Silent Call Communications WC08-SS, WCV08-SS Setup And Operation

“Silent Touch” Watch Receiver and Charger/Docking Station Model # WC08-SS
“Silent Touch” Watch Receiver, Charger/Docking Station and Bed Vibrator
Kit Model # WCV08-SS
The “Silent Touch” Watch is a body worn receiver designed to operate as a watch, wake-up alarm and a built-in receiver that operates with any Silent Call Signature Series transmitters.
Vibrator Pulse Outputs
SOUND = three short pulses
PHONE = one long pulse
DOOR = two short pulses
WEATHER = one short and one long pulse
FIRE = continuous short pulses CO Carbon Monoxide = three short pulses and one long pulse
Setup and Operation:
1. Your Silent Touch Watch comes from the factory mounted in the docking station. When you first receive it,
you must remove the Silent Touch Watch from the docking station by pushing down on the release button to the left of the watch. There will be a small round label over the charging pins that must be removed before attempting to charge the Watch Receiver. Once you have removed this label you can now follow the instructions below to charge your Silent Touch Watch Receiver.
2. Install the “Silent Touch” Watch Receiver into the charger/docking station by f i rs t inserting the right side with
the s w i t ch e s ma rk e d SW 1 & SW2 on an angle into the docking station (see Fig.1) then g e n t ly pushing down on the left side until it snaps into place (see Fig.2)
3. Plug the power supply pin jack into the connector located to th e left of the Battery Backup ON/OFF switch on
the back of the Docking station. (see page 2 for diagram) Plug power supply into a standard 120 volt electrical wall outlet and Slide the Battery Backup Switch to the “On” position.
F i g . 1
Fig . 2
4. Turn charger on by sliding the ON/OFF SWITCH on to p o f the Charger/Docking Station to the “ON” position.
The watch display will show the tim e 1 1:59 a m . The charging indicator light, on the right side of the docking station, will illuminate. T h e red LED (light) indicates that the AC power is on and the watch is ch ar ging. A blue LE D (light) indicates t h at the w at c h is f u ll y charged.
5. Your “Silent Touch” Watch Receiver is now ready to use.
6. Remove the “Silent Touch” Watch from the charger by pushing down gently on the release button to the left
of the watch.
Your “Silent Touch” Watch Receiver comes with a special battery that has already been installed at the factory. When the lifespan of the battery has been depleted, you MUST return the “Silent Touch” Watch to our facto r y f o r b a tt e r y replacement. It is not possible for you to replace the battery on your own and if attempted you will void your warranty and possibly damage the receiver. Please note that batteries are not warranted and you will be charged the current rate for the battery at that time.
Set Clock Time:
1. Press and hold the SW3 button.
2. Press and release the S W1 button to s et the m in ut es . Press and release the SW2 button to set the hour.
3. When you are finished setting the minutes and h o u r s , release the SW3 button.
Note: Any time the charge has been completely depleted on you “Silent Touch” Watch, you will need to reset the clock and alarm t i m e . To avoid having to do this, be sure to charge your “Silent Touch” Watch every night. The watch will charge in approximately twenty minutes and is designed to stay on charge for extended periods of time without causing any damage.
Setting Alarm Clock:
1. Press and hold the SW1 button. The bell Icon will come on and the time will begin to flash indicating that you
are in “SET UP” mode.
2. The display will show the present Alarm Clock Time setting.
3. While still holding down the SW1 button, press and release the SW2 button to set minutes and press and
release the SW 3 button to set the hours.
4. Once the Alarm C l oc k Ti m e ha s b een set, release the S W 1 button to exit the “SET UP” mode.
5. To turn the alarm clock On or Off, push and release the SW1.
6. When the alarm is activated the bell icon will flash and the bed vibrator will shake.
7. To cancel the ALARM alert when you are wearing the w atch, press and release the SW 2 button. . While the
watch is in the charger pressing the recall button on top of the charger will cancel the alarm clock alert.
Indicator Light
Watch Release Button
Recall Button
Power On/Off Switch
Power Supply Input Jack
Vibrator Input Jack
Battery Backup On/Off Switch
SW1 button
Erase B ut to n
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