The Si4010 key fob development platform is a flexible platform for comfortably developing software and testing the
whole system using the Silicon Laboratories software development IDE. The platform also allows programming of
the NVM on chip. The kit has three versions: one for the 434 MHz band (P/N 4010-KFOBDEV-434), one for the
868 MHz band (P/N 4010- KFOBDEV -868) and one for the 915 MHz band (P/N 4010-KFOBDEV-915).
1.1. Kit Content
Table 1. Kit Content
QtyPart NumberDescription
4010-KFOBDEV-434Si4010 Key Fob Development Kit 434 MHz
24010-KFOB-434-NFSi4010 key fob demo board 434 MHz w/o IC
1MSC-DKPE1SOIC/MSOP socketed development board
3Si4010-C2-GSSi4010-C2-GS transmitter IC, SOIC Package
14010-DKPB434-BMSi4010 MSOP key fob development board 434 MHz, SMA
14355-LED-434-SRXSi4355 RFStick 434 MHz receiver board
1MSC-PLPB_1Key Fob Plastic Case (translucent grey)
1MSC-BA5Programming interface board
1MSC-BA4Burning adapter board
1EC3USB Debug Adapter
1Toolstick_BAToolstick Base Adapter
1USB extender cable (USBA-USBA)
2AAAAAA battery
2CRD2032CR2032 3 V coin battery
4010-KFOBDEV-868Si4010 Key Fob Development Kit 868 MHz
24010-KFOB-868-NFSi4010 key fob demo board 868 MHz w/o IC
1MSC-DKPE1SOIC/MSOP socketed development board
3Si4010-C2-GSSi4010-C2-GS transmitter IC, SOIC Package
14010-DKPB868-BMSi4010 MSOP key fob development board 868 MHz, SMA
14355-LED-868-SRXSi4355 RFStick 868 MHz receiver board
4010-KFOBDEV-915Si4010 Key Fob Development Kit 915 MHz
24010-KFOB-915-NFSi4010 key fob demo board 915 MHz w/o IC
1MSC-DKPE1SOIC/MSOP socketed development board
Table 1. Kit Content (Continued)
3Si4010-C2-GSSi4010-C2-GS transmitter IC, SOIC Package
14010-DKPB915-BMSi4010 MSOP key fob development board 915 MHz, SMA
14355-LED-915-SRXSi4355 RFStick 915MHz receiver board
1MSC-PLPB_1Key Fob Plastic Case (translucent grey)
1MSC-BA5Programming interface board
1MSC-BA4Burning adapter board
1EC3USB Debug Adapter
1Toolstick_BAToolstick Base Adapter
1USB extender cable (USBA-USBA)
2AAAAAA battery
2CRD2032CR2032 3 V coin battery
2Rev. 0.1
1.1.1. Burning Adapter (P/N MSC-BA4)
The programming interface board serves as an interface in between the debug adapter and the Socketed Key Fob
Development Board or the Development Key Fob. It provides 6.5 V for NVM programming. The power so urce is
activated by a sliding switch on the board. It is required when the user wants to program the internal NVM memory
on the chip.
The programming interface board contains an 8-pin header, to which GPIO0 to GPIO5, along with power and
ground, are connected from the development boards. Therefore, the user can tap to that header to control or
monitor the chip pins.
1.1.2. Si4010 Socketed Key Fob Development Board (P/N MSC-DKPE1)
Socketed (both SOIC and MSOP) key fob board with SMA connector.
Rev. 0.13
1.1.3. Si4010 MSOP Key Fob Development Board 434 MHz, SMA (P/N 4010-DKPB434-BM)
This development board has an unburned soldered Si4010, five push buttons, matched 50 SMA RF output,
battery clip, and battery switch. This board allows running user app lication fro m RAM dur ing pr og ra m develo pme nt
even while board is disconnected and powered by the battery. The SMA output connector allows wired
measurements of the RF output signal.
Note: Instead of this board, some 434 MHz development kits may contain the pcb antenna version of th is board, describ ed in
"1.2.2. Si4010 Key Fob Development Board 434 MHz" on page 7.