This application note describes how to use the Analog to Digital
Converter (ADC) of EFM32 Gecko Series 0 and 1 devices to convert
an analog input voltage to a digital value. Many aspects of
the ADC, including inputs, references, and the different operating
modes are described. Calibration routines for offset and gain are
also included.
The provided software examples show how to use the different operating modes of the
ADC. The example projects are configured for the EFM32 Gecko Series 0 and 1 devices, but can easily be ported to other EZR32 Wireless MCU and EFR32 Wireless
Gecko devices by changing the project settings.
For simplicity, EFM32 Wonder Gecko, Gecko, Giant Gecko, Leopard Gecko, Tiny
Gecko, Zero Gecko, and Happy Gecko are a part of the EFM32 Gecko Series 0.
EZR32 Wonder Gecko, Leopard Gecko, and Happy Gecko are a part of the EZR32
Wireless MCU Series 0.
EFM32 Pearl Gecko and Jade Gecko (and future devices) are a part of the EFM32
Gecko Series 1.
EFR32 Blue Gecko, Flex Gecko, and Mighty Gecko are a part of the EFR32 Wireless
Gecko Series 1.
• There are new ADC features in EFM32
Gecko Series 1 devices.
• This document discusses ADC operation
and advanced features.
The EFM32 Gecko ADC is a Successive Approximation Register (SAR) architecture. The maximum resolution is 12 bits, which can
achieve one million samples per second (Msps). The integrated input MUX can select the ADC input from external pins or internal signals. With PRS and DMA, the ADC can operate without CPU intervention, minimizing current consumption or allowing the core to do
other work. The ADC can be clocked at different speeds and run using different warm-up modes to reduce the energy consumption
even further.
This application note discusses general operation and usage of the ADC. In addition, advanced features and power saving techniques
are described. Software examples of ADC operation both with DMA and PRS are included. Offset and Gain Calibration of the ADC is
also described and included in the software examples.
For extremely low power periodic ADC sampling, a software example that enters Energy Mode 2 (EM2) between each ADC sample is
also included. This is the best way to do low power ADC sampling for sampling frequencies below a couple of kHz.
The ADC has an internal pre-scaler which can divide the selected ADC conversion clock source. Any factor between 1 and 128 can be
chosen by writing a value between 0 and 127 to the PRESC bit field in the ADCn_CTRL register.
The symbols for different clock sources can be found in Figure 1.1 ADC Overview of EFM32 Giant Gecko on page 2 and Figure
1.2 ADC Overview of EFM32 Pearl Gecko on page 3.
Table 2.1. ADC Clock Selection
ItemEFM32 Gecko Series 0 and EZR32
Series 0
ADC peripheral clock source (register in-
EFM32 Gecko Series 1 and EFR32 Wireless
Gecko Series 1
ADC conversion clock sourceHFPERCLKThe ADC_CLK is selected by ADCCLKMODE bit
field in the ADCn_CTRL register
ASYNCCLK source—Selected by ADC0CLKSEL bit field in the
CMU_ADCCTRL register
Disabled (ADC0CLKSEL = 0)
ADC conversion clock frequencyADC_CLK = HFPERCLK / (1 to 128)
Range is from 32 kHz to 13 MHz
Clock source for ADC operation in EM2
—AUXHFRCO (ASYNCCLK) is the only available
and EM3
adc_clk_sar = ADC_CLK / (1 to 128)
Range is from 32 kHz to 16 MHz
option during EM2 or EM3
2.2 Input Selection
external inputs can either be selected as single-ended inputs or combined to allow for differential inputs (see 3.6 Analog Port
(APORT) for ADC). The DIFF bit field in the ADCn_SINGLECTRL or ADCn_SCANCTRL register enables differential mode.
The ADC input signals are shielded fairly well against other noisy signals within the EFM32 Gecko. If high ADC accuracy is needed, it is
advisable not to use any of the unused ADC input pins for noise-inducing activities, such as serial communication.
2.2.1 Single-Ended Mode
In single-ended mode the input signal is measured with ground as the negative input. The voltage span between 0 V and the selected
reference is divided in small steps according to the selected resolution.
The result is an unsigned number between 0 and 2
- 1, indicating where the input voltage is located in the span between ground
differential mode the measured value is the difference between two inputs. Since one input is defined as the positive input and the
other is defined as the negative input, the difference can be positive or negative depending on which input is higher. As a result, the
conversion result is a signed number represented in two's complement form. If the negative input is higher than the positive input, the
converted value is negative (see 4.3 Differential Inputs and 5.3 Single and Scan Conversion with Differential Inputs). Note that the ADC
cannot convert negative voltages in reference to ground.
Table 2.2. ADC Input Selection
ItemEFM32 Gecko Series 0 and EZR32 Series 0EFM32 Gecko Series 1 and EFR32 Wireless
Gecko Series 1
External inputs for Single-
Up to 8, fix on pins PD0 – PD7Up to 144 through APORT
Ended mode
External inputs for Differential
Up to 8, fix on pins PD0 – PD7
Two neighboring inputs are used in differential
Up to 72 through APORT
mode, for instance channel 0 and channel 1 is
one differential pair, channel 2 and channel 3
• The lowest channel number is the positive differential input
Internal inputs6Up to 11
Input filteringLow pass RC filter or an internal decoupling ca-
Temperature sensorSet INPUTSEL bit field in the ADCn_SIN-
GLECTRL register to TEMP
Offset calibrationSet INPUTSEL bit field in the ADCn_SIN-
GLECTRL register to DIFF0 (short between posi-
Set POSSEL bit field in the ADCn_SINGLECTRL
register to TEMP
Set POSSEL and NEGSEL bit fields in the
convert an analog voltage to a digital value, the ADC needs a reference voltage to which it compares the incoming analog voltage.
Since the ADC cannot measure voltages larger than the reference voltage, the reference voltage should be above the maximum expected measured voltage.
The selected reference source is combined with internal circuitry to produce the full-scale voltage (VFS) for the converter. VFS is the
full input range of the converter, from the lowest possible input voltage to the highest. For single-ended conversions, the input range on
the selected positive input is from 0 to VFS. For differential conversions, the input to the converter is the difference between the positive
and negative input selections. The ADC conversion result ranges from -VFS/2 to +VFS/2.
The maximum and minimum input voltage which the ADC can recognize at any external pin is limited to the supply voltages. If VFS is
configured to be larger than the supply range (for example, VFS configured to 5 V when operating on a 3.3 V supply), the full ADC
range is not available.
The ADC cannot measure negative voltages or voltages larger than the reference voltage. As a result, it is important to keep both inputs within the electrical limits of the device.
Table 2.3. ADC Reference Selection
ItemEFM32 Gecko Series 0 and EZR32 Series 0EFM32 Gecko Series 1 and EFR32 Wireless
Gecko Series 1
Internal bandgap reference• 1.25 V
2.5 V (supply voltage > 2.5 V)
• 5 V differential (supply voltage > 2.75 V)
Internal reference• VDD
Unbuffered 2 x VDD
External single-ended refer-
Pin PD6 as inputUse ADCn_EXTP pin as input
External differential reference• Use pin PD6 as positive input
Use pin PD7 as negative input
• Reference = 2 x (PD6 – PD7)
GPBIASACC bit field of the
—• Set to 0 (HIGHACC) when an internal bandgap
ADCn_BIASPROG register
• 1.25 V
2.5 V
• 5 V differential
• 2 x AVDD
• Use ADCn_EXTP pin as positive input
Use ADCn_EXTN pin as negative input
• Reference = 2 x (ADCn_EXTP – ADCn_EXTN)
reference source is used
Set to 1 (LOWACC) when AVDD or an external
pin reference is used
conversion consists of acquisition and approximation phases. The input is sampled in the acquisition phase before it is converted to
digital representation during the approximation phase. The acquisition time can be configured independently for scan sequence and
single channel conversions by setting AT bit field in the ADCn_SINGLECTRL or ADCn_SCANCTRL register.
The symbols for different clock sources can be found in Figure 1.1 ADC Overview of EFM32 Giant Gecko on page 2 and Figure
1.2 ADC Overview of EFM32 Pearl Gecko on page 3.
Table 2.4. ADC Conversions
ItemEFM32 Gecko Series 0 and EZR32 Series 0EFM32 Gecko Series 1 and EFR32 Wireless
Gecko Series 1
adc_clk_sar—Pre-scaled ADC_CLK
Acquisition time (AT)1 to 256 (integer power of 2) ADC_CLK cycles1 to 256 (integer power of 2) adc_clk_sar cycles
Minimum acquisition time for
2 µs—
Minimum acquisition time for
the internal temperature sensor
2 µsAT bit field of the ADCn_SINGLECTRL or
ADCn_SCANCTRL register should be set to a
value of 9 (256 adc_clk_sar cycles)
ADC warm-up timeBased on HFPERCLKBased on ADC_CLK
ADC total conversion time per
In ADC_CLK cycles
In adc_clk_sar cycles
Tacq equals the number of
Tconv = (Tacq + N) x OVSRSEL
Tconv = (Tacq + (N + 1)) x OVSRSEL
acquisition cycles
• N is the resolution in bits
• OVSRSEL is the oversampling ratio when oversampling is enabled
2.5 ADC Modes
The ADC contains two separate programmable modes: single channel mode and scan mode. Both modes have separate configuration
and result registers. Both modes may be set up to run only once per trigger or to automatically repeat after each operation. The scan
mode has priority over single channel mode.
single channel mode, the ADC converts one input either one time or continuously if the REP bit field in the ADCn_SINGLECTRL
register is set (see 4.1 Single Conversion and 5.1 Single and Scan Conversion). The DIFF bit field in the ADCn_SINGLECTRL register
selects whether differential or single-ended inputs are used.
Table 2.5. ADC Single Channel Mode
ItemEFM32 Gecko Series 0 and EZR32 Series 0EFM32 Gecko Series 1 and EFR32 Wireless
Gecko Series 1
Input selectionThe input for single conversion is defined by the
The POSSEL and NEGSEL bit fields in the
ADCn_SINGLECTRL register select the input signals
FIFO for conversion results—4 x 32 bit
Programmable FIFO watermark (DVL) to generate SINGLE interrupt
—The DVL bit field of the ADCn_SINGLECTRLX
register controls the FIFO watermark crossing
which sets the SINGLEDV bit in the ADCn_STATUS register
SINGLEDV bit in the
ADCn_STATUS register is set
SINGLEOF bit in ADCn_IF register is set
Valid data in the ADCn_SINGLEDATA register(DVL+1) number of single channel conversion re-
sults are available in single FIFO
Result is not read before the next result is ready,
the first result is overwritten
Signals that a result from a single channel FIFO
has been overwritten before being read
scan mode, the ADC can be configured to convert a sequence of different inputs, either one time or continuously if the REP bit field
in the ADCn_SCANCTRL register is set (see 4.2 Scan Conversion with DMA Transfer and 5.1 Single and Scan Conversion). The DIFF
bit field in the ADCn_SCANCTRL register selects whether differential or single-ended inputs are used. DMA can be used to transfer
results to RAM after each conversion. All the results can then be read from RAM after the sequence has finished.
Table 2.6. ADC Scan Mode
ItemEFM32 Gecko Series 0 and EZR32 Series 0EFM32 Gecko Series 1 and EFR32 Wire-
less Gecko Series 1
Input selectionThe inputs included in the scan sequence are
defined by the bit field INPUTMASK in
ADCn_SCANCTRL register
The inputs included in the scan sequence
are defined by the ADCn_SCANMASK,
FIFO for conversion results—4 x 32 bit
Programmable FIFO watermark (DVL)
to generate SCAN interrupt
—The DVL field of the ADCn_SCANCTRLX
register controls the FIFO watermark crossing which sets the SCANDV bit in the
ADCn_STATUS register
register is set
SCANOF bit in ADCn_IF register is
Valid data in the ADCn_SCANDATA register(DVL+1) number of scan conversion results
are available in scan FIFO
Result is not read before the next result is ready,
the first result is overwritten
Signals that a result from a scan FIFO has
been overwritten before being read
ADCn_SCANDATAX register—The FIFO data is tagged with SCANINPU-
TID and can be read along with the scan
data using this register
ADCn_SCANFIFOCOUNT register—Number of unread data available in scan
power-on, the ADC requires some time for internal bias currents and references to settle prior to starting a conversion. This time
period is called the warm-up time and is performed by hardware. Firmware must program the number of clock cycles required to count
at least 1 µs in the TIMEBASE bit field of the ADCn_CTRL register.
Normally, the ADC is warmed up only when samples are requested and is shut off when there are no more samples waiting. However,
if lower latency is needed, configuring the WARMUPMODE bit field in the ADCn_CTRL allows the ADC and/or reference to stay warm
between samples, reducing the warm-up time or eliminating it altogether. Note that keeping the ADC and/or reference enabled between
samples increases the energy consumption of the ADC.
Note: Only the reference selected for scan mode is kept warm. To avoid warm-up time in single conversion mode, the single conversion reference needs to be the same as the scan conversion reference.
Table 2.7. ADC Warm-up Mode of EFM32 Gecko Series 0
Warmup ModeEFM32 Gecko Series 0 and EZR32 Series 0
NORMAL• ADC and references are shut off when there are no samples waiting
When entering Energy Mode 2 or 3, the ADC must be stopped and WARMUPMODE must be set
• Total time = Bandgap reference warm-up time (5 µs) + ADC warm-up time (1 µs) + ADC conversion time
FASTBG• Bandgap warm-up is eliminated, but with reduced reference accuracy
Total time = ADC warm-up time (1 µs) + ADC conversion time
KEEPSCANREFWARM• The reference selected for scan mode is kept warm. The ADC will still need to be warmed up
before conversion
Total time = ADC warm-up time (1 µs) + ADC conversion time
KEEPADCWARM• The ADC and the reference selected for scan mode are kept warm
Total time = ADC conversion time
Table 2.8. ADC Warm-up Mode of EFM32 Gecko Series 1
Warmup ModeEFM32 Gecko Series 0 and EZR32 Series 1
NORMAL• ADC and references are shut off when there are no samples waiting
Total time = ADC warm-up time (5 µs) + ADC conversion time
KEEPINSTANDBY• The reference selected for scan mode is kept warm, but the ADC is powered down
The ADC will initiate a 1 us warm-up period before a conversion begins
• Total time = ADC warm-up time (1 µs) + ADC conversion time
KEEPINSLOWACC• It is similar to KEEPINSTANDBY, but continuously tracks the input, keeping the input multiplexer
connected to the analog bus
Total time = ADC warm-up time (1 µs) + ADC conversion time
KEEPADCWARM• The ADC and the reference selected for scan mode are kept warm
The current consumption of the ADC can be adjusted through the ADCn_BIASPROG register. Adjusting this bitfield also affects the
performance and bandwidth of the ADC. The default register values should be used to ensure correct operation of the ADC within the
specified clock speed range and with all configurations. The bias current settings should only be changed while the ADC is disabled
(i.e., in NORMAL warm-up mode and no conversion in progress).
Table 3.1. ADC Bias Current Programming
ItemEFM32 Gecko Series 0 and EZR32 Series 0EFM32 Gecko Series 1 and EFR32 Wireless
Gecko Series 1
bit fields of the ADCn_BIASPROG register
COMPBIAS bit field of the
ADCn_BIASPROG register
ADCBIASPROG bit field of
the ADCn_BIASPROG register
Scale the bias current of the bandgap reference—
Scale the bias current of the ADC comparator—
—• Scale the internal bias of the ADC
For proper operation, the ADC conversion
speed must be scaled accordingly
higher than 12-bit accuracy is needed, the ADC can automatically sample and average the result in hardware. The number of sam-
ples for each averaged result can be selected as 2n for n = [1..12]. If oversampling is enabled, the ADC result is not ready until all the
samples are converted and averaged (see 4.4 Oversampling and 5.2 Single and Scan Conversion with Oversampling).
The result is averaged by accumulating samples and right shifting the result. For 2x, 4x, 8x and 16x oversampling the result is not right
shifted. Instead, the result consists of more than 12 bits. See Table 3.2 Oversampling Result Shifting and Resolution on page 13 for
oversampling result representation.
Table 3.2. Oversampling Result Shifting and Resolution
Oversampling SettingNumber of Right ShiftsResult Resolution (# bits)
If the samples of the measured signal are affected by uncorrelated random noise added to each sample, oversampling and averaging
be used to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. The number of additional samples needed to get n additional bits of meaningful data
in the result is given by the following equation.
Note: samples = 2
Note that an accurate result requires more time to sample the signal. For example, this equation can be used to get a 16 bit accuracy at
the expense of using more time per sample because the signal must be sampled many times. To get 4 additional bits of meaningful
data for the 12-bit ADC in the EFM32 Gecko, the number of samples needed equals 2
which is 256 samples.
3.3 Peripheral Reflex System
The ADC can be configured as both a consumer and a producer of PRS signals. Both scan and single conversions can be triggered by
a PRS signal and PRS signals can also be produced when a conversion is finished.
Often the ADC samples a voltage with fixed intervals and, preferably, without the CPU intervention. Periodic measurements can be
achieved by using the Peripheral Reflex System and a timer (producer) that runs continuously and sends a PRS pulse to the ADC (consumer) with specific intervals. When the ADC receives a PRS pulse, it triggers a conversion start. A conversion-finished interrupt can
then handle the result (see 4.5 PRS Triggered Sampling and 5.4 Single Conversion Interrupt (EM1)). The conversion result can also be
directly transferred to RAM using DMA.