The AMW007 evaluation board is an excellent starting point to get familiar with the
AMW007 Wi-Fi module.
The evaluation board includes everything a developer needs to exercise the AMW007’s
UART interface and demonstrate data transfer over Wi-Fi. The board can operate standalone by connecting a PC to the on-board CP2102N USB-to-UART bridge device. Alternatively, the board can be connected to a Silicon Labs EFM8 or EFM32 starter kit, where
a EFM8 or EFM32 microntroller can communicate with the AMW007 over UART.
The kit includes the following:
• AMW007 Evaluation Board
• 1 x micro USB cable
• Getting Started card
• The AMW007 can connect to an existing
Wi-Fi network or be a Wi-Fi access point.
• UART interface and flow control pins use
Gecko OS command API to connect and
communicate across Wi-Fi
• Breakout test points for easy interface with
prototype boards
• Power sources include USB and EXP
Header | Building a more connected world.Rev. 1.1
UG370: Wireless Xpress AMW007 Kit User's Guide
Getting Started
1. Getting Started
To set up the software for the AMW007 kit, either install Simplicity Studio, available at
tools/software/simplicity-studio to use Xpress Configurator or install a terminal program (e.g. Tera Term).
For most userss labeled AMW007, it will not be necessary to install a virtual comm port driver in order to interface with the AMW007 kit
using the on-board USB-to-UART bridge. Please see the section below for details.
AMW007 evaluation boards labeled AMW007-E04.2 or higher that are connected to Windows and Linux machines should be configured to this driver automatically. However, if the board is not automatically recognized by the operating system, please download and
install the latest version of the CP210x VCP driver:
To set up the hardware for the AMW007 kit:
1. Connect the micro USB cable to AMW007 board and the other end to the PC.
2. Ensure the two blue LEDs labeled USB and 5V near the USB connector are on.
3. Connect to the virtual COM port using the terminal program.
• For Windows, use a terminal program (e.g. Tera Term) set to 115200, 8N1.
• For a Mac, the terminal can be accessed using [tty.usbserial]. There may be a modifier at the end of this for your computer.
Type [tty.usbserial_modifier 115200,8n1] to set the connection to the right settings. If using a utility like CoolTerm, make sure
the settings are configured to 115200, 8N1.
Note that AMW007 kits labeled AMW007-E04.2 and higher that are connected to Windows or Linux machines do not require a driver to
be installed in order to communicate with the board. However, if using a Mac or if the driver does not automatically install, please download and install the driver from | Building a more connected world.Rev. 1.1 | 2
UG370: Wireless Xpress AMW007 Kit User's Guide
Getting Started
Check the Version
After connecting the board to the PC and opening the terminal program, press the [[RESET]] button on the board. You should see a
header with the version information for the device. Ensure this version is 2.1.5 or newer. If you find you are using an older version of
firmware, perform an over the air update on the board as described on
The [help] command provides information both for commands and variables on the device.
Variables are system-level variables that determine the configuration of the AMW007 module.
Commands are actions that can be taken.
1. Type [help] to see the options for the help command.
2. Type [help commands] to see a list of commands supported by this module. | Building a more connected world.Rev. 1.1 | 3
Figure 1.1. help
UG370: Wireless Xpress AMW007 Kit User's Guide
Getting Started
Claiming Your Device
The Zentri Device Management Service (ZentriDMS) tracks GeckoOS devices, their owners, their firmware configuration and many other details. The DMS handles Over-the-Air (OTA) updates, providing a secure way to update devices in the field. You need a free DMS
account before using DMS features like OTA.
To create an account go to the DMS Signup page. The DMS username (your email address) and password you register are used when
you claim your device. To claim your device, in the terminal, issue the dms claim command:
claims your device. GeckoOS response shows a successful result
Once you have successfully claimed your device, you can OTA.
Performing an OTA
Use OTA to update to the latest version of your device's GeckoOS product, or to load a development GeckoOS device with a specific
GeckoOS product or version. You need to claim your device before performing an OTA. See above.
To OTA, in the GeckoOS terminal, issue the ota command:
Gecko OS commandDescription
UUID: 06413041000000002E0049001951343438333231
Connecting to network
Security type from probe: WPA2-AES
Request POST /ota
Connecting (https):
Starting TLS
Bundle size: 729088, Free space: 823296, Core size: 425984
Bundle version: ZENTRI-AMW106-, 2017-09-01T03:14:19Z, ZentriOS-W-
Updates your device via the DMS
GeckoOS displays progress messages
For full details of the DMS claim and OTA update process, see | Building a more connected world.Rev. 1.1 | 4
2. Kit Block Diagram
An overview of the AMW007 evaluation board is shown in the figure below.
UG370: Wireless Xpress AMW007 Kit User's Guide
Kit Block Diagram
From PC
USB Micro
Figure 2.1. AMW007 Evaluation Board Block Diagram
USB bridge
2 x Buttons
2 x LEDs
Header | Building a more connected world.Rev. 1.1 | 5
3. Kit Hardware Layout
The layout of the AMW007 evaluation board is shown below.