgradable to Bluetooth 4.2
Integrated antenna
• TX power: up to +3 dBm
• RX sensitivity: down to -93 dBm
• Range: up to 50 meters
• 32-bit ARM® Cortex®-M4 core at 38.4
• Flash memory: 256kB
• RAM: 32 kB
• Autonomous Hardware Crypto Accelerator
and True Random Number Generator
Initial production. This (V1) product code is updated to production version (V2) when the logos of the official CE and FCC certifi-
cations are marked into the RF shield. The only visual difference between initial production (V1) and production (V2) versions will
be the certification codes printed on the RF shield. Silicon Labs reserves the right to deliver V2 (production version) for customers
ordering V1.
Blue Gecko Bluetooth Smart Module Wireless Development Kit (WSTK) with BGM113 and BGM111 radio boards, expansion
board and accessories.
BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data Sheet
System Overview
3. System Overview
3.1 Introduction
The BGM113 product family combines an energy-friendly MCU with a highly integrated radio transceiver. The devices are well suited
for any battery operated application, as well as other system requiring high performance and low-energy consumption. This section
gives a short introduction to the full radio and MCU system. The detailed functional description can be found in the EFR32 ReferenceManual.
A detailed block diagram of the EFR32BG SoC is shown in the figure below which is used in the BGM113 Bluetooth Smart module.
RF Frontend
Energy Management
Radio Transciever
Brown Out /
ARM Cortex-M4 Core
Up to 256 KB ISP Flash
Program Memory
Up to 32 KB RAM
Memory Protection Unit
Floating Point Unit
DMA Controller
Serial Wire Debug /
Clock Management
Port I/O Configuration
Digital Peripherals
Analog Peripherals
12-bit ADC
Analog Comparator
Input MUX
Port A
Port B
Port C
Port D
Port F
Figure 3.1. Detailed EFR32BG1 Block Diagram
3.2 Radio
The BGM113 features a radio transceiver supporting Bluetooth Smart® protocol.
3.2.1 Antenna Interface
The BGM113
has a built in 2.4GHz ceramic chip antenna.
Table 3.1. Antenna Efficiency and Peak Gain
ParameterWith optimal layout Note
Efficiency30%Efficiency and peak gain depend on the application PCB layout
BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data Sheet
System Overview
The Wake
on Radio feature allows flexible, autonomous RF sensing, qualification, and demodulation without required MCU activity, us-
ing a subsystem of the BGM113 including the Radio Controller (RAC), Peripheral Reflex System (PRS), and Low Energy peripherals.
The RFSENSE module generates a system wakeup interrupt upon detection of wideband RF energy at the antenna interface, providing
true RF wakeup capabilities from low energy modes including EM2, EM3 and EM4.
RFSENSE triggers on a relatively strong RF signal and is available in the lowest energy modes, allowing exceptionally low energy consumption. RFSENSE does not demodulate or otherwise qualify the received signal, but software may respond to the wakeup event by
enabling normal RF reception.
Various strategies for optimizing power consumption and system response time in presence of false alarms may be employed using
available timer peripherals.
3.2.4 Packet and State Trace
The BGM113 Frame Controller has a packet and state trace unit that provides valuable information during the development phase. It
• Non-intrusive trace of transmit data, receive data and state information
• Data observability on a single-pin UART data output, or on a two-pin SPI data output
• Configurable data output bitrate / baudrate
• Multiplexed transmitted data, received data and state / meta information in a single serial data stream
3.2.5 Data Buffering
The BGM113 features an advanced Radio Buffer Controller (BUFC) capable of handling up to 4 buffers of adjustable size from 64 bytes
to 4096 bytes. Each buffer can be used for RX, TX or both. The buffer data is located in RAM, enabling zero-copy operations.
3.2.6 Radio Controller (RAC)
The Radio Controller controls the top level state of the radio subsystem in the BGM113. It performs the following tasks:
• Precisely-timed control of enabling and disabling of the receiver and transmitter circuitry
• Run-time calibration of receiver, transmitter and frequency synthesizer
• Detailed frame transmission timing, including optional LBT or CSMA-CA
3.2.7 Random Number Generator
The Frame Controller (FRC) implements a random number generator that uses entropy gathered from noise in the RF receive chain.
The data is suitable for use in cryptographic applications.
Output from the random number generator can be used either directly or as a seed or entropy source for software-based random number generator algorithms such as Fortuna.
an Energy Management Unit (EMU) and efficient integrated regulators to generate internal supply voltages. Only a
single external supply voltage is required, from which all internal voltages are created. An integrated DC-DC buck regulator is utilized to
further reduce the current consumption.
3.3.1 Energy Management Unit (EMU)
The Energy Management Unit manages transitions of energy modes in the device. Each energy mode defines which peripherals and
features are available and the amount of current the device consumes. The EMU can also be used to turn off the power to unused RAM
blocks, and it contains control registers for the dc-dc regulator and the Voltage Monitor (VMON). The VMON is used to monitor multiple
supply voltages. It has multiple channels which can be programmed individually by the user to determine if a sensed supply has fallen
below a chosen threshold.
3.3.2 DC-DC Converter
The DC-DC buck converter covers a wide range of load currents and provides up to 90% efficiency in energy modes EM0, EM1, EM2
and EM3. Patented RF noise mitigation allows operation of the DC-DC converter without degrading sensitivity of radio components.
Protection features include programmable current limiting, short-circuit protection, and dead-time protection. The DC-DC converter may
also enter bypass mode when the input voltage is too low for efficient operation. In bypass mode, the DC-DC input supply is internally
connected directly to its output through a low resistance switch. Bypass mode also supports in-rush current limiting to prevent input
supply voltage droops due to excessive output current transients.
3.4 General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)
BGM113 has up to 14 General Purpose Input/Output pins. Each GPIO pin can be individually configured as either an output or input.
More advanced configurations including open-drain, open-source, and glitch-filtering can be configured for each individual GPIO pin.
The GPIO pins can be overridden by peripheral connections, like SPI communication. Each peripheral connection can be routed to several GPIO pins on the device. The input value of a GPIO pin can be routed through the Peripheral Reflex System to other peripherals.
The GPIO subsystem supports asynchronous external pin interrupts.
3.5 Clocking
3.5.1 Clock Management Unit (CMU)
The Clock Management Unit controls oscillators and clocks in the BGM113. Individual enabling and disabling of clocks to all peripheral
modules is perfomed by the CMU. The CMU also controls enabling and configuration of the oscillators. A high degree of flexibility allows software to optimize energy consumption in any specific application by minimizing power dissipation in unused peripherals and
3.5.2 Internal Oscillators
The BGM113 fully integrates two crystal oscillators and four RC oscillators, listed below.
• A 38.4MHz high frequency crystal oscillator (HFXO) provides a precise timing reference for the MCU and radio.
• A 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator (LFXO) provides an accurate timing reference for low energy modes.
• An integrated high frequency RC oscillator (HFRCO) is available for the MCU system, when crystal accuracy is not required. The
HFRCO employs fast startup at minimal energy consumption combined with a wide frequency range.
• An integrated auxilliary high frequency RC oscillator (AUXHFRCO) is available for timing the general-purpose ADC and the Serial
Wire debug port with a wide frequency range.
• An integrated low frequency 32.768 kHz RC oscillator (LFRCO) can be used as a timing reference in low energy modes, when crystal accuracy is not required.
• An integrated ultra-low frequency 1 kHz RC oscillator (ULFRCO) is available to provide a timing reference at the lowest energy consumption in low energy modes.
BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data Sheet
System Overview
TIMER peripherals
keep track of timing, count events, generate PWM outputs and trigger timed actions in other peripherals through the
PRS system. The core of each TIMER is a 16-bit counter with up to 4 compare/capture channels. Each channel is configurable in one
of three modes. In capture mode, the counter state is stored in a buffer at a selected input event. In compare mode, the channel output
reflects the comparison of the counter to a programmed threshold value. In PWM mode, the TIMER supports generation of pulse-width
modulation (PWM) outputs of arbitrary waveforms defined by the sequence of values written to the compare registers, with optional
dead-time insertion available in timer unit TIMER_0 only.
3.6.2 Real Time Counter and Calendar (RTCC)
The Real Time Counter and Calendar (RTCC) is a 32-bit counter providing timekeeping in all energy modes. The RTCC includes a
Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) calendar mode for easy time and date keeping. The RTCC can be clocked by any of the on-board oscillators with the exception of the AUXHFRCO, and it is capable of providing system wake-up at user defined instances. When receiving
frames, the RTCC value can be used for timestamping. The RTCC includes 128 bytes of general purpose data retention, allowing easy
and convenient data storage in all energy modes.
3.6.3 Low Energy Timer (LETIMER)
The unique LETIMER is a 16-bit timer that is available in energy mode EM2 Deep Sleep in addition to EM1 Sleep and EM0 Active. This
allows it to be used for timing and output generation when most of the device is powered down, allowing simple tasks to be performed
while the power consumption of the system is kept at an absolute minimum. The LETIMER can be used to output a variety of waveforms with minimal software intervention. The LETIMER is connected to the Real Time Counter and Calendar (RTCC), and can be configured to start counting on compare matches from the RTCC.
3.6.4 Ultra Low Power Wake-up Timer (CRYOTIMER)
The CRYOTIMER is a 32-bit counter that is capable of running in all energy modes. It can be clocked by either the 32.768 kHz crystal
oscillator (LFXO), the 32.768 kHz RC oscillator (LFRCO), or the 1 kHz RC oscillator (ULFRCO). It can provide periodic Wakeup events
and PRS signals which can be used to wake up peripherals from any energy mode. The CRYOTIMER provides a wide range of interrupt periods, facilitating flexible ultra-low energy operation.
3.6.5 Pulse Counter (PCNT)
The Pulse Counter (PCNT) peripheral can be used for counting pulses on a single input or to decode quadrature encoded inputs. The
clock for PCNT is selectable from either an external source on pin PCTNn_S0IN or from an internal timing reference, selectable from
among any of the internal oscillators, except the AUXHFRCO. The module may operate in energy mode EM0 Active, EM1 Sleep, EM2
Deep Sleep, and EM3 Stop.
3.6.6 Watchdog Timer (WDOG)
The watchdog timer can act both as an independent watchdog or as a watchdog synchronous with the CPU clock. It has windowed
monitoring capabilities, and can generate a reset or different interrupts depending on the failure mode of the system. The watchdog can
also monitor autonomous systems driven by PRS.
The Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter is a flexible serial I/O module. It supports full duplex asynchronous
UART communication with hardware flow control as well as RS-485, SPI, MicroWire and 3-wire. It can also interface with devices supporting:
3.7.2 Low Energy Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (LEUART)
BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module
System Overview
Data Sheet
The unique
LEUARTTM provides two-way UART communication on a strict power budget. Only a 32.768 kHz clock is needed to allow
UART communication up to 9600 baud. The LEUART includes all necessary hardware to make asynchronous serial communication
possible with a minimum of software intervention and energy consumption.
3.7.3 Inter-Integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)
The I2C module provides an interface between the MCU and a serial I2C bus. It is capable of acting as both a master and a slave and
supports multi-master buses. Standard-mode, fast-mode and fast-mode plus speeds are supported, allowing transmission rates from 10
kbit/s up to 1 Mbit/s. Slave arbitration and timeouts are also available, allowing implementation of an SMBus-compliant system. The
interface provided to software by the I2C module allows precise timing control of the transmission process and highly automated transfers. Automatic recognition of slave addresses is provided in active and low energy modes.
3.7.4 Peripheral Reflex System (PRS)
The Peripheral Reflex System provides a communication network between different peripheral modules without software involvement.
Peripheral modules producing Reflex signals are called producers. The PRS routes Reflex signals from producers to consumer peripherals which in turn perform actions in response. Edge triggers and other functionality can be applied by the PRS. The PRS allows peripheral to act autonomously without waking the MCU core, saving power.
The GPCRC module implements a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) function. It supports both 32-bit and 16-bit polynomials. The supported 32-bit polynomial is 0x04C11DB7 (IEEE 802.3), while the 16-bit polynomial can be programmed to any value, depending on the
needs of the application.
3.8.2 Crypto Accelerator (CRYPTO)
The Crypto Accelerator is a fast and energy-efficient autonomous hardware encryption and decryption accelerator. It supports AES encryption and decryption with 128- or 256-bit keys and ECC over both GF(P) and GF(2m), SHA-1 and SHA-2 (SHA-224 and SHA-256).
Supported modes of operation for AES include: ECB, CTR, CBC, PCBC, CFB, OFB, CBC-MAC, GMAC and CCM.
Supported ECC NIST recommended curves include P-192, P-224, P-256, K-163, K-233, B-163 and B-233.
The CRYPTO is tightly linked to the Radio Buffer Controller (BUFC) enabling fast and efficient autonomous cipher operations on data
buffer content. It allows fast processing of GCM (AES), ECC and SHA with little CPU intervention. CRYPTO also provides trigger signals for DMA read and write operations.
3.9 Analog
3.9.1 Analog Port (APORT)
The Analog Port (APORT) is an analog interconnect matrix allowing access to analog modules ADC, ACMP, and IDAC on a flexible
selection of pins. Each APORT bus consists of analog switches connected to a common wire. Since many clients can operate differentially, buses are grouped by X/Y pairs.
3.9.2 Analog Comparator (ACMP)
The Analog Comparator is used to compare the voltage of two analog inputs, with a digital output indicating which input voltage is higher. Inputs are selected from among internal references and external pins. The tradeoff between response time and current consumption
is configurable by software. Two 6-bit reference dividers allow for a wide range of internally-programmable reference sources. The
ACMP can also be used to monitor the supply voltage. An interrupt can be generated when the supply falls below or rises above the
programmable threshold.
is a Successive Approximation Register (SAR) architecture, with a resolution of up to 12 bits at up to 1 MSamples/s. The
output sample resolution is configurable and additional resolution is possible using integrated hardware for averaging over multiple
samples. The ADC includes integrated voltage references and an integrated temperature sensor. Inputs are selectable from a wide
range of sources, including pins configurable as either single-ended or differential.
3.9.4 Digital to Analog Current Converter (IDAC)
The Digital to Analog Current Converter can source or sink a configurable constant current. This current can be driven on an output pin
or routed to the selected ADC input pin for capacitive sensing. The current is programmable between 0.05 µA and 64 µA with several
ranges with various step sizes.
3.10 Reset Management Unit (RMU)
The RMU is responsible for handling reset of the BGM113. A wide range of reset sources are available, including several power supply
monitors, pin reset, software controlled reset, core lockup reset and watchdog reset.
3.11 Core and Memory
3.11.1 Processor Core
The ARM Cortex-M4F processor includes a 32-bit RISC processor integrating the following features and tasks in the system:
• ARM Cortex-M4F RISC processor achieving 1.25 Dhrystone MIPS/MHz
• Memory Protection Unit (MPU) supporting up to 8 memory segments
• 256 KB flash program memory
• 32 KB RAM data memory
• Configuration and event handling of all modules
• 2-pin Serial-Wire debug interface
3.11.2 Memory System Controller (MSC)
The Memory System Controller (MSC) is the program memory unit of the microcontroller. The flash memory is readable and writable
from both the Cortex-M and DMA. The flash memory is divided into two blocks; the main block and the information block. Program code
is normally written to the main block, whereas the information block is available for special user data and flash lock bits. There is also a
read-only page in the information block containing system and device calibration data. Read and write operations are supported in energy modes EM0 Active and EM1 Sleep.
3.11.3 Linked Direct Memory Access Controller (LDMA)
The Linked Direct Memory Access (LDMA) controller features 8 channels capable of performing memory operations independently of
software. This reduces both energy consumption and software workload. The LDMA allows operations to be linked together and staged, enabling sophisticated operations to be implemented.
BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data Sheet
Electrical Specifications
4. Electrical Specifications
4.1 Electrical Characteristics
All electrical parameters in all tables are specified under the following conditions, unless stated otherwise:
• Typical values are based on T
• Radio performance numbers are measured in conducted mode.
• Minimum and maximum values represent the worst conditions across supply voltage, process variation, and an operating temperature of -40 to +85 °C, unless stated otherwise.
Refer to Table 4.2 General Operating Conditions on page 12 for more details about operational supply and temperature limits.
4.1.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
Stresses above those listed below may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of
the devices at those or any other conditions above those indicated in the operation listings of this specification is not implied. Exposure
to maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
ParameterSymbolTest ConditionMinTypMaxUnit
=25 °C and VDD= 3.3 V, by production test and/or technology characterization.
Table 4.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Storage temperature rangeT
External main supply voltage V
External main supply voltage
——1V / μs
ramp rate
Voltage on any 5V tolerant
GPIO pin
-0.3—Min of 5.25
Voltage on non-5V tolerant
GPIO pins
Total current into VSS ground
lines (sink)
Current per I/O pin (sink)I
Current per I/O pin (source)——50mA
Current for all I/O pins (sink)I
Current for all I/O pins
When a GPIO pin is routed to the analog module through the APORT, the maximum voltage = IOVDD.
BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data Sheet
Electrical Specifications RF Transmitter Characteristics for Bluetooth Smart
in the 2.4 GHz Band
Table 4.10. RF Transmitter Characteristics for Bluetooth Smart in the 2.4GHz Band
ParameterSymbolTest ConditionMinTypMaxUnit
Transmit 6dB bandwidthTXBW—740—kHz
Power spectral density limitPSD
Per FCC part 15.247—-6.5—dBm/
Per ETSI 300.328 at 10 dBm/1
Occupied channel bandwidth
per ETSI EN300.328
In-band spurious emissions,
with allowed exceptions
Emissions of harmonics outof-band, per FCC part
Spurious emissions out-ofband, per FCC part 15.247,
excluding harmonics captured in SPUR
. Re-
99% BW at highest and lowest
channels in band
At ±2 MHz—-39.8—dBm
At ±3 MHz—-42.1—dBm
2nd,3rd, 5, 6, 8, 9,10 harmonics;
continuous transmission of modulated carrier
Above 2.483 GHz or below 2.4
GHz; continuous transmission of
modulated carrier
stricted Bands
Spurious emissions out-ofband, per FCC part 15.247,
excluding harmonics captured in SPUR
Above 2.483 GHz or below 2.4
GHz; continuous transmission of
modulated carrier
Non Restricted Bands
Spurious emissions out-ofband; per ETSI 300.328
[2400-BW to 2400] MHz, [2483.5
to 2483.5+BW] MHz
[2400-2BW to 2400-BW] MHz,
[2483.5+BW to 2483.5+2BW]
MHz per ETSI 300.328
Spurious emissions per ETSI
47-74 MHz,87.5-108 MHz,
174-230 MHz, 470-862 MHz
25-1000 MHz—-42—dBm
1-12 GHz—-36—dBm
Per Bluetooth Core_4.2, Section 3.2.2, exceptions are allowed in up to three bands of 1 MHz width, centered on a frequency
which is an integer multiple of 1 MHz. These exceptions shall have an absolute value of -20 dBm or less.
For 2480 Mhz, a maximum duty cycle of 20% is used to achieve this value.