This application note presents a discussion about
software UART implementation on C8051Fxxx
devices. Two complete examples are given: a C
program using the PCA as the baud rate source, and
an assembly program using Timer 0 as the baud
rate source.
Implementation Options
The essential trade-off to consider when implementing a software UART (SW UART) is between
hardware usage and speed/efficiency. Designs that
utilize more hardware are likely to consume less
CPU bandwidth and allow higher bit rates. This
trade-off is discussed below.
Baud Rate Sources
An interrupt must be generated for each bit that is
transferred; at a full-duplex 115.2 kbps, that’s an
interrupt every 4.3 µs. The method of generating
these interrupts (baud rate source) determines to a
large extent how much overhead the implementation consumes. Available options include: 8-bit
timers, 16-bit timers, and the Programmable
Counter Array (PCA). Note that for full-duplex
operation, two baud rate sources are required (one
each for transmit and receive).
Key Features
The two software examples were designed to
closely mimic the hardware UART while still preserving hardware resources and CPU bandwidth.
The following is a list of key features found in both
•An interface similar to the hardware UART,
with user-level transmit and receive interrupts.
•Interrupt or polled mode access support.
•Full-duplex communication up to 57.6 kbps
using an 18.432 MHz clock source.
•State-based, interrupt-driven implementation,
requiring minimal CPU overhead.
•Minimal hardware usage:
- ‘C’ example uses two PCA modules.
- Assembly example uses Timer 0 in Mode 3.
The use of 8-bit timers allows one of the 16-bit
hardware timers to be used for both transmit and
receive baud rate generation. Timer 0 offers this
capability in Mode 3. Note that when Timer 0 is in
this mode, Timer 1 functionality is reduced; however, Timer 1 may still provide baud rate generation for the hardware UART (HW UART). Using
8-bit timers preserves hardware resources, but does
introduce some overhead and latency issues. These
issues are discussed in Example 2.
An alternative to the above solution is the use of
16-bit auto-reload timers. In this case two of the 16
bit hardware timers are occupied by the SW UART-
-one for transmit and one for receive. Any of the
available timers will suffice, but the auto-reload
feature on Timer 2 and Timer 3 reduces overhead,
and eliminates any interrupt latency issues. Additionally, 16-bit timers support a wider range of
baud rates.
The Programmable Counter Array (PCA) also provides an excellent solution for the SW UART, as
demonstrated in the provided ‘C’ example. The
PCA consists of a dedicated 16-bit counter/timer
and five 16-bit capture/compare modules. Each of
these modules may be configured to trigger an
interrupt when the PCA counter matches the associated compare module’s contents. Since the PCA
counter runs uninterrupted, this solution avoids the
problem of accumulated interrupt latency. The
PCA implementation is not available on
C8051F2xx devices.
Additional Considerations
Each of the above timer sources may be clocked by
SYSCLK or an external signal. In the provided
examples, baud rate sources are clocked by
SYSCLK, which is derived from an external
18.432 MHz crystal. Any baud rate/crystal fre-
quency combination is allowed, though software
overhead limits the maximum baud rate-toSYSCLK ratio.
START bit detection is also a concern for the SW
UART receiver. C8051F00x and C8051F01x
devices offer many external interrupt sources, several of which can be configured to detect falling
edges. Both example programs utilize external
interrupts for START detection.
Program Structure
In software timer mode, the PCA can generate an
interrupt when the PCA counter matches a value in
of one of the compare modules. Since the PCA
counter runs uninterrupted, the modules can be
updated each bit time to accurately produce the
next bit time. In addition, the PCA offers a capture
function that is useful in START bit detection.
The PCA modules may be routed via the crossbar
to external signals. These signals (called CEXn for
module n) can be used to trigger PCA counter captures. This feature is exploited in the SW UART
receiver. START bit recognition is accomplished
with module 0 configured to capture the PCA
counter contents upon a falling edge on the RX pin.
This function offers two benefits: (1) START bit
detection is easily accomplished; and (2) since the
capture is performed immediately as the edge is
detected, the bit sample timing is immune to interrupt latency.
The transmit and receive operations for Example 1
are implemented as two independent state
Example 1: Programmable
Counter Array
Example 1 uses two PCA modules to generate the
receive and transmit baud rates (modules 0 and 1,
respectively). The modules are configured in software timer mode to generate baud rate interrupts.
An introduction to the PCA can be found in
2Rev. 1.1
Figure 1. T ransmit and Receive State Machines
State 0
: Transmit START bit.
- Drop TX pin as START condition.
- Update Baud Rate source for next bit time.
- Increment state variable.
State 1-9
:Transmit Bit.
- Shift LSB of Transmit Data onto TX pin.
- Shift STOP bit into MSB of Transmit Data.
- Update Baud Rate source for next bit time.
- Increment state variable.
State 10
: STOP bit transmitted.
- Indicate Transmit complete.
- Trigger user-level interrupt if enabled.
- Reset Transmitter to Idle state.
Transmit State Machine
Interrupt Sources
State 0
: Start bit detected.
- Load Baud Rate source f or 3/2 bit time.
- Increment state variable.
State 1-8
: Bit Received.
- Shift value of RX pin into RX shift register.
- Update Baud Rate source for next bit time.
- Increment state variable.
State 9
: Capture STOP bit.
- Indicate Receive complete.
- Trigger user-level interrupt if enabled.
- Reset Receiver to Idle state.
Receive State Machine
Interrupt Sources
1) User (begin TX)
2) Bit Time Generator
1) START detection
2) Bit Time Generator
Figure 2. SW UART Bit Timing
3/2 Bit-Time1 Bit-Time
machines in the PCA ISR. The state machines are
illustrated in Figure 1.
Receive State Machine
When the SW UART is initialized, the PCA
module 0 is configured for negative-edge capture
mode. Its input, CEX0, is routed via the crossbar to
a GPIO pin (P0.2, SW_RX). With the state
machine in State 0, an interrupt is generated when a
falling edge is detected on SW_RX. Since the module is in capture mode, the contents of the PCA
counter are loaded into the module 0 capture registers. Note that this value is independent of interrupt
latency. Module 0 is switched to software timer
mode after the START bit is detected, and 3/2 bittime is added to the module 0 capture register. The
extra 1/2 bit-time is used only after the start bit is
detected, so that sampling will occur during the
middle of the next bit period (see Figure 2). When
the PCA counter reaches the value held in the
module 0 capture registers, the first bit-sampling
interrupt (LSB in this case) occurs.
States 1-8 execute on module match interrupts. In
each state, bits are sampled from SW_RX and
shifted into the RXSHIFT variable. The PCA
module 0 contents are updated in each state to provide the next bit-time interrupt (1 bit time is added
Rev. 1.13
1) Read RDR.
2) Clear SRI
To Receive
1) Write data to TDR.
2) Set CCF1 to
initiate transmit.
To Transmit
End RX
End TX
1) Define SYSCLK and desired
3) Set SES if user-level interrupt
support is desired.
4) Set SREN to enable th e SW UART
1) Clear STI
Figure 3. Example 1 User-Level Polled
Mode Interface
to the compare registers). The state variable is also
State 9 captures the STOP bit, posts SRI, and
returns the receiver to Idle state.
Transmit State Machine
A user initiates a transmit by forcing a PCA
module 1 interrupt (setting CCF1=1). In State 0,
the TX pin is forced low to generate the START
condition. The PCA counter is read, and this value
plus one bit-time is loaded into to the module 1
capture registers. Note that a few SYSCLKs will
pass between the time the START bit is generated
and when the PCA counter is read. This is the only
instance in Example 1 where interrupt latency
affects the bit time. The effect is negligible (worst
case ~ 1/16 bit-time for 57.6 kbps and an
18.432 MHz SYSCLK).
States 1-9 are executed on module match interrupts. In each state, a bit is shifted out of the LSB
of TDR, and a ‘1’ shifted in the MSB of TDR to
represent the STOP bit. One bit time is added to the
PCA module 1 capture registers to generate the
next bit time. After 9 shifts, the data byte + STOP
bit have been transmitted. The Transmit Complete
indicator (STI) is set, the Transmit Busy indicator
(STXBSY) is cleared, and the TX state variable is
procedure for Example 1 is shown in Figure 3.
Program Interface
The SW UART supports both polled and interruptdriven interfacing. Polled support is configured by
disabling user-level interrupts (SES=0). The transmit and receive indicators (STI and SRI, respectively) can then be polled for transfer completions.
The initialization and polled mode programming
4Rev. 1.1
The initialization routine, SW_UART_INIT, configures the PCA, interrupts, and state variables for
Figure 4. Example 1 User-Level
Interrupt Mode Interface
Exit ISR
STI || SRI1) Re-trigger IE7
1) Read RDR.
2) Clear SRI
IE7 Interrupt
1) Clear STI
2) Write new data to
3) Set CCF1 to
initate transmit.
Clear IE7 Interrupt
Figure 5. Example 1 Test
P0.0 (HW_TX)
P0.3 (SW_RX)
P0.1 (HW_RX)
P0.2 (SW_TX)
use in the SW UART. The SW_UART_ENABLE
routine enables the SW UART. The SREN bit must
be set to enable the receiver. Note that the
TIME_COUNT constant is calculated by the software from the BAUD_RATE and SYSCLK constants.
If user-level interrupt support is enabled (SES=1),
an IE7 interrupt is generated each time a transmit
or receive is completed. As with the hardware
UART, user software must check the transmit/
receive complete flags to determine the source of
the interrupt. In the event that a transmit and
receive are completed simultaneously, the user
software will receive only one interrupt. The IE7
ISR must be capable of handling this situation. T w o
options are available: (1) service both transmit and
receive in the same ISR execution, or (2) service
one (STI or SRI) and force an interrupt so that the
ISR is called again to service the other. The second
option is recommended to minimize ISR execution
Test code is provided to interface the SW UART
with the HW UART. Connect jumper wires as
shown in Figure 5.
To use the software in interrupt mode, set SES=1.
The programming procedure for interrupt mode is
shown in Figure 4.
The test code routines configure and enable the
HW UART in Mode 1 using Timer 1 as the baud
rate source. Timer 1 is also configured. Different
baud rates and crystals may be tested by changing
the BAUD_RATE and SYSCLK constants. Both
HW and SW UART baud rate counts are calculated
by the software from these constants. The testing
routines transmit 15 characters in both directions.
Rev. 1.15
T o test the SW UART in polled mode, comment the
and uncomment the line
Reverse the above steps to test the SW UART in
interrupt mode. Uncomment the line
And comment the line
The longest states in Example 2 require 113
SYSCLKs (TX States 1-9). For an 18.432 MHz
crystal, a SW UART transmit or receive operation
will require a worst case 6 µs per bit transferred
bandwidth for a transmit or receive (70% for fullduplex). For the Example 1 software compiled with
the Keil compiler, the full-duplex overhead may be
approximated by the following equation:
FD Overhead(%) ~ = BAUD_RATE/81,000
). At 57.6 kbps, that’s ~35% of CPU
With Timer 0 in Mode 3, Timer 1 may not set the
TF1 flag, generate an interrupt, or be clocked by
external signals. However, Timer 1 may still operate as a baud rate generator for the HW UART if
configured in Mode 2 (8-bit timer w/auto-reload).
While Timer 0 is in Mode 3, Timer 1 may be
enabled/disabled through its mode settings. Timer
1 is disabled in Mode 3, and enabled in all other
With Timer 1 as the HW UART baud rate source,
this solution is perhaps the most efficient use of
hardware resources. The downside is increased
software overhead (relative to the 16-bit timer solution). Timer 0 Mode 3 does not offer auto-reload
capabilities; the manual timer reload requires a 16bit move in each interrupt service routine (ISR)
iteration. In addition, interrupt latency will affect
the bit-time accuracy. A correction constant can be
factored into the timer preload values to compensate for typical interrupt latency, but variations in
interrupt latency are unaccounted for.
Slower baud rates may require more than 8-bits of
timer counts for each bit time. With SYSCLK at
18.432 MHz and Timer 0 in SYSCLK/1 mode,
baud rates below 72 kbps require more than 256
timer counts. Available options include:
Per the above equation, baud rates above 80 kbps
are not supported for full duplex operation. The
overhead penalty is only incurred while the SW
UART is performing a transfer. The code listing
begins on page 10.
Example 2: 8-Bit Timer
In Example1 the SW UART uses Timer0 in
Mode 3. In this mode, Timer 0 is split into two 8bit timers: one is used for transmitting and one for
receiving. TL0 is used as the receive timer; TH0 is
used as the transmit timer.
6Rev. 1.1
1) Use Timer 0 in SYSCLK/12 mode. Slower baud
rates may be achieved with 8 bits, but standard
baud rate/SYSCLK combinations are more difficult
to obtain.
2) Use Timer 0 in SYSCLK/1 mode, and keep an
upper timer byte manually in the timer ISR. Note
that this method will generate an interrupt every
256 SYSCLKs for each transmit and receive,
regardless of the baud rate (an interrupt each time
the lower 8-bits overflow). The Example 2 software demonstrates option #2.
Program Structure
The transmit and receive operations for Example 2
are implemented as two independent state
machines in the Timer 0 and Timer 1 ISRs (see
Figure 1 on page 3). The Timer 0 ISR is used to
manage the receive state machine; the Timer 1 ISR
manages the transmit state machine. The /INT0
ISR starts the receive state machine, but is disabled
when the receive state is non-zero.
The SW UART receiver captures the START bit
using an external interrupt source, /INT0, configured for active-low edge-sensitive input. The /INT0
interrupt is enabled when waiting for a START bit,
and disabled during transfers. /INT0 is routed to the
GPIO pins via the crossbar. Details on crossbar
configuration can be found in AN001.
Since all timer loading is performed manually in
the ISR, interrupt latency must be compensated for.
A ‘slop constant’ is subtracted from each timer preload value to adjust for this interrupt latency and
code executed between the timer overflow and the
operation of reloading the new timer values. These
constants are independent of the SYSCLK frequency or baud rate; however, they do not account
for variations in interrupt latency.
NOTE: For this discussion, assume the baud rate is
slow enough that the 8-bit timers are not sufficient.
The direct RAM bytes labeled BCRHI and BCTHI
are used to manually keep the upper bytes for the
receive and transmit timers, respectively.
Transmit State Machine
When the SW UART is initialized and enabled, the
TX interrupt is set pending but still disabled. The
user initiates the transfer by enabling the transmit
interrupt (Note that TH0, the upper byte of
Timer 0, generates the TX interrupts).
In State 0, the TX pin is asserted low to produce the
START condition, and the timer is loaded with 1 bit
time to produce the next interrupt.
movTH0, #-LOW(TX_BT);
Notice that BCTHI is loaded with the unsigned bittime high byte, but TH0 is loaded with the negative
of the bit-time low byte. This is because Timer 0
(as all hardware timers) is an up-counter, while
BCTHI counts down. TH0 will overflow and generate an interrupt as it overflows from 0xFF to
0x00; BCTHI is decremented upon each interrupt,
and indicates a bit time when it equals zero.
For States 1-9, one state is executed each time
BCTHI reaches zero. In each State, the LSB of the
Transmit data register (TDR) is shifted onto the TX
pin. The TX timer is loaded with 1 bit time, and a
‘1’ is shifted into the MSB of TDR to represent the
STOP bit in State 9 (TDR should hold 0xFF after
the transfer is complete).
State 10 sets the Transmit Complete indicator
(STI), clears the Transmit Busy indicator
(STXBSY), and triggers an IE7 interrupt if userlevel interrupt support is enabled.
Receive State Machine
In State 0, /INT0 is used as the RX input (configured falling-edge active, HIGH priority). An /INT0
interrupt means a START condition has been
detected. The /INT0 ISR loads the RX timer (TL0
+ BCRHI) with 3/2 bit-time (see Figure 2). BCRHI
is decremented each time TL0 overflows.
States 1-8 execute when BCRHI reaches zero. In
each state, the SW_RX pin is sampled and shifted
into the LSB of the RXSHIFT variable. The RX
timer is also reloaded to generate the next sampling
time. State 9 captures the STOP bit, but framing
error detection is not provided (the STOP bit polarity is not checked). If user-level interrupts are
enabled, this state enables and triggers the IE7
Program Interface
; Load high byte into BCTHI
; Load low byte into TH0
Example 2 supports both polled and interrupt
driven interfacing. The initialization ritual and programming procedure for polled mode is shown in
Rev. 1.17
Figure 6. Example 2 User-Level Polled
Mode Interface
1) Define TIME_COUNT according to
desired baud rate and SYSCLK.
2) Call SW_UART_INIT .
3) Set SES if user-level interrupt
support is desired.
4) Set SREN to enable the SW UART
1) Read RDR.
2) Clear SRI
To Receive
1) Write data to TDR.
2) Set ETI to initiate
1) Clear STI
To Transmit
End RX
End TXDone?
Figure 6. The TIME_COUNT constant must be
explicitly defined in this example.
8Rev. 1.1
Figure 7. Example 2 User-Level
Interrupt Interface
Exit ISR
1) Re-trigger IE7
1) Read RDR.
2) Clear SRI
IE7 Interrupt
1) Clear STI
2) Write new data to
3) Set ETI to initate
1) Re-trigger IE7
Clear IE7 Interrupt Flag
Figure 7 shows the IE7 ISR programming sequence
for interrupt mode. Note that the receive operation
is serviced first, since it is the most sensitive to
one function and re-triggers itself to service the
T est code is provided. To test the polled mode code,
in the MAIN routine uncomment the line
ajmp PolledRX_PolledTX
and comment the line
; ajmp InterruptRX_InterruptTX
To run the interrupt mode test code, reverse the
above steps. Comment the line
; ajmp PolledRX_PolledTX
and uncomment the line
ajmp InterruptRX_InterruptTX
Adding a jumper wire between SW_GPIO_TX and
SW_GPIO_RX provides quick and easy evaluation
of the SW UART. Note that this evaluation method
is only useful with the interrupt mode test code.
To handle the situation of a transmit and receive
completing simultaneously, this example services
With a SYSCLK of 18.432 MHz, the software
given in Example 2 operates in full-duplex at a
maximum of 57.6 kbps. The code listing begins on
page 21.
Rev. 1.19
// Copyright 2003 Cygnal, Inc.
// FILE NAME: AN015_1.c
// TARGET DEVICE: C8051F00x, C8051F01x
// CREATED ON: 03/10/01
// Software UART program, using PCA as baud rate source.
// PCA module 0 is used as receive baud rate source and START detector. For START
// detection, module 0 is configured in negative-edge capture mode. For all other
// SW_UART operations, module 0 is configured as a software timer. Module match
// interrupts are used to generate the baud rate. Module 1 generates the transmit
// baud rate in software timer mode.
// Code assumes an external crystal is attached between the XTAL1 and XTAL2 pins.
// The frequency of the external crystal should be defined in the SYSCLK constant.
// 1) Define SYSCLK according to external crystal frequency.
// 2) Define desired BAUD_RATE.
// 3) Call SW_UART_INIT().
// 4) Set SREN to enable SW_UART receiver.
// 5) Set SES only if user-level interrupt support is desired.
// 6) Call SW_UART_ENABLE().
// 1) Poll STXBSY for zero.
// 2) Write data to TDR.
// 3) Set CCF1 to initiate transmit.
// 4) STI will be set upon transmit completion. An IE7 interrupt is generated if
// user-level interrupts are enabled.
// 1) If in polled mode, poll SRI. If in interrupt mode, check SRI in IE7 Interrupt
// Service Routine.
// 2) Read data from RDR.
// Test code is included, for both polled and interrupt mode. Test code assumes
// the HW_UART pins and SW_UART pins are connected externally:
// P0.0 (HW_UART TX) -> P0.3 (SW_UART RX)
// P0.1 (HW_UART RX) -> P0.2 (SW_UART TX)
// To use the test code in polled mode, comment out the call to the INTERRUPT_TEST()
// at the bottom of the main routine, and uncomment the call to POLLED_TEST(). To
// test the interrupt mode, comment out the POLLED_TEST() call and uncomment the
// The test routines configure the HW_UART to operate with Timer 1 as the baud rate
// source. The Timer 1 preload values are auto-calculated from the SYSCLK and BAUD_RATE
// constants.
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Includes
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------#include <c8051f000.h>// SFR declarations
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Global CONSTANTS
#define BAUD_RATE 57600// User-definable SW_UART baud rate
#define SYSCLK18432000// System clock derived from
// 18.432MHz XTL
#define TIME_COUNTSYSCLK/BAUD_RATE/4 // Number of PCA counts for one
// bit-time. (PCA configured to count
// SYSCLK/4)
#define TH_TIME_COUNT TIME_COUNT*3/2// 3/2 bit-time, for use after receiving
// a START bit. RX should be LOW for one
// bit-time after the edge of the START,
// and the first bit sample starts in
// the middle of the next bit-time.
#define HW_TIME_COUNTSYSCLK/BAUD_RATE/16 // Time count for HW_UART baud rate
// generation. Auto-calculated from the
// SYSCLK and BAUD_RATE constants
// defined above.
bit SRI;// SW_UART Receive Complete Indicator
bit STI;// SW_UART Transmit Complete Indicator
bit STXBSY;// SW_UART TX Busy flag
bit SREN;// SW_UART RX Enable
bit SES;// SW_UART User-level Interrupt
char TDR;// SW_UART TX Data Register
char RDR;// SW_UART RX Data Register (latch)
// Test Variables
char k, m;// Test indices.
char idata SW_BUF[20];// SW_UART test receive buffer.
bit HW_DONE;// HW transfer complete flag
// (15 characters transmitted.)
bit SW_DONE;// SW transfer complete flag
// (15 characters transmitted.)
//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Function PROTOTYPES
void SW_UART_INIT();// SW_UART initialization routine
void SW_UART_ENABLE();// SW_UART enable routine
void PCA_ISR();// SW_UART interrupt service routine
void INTERRUPT_TEST(void);// SW_UART test routine (interrupt mode)
void POLLED_TEST(void);// SW_UART test routine (polled mode)
void USER_ISR(void);// SW_UART test interrupt service
// routine
void HW_UART_INIT(void);// HW_UART initialization and setup
Rev. 1.111
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