Sigtronics Headset Hook User Manual

Sigtronics Headset Hook Instructions
The enclosed headset hooks are provided at no additional charge to allow for a convenient way to store the headset. These strong and durable hooks may be mounted in any location. Two mounting methods seem to be preferred:
1. Top Mounting ( Figure A ). The hooks may be mounted from the existing headliner screws and hardware, or you may use the enclosed attaching screws. When used with an electric driver these screws are self drilling. For most metals such as aluminum or common steel, they will not require a pilot hole. For some stainless steels however, 1⁄8” pilot holes will need to be drilled. Attach the right angle mounting bracket to the hooks with the machine screws and lock nuts.
2. Side Mounting ( Figure B ). The hooks may be mounted on the side of the cab with the enclosed attach­ing screws.
Note: The right angle mounting bracket may be shortened ( one hole removed ) by cutting with any stan­dard hack saw.
Figure A Figure B
Sigtronics Corporation
178 East Arrow Highway San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone: (909) 305-9399 E-mail: Web Site:
1-8-2007 hookinst.pdf