Sidekick II
Sidekick II
Model # SK2-SS
Model # SK2-SS
Signature SeriesSignature Series

Signature Series Sidekick II Receiver Model: SK2-SS 418MHz
The Silent Ca ll Model SK2-SS is packaged with the following items.
x 110VAC Power Adapter supplying 16 vdc@1.12amps
x SK2-SS Quick Start Manual
x SK2-SS Instruction Manual
x RJ11 Splitter
x 7 Ft Telephone cable
Inspect all items when removing from packaging for damage or misuse.
x Connect supplied power adapter to 110VAC outlet.
x Connect barrel power connector to power receptacle on back lower cover of SK2-SS.
x Optional Bed vibrator may also be connected at any time.
x Turn the power on by sliding the on/off switch on the back of the receiver to the “ON”
position. The front panel displa y will show the time 11:5 9AM.
x The Receiver will need to be programmed to Silent Call transmitters at this time.
x Make sure that the transmitters to be programmed are near the Sidekick II Signature Series
x Perform All Erase to ensu re SK2-SS receiver is cleared. Turn Unit OFF, Press and Hold
Minute Button, Turn Unit ON. Continue to Hold Minute button for a few seconds then
release. 11:59AM is displayed as time. Reference All Erase Section Page 7.
x Please Remember to program the smoke detectors first then fire transmitters, if used,
before programming any other transmitters.
x On the Sideki ck II Signa ture Ser ies Recei ver, pr ess an d release t he MODE bu tton u ntil th e
Yellow LED lights up and “PPP” is displayed on the LCD screen. Th is mean s you are now
in program mode. May require cycling mode button a few times after an All Erase.
x Press the test button on the transmitter or smoke detector so that it sends a signal to the
Sidekick II Signature Series Receiver. The receiver will flash its strobe, turn on the
appropriate LED, and display the Icon for the transmitter that you used. Your transmitter is
now programmed to work with your receiver.
x When programmi ng more than one Sm oke and/or fire tr ansmitter combin ed. You MUST
select different addresses in each unit for supervision to operate properly. Reference
Programming Transmitter Section.

Signature Series Sidekick II Receiver Model: SK2-SS 418MHz
NOTE: Any time you unplug your Sidekick II Signature Series receiver from the wall outlet or turn
the power off, without the battery back-up switch on, the receiver will reset the clock to 11:59AM. The
receiver will keep all programmed transmitters in memory when power is cycled.
x Repeat selecting “PPP” mode for each Smoke/Fire Transmitter programmed. Cycle the
Mode button no more than once a second. Cycle Mode button after programming to ensure
unit is out of program Mode.
x You can now program your remaining transmitters. Only required to program one non-
smoke/fire transmitter as long as remaining transmitters are set to the same address. We
recommend keeping all of your non- emergency transmitters set to the same address to
reduce interference from other Silent Call systems that may be in your area.
x After all transmi tter programm ing is c ompleted.
x Select Battery back-up to “ON”. An amber light will appear if the unit is in battery backup
mode. I.E. Outlet power or Power adapt er fa ils.
x Set clock time: press and release the mode button (the large button located at the lower
right hand side on the unit). The orange led will light up to let you know that you are in
“set clock time” mode.
x Press and release the minute button to set the minutes. Press and release the hour button to
set the hour.
x When you are finished setting the minutes and hours, press and release the mode button
three times to exit the setup mode.

Signature Series Sidekick II Receiver Model: SK2-SS 418MHz
Setting Alarm Clock:
x Press and release the MODE button twice.
x The Green LED will li ght up indicatin g that you are in the “SET UP” mode. The di splay
will show the present Alarm Clock Time setting.
x Press and release the M INUTES button to set minutes and press and release the HOURS
button to set the hours.
x Once the Alarm Clock Time has been set, press the MODE button 2 times to exit the “SET
When your alarm is activated the LED strobe light and bell icon will flash and the bed vibrator
(optional) will shake.
To turn the ALARM on or off, p ress a nd release t he “Ala rm Cloc k” butt on. When th e alarm i s turned
ON the BELL ICON will appear on the sc r een.
The LCD Display screen is back lighted. The back light brightness is automatically controlled by the
light level in th e room. When the room becomes d ark, the back lighting comes on. When the room
becomes light, the back lightin g goes off.
The Sidekick II Signature Series has a solid state LED strobe board for visual alerting. The SK2-SS
LED Strobe Intensity can be controlled by a switch located on the right side of the Unit. Select High,
Medium, or Low for LED intensity desired.
UP” mode.